
What do I do if a stripper threatens me?

Avatar for bruh627

So there's this one club that I hit up with my boys every weekend. A stripper told me her real name. I then said hi to her and used her real name. I thought it was ok because she said everyone in the club knows her real name. Anyway, her cousin comes up to me and starts screaming at me telling me not to do that. She then started saying lies that I was videotaping her cousin and that I threatened to post her video and real name on Facebook when I definitely did not do that. She had a taser and knife and said she would kick the crap out of me in the parking lot. I told the manager and he told me to stop harassing the dancers!!!!!!! And I'm only 18. I am a fucking kid and I don't think I did anything wrong and the stripper started yelling at me when I did not provoke her. So next time i go, if the stripper tries to hurt me is it ok to fight back? will the bouncers kick my ass if i choose to defend myself? I don't wanna take shit from the dancers. And I really like a lot of the dancers in the club and I don't want to go to another one.


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Avatar for larryfisherman

Strip clubs don't seem right for you right now. You're only 18, go date girls, play video games, have fun, whatever 18 year olds do.

Avatar for shadowcat

Kick the shit out of her!

Avatar for WetWilly

A stripper in central Florida just murdered a patron a few days so......luckily fur I'd, she's in jail now....

Avatar for JohnSmith69

If it were me I would consider calling the police and report an assault. If she threatened you and showed you a weapon then that is assault in most states. It's very unlikely that she would be charged. But the cops would talk to her and club management and that might scare her enough to back down. Or she might get fired. And if you do get in a fight with her, the fact that you had reported an assault earlier would help greatly if you have to hurt her in self defense. You could also sue the club if the the club is on notice that she's a lunatic and she thereafter attacks you.

Avatar for JamesSD

Sounds like the cousin is a little Loco. Sounds like mistaken identity.

I'd give those girls some space. Consider taking some time off from that club.

If you're rolling with your boys they should have your back. You can disarm and restrain a crazy chick. Just don't hit her, especially in the face.

Avatar for maho

Seems like a weird, one sided story. Doesn't make sense for a dancer to suddenly want to run off customers, while at the same time giving off a negative vide to other customers in the process. And threaten weapon use for no reason? Nah, something is missing here.

Me personally, I would have kept her name private in front of your boys until she were to offer it up. Doesn't sound like you guys developed much of a relationship.

Couldn't disagree more with JohnSmith. You really want to get into a tick for tat with a dancer, her family/friendds and strip club management? Let alone then continue to hang there? Geeesh. Good luck enjoying that. Sometimes you have to ask yourself is it really worth it? Sounds like a dancer and club manager does not like you. Pretty positive that means others in the club do not like you know either as people talk. I'd learn from my mistakes and move onto another club - that's just me.

Avatar for TravelingGolfer

If you want to keep going to this club AND avoid drama, here's what you do. Throw on a disguise. Wig, fake mustache, glasses, etc. Create a fake name and a fake accent. Go to the club alone or with a different group of friends, so they don't spot you. Eventually the girls will quit, get fired, or change clubs, so you'll have a clean slate. Or better yet, find out the girls schedule and just go when they aren't working. The disguise idea was a joke, but it probably could work.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I didn't advise filing a police report. I simply said it's an option to consider.

Avatar for mikeya02

Have Crazyjoe go with you next time

Avatar for Dominic77

Is trouble finding you or are you finding trouble? I agree with Larryfisherman in the first comment to this thread. If this is your path, you potentially have a difficult road ahead of you.

Larryfishman +1.

Avatar for ime

Use the SJG method, as a known creep and stalker most strippers won't go near him. You will need rubber gloves, rope, lyme, a shovel, and a large trunk or RV.

Wait don't be like SJG...ever.

Avatar for rickdugan

Honestly, I would have laughed at a girl who said that to me. Maybe a little smiling sarcastic "oooo" just to piss her off more and then send her along with a little "run along now sweet ass." Of course some of us are a little less delicate than others. ;)

C'mon dude, grow a sack. "I'm just a kid" wah wah. Lmao.

