
Comments by IanSmith (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Ever seen a show with ping-pong balls?
    I’ve seen ping pong ball shooting along with the standards; banana cutting, peso drop, hot wax etc in about three or four clubs in the Philippines but they’re novelty acts that don’t bring repeat customers which is why most clubs don’t bother. Once you’ve seen it there is no longer a shock effect. Shows like that are tired and stale done by old haggard women for the benefit of wide eyed men with boring lives. Thailand? Well in twenty years or so I’ve never seen it. Not in Patpong, Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, Washington Square, Phuket, certainly not in the rural areas or even in Pattaya with the mongoose/cobra shows and B team Muay Thai fighters kicking the shite out of drunken sailors in the ring for the amusement of the tourists. It might happen in a club somewhere in Thailand but it isn’t common by any stretch of the imagination.
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    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    American artist with a sense of humour !
    “a man slapped his face before running away” “Unhurt but shocked by the assault, McCarthy asked: "Does this kind of thing happen often in France?"” Hahahahaha. How very French. Q. What word is its own oxymoron? A. Frenchman.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Travel Tips from the CDC
    ^^^^^ Many people go there. I’ve been to 3 out of 3 in search of fortune with some success. The intensity of violence may wax and wane but it never goes away and life has no value at all. FWIW pussy can be had for the price of a meal or less. The normal course of outbreaks like this is to isolate areas as best as they can, and either treat with a cure or more commonly let the virus die out or go dormant from lack of new hosts. Refugees and more and more road infrastructure make this strategy unworkable for the most part these days. Read the terms of your medical evacuation insurance carefully. You normally have to pay a high premium for coverage of travel in war zones or areas without a functioning government. Exclusions for biological contagions and such are almost a certainty unless you buy specified and very expensive coverage.
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    10 years ago
    Future of marriage as an institution?
    Marriage exists for one purpose and one purpose only. Children! I was going through women like pints of beer when I met wife #2 the Thai. We had a passionate and extremely volatile relationship. My constant coming and goings and extended absences while I made my fortune would drive her as crazy as a crazy Thai woman. I stayed awake many a night for fear she would slit my throat in my sleep. Then one day she ended up pregnant and I thought I should try settling down. We had a traditional Thai wedding, I built her a house and she popped out her first ‘trophy’ to show off to her family and slutty friends. She never again got upset when I left. Seems that I had made her ‘respectable’ and she became the submissive wife all women are born to be. That’s what marriage and children can do. Turn a crazy woman into the dream mate. We’ve now got six children and I still come and go as it suits me. Much the same story with wife #3. Wife #1 is a little different but she is French after all so what can you expect.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Black Hair, Blue Eyes
    Wife #1 has hair as black as coal and eyes like deep, deep blue sapphires. Same for her mum and two sisters. She comes from a family of Corsican blade merchants FWIW.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Scotland...should we stay or should we go? Fuck it, we'll stay.
    @zipman68 “and the Scots wanted to break free of Westminster's austerity measures” This has to be the most ridiculous statement I’ve read here since the ludicrous idea of an adult male jizzing in his trousers. We’re talking about the Scots not the French. They aren’t stupid. Every Scot from the beginning of time was born with deep pockets and short arms. They are tighter than a Vietnamese virgin’s legs as she protects her cherry. They knew that if they had chosen independence and had to pay their own way with their own money there would be no more dole. What would they do on Wednesday nights then? It was a sad day and is a shame that there are so many people in the world so eager to give up their God given freedom in exchange for scraps from the table. At least we will always have Hogmanay.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    No mention of Jeff Beck? Me and some mates have a garage band. We just do it for the women who are suckers for musicians. Here’s a bit we put on youtube. What do you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VNVIp0IWCk
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    too bad he didn't finish it
    The foto looks like dad gave the faggot pedo a stomping. I would never have stopped stomping until he was dead.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Reality Check to Tuscl Members
    I live in a place called "reality". It's not that crowded.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Rules of conduct for the discussion board
    “2 Don't Threaten. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTcBgs2huRo
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Offtopic The Pitchforks are coming for the 1%
    @Che. “the end of the world” ? LOL. The article is a load of Gucci socialist dog wank. The likelihood that the populace will get off their fat arse and tear themselves away from the telly or computer screen long enough to waddle off to storm the castles of their masters is nil. From what I saw no one in the States is even slightly uncomfortable much less starving to death.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Offtopic The Pitchforks are coming for the 1%
    “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution” - Aldous Huxley
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Phoenix Club Recommendations?
