Lesbians rub their pussies together and cum. It would seem logical if my shorts was so thin and her thong so thin we could feel each other as if we was naked.my cock rubbing up and down her clitoris. Giving long enough time and grind it should be possible right ?
It can happen but is rare. In many thousands of lap dances, I am only aware of a very few times when the dancer has cum from giving me a dance. The most memorable time was posted as my article on my favorite lap dance.
It can happen but is rare. ----------------------------------------------------- The following is a cut-and-paste from StripperWeb. It applies to @Smith and many other of his posts where he writes about making his paid dates cum:
6. We fake it - Gone are the days of faking it so that we don't hurt your ego, we have better reasons to fake it now. We fake it when you suck at what you are doing so badly that we have completely lost interest. We fake it because because your ego's are so fragile that often you can't get off until you have a reasonable cause to believe you are performing adequately. If you really wanted us not to fake it, you might try cuddling after you cum. Because see, we know as soon as you blow we can get onto whatever we were REALLY thinking about doing while you were pumping, like filing our nails. ho hum. Sometimes we fake it because we can, and its part of the game to see how easily we can trick you. By the way, you fall for it every time. I like to have orgasms, so if I am into you enough, I will take the time and effort to show you how. But honestly for as much as you guys love fucking, one would think you would pick-it up a little quicker! You just don't learn very fast, and as I mentioned before, we get bored with you blokes very easily. In the end, when that is the case, we fake it because if we say "you suck, get off me and go home" this inspires more in the way of Tyrone comparison, and after you leave, we have become the "whore" again for having known what GOOD fucking was in the first place. (read: not you).
That's not quite how the female body works. Usually she needs some additional time and some additional stimulation to bring her to orgasm. I doubt your 3-for-$100 (or 3-for-$30, knowing you guys, lol) quite gets her there. Most guys don't have the bank roll to buy enough time, let's be honest. That's even before we cover the stimulation part. Let's also be honest, most SC customers aren't very physically attractive. That doesn't help matters.
one of my favs gave a serious grind and often after 5 or 6 songs she'd ask "could we give my pussy a rest". based on the sweat, positioning and moans she was enjoying herself. lots of stuff needs to be "right" but it happens and it's great!
Girls can cum from dry humping. They can cum from giving you a lap dance. But if you want to make her cum, better to put her on her back. And prepare her with soft words, titty massaging, pussy massaging, and DFKing.
You can really work her the way you want. Pull her legs up and get right into her, so to speak. And then breath into the experience and just let yourself go with it, so you don't cum first. If she doesn't cum before you, then when you cum she might well let go and cum right then.
But I still say better to just FOV / FIV / DATY her and let your own ejaculation wait and keep that tension in the air. That way you show her that you are mostly concerned about her, and your ejaculation can wait until needed.
RandomMember --> "It can happen but is rare .. The following is a cut-and-paste from StripperWeb... 6. We fake it" --> end quote RandomMember
Very true. I remembered in my younger days at the girls place, we made love for an hour (it was during a movie I liked) for some reason I couldn't get off / couldn't finish (I was nervous), but had been pumping her and I had been kinds rough with her with my hands moving her around, re-positioning, etc. using our session together.
Then she looked up and me collapsed back and said,
HER: "I'm done!!! That was THREE!"
ME: I'm like three what? Orgasms? I didn't even go yet. Zero, not three. You mean, .. YOU??!?
HER: Yeah. Didn't you feel those? I shook a lot. You had to feel those, especially the last one. Damn, you're good. If you want to fuck some more, you'll have to wait do some more later when I recover.
^^ At that point I started to pay more attention. So I agree with the StripperWeb chick there. You'd think guys would be better at it (bringing a female to honest orgasm) since they like to fuck so goddamn much. It that point I devoted the next few years of my life to the female-O. I got a fkn Ph.D. in it now bitches. I like to think I would be able to detect a girl faking it. Or she's start out faking it, but I would finish her off for real. That's happened before when a girl admitted to faking it then came clean (pun intended) since I finished her off for real (which she wasn't used to from men), let alone real multiples. I love how they can just naturally have multiple ones in one session. I wish we men were built more like that (set up for multiples in one go).
"Know how to tell if they're having an orgasm?" -------------------------------------------------------- She says " oh...god...I'm gonna cum" then collapses in your arms.
My ATF came one time while giving me an intense lap dance. My cock rubbing against her pussy made her came. I know she did as I fingered her afterward and she was very wet.
