
Comments by s88 (page 12)

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    8 years ago
    Taking your shirt off in VIP
    Once a stripper unbuttoned my shirt in semi private LD area and let her soft but enhanced tits rub against my chest. Bizarrely, she didn't allow me to kiss, suck, or lick her anywhere and gave me an HIV lecture while sitting on me after I tried to suck her tits. I stopped it at the next song.
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    8 years ago
    Stripping ?
    If you need drugs or alcohol to tolerate men touching and groping you, dont do it. See also https://www.stripperweb.com/
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    8 years ago
    SI Swimsuit Issues- See-through shots
    Maxim and FHM exist only because they are allowed in prison mail. Perhaps SI is also a safe-for-prison porn mag, but the rare once a year see-through is to slip by the prison guards because they think SI is no-nudity like Maxim and FHM.
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    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Chip on your shoulder?
    @Meat72 Tell her that her BF should learn to wear a shirt with buttons. Look like a gangbanger, get treated like a gangbanger, example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPrcSNhUWHQ Its not skin color, its how you look and talk.
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    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Chip on your shoulder?
    Black, italian, and latino men take "respect" to the grave. Any argument with them will end in homicide unless someone pulls you 2 apart. Have your piece ready. If your bro every tells you "its not worth it man", cops should execute you because you are a rabid animal. "I am doing 20 to life, but I have my respect", no you are a fool.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    what drug is she on?
    Latina from ND sounds like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuBenCPOq3c
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    8 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Plan B
    My goal is 2 favs at the same time. It takes atleast a month to find a fav, sometimes 3 months, so always be looking, cuz your current fav will expire for some reason or another.
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    8 years ago
    Strip Club Convenience
    Closest club to my house is a shithole according to TUSCL. Buildings next to it have decade old bullet holes in them. Nuff said.
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    8 years ago
    Suburban Chicago OTC P4P 2 AMer
    If she cant sit through a dinner, correction, BREAKFAST with you in a public place, dont fuck her. First time always in a hotel. Make sure she kisses ITC before you propose OTC. About the OP, which of these would you fuck and in what order https://www.facebook.com/saruhh.dezzuhrae/photos?source_ref=pb_friends_tl https://www.facebook.com/paige.m.marshall/photos?source_ref=pb_friends_tl https://www.facebook.com/Brandygeorgeousmarshall/photos?source_ref=pb_friends_tl
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    8 years ago
    Safest way to eat pussy
    lick the pussy in the pussy
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    8 years ago
    New York
    bathroom troll refuses to give me towels
    PM me for the club name. I dont review my local SCs. @Dominic77 I wonder if its so nobody can clog the toilets, but the SC had commercial tankless toilets with the chrome lever. Maybe the previous owner decided that if nobody is allowed to take a towel into the bathroom, you dont need to send in anyone to clean it (sweep them off the floor). How a woman is supposed to throw out her tampon or pad in this SC/NC short of clogging the toilet by flushing it is beyond me. Unisex bathrooms, no trash cans. Maybe there were trash cans in each bathroom but they were removed when it became a SC. @Subraman "Anyway, not tipping the bartender was a total douchebag move, IMO. Of course, throwing a tantrum about it is a completely douchebag, unprofessional move by the bartender... but to be expected, SCs are all about poorly trained employees and douchebag/cunty entitled behavior." At some SCs I've seen bartenders just increase the price by $1 for 1 drink per order or to the next $5 mark on a multi drink order on every drink regardless what the POS right behind them says is the price. I mentioned what the menu says, they just repeat *THEIR* price. I know they are adding a mandatory tip so no point of calling the SC manager. I only go once per visit to the SC bar anyway. With waitresses it is funnier as some will add their $1, and then with the randomness of the bartender that night, that will add another $1. So the same soda by waitress is $5 on one night, $6 on another, and $7 worst case on the next night. I dont regret buying the 2 shots. I learned to be more forceful next time, and not let a stripper cloud my judgement because there was 1 degree of separation between me and her. I shouldve recognized the "buy shots" conversation as an analog to "wanna dance" and told her I only buy dances, I dont drink, and she has a choice to make, and if her goal is to get customers to get her drunk, she needs to move on. At $44 for shots, I'd be out $175 for me to get a buzz (22*8). That is 8-9 songs of LDs. In the philosophical debate about drinking in SCs, she said "you are paying for people to look at you and a hot girl with a $1000 handbag to sit next to you when you order a bottle [in a regular night club]", I told her "those men are idiots, those girls aren't going to date those guys, they are there just for the free alcohol, nothing more, there is no connection between that girl and guy, I'd like a new car for $7K", she argues "its $7K because the rent has to be paid to keep the building open", I stopped answering back and she switched topics. Since the stripper grew up in Vegas, she thinks Vegas SCs and Vegas night clubs are the gold standard of clubs. A girl group can goto a night club, and get multiple guys to spend $1000s on them in alcohol they drink and food they poke at and dont eat, and if a guy touches her leg she throws a fit and gets security to kick him out. No thanks, I'll stick to SCs where contact comes very quickly and cheaply. It takes only $20 to find out if she is zero mileage or not, not $200 or $2K like in a nightclub. "On the other hand, you have so many problems with so many people on such a regular basis, that I wonder if there isn't much more to the story." IDK, I only start threads on TUSCL about bad experiences. My good experiences wind up in replies to other TUSCLer's threads. "In any case, I think it always pays dividends to be friendly and share a few jokes with everyone in the club -- no one is beneath me, not even the bathroom troll, and I feel like it always pays dividends ... in this case, a little friendliness might have made the difference between him breaking policy and giving you a towel on the way in, and the confrontation you had." That would've worked for you. Maybe it wouldve worked for me if I said "hi hows your night" and treated him like a stripper but why should I be fake nice to someone for a fucking paper towel, Im not asking for cigs/cologne/mouthwash/candys. I wasn't sure in the moment if the towel issue was a language barrier problem or not. I was setting up the process for a complaint to the liquor board about the paper towels but I never let made any threats to the staff or the manager that I was going to do that. The SC manager just knew I was correct, accepted everything I said about bathroom troll at face value, and never protested or told me no. SC manager fixed my problem, but in a way as bizarre as the whole no towels in bathroom rule. Since SC manager fixed the problem, I had no reason to bring up the govt since I had no more problem.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: This shit is getting out of control
    On the otherhand, sometimes ammo is needed www.liveleak.com/view?i=e2d_1431908949
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: This shit is getting out of control
    How about a white man? http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f2b_1433676159
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    College Humor - Strip Clubs Suck
    Same bros will say they fucked the stripper in VIP when they were afraid to touch even their stomach. These retards also will say yes to the uglyest strippers, and say yes to CR/VIP with no thoughts about what they are getting for their $. They also will accuse each other of being "poor" and "not a man" if one of them in the group turns down a LD. Hence why strippers love bachelor party bros. They are an ATM. If I took a wingman, I'd explain to him from a TUSCL education how to pick and not pick strippers and how to wait for the next dance, and tell them you have only X amount of $ and not get overccounted on songs.
