Just Curious

Has anyone successfully dated an active, working stripper?
Or, does the very nature of their career doom them to a life of drama and craziness?
Has anyone successfully dated an active, working stripper?
Or, does the very nature of their career doom them to a life of drama and craziness?
last commentFramed question. Could have stopped at the first sentence.
I have not. But I also have had some spectacular disasters with civies, so ...
Yes twice...and yes it/they are more trouble than they are worth. Just fuck em OTC and keep it at that. PTP FTW!
hmmm I did met few who are more stable than most of other girls which includes civies ...so IMO make your own call
I'd imagine 10-20% of strippers would be okay (as in, no more drama than other women their age) , as long as you're okay with her rubbing her ass on other guy's clothed erections for money. Even hot ROBs can't really get away long term giving air dances.
As far as the drama and general craziness goes, I think the more stripper friends they have, the more likely you are to run into it. I think if they have more real friends, they're not as likely to be stuck viewing the world from a stripper's point of view.
Yes. This was many years ago at the beginning of my serious strip clubbing. I dated 2 very nice, low-mileage dancers. The problem was that they were interested in a relationship or marriage, while I was interested in pussy. Soon after I met my ATF and I never looked back.
I know several strippers, current and former, socially. I've heard all the stories about the messed up dancers but there are a few that have their heads on straight and found a good partner. I've had successful dating relationships with a few. I've also had a few disasters and know of many more disastrous relationships. I do not recommend it nor do I say avoid it.
Every stripper boyfriend that I've ever known but one was a lazy freak of some variety. I assume strippers end up with these idiots because normal guys can't handle their lifestyle over the long term.
The exception was the boyfriend of a former roommate of my DS. He was a nice likeable guy who held down a couple of jobs. I used to drink and smoke with him at their apartment. But the stripper girlfriend was mentally ill and the guy ended up serving a short prison sentence due to circumstances that were solely the stripper girlfriends fault.
These experiences have taught me to never have a stripper girlfriend,
Except the DS of course. She's an exception to every rule.
JohnSmith69, you're such a font of crazy stories. Please share the details on the boyfriend cited above. I bet it's an ace story! :)
While not impossible, I'd file successfully dating a stripper as a rainbow unicorn occurrence.
I suspect that the only girls stripping that are stable enough to have a long term relationship are not ones who date customers. So the only way to have a relationship with one would be to meet them outside under a non-work environment. Meeting the girl in the club puts into place certain expectations by both parties that would virtually impossible to overcome.
4got, they had a fight, and she called the cops on him falsely claiming domestic assault. She didn't tell him they were coming so they found drugs on him when he was arrested.
Never tried to date any strippers I've met ITC. I've met two girls who dance (at strip clubs) through friends - and dated them - and it was great. I didn't try to make a relationship of it - just fuck buddies. It was fun - but that's all it was. Those girls weren't my go to booty calls - but they were on the list.
Not only am I married (23 years) to an ex-stripper (started dating her while she was still working), but my current girlfriend of 9 months is a stripper. So you might say, I like strippers. And I definitely don't agree with some of the posts above that basically says just fuck 'em cuz that's all they're good for. To those people I say, WTF Dude, if you have so much disdain for strippers, why do you fuck 'em in the first place, hell, go to a BP girl or a street girl and save yourself a shitload of money. There is a lot of drama and craziness in a stripper's life cuz they bring it on themselves. You need to be patient and get past that if you truly find yourself attracted to a stripper in a GF kind of way and want to actually for real date them. But you have to be REAL REAL careful not to get caught up in the bullshit yourself. I wish some of you Ol' Time Mongers" would put some of your positive experiences with strippers here, cuz you and I both know you've had 'em.
Dated one for 2 years, was actually a good relationship. Best part was the openness in the relationship. I knew what (& who) she did, and she me. If you both can avoid the jealousy and be open about everything, it can work. In my case it didn't, but other factors unrelated to her profession were involved.
If successfully dated means I came out of it alive, then yes a few times.
Correction guys. If I let my wife read these she would be more mad that I said we've been married 23 years than she would be that I had a GF... hahaha (38 in July).
I've 'tried' twice... neither attempt ever really got of the ground. In both cases, baggage uncovered later on made me very glad things didn't go very far.
Dated someone that was an escort off and on. Really, liked her alot and we had some great times. If only she didn't live over 1.5 hours away. But now I hear she is born again.
Am dating one now and she is crazy but very hot. We have a great time and at first I was growing too attached. Now I realize that we are just dating and having a good time so I can deal with her quirks. Maybe it will grow into a more serious relationship but for now I plan on keeping my options open but still date her frequently. For me to ever want to advance our relationship she would have to quit stripping and likely move in with me. Right now I can tell that she is certainly not totally ready to settle down though.
I would say success rate for dating a stripper is very low. I agree with most that the majority of strippers are crazy and or they feel superior because of what they do (not sure why but I see this all the time) and thus get a princess like complex that is hard to deal with for most. There are a few though with their heads on straight and are date able material but then you have to deal with your own jealousy because of the profession they do. So its really a hard match for most.
Yes, I have dated 3 strippers over the course of 6 years. All of them had crazy issues.
The first one was bipolar, and had anger/rage issues, but the sex was awesome. We lasted for about 18 months.
The second one was a very sweet person, yet also bipolar, and always had serious issues with her relatives and was always broke. We lasted almost 4 months.
The third one had 5 kids at age 27! She was the most stable of all, but over time, her issues with her kids, and unfortunately a bad habit with percocets got the best of us. She just got out of rehab, so I don't know what's going to happen. We've been dating for 3 years, and she quit the business 2 years ago.
It makes me wonder what my strange attraction is to strippers, but it's been a blast overall, but inevitably you know all of the "relationships" are doomed to failure.