I think the issue in all of this is, what is she grinding against, or being ground against, and who is going to cum first. And do you want to cum with her that way, or do you want to let her see that you are saving it for when you and she can have real sex. Of course I prefer the latter. Letting her make me cum externally is only a special case thing, like usually if we have an ongoing sexual relationship and she just wants to do it that way, like maybe on account of Aunt Flo. Otherwise I'm always going to want either real sex, or to gently and easily let her cum.
Happened yesterday with my ATF. We hadn't seen each other for 3 months, and she practically dragged me to the lap dance area. 5 songs in she just slumped into my lap and asked if she could take a break, "you made me cum." It was her CG grind. I loved it. Good thing I was wearing navy blue--she soaked my crotch. I had to do laundry when I got home.
It happens, but I think it takes the right combination of clothing, horniness, and intensity. Yesterday was a very nice reunion.
Depends on how ugly the stripper is vs yourself. I dont pay attention to if she cums or not. If she says stop, well my $ stops. If she had actual Os during our session, good for her, if she didn't, IDC. I stop when my dick stops, not when she fake or real Os.
If find that what works well with girls is breast massage, really entire front side massage, say going down to her lower tummy. That, plus some DFKing, and she'll soften right up and for her to cum will be very easy.
But, if she is grinding you cock, you might well cum first.
But if you've got her like that, she will really really want to be fucked. I think better to recognize and honor that, either fuck her then , or save your ejaculation until a more suitable time for FS.
I have had many dancers who said they had an orgasm during our dance, including a few ROBS use the orgasm excuse to stop a dance at a high extras club. Most of the time it's just stripper shit.
The vast majority of the time where it has occurred with a dancer, it's been during an extended session involving extras and a lot of mutual contact. The next most often time is when the dancer was fingering herself during the dance. One of my favorites years ago loved to have her nipples sucked while she played with herself. Often when we were done I could see the telltale signs that she had gotten off.
Only once do I recall a dancer getting off just grinding on me. It was during a half hour dance. I thought she was faking at first, but I started noticing her body responding a lot different than she normally does. Her nipples were a lot more prominent than normal, her breathing was up and she had soaked my pants. I felt a very convincing orgasm and she freaks out, saying over and over again, "oh god you made me cum," and "I can't believe I cum."
She seemed very flustered and even pulls her panties away and says, "wow look at my clit," then, "oops shouldn't have done that." I had gotten a few dances from her after that but she never was as much fun ever again, like she was afraid of grinding too much.
I feel sorry for the ones who forget its a fantasy. If I'm having an "off" day, my hustle is goofy/cheesy/ditzy/over the top. Any other day, though, I deal heavily in intimacy. Not extras, but like hardcore bedroom eyes, eyelids dipping down just the right degree at the right time, trailing fingernails on skin, up the back of the guy's neck... things like that. It works really, really well for me, to the point that if I'm having an awesome "on" day, I can have a borderline nonverbal hustle. Just eye-fuck them from across the room, walk up, bend down, trail fingers across their skin. and then just ask if they "want to go". It's super effective. And for me it's an awesome thrill, but there's never any actual connection. It's purely me feeding off the energy generated by all the sexual tension... and also the money that flows out of the guy's wallet as a result. When that wallet's dry, I move on to the next one.
The guys I feel bad for are the ones that topple head over heels and actually think the connection was real. Who lose their jobs and come in anyways to drop a portion of their savings while they sit there for hours, under the impression that I'll just stop working in the middle of my work day and hang out with them, because they felt special, and because they gave me $80-$120 that day that they probably didn't actually have available to spend.
If it's just some dingus who's coming into the club already looking for a date, or if it's a kiddo who doesn't "get it" yet, then pffft to them. But when they're guys who've come in semi regularly for years, and suddenly they forget and fall too deep into the fantasy, to the point their real life takes a back seat to them getting their fix of something fake, it's a little sad to see.
No she can't. Not unless she is the Super Stripper. Able to get off just by rubbing a guy. I don't think anyone created that comic book so no movies anytime soon.
last comment-----------------------------------------------------
The following is a cut-and-paste from StripperWeb. It applies to @Smith and many other of his posts where he writes about making his paid dates cum:
6. We fake it -
Gone are the days of faking it so that we don't hurt your ego, we have better reasons to fake it now.
We fake it when you suck at what you are doing so badly that we have completely lost interest. We fake it because because your ego's are so fragile that often you can't get off until you have a reasonable cause to believe you are performing adequately. If you really wanted us not to fake it, you might try cuddling after you cum. Because see, we know as soon as you blow we can get onto whatever we were REALLY thinking about doing while you were pumping, like filing our nails. ho hum.
