Strippers shelf life

avatar for TippingDollars
Just wondering what you all think a Strippers shelf life should be? Also how old is too old to strip? I think 27 should be the limit for most girls. Personally I think a girl should dance no longer than 3 years. I think the lifestyle starts to wear on them after year or two. I've found the ones that are the best in rooms have been doing it for a year or two. But I've also noticed how jaded they become.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
It's not one size fits all. Some dancers can go 20 years and others never should have started.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Some losers will say something lame like as long as she looks good. That's total garbage. They should be doing something else by 32 or 33. If they havent quit by then they are going to try to make a career out of it. We dont need that.
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
Idk. It really depends on the girl. I've had some fun ITC and OTC with dancers in their early 30s who had been dancing for several years, looked great and had very good attitudes. But I have also met girls who should have stopped dancing a long time ago for physical or emotional reasons.

Then, of course, there is the sub-species of savvy and seasoned dancers who make it that far, over a number of years, because they are smart and have become very good at separating men from their money. These types just cannot leave while their various hustles are still effective and the money is still so good. I've seen girls like these run elaborate romance hustles on older lonely guys to great effect. I don't run into too many of these types where I club now, but they were more common in my old northeast clubs. They and I did not really see eye to eye as they were the types who would never dream of leaving the club for a lousy few hundred and generally disapproved of my sourcing in their clubs, but we learned to just steer clear of each other, like ships passing in the night.

But I hear what you are saying Tipping. There are some girls who just shouldn't be dancing anymore. Either they are an eyesore to watch on stage or they are so burnt out that it is painful to talk to them. Some even have both of these problems.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
The same argument can perhaps be made w.r.t. many careers where younger folks think the older folks can't hack it anymore and should get out and do something else - sometimes it's true; but not always.

No one is forced to buy dances from older dancers and it should be obvious to most TUSCLers by now that PLs' preferences are all over the map and there are those that actually prefer the older more mature dancers w/ whom they can have a better quality experience all-around rather than some air-head young chick that can barely put 2 sentences together to hold a convo.

There are dancers that hang on too long b/c they can't do anything else and can't make decent $$$ at doing something else; similar to younger girls that get into stripping b/c they can't make decent $$$ doing something else - but a 40 y/o woman that takes care of herself can still look attractive to those that are into that niche - but w/e one's niche is if the dancer is not their type then it doesn't matter how they look.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I generally prefer the 18 to early 20s dancers but I don't agree that dancers in their 30s should have to hang up their stripper heels. My first OTC dancer was in her early 30s, had been stripping since 18, and she was great. Looked awesome, fun attitude, and wonderful service. It really depends on the girl.
avatar for clubdude
9 years ago
Have agree with shadowcat. Some should of never started, others can go on and on (like the energizer bunny).
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Ahh, you should have seen some of the dancers at La Chambre, they should have hung up their heels 20 years ago. And then there was this 50 something, that was hot !! I think most should stop in their 30's
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
There have been lots at local clubs over 40, and they are hot. And there are some that go over 50, thinking about one I know of from Xoticspot in Portland. They have a special appeal to them, they are improved by the years in many respects.


Whole Lotta Love…
avatar for mark94
9 years ago
I've talked with strippers in their mid 40s who've taken great care of themselves, look younger, are great conversationalists, know how to give a good dance. It's a different experience than an 18 year old who doesn't have a clue about anything. I wouldn't go to a club where all the strippers were 40+, but I enjoy the occasional older stripper with the right skills and looks
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Thinking about some of our local ones, just everything about them says that they want to be fucked and fucked and fucked. It isn't that they are doing anything the others aren't, it is just the way they are.

Some in the bikini bars, and with mature tits, show this off by opting for a white tee-shirt, instead of a bikini top. They are an overwhelming turn on.

In our clubs though, strict no touching, zero mileage, it can't happen. These are the ones who would be the best for maximum mileage venues too.

One of them was usually at SF Market Street Cinema. Initials G.M., also from the Hanky Panky, giant tits, for any who might know of her.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Some of the older ones are just like that. It is just the way they come across. G.M. said that she was the old lady of the bunch. She was exaggerating her age. But after seeing her on stage, I just told her, "What you need is aggressive penetration." That made her laugh, and then she started telling me about what a nasty girl she is. The talk can go further, because in our clubs, the most you can do is talk.


Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heaven…
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Supply and demand. If you look good , build rapport and give good dances you can be 40+ and make bank.

If you are an ugly 18-20 year old who, says wanna dance and gives crappy dances you won't be long for this business.

One size fits all doesn't work in this industry.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Used to be this magazine, Over 40. It was supposed to be over age 40 and over 40" tits. Some had giant tits and some did not. But they were all an intense turn on. I think it is just in their individuality. And for most of the the photo sets they did say that the girls were active strippers, and they said exactly at what club and under what name.

I really liked that mag. The girls just really looked like they wanted to be fucked and fucked and fucked, like they would need about 8 guys per night, all going multiple rounds with them. Its just the way they are, or so it certainly appears. Younger women really aren't quite like that.

In in the photo spreads they were all getting their fingers into their pussies and showing some pink.

I've done some photo sessions with girls and taken pictures like that, but in the years ahead I plan to be doing it regularly, and then of course proceeding with them afterwards.


Gimme Shelter…
avatar for wallanon
9 years ago
A couple of guys have said it already, a stripper should dance as long as she thinks it's worth her time. It's a job and hopefully by choice. If there are customers who make it worth her while, as just another customer that's not for me to decide.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago

Believe it or not...
A grandma stripper showed me a good time the other day. 2 yrs older than me. She still had a very nice body and there is something to be said for experience.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
G.M., who used her real name, told me that for her it was her social time. I mean imagine that, a woman who just loves what she does that much, getting guys turned on, putting on a show, being in high heels and makeup.

