Tipping the doorgirl

avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
How many of you do it and why?

I know it's only a dollar, but isn't a tip supposed to be for providing good service?
The only service she provides is collecting a cover charge, a service no customer wants.


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avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
You cheap fuck )
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ and...?
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
Why would I tip someone for collecting money from me? At least the bathroom troll handles the daunting tasks of turning on the water and handing me a paper towel that I find so challenging.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I don't I'm a cheap duck too ! ;)
avatar for grand1511
7 years ago
Seems like just about anybody can set out a tip jar for just about anything these days.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Some guys tip the door girl at Follies just for the pat down. They don't even pat me down any more. So no tip. :)
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
LOL don't tip the door girl
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
I do not. Maybe if they started flashing some titties :-)
avatar for ndnman
7 years ago
Not me. I vehemently oppose tipping the door person, especially the bathroom troll. I didn't ask to hand me a paper towel. I do always tip my server tho. At least she does something for me.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
I used to go to a place where if you tipped the door girl she would show you her tits
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
The only time I have tipped the door girl is if it's so cold out I have to wear a coat in and I have to check my coat.

Most times if it's not too bad out, I just left my coat in the car. But there have been rare occasions that it's been so cold out you have to wear your coat in. So she gets a tip for keeping the coat and then giving it back to me when I leave.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Tipping is for good service. Taking your money is not service. Finding you a good seat, bringing you food and drink, and dancing in your lap are services.
avatar for Doces300
7 years ago
What the hell is a door girl?
avatar for etsutwigg222
7 years ago
I tip for services rendered about the norm. So door girl flashes some t or a, I tip as justified. She gropes me and finds the tip, then of course a tip.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
They do not exist in New England clubs.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
I once tipped DS II $50 when she was filling in for the door girl. But she swallowed my cum. For other girls that aren't that friendly I tip them $1. Maybe $2 or $3 at a regular club if they're cute. I don't tip guys at the door.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
The Penthouse Club has a door man. If he flashes me his tits, I'll give him $1.
avatar for chessmaster
7 years ago
Isn't there a strip club with topless door girl? If she's topless or flashes the tits I'll tip. Otherwise no.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
If you wanted it, its not impossible that you could end up waking up the next morning with the door girl.

avatar for sshrfrsky
7 years ago
If I get singles from the door girl then yes. If not then no
avatar for LecherousMonk
7 years ago
I tip a buck at the door and for each drink. Thought that was expected.
avatar for DisRuptive1
7 years ago
The door girl at my club also collects the house fee from incoming dancers and takes their name down. I like to know if there are certain girls working that night so I know if I should save my money for them or not.
avatar for IHearVoices
7 years ago
Only at Follies.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
So she'll seek me out and give better dances once she switches to dancing. :-)

Also, I like to think that it leads to a better than average chance of getting in for no charge. Some have also given me those free entry passes worth maybe $7-10/ea.

And, she calls me by name and waves me in instead of having me wait while she gives her explanation to a couple of dudes about what their deficiencies are in the dress code department.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
I usually tip $1 if they are nice to me which usually is about 75% of the time. Good karma going into the club. I rarely see an ugly door girl.
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
A club that I hardly ever go to often has an old fat and ugly woman collecting cover. I once asked her how many dancers were there before I went in and she told me 15. Turned out there weren't any more than 6 and they were all heavy and out of shape. I was pissed and almost told her off for her deceitfulness when I walked out 20 minutes later, that fat woman will never get a tip from me!
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
"That fat woman will never get a tip from me!"

I think we have a new tagline for Founder to put into the rotation on top of the website!
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
It depends. I used to tip the girl a buck at SR every time I went in, which was at least once a week. She was cute, friendly, and appreciative. She started waving me in without a charge when there was a line, which led to a 2-3 buck tip, which led to more waiving me in. So, I traded a $10 cover charge for a $2-3 tip. Now, if I walked in there I wouldn't tip shit cause I don't go enough to get any return on my investment and the girl at the door is often a bitch.

Other clubs it depends on my mood, and how she is. Cute & friendly/flirty gets a small tip if I'm in a decent mood and have change or she gives me change. It's a fine line though, girls who give me back fives trying to weasel a $5 tip usually get stiffed. Girls who give me all ones from a $50/$100 also get stiffed, and usually asked to trade back in some of those ones. Bitches sitting there texting who just stick their hand out when I walk in don't get shit either, I don't care how hot they are.
avatar for Crownand7
7 years ago
Are usually get change, so I tip. Plus if she tells the waitresses or dancers you didn't tip, they may be reluctant to give you good service. Most of the time I also ask a question or too (happy hour, dance specials, VIP pricing etc) just to get a little more for my money.
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