Girls only play inside the club..

...but not outside.
how many of you guys have fave strippers that will do anything for you for prices of the dances, no extra tip required. the stripper will french kiss you, let you suck her tits, let you take out your cock and rub it on her ass until you get off, and is attracted to you. this all happens in the club. well you figure she's attracted into you. and you also like the girl for her personality just as much as her looks. naturally you then you would ask for the number to go out somewhere. she balks, saying something like she can't give out her number, whatever. i felt like shit when two girls have done this to me over the years. an old-timer who's been at this longer than i have told that yes those girls were into me. however, that attention that i got from them would only stay inside the club, like the way things stay in vegas. those girls i would have to consider them as good buddies inside the club. outside is off limits no matter what.
last commentNo, those girls were absolutely not into you
Most people often have a different persona at their job & many a dancer will behave much differently ITC/OTC - and as long as $$$ is involved one cant count on the genuineness of fhe dancers' actions, IMO.
Many dancers also have an S.O. & even kids so many already have a ljfe/someone OTC.
^^^ true
Tao of the Hustle, used by the Mingmei Yip, must have been translated for the modern day strippers. Women in general know how to play men, but strippers have mastered it ten fold.
Welcome to the realm of the suckers and fools, aka Pathetic Losers.
sorry, dude, but odds are those strippers aren't 'into' you, they're just playing up to you to score extra $$$ off you in the form of return visits. I've had strippers french me, play with my dick through my pants, stick their tits in my mouth and generally act like I was the only man left in the Universe. one recently asked me for my phone number so she could text me after she got off work so we could 'get together see where things go from there' gave her the number to my "fun phone" (a cheap phone bought for cash and kept in minutes the same way)...and never heard from her. didn't figure I would, but thought it didn't cost anything to play the long shot, so why not. as others have said, this is about the hustle: them hustling you. get used to it.
Interesting. In fact fascinating. Never seen a dancer do so so much inside the club (as you describe) and yet shut out OTC. Dancers who refuse OTC have a tame or lame game ITC.
Mind you, these unicorns being described by OP are not ROBs. In fact you are getting a lot more for your money ITC. How attractive are these dancers. If they are sub-5 - I can sorta understand. But 7+ geez the dancer can make the same money ITC without needing to drive a stick shift.
I didn't quite read fhe OP carefully enough at first - I thought the OP wanted OTC in the P4P sense but I guess he wants to sorta date them civvy style - no matter how it looks or feels the dancers are just doing their job ITC - it's their job to make u think/feel that they like/are-into you - the better they do this normally the more $$$ they make which is their #1 & usually only concern.
SCs are often a mirage & best to assume what u think & feel is really only an illusion (until proven o/w),
In my professional PL opinion 99% of the time a dancer's only motivation to interact w/ custies is for what the custy can do for them ($$$, favors, etc) - any other ideas it's often a fool's errand,
This sounds so much like my post from a few weeks back. Fave will do anything and everything for me ITC with no tip expected or required and has flaked on me twice OTC. Well-respected TUSCL members set me straight--she's not into you. Enjoy the ITC for what it is. If you need/want OTC move on to other girls.
(Thanks Subraman, JS, Shayliny, and others--I finally moved on and have been fortunate to make other successful OTC arrangements with other girls.)
At my old favorite club, which is the only club I ever experienced extras at on a regular and frequent basis, many of their girls would do all kinds of things ITC. Yet asking for OTC was generally asking for the end of whatever relationship there was, which I eventually came to accept. I did have OTC fun with a couple girls there, but they were more hookers who could strip than strippers. To ask for a civie relationship was suicide there.
I think maybe you should just be happy with getting high mileage and not trying to date high mileage strippers. I wouldn't necessarily assume that they aren't open to P4P OTC, but it would probably be fair to assume that most aren't looking for boyfriend prospects in their customer pool.
The truth is - the dancer has created an excellent experience for you ITC - and I'd recommend you just enjoy this as long as you are ITC.
This dancer is quite possibly not in need of extra cash - and therefore she's not in need of extra tips or OTC money. There could be many reasons for her not needing that money - a significant other who has a good job?
She may have lines that she won't cross - as its a job for her - and she won't take this beyond the club. I'd respect that -
No stripper infects my real life. ITC or never.
thanks for all the feedback. i eventually moved on as these 2 girls i saw them over 10 yrs ago. it's just that these 2 to me were in the looks scale at least an 8.5. one of them at the time was 18 yrs old, blonde, green eyes, short with a nice thick body, and was 1/2 my age and accomodating. these types of girls you see very rarely, whether it be at the clubs, bp, etc. sure i enjoyed for as long as possible. problem: does not last long. they both actually stopped working at the club 2-3 weeks after being hired. that's why i had to ask for their numbers. don't want to lose and let go of such talent. but yeah, you guys are right, and reminding me what i already did know. girls like those 2 won't cross that line, and enjoy the itc offerings as long as they are there to the max until the inevitable departure.
Rule number 1. It's all about the money.
Rule # 2 - don't forget rule #1
She likes you in the club when you're spending money. Outside of those parameters, all bets are off.