stripper dress code for otc

avatar for LMN

Have you guys ever had the experience of meeting a stripper otc and being aghast at her dressing like a Parisian street walker?

I have a "crash pad" (a condo I rent but don't live in) that I usually see strippers otc at. One time I was meeting a stripper otc that I had first met at the club for the vip room, she asks me "how do you want me to dress? Do you want me to dress up?" I said: "sure, dress up."

I guess in my mind I assumed she would wear something suitable to be seen


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avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

Post got cut off from phone. Anyway...

I assumed she'd wear something acceptable to be seen in public.

Well, she parks in my parking lot and comes out of her car wearing like 7 inch heels, booty shorts with her ass hanging out and basically a bikini top. what the fuck? There were people everywhere, and I had to take her thru the lobby to get to an elevator. She looked like a hooker. All the tattoos made it much worse.

Totally fucking embarrassing.

avatar for gawker
10 yrs ago

If it looks like a duck; quacks like a duck, then.... A similar thing happened to me once. I had a vacation condo in the south where my wife and I knew most of the neighbors. One time I was traveling on business and spent two nights there to avoid going back & forth. I hired an escort on the second night and she showed up in full hooker regalia. The next morning my next door neighbor said, "company last night?". I did what came naturally and played dumb.

avatar for ididthisonce
10 yrs ago

All the ladies that I have met OTC were dresses appropriately. Had an escort one time that came walking into a mid-range hotel like she wanted to be noticed, therefore I know what LMN means.

I once ran into a group of Platinum Plus (Columbia SC) ladies at a Waffle House after work (5 AM) and all were wearing risqué outfits. The young guys in the café couldn't eat because their mouths were hanging open with their tongues hanging out. Calling the girls "hot" would be an understatement.

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

She probably thought that she was dressed appropriately for your age.

avatar for alabegonz
10 yrs ago

Oh man, this thread, so remember the time she dressed like semi-formal Christian Dior getup. We were at the Hawthorne strip, she was simply awesome that night.

Some nights she dress really thrashy like a hooker and I would not say a single word about the dress, I would simply steal a look from above and below. She's that sexy and she would give me that You're-A-Perv look.

Haha, it's all good.

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

Alabegonz: your posts read with the coherence of a paranoid schizophrenic. Also, you seem to repeatedly personalize and romanticize your interactions with these sex workers. Are you not paying these girls to be around you? Assuming that's the case, stop incoherently babbling about it as though your mutually dating a girlfriend.

avatar for DoctorPhil
10 yrs ago

@lmn “dressing like a Parisian street walker”

got a lot of experience with Parisian streetwalkers there sunshine?

@lmn “She looked like a hooker.”

uhh, hello. newsflash: she is a hooker

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

In life, everyone has their own crosses to bear

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

More abashed than aghast

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 yrs ago

In my experience, most strippers tend to dislike calling attention to themselves once they leave work, or on their way. There are always exceptions, of course, but I don't think I've ever had a problem with a dancer looking like a stereotypical hooker as she came to my room. Looking a little like a slut? Yeah, but nothing over the top.

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

Why does this guys "condo" sound like a hotel? Lobby? People everywhere?

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

Mikey: it's the residences at a hotel. The lobby entrance is the same so there's always a bunch of tourists and foot traffic.

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

^^^no need to explain, you're bound to come up with something believable.

avatar for luvthepus
10 yrs ago

My ATF dresses appropriate but her shoes kind of give it away most women couldn't walk in shoes that high but she is hot in them

avatar for SuperDude
10 yrs ago

Testimony during a Detroit scandal: Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick, now a convicted felon, has his security detail take him the apartment building of one of his many girlfriends. He calls her on his cell to ask her to buzz him into her loft apartment building. She comes downstairs to open the gate to let him in. When she sees him in the car, she throws open her fur coat, revealing total nudity. The only thing she was wearing was the fur coat and her stilleto heels. The security detail could not believe it and kept it quiet until they were subpeoned.

avatar for sclvr5005
10 yrs ago

Who gives a fuck what she wears. I want her naked asap.

avatar for farmerart
10 yrs ago

Once upon a time I had an Alberta dancer act as hostess at a big BBQ at my farm. She dressed in appropriate summer gear - a nice summer sun dress and strappy sandals. She did an excellent job as hostess also.

After dark and after the fireworks show when the booze was flowing freely we started dancing on my deck. She put on some raunchy stripper dance moves and danced rather intimately with me. Other guests certainly noted this performance.

Tell you the truth.....I didn't mind at all. It was a great much better after all guests left.

avatar for LMN
10 yrs ago

For those saying it's not a big deal, or wondering what the big deal is about "inappropriate"/obvious stripper/sex worker attire...due to social stigmas and our western rather puritanical views on sex, being scene with a woman that screams you are paying for her "companionship" or she just looks entirely out of place being dressed to promiscuously is not really "acceptable." while people may not immediately assume "sex worker", it also appears somewhat "low class" and this condo of mine is in a rather uptight, "snobby" area of Miami. Having this girl walk through the lobby wearing a bikini top, booty shorts and stripper heels seems extremely out of place and turns some heads.

avatar for IanSmith
10 yrs ago

Don't worry about life, you will never get out of it alive.

avatar for alabegonz
10 yrs ago

@farmerart: Soooo envious right now. Awesome.

avatar for SuperDude
10 yrs ago

A woman executive at Citibank in NYC was told to go home and change because her tight clothes were a distraction in the workplace. The photos with the article showed her full hotness. Her lawsuit is still pending.

