Looking for an unitimidating Las Vegas Club

Hi I'm from a small town and have only been to quiet rural clubs. I'm going to Vegas in September and don'the wanna go to a club that is much more big city and end up spending a ton of money. I also am not good with the hustle and cave easy, I'm staying downtown by the way so in that area would be best but anywhere is fine, any suggestions?
last commentHave not been to Vegas but TUSCLer "Joe from NJ" has reviewed a lot of the clubs adn seems to know the scene their well - you can look thru his reviews:
Spearmint Rhino is a must...I don't care where you're from, it'll be a unforgettable experience. If you don't want to spend too much money leave your cards at your hotel and take a budgeted amount with you. If you're going with someone else you can keep each other from spending too much. Or go when it's not super busy and sit by the stage...you'll be spending money but $1's are better than $20's. If you call from the strip, maybe even downtown, I think they still give free admission, that'll save you the admission fee. I would recommend going there at least once. But maybe you're looking for something else.
Damn – just noticed the guys been a member for a year+ and not contributed any reviews but is asking for info – that’s a no-no.
Vegas is the ultimate huslte - you better be informed by reading reviews if you plan on playing w/ titties there - you can and will get ROBed if you don't know what you are doing or go unprepared.
It's been a couple years since I've been to OG, but it's not far from downtown and at least in the afternoon and early evening was pretty mellow. Stay out of the Glitter Gulch, that place is the worst.
Get a cab and take it to Palomino, actually take it to Jerry's Nugget and walk across the street. Not the best part of town, pay attention when you walk over and if there aren't cabs waiting when you leave, have them get you one.
Palomino is all nude and they serve alcohol, only place in Vegas that does that. Quality is pretty high, hustle isn't too bad, mix of women, mostly natural tits. It took me forever to visit given that it's kind of out of the way but glad I finally did.
I'm not recommending OG right now. They changed ownership and went into a nosedive for awhile. My last trip sucked.
I hear rumors that the afternoon and early evening are getting back to the norm but I haven't confirmed this yet.
Since you are downtown the only club there is Glitter Gulch and you'd best avoid it. I go there occasionally and can find a good deal there, but it's filled with sharks and you'd be broke chum after a very short time.
I'd say avoid Spearmint Rhino, Sapphire, Cheetahs & Crazy Horse because they will eat a noob alive. Stick with the smaller hoke in the wall places where it's probably safer for a rookie. I think that OG's or Palomino would be suitable. I was there around Xmas time in the afternoon and they were both decent with good looking friendly dancers.
I personally like "Talk of the Town" which is near downtown. It's small, not intimidating, fully nude, and the girls range from 5's to 8's on a good day. Girls do dances for $10 against the wall in the main room, and some will let you be hands on. Private dances are $100 and up in semi private rooms (curtain) on beanbags. These will be hands on, though the camera's will limit anything too out of the ordinary. If you're downtown, don't miss "Spandex Nation" in front of the Golden Gate hotel on Friday and Saturday night. And of course, late at night there's plenty of opportunity for female accompaniment just walking up and down Fremont street. Have a great time, Vegas is awesome.
They're gonna ear you alive