Sometimes we fake it because we can, and its part of the game to see how easily we can trick you. By the way, you fall for it every time.
I like to have orgasms, so if I am into you enough, I will take the time and effort to show you how. But honestly for as much as you guys love fucking, one would think you would pick-it up a little quicker! You just don't learn very fast, and as I mentioned before, we get bored with you blokes very easily. In the end, when that is the case, we fake it because if we say "you suck, get off me and go home" this inspires more in the way of Tyrone comparison, and after you leave, we have become the "whore" again for having known what GOOD fucking was in the first place. (read: not you).
Put me down for "rare."
You can really work her the way you want. Pull her legs up and get right into her, so to speak. And then breath into the experience and just let yourself go with it, so you don't cum first. If she doesn't cum before you, then when you cum she might well let go and cum right then.
But I still say better to just FOV / FIV / DATY her and let your own ejaculation wait and keep that tension in the air. That way you show her that you are mostly concerned about her, and your ejaculation can wait until needed.
Los Angeles Swingers Club Joi
this footage seems to be from the Temple, in D. W. Griffith's Intolerance
Very true. I remembered in my younger days at the girls place, we made love for an hour (it was during a movie I liked) for some reason I couldn't get off / couldn't finish (I was nervous), but had been pumping her and I had been kinds rough with her with my hands moving her around, re-positioning, etc. using our session together.
Then she looked up and me collapsed back and said,
HER: "I'm done!!! That was THREE!"
ME: I'm like three what? Orgasms? I didn't even go yet. Zero, not three. You mean, .. YOU??!?
HER: Yeah. Didn't you feel those? I shook a lot. You had to feel those, especially the last one. Damn, you're good. If you want to fuck some more, you'll have to wait do some more later when I recover.
^^ At that point I started to pay more attention. So I agree with the StripperWeb chick there. You'd think guys would be better at it (bringing a female to honest orgasm) since they like to fuck so goddamn much. It that point I devoted the next few years of my life to the female-O. I got a fkn Ph.D. in it now bitches. I like to think I would be able to detect a girl faking it. Or she's start out faking it, but I would finish her off for real. That's happened before when a girl admitted to faking it then came clean (pun intended) since I finished her off for real (which she wasn't used to from men), let alone real multiples. I love how they can just naturally have multiple ones in one session. I wish we men were built more like that (set up for multiples in one go).
She says " oh...god...I'm gonna cum" then collapses in your arms.
(That's what @Smith tells us, anyway)
Janis Joplin- Piece of my heart
Lady Gaga, standing on piano bench
Bob Dylan, Like A Rolling Stone, live
Los Angeles Swingers Club Joi , look really hot!
this footage seems to be from the Temple, in D. W. Griffith's Intolerance
Coffee Girls
Whole Lotta Love
It happens, but I think it takes the right combination of clothing, horniness, and intensity. Yesterday was a very nice reunion.
Bitch can't fake that lol
But, if she is grinding you cock, you might well cum first.
But if you've got her like that, she will really really want to be fucked. I think better to recognize and honor that, either fuck her then , or save your ejaculation until a more suitable time for FS.
The vast majority of the time where it has occurred with a dancer, it's been during an extended session involving extras and a lot of mutual contact. The next most often time is when the dancer was fingering herself during the dance. One of my favorites years ago loved to have her nipples sucked while she played with herself. Often when we were done I could see the telltale signs that she had gotten off.
Only once do I recall a dancer getting off just grinding on me. It was during a half hour dance. I thought she was faking at first, but I started noticing her body responding a lot different than she normally does. Her nipples were a lot more prominent than normal, her breathing was up and she had soaked my pants. I felt a very convincing orgasm and she freaks out, saying over and over again, "oh god you made me cum," and "I can't believe I cum."
She seemed very flustered and even pulls her panties away and says, "wow look at my clit," then, "oops shouldn't have done that." I had gotten a few dances from her after that but she never was as much fun ever again, like she was afraid of grinding too much.
on ignore
The guys I feel bad for are the ones that topple head over heels and actually think the connection was real. Who lose their jobs and come in anyways to drop a portion of their savings while they sit there for hours, under the impression that I'll just stop working in the middle of my work day and hang out with them, because they felt special, and because they gave me $80-$120 that day that they probably didn't actually have available to spend.
If it's just some dingus who's coming into the club already looking for a date, or if it's a kiddo who doesn't "get it" yet, then pffft to them. But when they're guys who've come in semi regularly for years, and suddenly they forget and fall too deep into the fantasy, to the point their real life takes a back seat to them getting their fix of something fake, it's a little sad to see.
Stupid question
Juice on ignore