
Trying to understand these strippers

Sunday, July 24, 2016 11:34 AM
So I'm in the strip club last night, and this girl comes over and talks to me. She is ok looking (she's white, Native American, and Asian) maybe a 7.25. Her ass is what I really like, very juicy. She mentions her waist is 25 inches, and her hips are 44 inches! Wow, that might be my first girl in the 40 inch club lol. Anyways, back to the point. I had got dances with her on one other occasion before, so it's not like I was her regular or anything, but I'm always at this club, and I see her in there a lot, and we've talked a few times, so we know each other a little bit. She is giving me a nice massage (not the strip club handshake lol) while talking to me. Eventually I suggest we get dances, so we head over to the lap dance area. During the dances, she mentions she doesn't have a boyfriend, and she only has sex like twice a year. She says she's not interested in a boyfriend right now, because she doesn't want to feel like she's sharing herself with her boyfriend and customers in the strip club. While she's saying all this, she mentions I'm cute, and that my dick has her curious lol. At this point I'm pretty sure it's all SS, but I ask for her number for the hell of it. She pauses and thinks about it for a minute. She says guys in the strip club ask for her number all the time, and she tells them no. She says she'll take my number down, and that gives her the option to contact me if she wants to. She says if she didn't like me, she would have just told me no. She says her phone is charging, so she writes down my number on a piece of paper. She said she'll probably text me in a couple of days. Yeah right. She'll probably throw that paper away in the nearest garbage lol. So she initiates all the talk, but then she takes down my number on a piece of paper, and doesn't give me hers. These strippers lol. I would have respected it more if she would have just said no. A couple questions: Has a stripper ever contacted you after she takes down your number, but doesn't give you hers? Have you ever met a stripper that has sex as infrequently as twice a year?


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    The last stripper that I met OTC for sex told me that she had not had intercourse during the last 10 months since she broke up with her BF because he was cheating on her. SS? Who knows for sure?
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    Yes. Yes, if she has a girlfriend and is only counting sex with dudes. Yes, I have been the beneficiary and in one case accidentally met the girlfriend. Yes, the girlfriend was jealous and it was awkward. No, I don't make a habit of it.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Taking down your number on a piece of paper? I would say 0.01% chance that she contacts you. I don't even bother unless she has her phone right there in the club and we exchange txt messages in front of each other.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    Has a stripper ever contacted you after she takes down your number, but doesn't give you hers? No. in my experience, it's SS. Doesn't mean she won't, but I've never had one do it. Have you ever met a stripper that has sex as infrequently as twice a year? Yes. Maybe it was SS, but she had been pretty honest with me (with verifiable info) the whole time I got dances with her. But she hadn't had sex (FS) in three years. I got bj's from her and got to play with all parts of her body. Eventually she got comfortable enough with me that I got to break her out of her sex slump. Lol
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    It ain't the end of the world. She wasn't the hottest girl there, but she did have the best ass. I really wanted to donkey fuck the shit out of that ass.
