Sometimes I get tired of all the sad stories

avatar for rickdugan
Over time, I've started a few discussions about too much reality and the shit we hear. A couple of them are listed below.……

The problem with my particular gig, which leans heavily towards chatting ITC and then OTC, is that there is ample opportunity for these girls to share their stories. Just in the past two weeks, I've heard yet more stories about a girl taking methadone to fight heroin addiction, a dancer who was divorcing her husband because he couldn't control his drug problems (they were married for several years and had have two young kids), and a dancer who lost her BF, and subsequently moved one state away, because she is an alcoholic, and a girl who needed to go to jail to "clean up."

These stories just keep accumulating. Sometimes it even becomes more than I want to think about and will actually lead me to taking a break from the clubs. Now the normal and customary single mother thing has never bothered me too much, but the shit that I've been hearing over the past year - over and over - just sucks.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll shake it off soon enough, but there it is.


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avatar for gawker
11 years ago
My ATF is masterful at timing her pleas for money. Just as I'm getting fed up with being her personal ATM machine, she senses that she's pushed it to the limit, stops asking for money, provides a night of unbelievable passion and sex, then waits a week and sends me a text" I need a couple of hundred for the meth clinic, gas to get to work, food,etc. work has sucked, I only made $30 last night, the electricity's gunna get shut off). The stories are usually all true but her timing is always just right.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Maybe I'm just jaded as hell but the sob stories don't fuck with my head like they used to. As a woman myself I have witnessed so many other females completely fuck up their lives with bad decisions, bad partners, bad EVERYTHING. All of it within their control to change, but they don't. I stopped feeling sorry for them because I came to realize that they have made their own little dysfunctional world that they live in and most have no plans on changing - they mindlessly perpetuate another generation of losers. So I just listen to their sob stories, pat them on the head, do our dirty deed, pay them, then whistle a happy tune as I head back out to the real world to a life that I chose and built on my own thru hard work and discipline.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
I get some of this, rick, but nowhere near as much as you do. I deal with it just as lopaw does. The one stripper life drama that enmeshed me was partly caused by my own actions with that particular stripper but that is the only time that I have been affected by this sort of stuff.

I have been hardened to sob stories by a career of dealing with loser rig pig employees and their particular dramas. More than once the horsemen have paid a visit to a well site to haul off an employee in handcuffs. I know of two former employees serving life sentences for murder (no parole before 25 years) in Canada's penitentiary system.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
I don't abide this shit. I go to clubs to have a good time and relax/wind down, I don't need to hear how awful someones day was.

Another reason I try to keep conversations light and airy. If they want to make it serious and/or depressing I send them packing.

Though I do admit I'm looking for a different experience than Rick.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
lopaw: "I came to realize that they have made their own little dysfunctional world that they live in and most have no plans on changing"

This is exactly right.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
@ rickboy...just hang out with a better class of loosers
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Lol !
avatar for Essdub
11 years ago
You never know, you might just have a sob story for them one of these days if your wife ever catches on to your habits.
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Even though I'm an emphathatic individual, I'm rolling with Lopaw & Art. When these strippers start whining about life, all I gotta do is think of my one armed Pops and their bullshit becomes just that-bullshit.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@RickyBoy: ...and your point is???? Fuckin' homo!
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
The solution is to pick foreign dancers that don't yet speak English other than fucky sucky. :)
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
This is like the hyena wondering why it always ends up with the sick/lame wildebeest for dinner.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
I work in the realm of human services and the proportion of losers is no higher in strip clubs then in the general population. Steve 229 does make a valid poit but the strippers with stories have just found a willing ear.I don't put up with this line of dialogue for long. If a girl starts with a sob story I cut it off and move on. I am not paying good money for what I can hear for free anywhere else. If Ricky wants to pretend this venue is reality based he is a sick man.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
I've noticed that the more easily you can get OTC with a dancer, the more fucked up her life is. The dancers that won't do OTC or truly are selective about who they do it with tend to have their lives together. So if you don't want to hear sob stories, don't get hung up on a dancer that suggested OTC the first time you met her.

avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
Having practiced Divorce and criminal law for 31 years and hearing these stories every day I no longer feel anything at all.
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago

The real sob story here is in the reverse mortgages, drained 401Ks, and nightly DUI/STD risks that people like yourself go through to experience such encounters. Perhaps if you focused said energy towards tending to your marriage and children you'd have a more fulfilling life, but it appears as if that concept fell by the wayside decades ago.

You're burned out, Rick. You need to either take a break or stop clubbing entirely.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
I am also not bothered by stripper whining. Like Lopaw I give them the cash, have my fun, then I'm gone without another thought about them.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
avatar for RickyBoyDugan
11 years ago
It all feel apart me for me long ago anyway. My dual failures in my 20's when I had to accept that I just couldn't hack it in the corporate world, and my attempt to marry into riches also ended in disaster. Since then, all I seem to be able to accomplish is paying hookers for sex, drinking and driving, and putting my wife at risk of STDs and cervical cancer via BBFS with strippers.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago

steve posted: "This is like the hyena wondering why it always ends up with the sick/lame wildebeest for dinner."

There is some truth to this, more so now than when my regular clubs were in the northeast. The more I do this in my new area of residence, the more it dawns on me just how lucky I used to be.

In my former local haunts, it was single mothers and girls who had other relatives to support. Tough situations for sure, but fairly straightforward. Here and now it is girls who are much more seriously fucked up.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
You moved RickyBoy? Not too surprising to learn you couldn't even hack living in NYC about 15 years after you had to accept you couldn't hack it working in the corporate world.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I smell bullshit
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
I tend to call into the same camp as lopaw and and farmerart. I'm certainly not as hard ass about it as some, though. It's usually pretty easy to tell if it's a out on to generate sympathy, and more spending, and in those cases it's usually pretty simple to them it back on them and get what I want.

The ones that are more likely to be real, though, those are a different story. If it's minor, I don't mind lending a sympathetic ear. It doesn't hurt me, and it doesn't cost me anything. Something really fucked up, like murder or rape, would be a turn off, but other than that, I'm OK with listening for a few minutes.
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