
Comments by Essdub

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What do I do if a stripper threatens me?
    Calling a stripper by her real name when others can hear it is bad form, but you seem to have that in spades. My impression is that you are someone that goes in for the free show, is too cheap to tip the waitress, and you basically have no business being in a strip club. In case you didn't know, strippers actually pay money to work their shifts. Waitresses often make less than minimum wage without tips, so the least you can do is tip her a dollar every time she brings you a drink and tip some girls on stage without asking them to work for your dollar. If you don't do that, everyone that works there will hate you and talk shit about you. Complaining to the manager is kind of a bitch move. As far as "defending yourself" goes, it sounds more like you're catching some shit you deserve. Fighting back will probably get you thrown out or banned, you should just remove yourself from the situation if you can't handle it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is it rude for strippers and strip club waitresses to ask for a tip?
    The only times I can recall dancers asking for a tip are ones that didn't do anything to deserve it, like asking for a tip after you've declined a dance. There's one club here where they pass the dollar bucket around and the girl keeps half of what goes in the bucket. Some of them just love being the bucket bitch so they can beg everyone for an extra dollar, and I make a point to never spend money on girls that do that. I have never had a waitress ask for a tip. because I tip them every time they bring me a drink. If you aren't tipping your waitress or bartender, you quickly fall into the piece of shit category.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Looking for an unitimidating Las Vegas Club
    It's been a couple years since I've been to OG, but it's not far from downtown and at least in the afternoon and early evening was pretty mellow. Stay out of the Glitter Gulch, that place is the worst.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The complex job of a bathroom troll
    Was he blocking your crotch from water splash, to make sure it didn't look like you peed yourself a little bit?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Just Curious
    As far as the drama and general craziness goes, I think the more stripper friends they have, the more likely you are to run into it. I think if they have more real friends, they're not as likely to be stuck viewing the world from a stripper's point of view.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    is my stripper being civilian OTC or P4P OTC?
    I think you should get high with her too. I'm not saying you should advertise your habits to people, but if it's something you both do anyway, why not.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    is my stripper being civilian OTC or P4P OTC?
    I should add that what you described doesn't come off as any kind of P4P sell to me, so I wouldn't treat it as such. She could be anything from a train wreck to super cool, you might as well find out for yourself.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    is my stripper being civilian OTC or P4P OTC?
    Don't overthink it, she clearly likes you to some degree. Take her to lunch and show her around, just treat her like a normal person, have fun and see where it goes from there. I think you're savvy enough to not let it end badly, but don't be so overly suspicious or whatever that you miss out on what could be a lot of fun.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    Girls only play inside the club..
    I think maybe you should just be happy with getting high mileage and not trying to date high mileage strippers. I wouldn't necessarily assume that they aren't open to P4P OTC, but it would probably be fair to assume that most aren't looking for boyfriend prospects in their customer pool.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dressing nice
    I don't think a suit would really help you much, but maybe find somewhere in the middle from everyday casual. I don't understand why guys wear jeans if they want dances, some comfortable slacks will feel a lot better for both of you if you're getting a decent grind. I would aim for something like a business casual, with the emphasis on everything feeling good to the touch and fitting well. No boots or tennis shoes unless you're committed to full casual.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Stripping as a stepping stone...
    I hate to generalize and say all strippers are a certain way, but the vast majority of them don't want anything from customers except their money. A lot of them are train wrecks in progress. Even though the poor choices they make may be obvious and they could really use some guidance, they are not likely to be receptive to mentoring from customers. There is one girl I've gotten to know pretty well over the last few months, and in some ways she is different from most strippers. I would categorize it as a strip club friendship. I've heard all about her piece of shit ex-boyfriends and her current boyfriend. At least this one has a good job and isn't physically abusive, but she's one of those girls that always has to be with someone. It seems ridiculous to me to stay with someone out of convenience; she says she wants to get married someday but would never marry him. Anyway, she's quick to offer unsolicited advice to me, but I know it wouldn't go over well if I returned the favor.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I have an interview for a floor manager position, advice?