Avatar for TravelingGolfer

I don't know dude. I usually agree with Rick's "don't be a pussy, grow some balls" advice, but I think this situation is different.

I think some of these girls are off their rockers and violence is a part of their life. I think they would have no problem cutting a bitch or a dude for that matter over some stupid shit. Plus, these girls often date and hang out with drug dealers and gang bangers who would probably have no problem stepping in, if their stripper gf asked them too.

I think it's reckless and stupid to get into a pissing contest with some crazy bitch, just to be sarcastic, win the argument, and look like a tough guy. Just my 2 cents.

Avatar for Dominic77

^I have been on the receiving end of this one time. An Ex (not mine) and Ex's new love interest got drunk, and came to the house I was renting looking for a sibling to harm (and anyone else there). You need to be careful with ratchet people. We tried to talk them down and failed, requiring a short fight.

Personally, I'd side with Rick here, and say sack up and not take crap. Just be aware your ass might need to occasionally cash those checks. ;) That comes with the territory of adulthood. Don't start it. But if it finds you, finish it.

Avatar for lopaw

Well the first thing you should have learned is to always use a strippers fake name, even if she tells you her real one. Based on what you posted about the manager telling you not to harass the dancers you might have ended up on their blacklist and might have trouble getting back in again - it depends on that dancer's clout in the club.

You have every right to defend yourself, but in a stripclub even if the dancer starts shit you will still likely get bounced, at a minimum.

Avatar for sharkhunter

What's the worst that could happen? You meet the stripper in the parking lot and see something shiny and think she has a knife or gun. You snap her neck supposedly in self defense. No one saw you. However cameras record your plates leaving the area and you get charged with murder. Is this club and dancer worth it the possible trouble? If no, then forget about the club and dancers here for a while. The next club and girls you meet, never say their real name in the club unless that is her stage name. Don't post on her Facebook account at all. Act like you couldn't care less about them. It's not worth jail time or a murder charge. I like to avoid trouble in the first place. You never know when the worst possible outcome might happen. Then if you have a moment to think about it, it probably wasn't worth it. It's the people who never think, "what's the worst that could happen?" That get in trouble.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I know someone who donated to a girl's GoFund page as anonymous but it was only anonymous to the public, not to Facebook because it required an email address and he wasn't thinking when he used his regular email that Facebook recognized. He immediately popped up in the girls suggested friends list and he clicked on a friend who he recognized as a dancer. The dancer gave him weird looks in the club after that for a while. He ignored it all or acted like it was no big deal and nothing happened. If he had to do it over again, never donate anonymous and never use an email Facebook recognizes if you want to remain anonymous to whomever you donated to. Looking at dancers Facebook posts could very well destroy any fantasy you had about them.

Avatar for sharkhunter

On the other hand if I knew what I was doing and didn't use Facebook to view people's public Facebook profiles, then lots of others could be viewing these dancers and their friends unknown to them if one if their friends got mentioned in the news.

People only seem surprised when they find out anyone can see their info. I once had a boss who seemed very surprised when for kicks, I brought in a satellite photo of his house and yard. Might have had tax info too. Can't remember. What did he say? Don't tell anyone about the web site.

Avatar for bruh627

I don't even have nor looked at her FB tho! the dancer made it up! maybe she thought i was some other guy

Avatar for jester214

Tell her you want to go to VIP, she'll chill out real fast.

Avatar for stripfighter

Ole girl is off her rockers. I would laugh it off and tell her bluntly she's got you confused and walk away.

Avatar for ButterMan

Do you know how to apply the rear naked choke? Choke that bitch out...LOL!

Avatar for larryfisherman

According to bruh's 3 discussion threads, strippers ignore him, strippers are always asking him for tips, and strippers are threatening him.

That's why I said strip clubs ain't right for him right now.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I think golfer makes sense. Some of what shark said too. It would be stupid to needlessly antagonize a person who is likely very unstable.

Avatar for maho

Yup - there is a thread just yesterday talking about the "Most Frightening Moment at a Strip Club." This is one scenario on how they can potentially start. What's the point. People go to clubs to hang out and chill and have a good time - not start drama or win ego battles.