Now at that club, where I live, that's all that can happen ITC.

But the other place she worked was at the Market St. Cinema.

With G.M., and some of the others there, I mean sure they like getting money, and they do get it. But I also know that they like to be fucked. It is just that simple. And with younger women, it usually is not quite like that.


Here, they debate over who gets the most pleasure in sex, men or women. Then though not presented as being a direct participant in the discussion they make reference to an experienced woman Diotima. She seen as the first woman cited in Western Philosophical Writtings. She makes it clear that women get the most pleasure.……

Smoke On The Water…
avatar for maho
9 years ago
Whenever I meet a dancer who I like who says they are in school, I try and show a genuine interest in what they are studying, ect, and encourage them to stick with it. Because yeah, no matter how much money they are rolling in dancing and how tempting it is to think they have a career, there is definitely a shelf life that probably start to rear it's head early 30's.
avatar for laplurker
9 years ago
I met a dancer at a West Palm Beach club who I thought was, maybe, 35. She told me she was 46. Her body was fantastic for any age with big, natural tits. It can be done, but many dancers follow an unhealthy life style. They just can't last past 30.
avatar for maho
9 years ago
Don't doubt there are some dancers that can defy the odds and dance into their 40's, but then what? There's a lot of living to do past 40. And I would seriously question what a 40 year old stripper is raking in.
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
I feel like it's sad if a woman is stripping as her main source of income after 30. Some can definitely still dance at that age, but one hopes she is tapering off.

I compare it to football careers. At 30 you're a veteran role player unless you were a superstar to begin with. By 35 even the superstars often look overpaid. By 40 only a select few can hang, and they are shadows of their prime.
avatar for grand1511
9 years ago
If you got it...use it. I've reported here several times about the wonderful experiences I have with my 50-year-old stripper who looks more like 32. Sure, she's a little softer and puffier in just a few places, but she knows just when and how to push all my buttons. And before and after we get busy, the convo is actually interesting and meanigful.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I've had several dances from a 45 year old stripper back a few years ago. She looked pretty good and a lot younger than that. She didn't tell many her true age. Strippers in their 30's seem to be hornier and more eager to have sex than girls in their 20's at least in my experience. I might be bias due to one girl almost stalking me. She was a dancer so I never heard about any horror stories of a dancer determined to have sex. It all turned out well. She eerily did know a few things about me,
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
9 years ago
Here's a refreshing thought: Instead of bashing girls for trying to do their job, vote with your dollar. Its okay if you don't want long-in-the-tooth but I'll take an older gal who knows how to give mileage over a fresher face with a golden pussy syndrome "I'm entitled to bank" attitude. I'll take a Younger, fresher face who makes it worth my time and makes me welcome over a territorial hustling bitch who figures because you were her custie 3 years ago you are her personal property.

avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
^for me the sweet spot is between long in the tooth and golden pussy syndrome
avatar for laplap1974
9 years ago
Since no stripper has the same body, ability nor shape their shelf life with vary. Especially the age and how long they have been at it. Some may start later and some much earlier. If they have the body and stamina they can do it for as long as they want. Some older strippers look better than younger ones. You have young strippers who really should not have even gotten into the industry but swear they the shit. Strippers have "fans" and "fans' have a variety of sizes they prefer. Again it varies so strippers can stay as long as they want depending on how they take care of theirselves
avatar for laplap1974
9 years ago
Think of it like when Brent Favre went a few years too long when he could have retired a few years before. SAme with Duncan, Garnett and such. Goes exactly with strippers, some are way past their glory years but they still think they "got it". Some will have to be told "no" by the management. You can tell the one's that this is their only way of making a living
avatar for DandyDan
9 years ago
It's different for each stripper. I've had countless favorites over the years who were out of the game before their 30's and then I've had other favorites who were in it well past their 30's. If they enjoy it still, I'm not going to tell them they shouldn't be stripping. Stripping is about more than just being good looking, you have to be able to entertain. The two oldest strippers I got laid with both knew how to entertain customers (and separate them from their cash). Many young strippers just don't know that they need to entertain customers and not just simply look good (although one of my alltime favorites certainly did know how to do that, even as a teenager).
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
The people that are saying strippers should quit by age 30 be crazy.

Perhaps 40, yes, but 30?

That 27-34 age range is the sweet spot
avatar for skibum609
9 years ago
My first dance with my ATF was when she was 19. She turns 30 next month and is hotter now.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I agree with many of the others. Let the market (and the dancer and customers $$) decide. There are no hard and fast rules in this hobby and industry.
avatar for K
9 years ago
I'm still hanging out with someone i met close to 20 years ago when she started dancing at 18. She still has a beautiful face, a toned tight body, she dresses sexier than the 20 year old girls and she knows how to take care of a man. Her skills on and off the stage have improved over time.
avatar for mjx01
9 years ago
I agree with shadow... there are some that are washed up by 25, other that are still going strong in early thirties, and other that should have never been in the game in the first place. FWIW, IMO somewhere around 30 is when the "lifer" aspect of it starts to turn me off
avatar for s88
9 years ago
My CF is 33 years old but 85 lbs, 4' 11, size 0. Has the body of a 13 year old girl since her day job is a ballet dancer or something, she looks the like a old ballerina. Nearly makes me LDK, allows unlimited DFK, I can touch and rub her pussy. Her face DOES look 33, but everything else is teenage. If she wore pasties, and you didn't see her face, youd say a photo of her is under age, but if you see her nipples and her face, she clearly is legal/MILF. Age is nothing but a number. When customers stop finding you hot, you retire.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
^^^^ She sound pretty good, improved by age.

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