    I have no idea if it would be a worthwhile position for you to have long-term, but I would at least go to the interview. It can't be that difficult of a job and you're probably more qualified than most people in similiar positions. Who knows, even if the base pay isn't that great there might be a possibility for decent tip outs and/or promotion from within.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Attempts to win a dancer's heart
    Strip clubs are ok for old guys with money to burn, but they're kind of a shitty place to spend your prime years. Take him out and meet some real girls after he does what he has to do, it'll be good for both of you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Attempts to win a dancer's heart
    I think you're correct about what the outcome will be. Telling her how he feels may actually be a good thing though. It's probably the only way he'll be able to see things the way they really are and about the only choice he will have is to get over her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    At my favorite club, I would actually have two options for that meager budget. I would go on a Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon when my favorite dancer is working and it's pretty much always dead. It's a membership club with no cover and they have $2 wells and domestics on those days. So option one would be 2 lap dances for $20, a drink for each of us for $4 and $2 to the bartender and the other $4 to tip her with. The other option that I would be more likely to go for is just having a few drinks with her and tipping the rest when and if she goes on stage. They don't usually bother going on stage during the day when it's dead or the few customers are all regulars that are primarily just there to drink.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How would you classify customers in the club? PL's...etc
    I don't know if I fit into any of those categories these days. I feel more like a semi-regular bar patron that has a couple of strip club friends who kill time with me when there isn't much money to be made in the club. One of them is about my age that I've never gotten a dance from but always enjoy talking to. The other is my favorite that I have gotten a lot of great dances from and like hanging out with, but apparently taking my money makes her feel like shit so I've been cutoff.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Stick figures
    It sounds like you're overdue for a visit to Paradise.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    As Dumb as a Blonde Stripper?
    I bet that guy was on suicide watch last night. I think it made it even worse that he missed the shot in OT that would have won it. It was like losing twice, three times if you count that Kid-n-Play haircut.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Rip-Off Clubs
    I think the Glitter Gulch probably has to rank close to top of the worst strips club anywhere, I have a hard time imagining how they would even remain in business if not for the location. I agree with the stand your ground sentiment and calling the cops if need be, particularly if you aren't driving. I've heard of more than one dancer getting ripped off because the customer didn't have money for all the dances he got, and even in that circumstance I don't think management has any right to do anything other than making them leave and banning them from the club.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If another dancer tells me not to call her babe!....
    To be honest, it does sound kind of creepy. I personally never even say a name when I'm texting or messaging someone, since it seems totally unnecessary to me. It's your prerogative how to take it, but when several girls have asked you not to do it, it just seems like you're trying to force a term of endearment where it isn't wanted, even though you say that's not how you mean it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancers, we need your help on OTC dating
    Don't you think she would have quoted a price or made some mention of payment if she was working? I know it's rare, but occasionally dancers do get together with people they like away from the club because they want to. If that's the case in this situation, tipping her for the night might actually be pretty insulting.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancers, we need your help on OTC dating
    I don't how much luck you'll have with dancer responses, the degenerates greatly outnumber them here. That said, if she didn't quote you a price beforehand, I would assume that she did it because she wanted to and that it falls under free play. If you feel guilty about not paying, you could always visit her at the club and spend some money on here there.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Sometimes I get tired of all the sad stories
    You never know, you might just have a sob story for them one of these days if your wife ever catches on to your habits.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: What TV shows do you watch?
    I watch a few sports, mostly college basketball and MMA, a few reality shows like Counting Cars, Gold Rush and Wicked Tuna. I also like Big Bang Theory, Parks and Recreation, and my favorite is Workaholics. Workaholics is pretty polarizing though, there isn't a lot of middle ground between thinking it's hilarious or completely ridiculous.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How often do you approach customers b/c of physical attractiveness?
    While I don't think SW necessarily represents a majority of dancers, it is a good reminder of some of the worst of them. I remember one thread where a girl was going on about how she would never date any guy that had been to a strip club. It made me wonder how many guys that have never been to a strip club would actually date a stripper, particularly one with an attitude as shitty as hers.