    “appreciate timid, nice guys who are also alpha males” No, no, no, no, and no. This is an alpha male: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/28/doctor-fights-shark-stitches-up-leg?CMP=twt_gu Man fights off shark, stitches up own leg, goes to the pub New Zealander James Grant stabs predator with a knife to get free, swims ashore, sutures wounds and goes to pub for a beer A New Zealand man has survived being attacked by a shark, driving it off with his knife, stitching his own wound and going to the pub for a beer before heading to hospital. James Grant, a junior doctor, was spearfishing with friends near Colac Bay at the base of the South Island on Saturday when he was attacked by what he believed was a sevengill shark. The 24-year-old was in about 2 metres (6ft) of murky water when he felt a tug on his leg, which he initially thought was a friend playing a trick on him. "I looked behind to see who it was and got a bit of a shock," he told Radio New Zealand. He didn't see the shark and had no idea how big it was, he said, adding that he thought it could have been about 20cm (8in) across the jaw. However, he felt no fear. "[I thought] bugger, now I have to try and get this thing off my leg," he said. He already had a knife in his hand and stabbed at the shark. "I am not sure how effective it was. I guess it let go so something must have happened. [I] put a few nicks in it." He quickly made it on to rocks on the shore, where he took off the wetsuit – borrowed from a friend – and saw bites up to 5cm long. Grant gave himself stitches using a first aid kit he kept in his vehicle for pig hunts. He and his friends then went to the Colac Bay Tavern, where he was given a bandage because he was dripping blood on the floor. The stitching was finished off when he went to Invercargill hospital, where he was back at work on Monday.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Why dont nude clubs serve alcohol most of the time?
    @georgmicrodong. A wise man once told me, “All government is evil”. To clarify, I wasn’t “taught” and I don’t “teach” my children either responsibility or how to drink. I introduce them to alcohol early (as was I) and make it a natural part of life so there isn’t any mystic about some forbidden fruit. I have found that children self regulate much better than adolescents with no experience. At about 4 years of age we start serving them wine cut with water at dinner (I got the wine habit from wife #1 the French bitch). When a boy reaches 7 or 8 I start passing on the beer brewing skills and family recipe that I learned as a youth. Drinking beer is part of my heritage and I want my little bastards to share in that wonderful gift of the gods. What I haven’t been able to overcome is wife #2’s (the Thai) influence. Thais, especially women, often cut their beer with 7-Up. I die inside a little bit more every time I see one of my little bastards doing that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    self destruction, redux
    Until your blackouts exceed two week time spans then you have nothing to worry about.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Why dont nude clubs serve alcohol most of the time?
    I have to ask. WTF is wrong with you not letting people drink until they are 21? That makes no sense at all to me. All of my children either were or will be introduced to alcohol by the age of 4. I was taught to drink responsibly and to respect alcohol at my mother’s knee and look how I turned out. All joking aside, I think you yanks are puritanically bat shit crazy with such an approach.
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    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Funding sources
    She learned what every mother should teach her daughter about financing her life. 1) Never pass up a chance to take advantage of a man’s mental disability ($50 cigarette money, lol). 2) The older a man is, the stupider he becomes. 3) The more money an old man has, the bigger the moron he is and; 4) Old, rich men have absolutely no limits to the depths of their idiocy and foolishness. Find as many old rich men as you can and laugh at them while your pikey boyfriend fucks you into a state of ecstasy.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Alcohol may have been involved. :)
    to "(expletive) kill you all until you are dead." If you are going to kill someone then death is pretty much a requisite.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    why do you take strippers out to dinner?
    @Hard4Dancers If I’m out and about in the world I sometimes hire a car. If I’m out and about in the world I sometimes hire a companion. I have no desire for anything beyond the convenience they each provide. No affections, no GF, no fantasy. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    why do you take strippers out to dinner?
    I take B-girls/hookers out to eat all the time. I don’t care to dine alone and a pleasant dinner companion is a joy. A good dinner, a good night of sleep and a hearty breakfast all go better with a side of young pussy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripper dress code for otc
    Don't worry about life, you will never get out of it alive.
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    10 years ago
    average age of stripper
    Women are like fruit with a target range of 28-32 for perfect ripeness. It is always a good idea to try a younger girl who is not quite ripe and has a bit of a tart bite every now and then. OTOH it is never a good idea to tempt fate trying anything older than 32 and over ripe. It is like dealing with a rotting gooey mess that gets worse day by day and can only result in gagging on that putrid sensation that you can’t get out of your nostrils. Similar to durian.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: What crisis? US millionaire count hits all-time high
    @minnow. I think your numbers significantly understate the loss of value relative to time but yeah, a million dollars isn’t worth what it used to be and there is no exclusivity to being a millionaire anymore. @crazyjoe “There will be broke trillionairs someday” Spot on. That’s why my back up plan for securing my dotage is the old fashioned way, siring as many little pikey bastards as I can manage. Payback is a bitch you little fucking terrors. @jackslash “With hard work and investing, it's not hard to accumulate $1 million of assets by the time you're in your 60's” The same formula can produce millions in your twenties. Getting it out of the way early is the better option. @farmerart “My brother thinks I am an idiot to be continuing to bust my ass in business” “People intoxicate themselves with work so they won't see how they really are.” - Aldous Huxley
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    For shame. Bro’s before Ho’s. At least you were just a cold-hearted bastard putting thoughts of a prostitute before the deceased. The black-hearted scum that lusts for the widow or money instead of caring about the deceased deserve to die lonely and alone with the full knowledge that everything they care about is being raped, pillaged and plundered by those closest to them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Feminist Stripper Imagines her Perfect Club
    @lopaw. I see that you are a wee bit slow when you wrongly assumed that my post was some sort of “joke”. Maybe you should buy yourself a faster mobility scooter. :) @sclr5005. Don’t be such a Doris. No one likes a dickless sycophant.