
Special Events

Just curious if anybody ever goes when the clubs host special events. Obviously, we go for the dancers and the girls, but the other reasons.

Whether it is a Boxing Match, the Super Bowl, New Years, theme nights(Luau, sports, halloween), club anniversary parties, golf course charity events, dancer turned waitress night, girl on girl night, wet-shirt contest (which I didn't understand at an all-nude club), etc.


  • gatorjoe2
    16 years ago
    Figured I should answer my own question:

    I have gone occasionally for a boxing/MMA fight if it is on PPV and I don't get it (yeah it would be cheaper to pay PPV then go to the club where I am bound to get dances, but still it's fun).

    I would like to go to one of the charity golf events, but I have never played golf in my life, so I don't think that would be as much fun.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    I'm with you - a wet T-shirt contest at an all-nude claim seems silly. But my regular place has one every Sunday nite. Never been there.

    I did go the club's 21st anniversary party. I've been a pretty regular customer since they opened, so I felt obligated. Except for the decorations, it was pretty much a normal evening. They did have a featured porn star, but I find features generally boring. I like the house girls.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Only once, to a Christmas party that my favorite barmaid asked me to attend. It was nothing special, other than almost all the girls were working that evening.
  • Smasherone
    7 years ago
    Were their male stripers at any clubs in the area . lol . know some gals . that came home from a weekend all fired up. And fun as hell well you get it.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    If I do it is a complete accident. I never go to one of these events on purpose. If there is a sporting event I want to watch, I will go somewhere I can watch it uninterrupted.

    If I were to go to a strip club to watch it, I would constantly be distracted by tits and ass (not that there's anything wring with that). :-)
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    I'll go for UFC events, mostly. Now, those are the main times I go (excluding my recent trips to AW as I get used to central PA). The events occur often enough that I can schedule my SC visits around them and sufficiently get my fix in.

    Tootsies has the sports bar section, so I watch the fights over there and then head back to the main club afterwards. Savannah's doesn't, so I just watch the fights in the club. Last time, though, the fights didn't end until 1:15 and the club closes at 2. Assuming it's the same and the club is as bad as it was last time, I may just leave when the fights end.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Holy blast from the past batman!
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