
Feminist Stripper Imagines her Perfect Club

Detroit strip clubs
Thursday, November 28, 2013 7:07 AM
A self-described feminist stripper has a dream: "In a recent blog post on “Twerking,” Danielson imagined opening her own club, run by and catered to the dancers. The entire staff, except door and floor guys, would be women; the décor would be classy; and the stages would be designed for comfort. “If a strip club — ‘gentlemen's' would be nowhere in the title — like I described existed, women would be running, driving, flying from all over the country to work there,” Danielson writes." [view link] Dancers might be running to this club, but I'm not sure that customers would.


  • IanSmith
    11 years ago
    Q: Why do Sumo Wrestler's shave their legs? A: So they won't be mistaken for feminists.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    That didn't work out so well for the Lusty Lady in San Francisco.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    The disaster that was the Lusty Lady was my immediate thought. It is definitely the reality of female-owned-and-run strip clubs.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    Isn't "Feminist Stripper" an oxymoron? I know stuff like that is hard to tell these days, but....
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Q: Why are feminist jokes so short? A: Do that pukey_bastard will understand them.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Will your next idea be a bbq joint run by vegans or a meat processing plant run by PETA?
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Lol lopaw
  • IanSmith
    11 years ago
    @lopaw. I see that you are a wee bit slow when you wrongly assumed that my post was some sort of “joke”. Maybe you should buy yourself a faster mobility scooter. :) @sclr5005. Don’t be such a Doris. No one likes a dickless sycophant.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Oh wow such big words for a clueless moron!!!! Impressive!!! Not!!!!
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    I'm with ShadowCat on this one. There is all kinds of talk, but few women bet their dollars - and when they do, they flop.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Not exactly a huge sampling out there of this type of thing to base stats & opinions on. Let more gals try their hand at it before generalizing what a huge mistake it would be. There are good & bad business people of both genders out there. What you would need is a businesswoman who was NOT a former stripper taking the reins. Someone like me would do fine :) And you're right p_bastard - in order for what you posted to be considered a "joke" would have meant that it was funny - which it wasn't. But mine sure as hell was!
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Being an ex-dancer would have a lot of advantages in running an SC. Straight men and lesbians know a lot about what is attractive to them personally. But dancers have a broader knowledge of the various kinks present in the customer population. Of course, stripper or not, it's a rare person who can manage employees and a retail business well. Employees in an SC don't think of their jobs as careers. SC custies are young losers and geezers who are poorly adjusted to being old. We're difficult people, that is to say. The brute-force, confrontational, "you can be replaced" style of management is not in a million years going to work well with strippers. A woman whose attentions are worth hundreds of dollars are hour can not be easily replaced.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    lopaw: "Not exactly a huge sampling out there of this type of thing to base stats & opinions on. Let more gals try their hand at it before generalizing what a huge mistake it would be. There are good & bad business people of both genders out there. What you would need is a businesswoman who was NOT a former stripper taking the reins." That's pretty much an accurate summary. The Lusty Lady, which we all like pointing to and howling at, was run in the worst model possible. Not a single strong female leader, but group-managed by the strippers themselves, following some mind-numbingly inappropriate ideals. That, coupled with an inability or refusal to figure out what customers want, pretty much sealed it. They had a philosophy of diversity, and were proud of a diverse lineup of every ethnicity and body type -- but to most of us, they had one of the most unappealingly-unattractive lineups in the city. They had an egalitarian tip-sharing model that guaranteed stars would look elsewhere. Even as their peepshow business died away, they refused on principle to change their model, and when they did grudgingly introduce lapdances, it was at uncompetitive prices and contact versus other clubs, including the club right next door that had gorgeous girls and alcohol. And, any real business person would have found the business risk of Deja Vu owning your building unacceptable. In San Jose, there's a female-owned club, but the owner never owned a stripclub before -- just danceclubs, and her clubs tend to be unruly. No surprise she made a ton of mistakes. To be seen whether she can right the ship.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Looked up Lusty Lady. My word they had some ugly ass strippers. Its a wonder they survived so long...and as a peep show at that. Bet business was slow as shit. What guy is willing to pay 20 a song for super softcore porn when they can do that for free at home and get better quality.
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