
I have an interview for a floor manager position, advice?

Thursday, May 22, 2014 10:25 AM
I have a interview at a gentlemen's club for a floor manager position. I have been to a couple of clubs a handful of times but never worked for one. I have years of hospitality management experience but want to know if it is even worth it to go to the interview. Would it be a bad environment? Is the pay any good etc...? General thoughts. I would appreciate any advice you can give me


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Sounds like the perfect job for "rickdugan"!
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Sounds like it would be a low-paying, grimy job. On the plus side, I bet you would have access to lots of drugs and potentially fucking the strippers.
  • msp0066
    10 years ago
    LOl I don't do drugs and I have already slept with a stripper and I assure you it isn't anything special, it is just rushed sex that isn't what we all made it up to be in our heads. I think it would also be low paying grimmy job filled with shitty drama I need a job but not one I have to invest money in a suit and then get burned out I less than a month. Plus I've read sleeping with dancers on the job is a quick way to lose it.
  • samsung1
    10 years ago
    Last I heard the pay was $100/shift. Not sure how long the shift was. Good luck with the interview!
  • msp0066
    10 years ago
    Thanks. I'm guessing the shift will be around 9 to 10 hours so...$10/hr
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Bad pay and all the strippers you can eat. What a deal? Realistically some of the true "Gentlemen's Clubs" pay better and while the dancers run the full gamut from classy to classless, there tends to be less drama at the better clubs. I've even met some dancers who have real lives.
  • msp0066
    10 years ago
    It would be at the Rhino in Dallas
  • bvino
    10 years ago
    While you are working you are not spending and the food should be free. Take the job and work it until the next one comes along or you go back to college. Do not get hooked on the daily cash mojo as it is a hard habit to break. I am a former bartender and I almost did not get out of it. Clubs are pretty loud so you will probably lose some hearing and watch out for second hand smoke. Wear comfortable shoes and listen sympathetically to the girls and you will get sex that isn't rushed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I would have no idea since I, as well as most on this board, have never worked in a SC (this is a SC customer site). Having said that; it’s a people job and these can often take the most out of a person. In these kinds of jobs one needs to be very level headed and cool – one is dealing with dancers whom are often a train wreck and the drama that goes along with dealing with a pack of women (and throw in competition for $$$ and the drama escalates) - and then there are the sometimes obnoxious and intoxicated customers. It sounds like a tough job that may not pay enough for the potential drama – but probably better than no job and maybe easier than other jobs? Give it a try – it may be up your alley but you won’t know unless you give it a shot – and if it’s not your thing then look for something else. I’m not trying to say it would be a terrible job – just outlining some of the possible pitfalls. Good luck.
  • msp0066
    10 years ago
    Thanks for the honest thoughts bvino. I definitely wouldn't want to stay long. I tend to get burned out on the club scene quickly
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Maybe you can post your question on the “Customer Conversation” section of â€[view link]” – that site if for dancers and perhaps they can give you some info from a dancer’s/insider’s POV
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Send a PM to Bang69. He says that he was a bouncer at two Atlanta clubs.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Anyone who thinks sex with strippers in a club is great sex should do themselves a favor and beat the snot out of themselves.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Is this night shift? If so, watch out for 2 AMers
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    "Anyone who thinks sex with strippers in a club is great sex should do themselves a favor and beat the snot out of themselves." You're right, I much prefer to have sex with a stripper after a romantic, moonlight candle lit dinner at her favorite 5 diamond restaurant, a ride in a horse-drawn carriage and then retiring to our penthouse suite wear I have laid rose petals in the shape of a heart on our bed.
  • bang69
    10 years ago
    @shadow I just pm'd him on it
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    @LMN: lol!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    How cool would it be if your name was Carr? Then you could say, "I'm Carr, the floor walker"
  • Essdub
    10 years ago
    I have no idea if it would be a worthwhile position for you to have long-term, but I would at least go to the interview. It can't be that difficult of a job and you're probably more qualified than most people in similiar positions. Who knows, even if the base pay isn't that great there might be a possibility for decent tip outs and/or promotion from within.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    There was a guy who used to come on here occasionally and promote his blog. It was basically his rantings about being a floor guy in a club. I don't remember the name but what I read made it sound pretty unattractive.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Is it really only $10 an hour? Sounds like almost minimum wage.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    Has this been posted before? [view link]
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