Over time, I've started a few discussions about too much reality and the shit we hear. A couple of them are listed below.
https://www.tuscl.net/postread…https://www.tuscl.net/postread…The problem with my particular gig, which leans heavily towards chatting ITC and then OTC, is that there is ample opportunity for these girls to share their stories. Just in the past two weeks, I've heard yet more stories about a girl taking methadone to fight heroin addiction, a dancer who was divorcing her husband because he couldn't control his drug problems (they were married for several years and had have two young kids), and a dancer who lost her BF, and subsequently moved one state away, because she is an alcoholic, and a girl who needed to go to jail to "clean up."
These stories just keep accumulating. Sometimes it even becomes more than I want to think about and will actually lead me to taking a break from the clubs. Now the normal and customary single mother thing has never bothered me too much, but the shit that I've been hearing over the past year - over and over - just sucks.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll shake it off soon enough, but there it is.
last commentI have been hardened to sob stories by a career of dealing with loser rig pig employees and their particular dramas. More than once the horsemen have paid a visit to a well site to haul off an employee in handcuffs. I know of two former employees serving life sentences for murder (no parole before 25 years) in Canada's penitentiary system.
Another reason I try to keep conversations light and airy. If they want to make it serious and/or depressing I send them packing.
Though I do admit I'm looking for a different experience than Rick.
This is exactly right.
The real sob story here is in the reverse mortgages, drained 401Ks, and nightly DUI/STD risks that people like yourself go through to experience such encounters. Perhaps if you focused said energy towards tending to your marriage and children you'd have a more fulfilling life, but it appears as if that concept fell by the wayside decades ago.
You're burned out, Rick. You need to either take a break or stop clubbing entirely.
steve posted: "This is like the hyena wondering why it always ends up with the sick/lame wildebeest for dinner."
There is some truth to this, more so now than when my regular clubs were in the northeast. The more I do this in my new area of residence, the more it dawns on me just how lucky I used to be.
In my former local haunts, it was single mothers and girls who had other relatives to support. Tough situations for sure, but fairly straightforward. Here and now it is girls who are much more seriously fucked up.
The ones that are more likely to be real, though, those are a different story. If it's minor, I don't mind lending a sympathetic ear. It doesn't hurt me, and it doesn't cost me anything. Something really fucked up, like murder or rape, would be a turn off, but other than that, I'm OK with listening for a few minutes.