Detroit-area strippers have pointed out plain clothes cops to me a number of times, and I once saw a Wayne County detective I had met before in a club. I don't know if any of them were on the payroll, but dancers tell me they treat cops well because they may someday need a favor. Any of you see cops in your clubs?
Oh, there a lot of them here. At La Chambre I became friends with one. He worked the Cass Corridor, jack, so he knew a lot of unfortunates. I never saw him in the VIP, there, but he was a fixture at La Chambre.
When I bartended in the D we always greased the cops with free drinks and meals. I saw a lot of them later in the evening at blind pigs and after hour joints so this is nothing new.
well then...I know I won't be going to that club....ever. And if that club had such low lying DT around, I wonder about Starlets and Sue's Rendevous and others. I think I'll stick to the seedy clubs where I know DT won't bust my ass for lappers.
BUT it's good to know, as expect. nothing runs the NYPD better than money. The club owner should have been smarter than to brag about his close ties with NYPD and just never talked to the press period. A fool and his money will soon be parted. Hopefully this man can avert any more disaster.… This club had a uniformed armed city cop standing inside the SC next to the door cover cashier. Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it and made me think "if I touch a dancer do I get placed on the sex offender list?". After alot more SCing, I figured out the cop was there so nobody "dine and dashes" in the SC. Make a custie cough up the $ for his bill or in 15 seconds be in cuffs for theft of services, pays the cops entire shift.
Also if there is a uniformed cop at the door, you wont get gangbangers, dealers, rappers, and baseheads in the SC, just old men in collared shirts and ties escaping from their wives, which is much more calm environment.
I forgot, when you have a cop at the front door, these fine upstanding citizens wouldnt set foot in the SC, and then wont get pissed off enough to come back with a Ak47 because their were disrespected…
last commentAlso if there is a uniformed cop at the door, you wont get gangbangers, dealers, rappers, and baseheads in the SC, just old men in collared shirts and ties escaping from their wives, which is much more calm environment.