avatar for IanSmith


joined Jul 2013last seen Nov 2020

Comments made by IanSmith

discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for coolguy111
And then there is the TUSCL poster who has kept a number of academically talented but poverty stricken girls from ending up in the brothels by paying for nursing scholarships to university for them in the RP. For a cold blooded heartless psychopath he does some odd things.
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10 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Should government have the right to dictate your morality?
Government is nothing more than coercive force - literally. If people did not have to be coerced to act or behave in certain ways, “donate” their money, etc then there would be no excuse what-so-ever for governments. And without the force aspect, up to and including the taking of life, then governments’ ability to coerce would be nil. Just as a loaded pistol, government in and of itself is nothing until wielded by people. Therein lays the problem. Humans as a species are sick, vile fucks. The worst of them go into government service desiring nothing more than to use that coercive force to bully, steal from and rule over their betters. Thus both the tyrant and the mob are able to hide behind a claim of a righteous virtue for the common good while acting on their base natures. I fear freedom’s light is fading. Is there no more fight left in you? I mean why haven’t you physically thrown those dirty knickered hooers in DC into the rubbish bin of history?
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Clubber
How we came to be...
There are some long dead Romans and Greeks who would recognise this age. Humanity has all this great genetic stock of conservatives but for some reason the leftist scum are like a resistant strain of bacteria infecting the human race that can’t be eliminated. So its dog eat dog, their rules. At some point genocide will no longer be a dirty word for leftists to once again utter in public when one of them says "hey, these people are annoying!" and then conservatives will shortly thereafter become an endangered species. Of course it won’t stop there (it never does) because after they get their leftist liberal agenda of "population control" for "environmental" reasoning up and running all the “dirty people” of the Second and Third World who do not believe in reading or contraception should look out (of course they can’t read so they will never know that they were the subject of a debate). By all means let us use the time we have left as a civilization to celebrate the fruits of drunken couplings between the parasitic leftists and productive conservatives as the ghost ship of humanity wallows in the doldrums between the Isles of Ennui; the self absorbed crew reeking of rum, syphilitic from sodomy and desperately in need of the lash.
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Always wanting more money, does it have to be like this?
@san_jose_guy You really don’t get it do you. When you told your wife that her friends were idiots you were calling her an idiot which you acknowledge is what you believed her to be. If you think for one moment that she was unaware of your emotional bullying then you are not only an idiot yourself but a narcissistic jerk. You didn’t want a partner. You wanted a Stepford Wife. And my failed marriages? Again you aren’t paying attention to the reality that surrounds you. I don’t believe in divorce. I am still married to wife #1 and wife #2 (who is currently with child) and wife #3 (who recently gave birth). All live in different countries and all know of the existence of the others. I take care of all of them as is my duty and I (we) am (are) content with the lives we have chosen to live. It is more than obvious that you cannot say the same.
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Always wanting more money, does it have to be like this?
@san_jose_guy “@pikey, what you are talking is complete non-sense.” I disagree. I have 3 wives who stand unquestioning beside me content to be part of my life, a life I find richly rewarding. You OTOH have a bitterness that goes well beyond your failed marriage and is palpable in your writings betraying a vapid, vacuous existence. You vitually called your wife an idiot to her face and then accuse her of not wanting to be a partner with you. That should be the starting point for anyone who wants to comprehend how you could possibly ramble on about absolute rot the way you do.