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    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Guys not to approach (From stripperweb)
    1. The guy that as soon as you sit down gets a dirty perv look on his face and is like "What will you do back there?" Not me. 2. The guy who always comes on Sunday, "because cover is cheaper then than all the other days." Me. 3. The guys who are drinking soda. The ones with $$ who don't want alcohol are almost always drinking expensive bottled water. If they have soda, it's because it costs like $3, and they don't want to spend more Me. 4. Anyone (who looks) under 25-30 Me. 5. The guy who says, "I want to see how you dance first" I need to remember that line more often. 6. Anyone who sneaks up on me. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Some strippers NEVER approach customers and they told me that is intentional. If the customer makes contact first, they know the customer likes them and they aren't wasting time on pitching a dance that will be turned down. 7. Anyone who grabs my arm and physically pulls me over. I brush their arm with the back of my fingers briefly when cold calling a stripper. 8. Someone wearing a suit at 3am on a Saturday morning. Again, a quick hustle as they are usually posturing. Me, the system works. All 1st time DFKs were in a suit. Zero success without one. 9. Guys that are grabby right off the bat. No. 10. Indian guys. IF I MUST approach them, I do what I call a drive-by meaning I just say "hi my name is Brielle, would you like a dance" and then they do this patting thing on their thigh insisting for me to sit down so they can feel me up and NOT buy a dance. Yea, no. LOL. No. 11. this might sound weird, but guys who are ridiculously overdressed at odd hours of the day. this might be a different story at oh, penthouse NYC? where you have businessmen in suits stop in after work before they go home, but i work at a mid-tier club nowhere special. i don't think i've EVER danced for a guy in a suit. wealthy people don't always like to let everyone know that they are. if they come in showing off--that's all they're probably there to do. Me. 12. Guys who lay their money out on their table. No. 13. Anyone with a creepy vibe, women (unless they call me over), and guys who are just sitting around not tipping. WTF is a creepy vibe? "guys who are just sitting around not tipping" because there are only 2-3 strippers that are fuckable in the club and they are all with other customers or DR hiding. Strippers are not interchangable.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    great vid must watch!!!
    Filmed in Detroit. Why is this on Pornhub and not YT? Stripping, keeping single mothers off welfare (not unless they get 1099s). Everyone wants to date a stripper? Huh? I'd say few do.
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    8 years ago
    Face recognition v memory
    I've had low mileage dancers who "forgot" about me, I approach them months later as if I never spoke to them before (false), and I got a GFE dance. The answer I got from her was, she broke up with her last BF and was looking for a rebound and dating other guys but not telling them she is a stripper and I caught her at the right time. There is also Ms Molly https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=43781 but I dont think her brain was functioning that night.
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    8 years ago
    What have you done in a club that could be considered a bit questionable?
    @the mighty quinn Happened to me a month ago. Straight up the best VIP room session ever in my life. Too bad she quit stripping 2 weeks later.
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    8 years ago
    Sabotaging competition
    A crackho extras girl told me my fav undercounted songs and didnt do extras. I stayed silent. The undercounting was correct to that PL but my fav doesnt undercount me, the no extras seems to be correct for all of her PLs.
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    8 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Dumb Real World Questions Strippers Ask
    @SJG I've answered that by saying I always wear gloves when I do construction or auto repair, then make a comment how nasty the hands of mechanics are and that they dont take care of themselves. My old man and grandpa both have dirty nails all the time. I make sure they are perfectly clean since I'll be FIVing a stripper. I also cut then back and file them for that reason. I use blue nitrile gloves for everything. Sometimes 2 gloves at a time if I suspect the outside one might get pinholed or torn.
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    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Club Ad!
    Yelp=strip clubs reviewed by jealous non-sex worker women
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    A bouncer's wife is a pornstar at my extras SC. She works once or twice a month there, but when she does, she has a line of PLs going out the door waiting to take her to VIP.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    If this ever happens again for...loud
    Ask them why they are upset unless they want to "cheat you".
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    If this ever happens again for...loud
    Does your SC offer anything less than 15 minutes at a time? I always pull out my phone and check the time before she starts and she sees I did that. They sometimes might ask what time it is or grab my hand so they see my phone itself. They know they are on watch that way.
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    8 years ago
    Anyone else take a viagra before hitting the club?