  • grand1511
    8 years ago
    If you had rated her 7.45 or higher, she would have gien you her number.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    The girls in that club have you pegged as the guy that goes for the girlfriend hustle. You need to back down on asking for digits man and wait till they ask you for yours (even if it take a few visits) than ask them for their phone, and text yourself w/their name in the message. You need to go long term and stop trying so hard, I think I have told you this before with good intentions on my side, but I dunno you don't seem to get it.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    25-->"The girls in that club have you pegged as the guy that goes for the girlfriend hustle" Agree completely. And the fact that you're confused at all means it worked :) Her entire play was cringeworthy, it was so transparent. And no, no stripper who has taken my number has EVER called me. 25-->"You need to back down on asking for digits man and wait till they ask you for yours" That one I don't agree with, deuce-five. The number of times I've gotten shot down in asking for phone numbers, in the past 5 years or so, is I think maybe once. Maybe. These days, the vast majority of girls have a google line as part of their business model. The thing is, I do NOT approach this as "hey shawtie, you finna gimme your digits?". As soon as I realize I'm having a nice time and want to see her again, I say, "Can I get your phone number so I can coordinate schedules to see you next time I come?" The answer is always yes. I can't imagine why she'd say no ... maybe the only reason is if she's done a boyfriend hustle and worries you'll be a needy texter (ala the original story). My guildelines are: 1. NEVER wait until she offers her number. Get hers the moment you know you want to see her again, and you've spent enough on her that you think she'll want to retain you as a customer, even if it's your first trip. Do it now -- you don't know if she'll switch clubs next week and you'll never see her again, you don't know if she'll go to the bathroom and run into her whale 10 minutes from now. Get her number now. 2. You're not "getting her digits", you're asking for her number, explicitly for the purpose of seeing her again at work and spending more money on her. If she's too dumb to want that, I move on (my SCing is mostly appointment-based, so I move on from girls who don't set appointments)
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    Yeah, I was smiling at the "7.25" rating too I guess we are in the Olympic season where the judges deduct a tenth of a point
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Subra I agree with your approach but LF has gotten himself pegged as the guy to use the girlfriend hustle on, if he wants to continue in the club he's going to he has to make the girls aware that he's onto that game but subtlety or he will keep getting played. In order to regain the upper hand he needs to get them to come to him therefore my advice only applies to him as far as getting himself back to regular PL status and off the sucker list.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Ya definitely agree that the only reason to turn him down for the number is because she's worried he'd be a needy texter who isn't worth the work. The antidote is to not come off that way, and be clear that you want the number for appointments ... and not come off as a boyfriend hustle target!
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    There was one like that for me at my old favorite club. She was just my type physically, but she was an emotional train wreck. She called me a couple times and I had no interest in seeing her at the club or anywhere else on those specific occasions. I eventually go back and she's there and she just screams me out for ignoring her. That was the end of me seeing her.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    She says she is not interested in having a BF right now, because she doesn't want to scare you off. Girls are looking to you as someone who will civilianize them. Anyway, don't waste any more time, just get her into your own bed. I like ones with big hips too. They are a primordial turn on. SJG
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Subra. Another point to consider is that these girls never don't have their phone available in a locked room so if they had any real intention to call she would have gotten her phone and swapped with him. I speak from my experience when I get a number written down on a slip of paper I am going to toss it on my way out of the club so if I want her number it's going right in my phone with a few notes to remind me who she is I would never give out my number without getting hers.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I don't see how saying no wouldn't be better than taking someone's number on a piece of paper and never contacting them. I would think most customers would prefer a flat out no. She said she would text me in a couple of days. While I don't think it's gonna happen, I would give it a 25% chance.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Larry it a control the hustle kind of thing if she contacts you she will have another angle it's just her way to get more money from you. It's up to you whether or not it works.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    My guess is that we find out that she does text him in the next couple of days.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    At a new SC, I saw this columbian a month or 2 ago. DFK entire time, but otherwise cold and unremarkable. 2nd time, I picked a very very very slow night with way more girls than customers. Columbian was there, I spent 5 hours with her ITC, going between main floor and semi private LD area. Semi private LD area is a room full of cushions on the floor, but you aren't allowed to fuck or do extras there, DFK is fine tho. Go figure. At various points in the night, I told her to stop grinding me when she tried to, or to not start, I made excuses like "I am tired" or "that was too much fun" or "I need to rest", not that I am out of $, but I was out of $ and trying to maximize the talk and main floor cuddle time and minimize grinding time (she DFKed alot less this time, IDK y). At one point during the night on the main floor she took some silly selfies and photos of me, and I demanded her to send the ones with only me to put on my IG. Hours later when we finished for the night, she said we did 25 songs ($500), I said we did 15 songs and I pointed out each time I stopped her was at 5 songs in a row, so we went to LD area 3 times and times I told her to get