Stripping ?

avatar for CookieMoney
Im thinking about becoming a stripper, any pointers? ( preferably pointers from strippers or past strippers )


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Show us your tits I mean so we can evaluate what you are working with. ; )
avatar for s88
9 years ago
If you need drugs or alcohol to tolerate men touching and groping you, dont do it.

See also
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
This is mostly a custy site, if you want info from dancers' point of view then look at which is a dancer site.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Another one ?!
avatar for CookieMoney
9 years ago
Another one? Meaning
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
^^^ Oh dear you poor clueless bastard. HAHAHA
avatar for CookieMoney
9 years ago
Hmm i guess there are no positive people in the world .. Its ok tho ill be just fine.
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
@s88 and @Papi_Chulo both gave you good advice within 17 minutes of your post. That's pretty good for a pervert's forum I think.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
To Meursault I offered to evaluate her tits. I thought I was being nice and if she sowed them I would have given an honest opinion.
avatar for CookieMoney
9 years ago
I wasn't talking about them, i was talking about the other ones
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
You posted this 2 years ago. You guys should read this, it's pretty funny…
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Ms. CookieMoney,

Please check out the article section. Maybe there is something useful for you there as an aspiring dancer?

See below: HTH!



by Dancinggal (Dancer POV)
Mar 5, 2014
First Day Working as a Stripper…

by poledancer83 (Dancer POV)
Mar 12, 2016
Advice to the New Stripper or Auditioning Dancer…

by Wicked_Gypsy (Dancer POV)
Dec 3, 2015
I started dancing in the Worst Possible Strip Club ever, but...…

by Wicked_Gypsy (Dancer POV)
Dec 3, 2015
follow-up to above article:…

by trixxi (Dancer POV)
Nov 18, 2014
A Dancer's Perspective on Extras…

by DianasDiary (Dancer POV)
Feb 24, 2016
How To Ask For "Extra's" at the Strip Club…

by Club_Goer (Customer POV)
Nov 28, 2014
What Makes a Dancer a Customer's Favorite?…

by da808gypsy
Jul 18, 2015
How I Accidentally became a Stripper…

by slimbaby (Dancer POV)
Mar 31, 2016
My First Audition at an NYC Strip Club…

by Slimbaby (Dancer POV)
Jun 7, 2016
My First Real Night Stripping…
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Show us that cookie pussy
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
4got2 and me want to see the cookie shooter.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Shooter pooter !!!

Do it crazy Joe style nice and sloppy

You know violent cookie diaries
avatar for aw_snap
9 years ago
Ask yourself if you'd be happy giving this guy a blow job:…

That guy actually posts here.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
Is that you Barry?
avatar for aw_snap
9 years ago
This guy posts here too:

I bet you'll enjoy giving him a blow job! I can even send his name so you can PM him.
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
tip, Taking off your clothes usually helps. If that doesn't work, you may have chosen the wrong job.
avatar for dw.buck
9 years ago
Cookiemoney - look at the clubs on here to see what the custies say about the clubs and their expectations, see what the dancers say about the clubs on stripperweb
figure out how comfortable you are doing what to make money in the club and work in your comfort zone.

more in an email to you!
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
shadowcat would be happy to give you tips in the VIP room.
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"4got2 and me want to see the cookie shooter."

Are you implying that cookie shooter = butthole?

If so, you know my general feeling that butthole = brilliant!
avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"You posted this 2 years ago. You guys should read this, it's pretty funny…"


She only joined in March.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
Get in, save your money and get out as quickly as you can.
I would avoid being a career dancer.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
^^^ Timex brings up a good point. That's the recurring theme I see among dancers. --> Q: "What would your present self (veteran dancer) go back in time and tell your past self (newbie, your first night) to do differently?" --> Either start saving more or saving earlier was the most common answer (and not some hustling nor sales strategy). I thought that was interesting.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Why do dancers looking for advice here never post pics of their tits?
avatar for s88
9 years ago
@rockstar666 Because they are looking for work, they are not AT work.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
@s88 Ha - good one!
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
Troll or not CookieMoney is the best stripper name I've ever heard.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
-->"@s88 and @Papi_Chulo both gave you good advice within 17 minutes of your post. That's pretty good for a pervert's forum I think."

Meurs, I'm going to pretend OP is a real girl and not another juice alias LOL. As much as I love Papi and s88, their advice is the most atrocious advice possible. It is possible to find good "new girl advice" threads on Stripperweb, but it's inconceivable that she wouldn't look around at other threads in the forum also And since she's not aware of the posing, the fact that the girls posting there are bitter bottom-of-the-barrel strippers, and complete lack of reality expressed in Stripperweb, it's hard to imagine a new stripper not being influenced by the overwhelming negativity, hatred of customers, appreciation of bad behavior by the girls, and general cuntitude.

