
OT: Scotland...should we stay or should we go? Fuck it, we'll stay.

the speed force!
Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:18 AM
With Londonguy posting I'd love to get a take on the recent referendum. All you other pervs chime in too. I thought it would be closer. But then I noticed that the only places that really broke for independence were Dundee and the Glasgow area. Last time I was in the UK (now many moons ago) I stayed in Dundee for a while, so that drove my impressions. And does everybody in England look at Scottish currency like you're trying to give them Monopoly money? Any thoughts 'bout sexy Scottish nymphos appreciated too...even if they're fictional.


  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Every thing I know about Scotland comes from Braveheart. I like the scene where Mel Gibson fucks the princess who's married to the queer little gay guy, you know the guy that makes you think of jerikson40. My favorite scene: [view link]
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    zipman, if the English had a say in the matter they'd have told them to fuck off.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    london, And why couldn't England just do that?
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I tried watching "Rob Roy". I couldn't understand a word they said in first 30 minutes of the film.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Clubber, because we had no say in the referendum. In some ways that was correct.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @Londonguy -- Interesting. I had assumed the English wanted the UK to remain intact and the Scots wanted to break free of Westminster's austerity measures. @motorhead -- I had few problems understanding folks in Scotland. Northern England on the other hand...folks there might as well be speaking Klingonese. Actually, I know a few phrases in Klingonese, so that might have been better. Qapla'
  • James1557
    10 years ago
    I would love to know when and where anywhere else in the free world (not counting claims by communist states) has acheived a turnout of 84.6% - which was the overall tunrout in the Scottish referendum. For those who are not experts on British history it is worth remembering that the two separate kingdoms of Scotland and England were united in 1707 but have always retained distinct legal and educational systems and much else. And those who live in federal states might find it helpful to understand that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have devolved Parliaments or Assemblies which resemble those of US States; but much the largest component of the UK - England with well over 80& of the total population - has no such body. So what in a true federal system would be the Federal Parliament at Westminster makes laws for England on all subjects as well as Federal laws on issues like defence and foreign affairs.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    So what did the outcome do to the price of a lap dance? :)
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    84.6% turnout is impessive, but Australia has mandatory voting. Though folks can cast a "donkey vote" (if I recall the term correctly) where the abstain. I think there's a $100 or so fine for not voting. I think they get a very high turnout -- easier to cast an abstain then pay a fine.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @shadow -- not sure. I didn't club in Scotland. I've barely done anything "fun" in the UK (just in London). Not that I haven't had fun in the UK. Wonderful place, even if it is expensive as shit though. But since you want a more "sexy" focus check out [view link] Watched with volume off so I didn't here any accents (Londonguy can correct me if the chick actually isn't a Scot).
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    James1557 - you have a good understanding of the way things 'work' over here. What is pissing the English off is that Scottish MP's can vote on matters that solely affect England. The problem with the Scots is they have a fucking big chip on heir shoulders and they are always fucking moaning about Westminster, they seem to forget that two of the last three PM's were jocks. Don't get me wrong, they aren't all bad. @ Zipman. yes, she is a scot and I think she works as an escort. Like a lot of girls in these fake taxi porn clips.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I had a Scottish teacher who always talked shit about England but couldn't fathom why Blacks or Mexicans might have issues with the US govt.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Yes, Spic, that'll be right. The poor oppressed Scots..we've had it for 300 years, yawn.
  • IanSmith
    10 years ago
    @zipman68 “and the Scots wanted to break free of Westminster's austerity measures” This has to be the most ridiculous statement I’ve read here since the ludicrous idea of an adult male jizzing in his trousers. We’re talking about the Scots not the French. They aren’t stupid. Every Scot from the beginning of time was born with deep pockets and short arms. They are tighter than a Vietnamese virgin’s legs as she protects her cherry. They knew that if they had chosen independence and had to pay their own way with their own money there would be no more dole. What would they do on Wednesday nights then? It was a sad day and is a shame that there are so many people in the world so eager to give up their God given freedom in exchange for scraps from the table. At least we will always have Hogmanay.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @LG-Haha. On a side note, some good futbol going on in England. Di Maria is kicking ass. And in the states, my 8 year old niece shut out her opponents and scored a goal.
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