off of me when she tried to start a new round weren't songs, and the time we spent sitting crossed legged together on the floor in semi private LD area with her showing me photos of herself also isn't a lapdance. I negotiated it down to $400 for the night. It was a mistake I spent so much time with her, I regret it since that was escort level of $, but on the other hand $400 for 5 hours of exclusive ITC time, maybe its fair. The night ended quite hostile with her. The next day, without me knowing her #, she texts me, with bright and cheery language, all the photos I asked for last night by text. I text back thanks, ask her for her IG (she showed it to me slyly but I never finished entering it in my phone that night) and never contacted her since. She is banned due to way less DFK this time than 1st visit, and also overcounting songs, I only went with colombian because my CF at that SC wasnt there that night. The colombian's IG, she is a professional hot chick or high priced escort/sugar baby. Photos of her all over the planet with her sister in the last couple months. Looks like a "model" on IG but isn't one. No hint of her being a stripper on IG, she has no tats either. Has 9K followers. God damn it. I DFKed an rich bitch IG whore with no obvious source of income.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" I don't see how saying no wouldn't be better than taking someone's number on a piece of paper and never contacting them. I would think most customers would prefer a flat out no." If she says no, chances are you stop spending right there. That's actually the BEST case ... you might also get angry at her for lying to you about how cute you are, etc. Once she's committed to boyfriend hustle you, the one response she can't give is "no". The smartest response is for her to get a google voice number and give you that instead, but taking your number is the next best thing, as far as reducing her risk for conflict. Of course, it's also short-sighted, since now you're irritated and probably won't return to her ... Or will you? She'll have some story for you about how she got soooo drunk and lost your #, and then she thinks you'll be right back to spending on her (and, for most customers, she's probably right). Girls whose business is based more on regulars can't operate this way, but with strippers who don't have regulars, it probably doesn't bite them too often
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    When I first started SCing in the mixed clubs a dancer whom I would give my # to would never call. In the black dives I visit someone who spends even moderately is sorta a big fish and in these cases I have had a fair # of them call me (no doubt b/c they are interested in a donation "for their campaign"). Of course a dancer contacting us can always be just busine$$ related on her end; so no need to think that it's gonna be a non-P4P hook-up but w/ Larry being in his 20s he *does* have a better chance of hooking-up but still not guaranteed she's not just angling for "donation$".
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Short answer: Yes, I have been contacted by strippers to whom I've given my number without getting hers in return. Not often. I give it to those girls in whom I'm interested, but don't consider likely to be interested in *me*. It's also a tactic of used to seem less threatening to girls I think might consider it, but don't want me to text them on their "real" phone. :) But like others have said, when the *dancer* is the one asking for your number, and not giving you hers, she's hustling you more likely than not.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Hey Papi even with him being in his twenties and all of this women's rights stuff out there how many hook-ups really occur with strippers actually calling a PL ?
  • reignfire
    8 years ago
    Yes. I've given my phone number to strippers w/o them giving their numbers to me and they have called me. I did so in order for them to get to know me so that when I asked for their number then they wouldn't have any excuses. I spoke to one for 15-20 minutes while the other just left messages for me from either a blocked number or one of their friends' phones that had a blocked number. I never got to hook up with either one of them so I won't do that again...either I get their number or I just move on to another one. IDK about the second question. It wouldn't be too unusual to hear.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    My ATF asked for my number after a few of visits. I gave it to her and to my surprise she did contact me. First she called, then texted for me to call her, which I did and we talked about if I'd be coming to the club or not. Only about two more times after that did we contact each other and it was strictly business for her to get me in the club. Being this was my ATF I wish she would reappear, but I haven't seen her in over a year. I miss my ATF... Anyway, in regards to your second question, I can only assume this stripper seldomly had sex. I say so, because when I tried to finger her on several occasions I couldn't really get my finger in it. I'd always tell her she had a tight pussy. Like I said I assume, because when we became Facebook friends I found out she was married and her man was in jail. Guess she was semi holding it down for him why he was locked up.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Has a stripper ever contacted you after she takes down your number, but doesn't give you hers? Yes. it's not as uncommon as you might think. Have you ever met a stripper that has sex as infrequently as twice a year? Lol hell no. But you rate her "ok looking" and a 7.25? In many places a 7.25 would be the standout in an otherwise ogre infested club. Just sayin.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    What I"m learning in this thread is, either in some areas strippers are sometimes hesitant to give out their numbers, or some PLs perceive strippers as hesitant to give out their numbers. Statements like " so that when I asked for their number then they wouldn't have any excuses", "It's also a tactic of used to seem less threatening to girls I think might consider it" are pretty shocking to me -- not picking on you guys, I trust your judgement for your particular areas. In this area, there's no excuses to worry about or having to seem less threatening, I'd guess 90+% of the girls give their numbers freely as part of their business model. The only guys who don't get #s are guys the girls really dislike or seem extras creepy -- beyond that, it's completely meaningless, it just means the stripper is interested in having a sales communication channel to her PL.