In all, there's nothing worse you can do to a potential stripper than sending her to stripperweb, without even a forewarning about what she'll see there. It's an enormous disservice to her, and to future customers who might encounter her. She'd be better off if the entire thread was just filled with our normal juvenile male-bonding horseplay, than advice to go to SW.

The advice to check out some of the articles written by strippers here on tuscl, though, is probably decent advice... I'll need to go read those
avatar for TheeOSU
9 years ago
"Troll or not CookieMoney is the best stripper name I've ever heard."

LOL I can't think of a better one!
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
I thought she was legit. Yes, 4got2, we wanted to see her bunhole. Poledancer83 is the coolest stripper on this forum.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
"... As much as I love Papi and s88, their advice is the most atrocious advice possible ..."

Fuck you Jackie


I understand where you're coming from Jackie/Subra :) - but:

1) seems like the M.O. on TUSCL is to treat every dancer as a troll (not a real dancer or even a real female or dancer wanna-be); so besides not giving her any advice on here we often tell them gross shit that would put-off any female especially one considering dancing

2) yeah SW is mostly psychos but does not mean they can't offer good info to a newbie dancer not withstanding the folders on SW w/ pre-written info they already have which IMO can help someone who has never-danced

3) there are behind-the-scenes things that most of custies don't know about w.r.t. stripping that only other strippers know about and can share w/ each other and newbie/aspiring dancers

So sure - a SW dancer is not the ideal but at least they *are* dancers and can share things we are unaware-off/don't-know-about and they don't ask dancers asking for advice to show them their tits which of course should be standard protocol but I can see why non-dancers would be put off by that :)
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
--> "1) seems like the M.O. on TUSCL is to treat every dancer as a troll (not a real dancer or even a real female or dancer wanna-be); so besides not giving her any advice on here we often tell them gross shit that would put-off any female especially one considering dancing"

I agree, paps. And I actually think a stripper who comes here and gets trolled is FAR better off than one who has read and absorbed the attitudes at StripperWeb. And I also agree with your point #2 -- they can be helpful at SW -- and point #3 -- there are things only strippers know. But it's incredibly unrealistic to think our interpret newbie isn't going to look through the entire site, rather than somehow beelining to the few posts that are actually helpful. And the attitudes there are so pernicious, especially to a newbie who is reading posts from more experienced dancers ... is there the slightest bit of doubt she won't be infected with some SW-type anger, entitlement, dehumanization of customers, etc? No, not the slightest bit. That's why I think it's an INCREDIBLE disservice to send any stripper there. She's better off not knowing anything and just going in fresh, like most strippers, than being SW-ified. Bad advice isn't better than no advice :)

Anyway, this conversation has served its purpose -- if it were a real stripper and not a troll, she's been served badly by us in being pointed to StripperWeb, but now she at least knows that there's attitudes there that can she shouldn't take at face value, nor should she seek to emulate what she sees there ... they are as vile as they appear to be.

I know you and I will never agree on this, Papi. Love you anyway, and just want any lurkers to see the counter-argument
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ fair enough - but you are hereby notified that I'm going to ask Chessmaster to put you on his hit-list - watch yo back (and wash your back to)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Who the fuck is jackie ?
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Subraman on 2am hit list.

#stripperweb lives matter.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
#stripperweb splooge splatter
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
Sit and talk with customers don't be too pushy let them offer drinks and ask for a dance. If you've been sitting their a while you could bring up dances but don't be too pushy about it. Figure out what your good at, pole tricks, shaking your ass, seductive looks, etc and flaunt it. Really work it. Try to be down to earth with customers make them feel at ease. Don't complain to them about stuff they came there to get away from bitching women not to listen to new ones. Play nice with the other girls try not to step on others toes. If you want you can message me for more tips. I use to dance
avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
Sit and talk with customers don't be too pushy let them offer drinks and ask for a dance. If you've been sitting their a while you could bring up dances but don't be too pushy about it. Figure out what your good at, pole tricks, shaking your ass, seductive looks, etc and flaunt it. Really work it. Try to be down to earth with customers make them feel at ease. Don't complain to them about stuff they came there to get away from bitching women not to listen to new ones. Play nice with the other girls try not to step on others toes. If you want you can message me for more tips. I use to dance
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