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

I don't think it's as big a deal as you think. Just try not to tell yet her she can't post pictures of black guys on Instagram and you'll be OK.

avatar for rockstar666
10 yrs ago

My ATF has excellent taste in clothes; lots of style without being slutty at all. She's even hooter in street wear than her costumes IMO. I remember the first time we met OTC and I was truly stunned.

avatar for zipman68
10 yrs ago

I would think a dude like LMN would maintain several pied-a-terres. Perhaps your secondary home in the Miami area and additional apartments in New York, London, Moscow, Geneva, Paris, and Hong Kong (or have you moved inland to Shenzen?). You never know when a quick vacation is in order.

avatar for zipman68
10 yrs ago

And I'm sure the Russian hookers or Chinese KTV girls make it worth maintaining additional homes.

avatar for Vin66
10 yrs ago

I had a regular for a year and a hLf who loved to dress really slutty. Heels, short shorts, little bikini tops etc. she was a gorgeous young lady and I thought it looked great on it. But I'm sure when we went out to dinner or drinks people knew what the story was. Didn't bother me I live my life the way I wish to.

I took her to dinner at a nice restaurant, she wore a youthful dress. flashy high heels, healthy amount of makeup, she looked great.she had come from a hard background. We got there and were ten minutes early for the reservation, we went to the bar for a drink. I popped to the men's room. Our table was ready and the hostess came over and asked my buddy "are...are you...Mrs Vin66?" My buddy chuckled and said"yeah sure" the hostess said "your table is ready" I came back and we got seated. She was unfamiliar with a lot of items on the menu. The wait lady came for our order, my companion seemed very unsure, and my buddy said " I've never been in a fancy restaurant like this before" the wait lady looked at her closely for the first time, her eyes got wide and her mouth literally dropped open, I could see the thought "oh my god she's a..." Then the wait lady recon posed herself and was super friendly and helpful to the young lady. It was awesome, I left a 25% tip for the service.

I always thought she wore trashy well, and I'm kinda non traditional I could care less about what other people think. She was a delightful young lady and we always had fun.

avatar for magicrat
10 yrs ago

My two OTC favs generally wore jeans and tshirts when we went out as I'm a pretty low key, brewpub kind of guy.

Once I was meeting a young lady I met off Craigslist for the second time. First time we met in the bar/restaurant of my hotel and she was dressed in jeans, shirt and sneakers. This last time we also met at a hotel bar and she comes in wearing a dress at least 2 sizes too small, short with all her curves showing. I had told the bartender I was waiting on someone and he saw her enter before I did. His comment? "I think your date is here." Yet another reason to not shit where you eat.

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

"Our table was ready and the hostess came over and asked my buddy "are...are you...Mrs Vin66?"

Wow, I'm impressed that you're known around town by your TUSCL nickname, that's so cool!

Damn, I think I'm gonna have to start using mine when I make reservations ;)

avatar for Vin66
10 yrs ago

Yeah steve229 that would be an unusual last name don't i? Actually I've never used an alias, in a club or out. I think I'd need a different name if I wanted to start.

I have a bunch of dancers who know my first and last name, most of them I know theirs too.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

That was actually a funny story (w.r.t. the OP)

But not totally surprising – some of these girls are young; inexperienced; and of humble beginnings – many have not learned now to act in certain social settings they have not been exposed to often.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

I recall in the early 2000s when I started SCing regularly and living in Dallas; I went to an Outback Steakhouse w/ a light-skinned black dancer – she was in her mid to late 20s and had a bit of a sharp sense of humor – upon arriving at the restaurant; the very pretty; young; blond hostess asked if we wanted smoking or non-smoking – I do not smoke and never saw the dancer smoke (I had known her for a while) so I said non-smoking to which the dancer replied “no -smoking – I smoke crack”.

The young blond hostess just froze (she looked in her late teens or 20) and didn’t know what to do.

I really don’t think the dancer smoked crack – she was just a bit of a wild one that didn’t give a shit what anyone thought and would sometimes like to push societal buttons.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 yrs ago

w.r.t. standing out.

I went with the same AA dancer I mentioned in a the above post and a AA dancer friend of hers to the same restaurant on a different occasion (restaurant was 5 minutes from my house and she liked going there).

Anyway – it was a white part of town and there I was, a clean-cut professional pale-white guy with 2 voluptuous/curvaceous young black women that did not exactly look like the corporate types (my AA dancer’s friend was even sporting several obvious tattoos) – my AA dancer friend was sitting next to me and being very affectionate.

I recall a young white chick at a nearby table kept looking over at me – don’t know if she was also a dancer and knew the deal or just found it interesting; but she would keep looking back at me/out-table.

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