OT does anyone care about Mayweather vs McGregor?

avatar for NinaBambina
Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
The fight is at the end of next month, I think. I'm sure most are betting on Floyd but I would personally like to see him get his head knocked off. Plus McGregor is a southpaw and hits like a freight train. Will it be a good fight or will Floyd dance around the ring playing on the defensive like always?


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avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
I think Floyd wins easily, but McGregor has a punchers chance. No way McGregor wins a decision, he just has to hope Floyd's age has caught up to him and he catches him with the perfect punch.
avatar for rane1234
8 years ago
Its a joke of a moneygrab dont care
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
It smells like it's an all hype money grab - as dirty/corrupt as boxing has always been I would not be surprised if it was fixed for Floyd to lose or at least there be some controversy so that they could have a second huge pay day and even a third - but always the possibility it can be a good fight b/c McGregor is a scrapper - but recent history shows Floyd's fights to be a lot of hype but be underwhelming after it's all said and done
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
My prediction: McGregor gets DQed in the 4th round after Mayweather toys with and embarrasses him leading up to it.
avatar for Dolfan
8 years ago
I mean, there's a high chance I'll watch. But its not like I'm going to Vegas for it, or even making plans to have a party or anything. I may go to a strip club to watch so I have something else to do if/when I'm underwhelmed, or maybe a Twin Peaks kinda joint.

I'm expecting Floyd to do what he usually/always does. But will likely watch just to see.
avatar for chessmaster
8 years ago
What rane said.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I see it as just another payday for Mayweather I won't pay to see it but if it's on and I'm out I'll watch it, if it doesn't get too boring. Doubt that it'll go the distance.
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Mayweather should win easily, but will he take a dive to hopefully get an even bigger rematch payday. This is Pro-wrestling not a legit fight.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
I think Mayweather is overrated and would like to see him take an L. I'm sure my wishes won't be granted.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Mayweather, if he wins will hold the best "perfect" boxing record at 50-0. He is now tied with marciano at 49-0. No way does he let that slip away. Having said that I would love to see the irishman knock him out as defensve fighters are the air dancers of boxing.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
"defensve fighters are the air dancers of boxing."

LOL. Great analogy.
avatar for houjack
8 years ago
Mayweather will do as he always does, play defense and get a few jabs in when he can. Boring, not really a fight. He basically games the boxing scoring system.

He has power to knockout others that aren't as good at boxing as him though. So maybe he knocks out McGregor.

Most likely a unanimous decision for Mayweather.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
avatar for IHearVoices
8 years ago
^ What houjack said. It'll give me a chance to SC (although Savannah's will only be a last resort), so I'll check it out for that reason.
avatar for ButterMan
8 years ago
Sorry Nina it ain't gonna happen....
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
Who? What?
avatar for jester214
8 years ago
Mayweather is a piece of shit and a moron to boot. I'd love to see him lose, but I can't imagine it happening.

I also don't think you can call him overrated.
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago
"Does anyone car about Mayweather vs McGreagor?"

avatar for ime
8 years ago
I don't konw if it is true there seem to be conflicting reports but I keep seeing that McGregor was knocked out sparring, if that is true he is fucked. I hate Mayweather but in a boxing match McGregor just doesn't have the skill or experience, unless he somehow catches Mayweather with a lucky shot, and Mayweather is good at not taking shots.
avatar for stripfighter
8 years ago
Mayweather's way too good... esp at his own game. Love him or hate him, gotta give him props for his work ethic and still the best in the game at the age of 40.

Not my favorite fighter, but respect his talent level and what he does that casual fans don't see... still going to be a one-sided, boring fight itself with some good drama leading up to it, if you're into that sorta thing.
avatar for stripfighter
8 years ago
Now give me Lomachenko and Rigondeaux... then I'll get excited ;)
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Here's my question... why does Money May have to ask the tax man to take an IOU on an unpaid tax debt until this fight is over?

How could you possible blow through that much money living in a state with no income tax?
avatar for ime
8 years ago
IQ of 32, fucking guy can't even read.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I'm with rane: a joke of a moneygrab.

Mayweather by absolute domination.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
shailynn - The same reason Holyfield lost his Georgia Mansion to foreclosure.


I drive by it occasionally. It is impressive.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Just finding out that the match is going to be sanctioned under boxing rules, Connor Gregor doesn't have a chance of a snowflake in a July heat wave, of beating Mayweather, this is going to be a snoozepalooza.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
^ that is the basis for my prediction.
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