Avatar for ppwh

Sounds like a pretty rough club. At the ones I go to, management typically doesn't even let them have their phones out in the main room, let alone knives and tasers.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Cap the bitch, she won't hassle you again.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Fuck her in the mouth

Avatar for Dominic77


That's my thought too. Based on what bruh has mentioned to us he is having trouble inside strip clubs way out of proportion from what is normal. Something out strip coins just isn't working for him right now.

Avatar for skibum609

You're i18 ya fuckin tard, go out with women your own age.

Avatar for gammanu95

That that is a dumb question. First, I'd they guy really is frightened by a girl with a knife and Taser, he needs to man up.

Second, you will never ever win a fight against a girl. You will be arrested, you will be tried, and the judge will throw the book at you. If you're lucky. If you're not lucky, and you do hit the stripper or her cousins the bouncers will stomp you into a bloody pulp. If you call the cops, your face and name will be in the paper, and you will be banned from the club.

Best idea: find a new club and quit harassing the dancers.

Avatar for Dominic77

Not true GammaNu, not in all cases. It depends on the circumstances.

This assumes you are at your home and not at the club, though.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

What gammanu says is true with civilian women but not with strippers. Strippers are on par with lawyers in terms of social standing and reputation. I don't think cops/courts/society would assume that a woman is in the right in a fight with a guy if the woman is a stripper.

Avatar for Subraman

-->" According to bruh's 3 discussion threads, strippers ignore him, strippers are always asking him for tips, and strippers are threatening him.

That's why I said strip clubs ain't right for him right now."

Agree completely, larry. I actually think this is a troll trying to generate fun conversation -- it's hard to believe anyone is this bad at it, much less keeps going back. But if he were real, the obvious conclusions are:

  1. Stop going to strip clubs for a few years, they're not for you

  2. Get in the gym and lift a fucking weight.

Avatar for Dominic77

Cleveland PD disagrees with you, John. That's why I wrote that.

Avatar for Dominic77

That is if the woman is the instigator, she comes on to your property, and she strikes you with a weapon. An imperfect solution, but she needed to be dis-armed and subdued. Police asked off the record it we fought back. Said, yes. PD said, good. We'll forget about this matter then. (they suggested they were glad we did their jobs for them and had no problem with the freebee.)

I don't always like the police (I wished they would arrive faster when called) but they came through that day.

But that's an edge case / exception case. shugs

Avatar for gammanu95

True story. Dog park. This bitch who antagonized everyone pepper-sprayed a guy who pulled her Irish wolfhound off another woman's French bulldog. Reflexively, he throws his arm out to knock the pepper spray out of her hands, but blinded by the pepper spray he catches her in the cheekbone. She falls down (fake, dramatic) and called 911. Despite myself and four other witnesses, he did 180 days in county 4 years probation for assault. One of the reasons I left Illinois - courts are fucked up, especially in man v woman cases.

Avatar for Subraman

^^^ Thanks, I figured. I imagine point #2 in my advice still applies

Avatar for Essdub

Calling a stripper by her real name when others can hear it is bad form, but you seem to have that in spades. My impression is that you are someone that goes in for the free show, is too cheap to tip the waitress, and you basically have no business being in a strip club.

In case you didn't know, strippers actually pay money to work their shifts. Waitresses often make less than minimum wage without tips, so the least you can do is tip her a dollar every time she brings you a drink and tip some girls on stage without asking them to work for your dollar. If you don't do that, everyone that works there will hate you and talk shit about you. Complaining to the manager is kind of a bitch move. As far as "defending yourself" goes, it sounds more like you're catching some shit you deserve. Fighting back will probably get you thrown out or banned, you should just remove yourself from the situation if you can't handle it.

Avatar for unclewillSea

Smack the bitch, turn her out.

Makke that ho money yo money.

Avatar for Dominic77

FYI - I showed this thread to the wife and all his other threads (incl. StripperWeb). Days later, and she still can stop laughing her ass off! :) best troll EVAR. We've been reminiscing about other "bruhs" who peaked early and bombed career wise and can't get laid from quality women to save their lives then or now. So true. :)

Short bus wins!

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