Phoenix Club Recommendations?

avatar for Lone_Sheep
I know that strippers only care about money and not who you are personally. I was wondering if you guys can recommend any Phoenix clubs were the girls genuinely appreciate timid, nice guys who are also alpha males? I've enjoyed my paid dates with strippers and can tell they also genuinely like me, not just my money. I've decided I'd like to meet more strippers like that. Which clubs would you recommend?


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avatar for IanSmith
11 years ago
“appreciate timid, nice guys who are also alpha males”

No, no, no, no, and no. This is an alpha male:…

Man fights off shark, stitches up own leg, goes to the pub

New Zealander James Grant stabs predator with a knife to get free, swims ashore, sutures wounds and goes to pub for a beer

A New Zealand man has survived being attacked by a shark, driving it off with his knife, stitching his own wound and going to the pub for a beer before heading to hospital.

James Grant, a junior doctor, was spearfishing with friends near Colac Bay at the base of the South Island on Saturday when he was attacked by what he believed was a sevengill shark.

The 24-year-old was in about 2 metres (6ft) of murky water when he felt a tug on his leg, which he initially thought was a friend playing a trick on him. "I looked behind to see who it was and got a bit of a shock," he told Radio New Zealand.

He didn't see the shark and had no idea how big it was, he said, adding that he thought it could have been about 20cm (8in) across the jaw. However, he felt no fear. "[I thought] bugger, now I have to try and get this thing off my leg," he said.

He already had a knife in his hand and stabbed at the shark. "I am not sure how effective it was. I guess it let go so something must have happened. [I] put a few nicks in it."

He quickly made it on to rocks on the shore, where he took off the wetsuit – borrowed from a friend – and saw bites up to 5cm long.

Grant gave himself stitches using a first aid kit he kept in his vehicle for pig hunts. He and his friends then went to the Colac Bay Tavern, where he was given a bandage because he was dripping blood on the floor.

The stitching was finished off when he went to Invercargill hospital, where he was back at work on Monday.
avatar for jestrite50
11 years ago
"Alpha male". Look up John Colter and Audie Murphey, and the rest of these guys:…
avatar for joker44
In the wind
11 years ago
New troll alias.

Don't feed the trolls. It makes you look really gullible.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Sounds like a hard set of requirements to meet, Lone_Sheep.
avatar for DoctorPhil
11 years ago
@Lone_sheep “appreciate timid, nice guys who are also alpha males”

he is saying he is youthful, physically fit and a dangerous Canada this means he is a balding, pudgy lawyer and likes Shakespeare.
avatar for Lone_Sheep
11 years ago
No names of any clubs fitting my requirements?
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Did Lone_Sheep finally find a club meeting his needs?
Yeah he went to the "Blue Oyster" bar and hasn't needed any more suggestions since, because he is satisfied.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
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