  • aks451
    8 years ago
    A stripper once took my number. Long time ago. She gave me a friendly call. It was kind of like a customer sales follow up call. I had no idea how to play the game back then. Maybe it could have led somewhere, maybe not. Another one gave me her AOL handle (like I said, long time ago). I emailed her and then got a reply saying that her husband had read the email and was upset about it. WTF!
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @Subraman: Typically, the only girls to whom I wish to appear non-threatening are new dancers, and those that are not known for extras, but otherwise attractive or like-able. Bear in mind that I realize that this tactic doesn't actually *make* me non-threatening, it only makes me *appear* that way to some. :)
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I've only given my number to a few strippers without taking theirs. It's almost always an on the spot exchange where one of us txts ourselves from the others phone. So, its a small sample size, but the couple of occasions its happened they've all contacted me within a few days. I honestly can't recall if any of those relationships developed into anything more than one of us asking the other if they're working or coming in on a particular day though. As far as knowing strippers who infrequently have sex, I don't know. Many have made such claims, but its impossible for me to verify and seems unlikely than a young, attractive girl would have sex any less frequently than she desired. The need to take different approaches is a much more complex topic.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    your first problem: Trying to understand strippers Second Problem: Asking a bunch of perverts who don't care enough to bother anymore. Solution: assume you know enough and enjoy the ride but don't fall in love. Being callous works great for me, because she can talk sweet nothing all night and I get a couple girls all over my johnson & johnson for no extra effort. If any girl is serious about trying to get personal with you. She'd give you her number without you asking.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Subraman, I do not see it the way you do at all. Larry is a nice guy, and girls like him. He is just allowing himself to be influenced by some of the worst sorts, the regular posters on this forum. My first serious experience in a strip club was at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail when I tried chat up one of their dancers. I got her to sit down and have a drink with me, as is the custom. I suggested that maybe we could go out sometime. "*I* don't go out with customers." It wouldn't actually be until years later that I fully understood her meaning. And this was long before cell phones and caller id, so women were more careful with phone numbers. But I still did feel that the honorability of my intentions was had been tarnished. So I just talked to her matter of factly, about myself, my career, my biography, all the things girls want to know about but learn that if they want to make money that they should not ask about. Then I wrote down my complete name and home telephone number on a napkin and presented it to her. Now standing, she held it down at arms length and said, "Well okay. You don't understand, I get hit on by fifty guys a night." Again I felt my honor being tarnished. And actually, it would be some years before I really did understand, and I was already in way over my head. So I decided to quite while I was still ahead and politely excused myself. I slept, worked the next day, and I forgot about the matter. But when I came home and played back the message on my old fashioned answering machine, there it was, her voice. And this would be only the first of stripper call backs I would receive. And what I would later come to understand is that the reason I would get these call backs was that I was one of a small minority who did not treat them like prostitutes. SJG Alban Berg Lulu Suite [view link]
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Yeah, these gals aren't dumb, they may be flaky, but like you say, sjg. They get hit on all the time. For survival if nothing else they turn down just about everyone. One dancer I dated briefly, texted me a lot for awhile. I was impressed. Eventually, it fell apart.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    My point was to refute Subraman, because I did not treat her like a prostitute, I did get a call back, and there have been many. SJG
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