
Comments by DoctorPhil (page 49)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Moderation on Stripperweb
    @alucard. “Come be Moderator here Yoda!” when did Founder sell the site to you? dumbass
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    11 years ago
    Moderation on Stripperweb
    @yoda “LMAO, good to see you all stayin' classy...as usual...here on TUSCL!” so says the guy who’s validation in life is being king shit to a bunch of lying, thieving whores in his very own cesspool kingdom. exploiting broken people for your own gratification isn’t like being the one-eyed cyclops in the land of the blind. it’s more like, oh I don’t know, a pimp? yeah that’s it, a pimp.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Michigan 4AMer
    she wants you to take her Christmas shopping. think twice before you agree: http://news.kron4.com/news/man-refuses-to-keep-shopping-jumps-to-his-death/ Man Refuses to Keep Shopping, Jumps to His Death By Brian Shields Tue Dec 10th, 2013 5:17am America/Los_Angeles XUZHOU, China (KRON) — A Chinese man is dead after he just couldn’t take the idea of extending a five-hour holiday shopping spree with his girlfriend. Witnesses say 38-year old Tao Hsiao accompanied his girlfriend to the shopping mall where she bought shoes, clothes, and other holiday gifts. But after five hours of shopping, Tao had had enough. “He told her she already had enough shoes, more shoes that she could wear in a lifetime and it was pointless buying any more,” a witness tells Chinese television. “She started shouting at him accusing him of being a skinflint and of spoiling Christmas, it was a really heated argument,” the witness adds. Investigators say that’s when Tao threw the shopping bags he was holding onto the floor and then jumped from the seven story balcony hitting Christmas decorations on his way down. He was pronounced dead at the scene. No one on the floor was hit or hurt. Chinese experts acknowledge this can be a “stressful” time for many people.
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    11 years ago
    off topic Did Obama get put in the doghouse?
    @farmerart “Perhaps Mrs. Obama's glum face was expressing her distaste for this frivolity taking place during a solemn state funeral?” that was exactly what i thought. maybe michelle took offense at obama’s frivolity because she actually respected Mandela for EARNING the Nobel Peace Prize as opposed to obama’s cereal box prize version. or maybe she was embarrassed by the stark contrast between the “spent decades in prison Marxist” Mandela was compared to the “sipped fair-trade latte on Harvard Square Marxist” obama is and the opposite legacies they will both have. on a side note the fake interpreter for the deaf was funny as shit. i suspect that he just might be the real life zipman68. clearly there is no need to be qualified to have a skilled job in a leftist utopia.
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    @alucard “Good answer.” what??? no rant about posting PMs? no “***PRIVACY VIOLATORS - Get Fucked & DIE badly & Slowly in your own SLIME!! LMFAO!!***”? no “***UNFORTUNATELY there are TOTAL ASSHOLES who don't respect PRIVACY and reveal the contents of PMs out of vicious maliciousness - This behavior REQUIRES a Moderator's intervention and REMOVAL from the TUSCL site of those who violate privacy, FOREVER!!!***”? just “Good answer.”? fucking psycho hypocrite
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    11 years ago
    Stadiums the new source of trouble?
    @ATACdawg “That would reduce the population by about 40%!” and completely empty the white house and 98% of congress.
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Reality kicks in
    ok alucard that’s enough for tonight. don’t make me call the evil captain kirk on your ass. now take your spock ears off, put your uhura jammies on and go nighty-night. dumbass
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Do you ever wonder about Ilbbaicnl?
    @motorhead. ilbbaicl is a male and just got back from London town where he made headlines: http://boingboing.net/2013/11/24/man-convicted-of-urinating-on.html
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Ratted Out
    ***PRIVACY VIOLATORS - Get Fucked & DIE badly & Slowly!! LMFAO!!***
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Run away... run away
    @alucard “If your going to insult me Asshole, GET it right. LOL at you!”” it should be: “if YOU”RE going to…” dumbass
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    11 years ago
    Boner killers
    @alucard “"IME, you make more money if you don't quite seem human." IMHO duomaxwell, you are wrong.” alucard do you realize how incredibly stupid your statement is? in duo’s EXPERIENCE she makes more money if….. and you make the asinine comment that she is wrong about her own experience. just how fucking stupid are you?
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    11 years ago
    New Orleans and blow jobs
    maybe everybody here is assuming facts not in evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqHlyWGC6v4&
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    11 years ago
    What do you do with a stripper that won't take no for an answer?
    alucard you stupid fuck. EVERY question has already been asked. maybe it is time for you to leave TUSCL and find some site more suited to your lunatic mind.
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    11 years ago
    i fear that alucard has driven him away. after vincemichaels became a PRIVACY VIOLATOR when he posted @stevestevesteve’s PMs we were all puzzled by alucard’s failure to even comment. as the resident self declared “white knight” who stands up for all those set upon by the Evil Vile ATTACK Dogs alucard seemed to have let everyone down by not publically condemning vince and defending @stevestevesteve and the in viability of PM privacy. maybe he has been working behind the scenes seeking the REMOVAL from the TUSCL site of those who violate privacy, FOREVER. was vincemichaels was his first success? hopefully vince is fine and will return but if he did get a lifetime ban that would be better than what alucard really wants: “PRIVACY VIOLATORS - Get Fucked & DIE badly & Slowly!! LMFAO!!” or maybe alucard is just a psycho hypocrite
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Nina from Stripperweb and TwoSheds
    @motorhead. this is why we can’t have nice things.
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    11 years ago
    How do I delete my account?
    @Rachelmmm. you will want to read this linked thread before you start PMing with a psycho: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=20408
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Most Clubs Reviewed ?
    https://www.tuscl.net/u.php?UID=165505 ThisOldManPlayed1's Profile Member Since: March 2006 Last Seen: January 2011 Send ThisOldManPlayed1 a Private Message Prop ThisOldManPlayed1 Reviews: 216 Articles: 0 Discussions: 38 Comments: 995 Pictures: 0 Hotlist Clubs: 9 Reviewed Clubs: 141 https://www.tuscl.net/u.php?UID=141994 wallanon's Profile Member Since: November 2004 Last Seen: May 2013 Send wallanon a Private Message Prop wallanon Reviews: 257 Articles: 3 Discussions: 19 Comments: 740 Pictures: 7 Hotlist Clubs: 0 Reviewed Clubs: 219
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    to those that want alucard gone let me ask you this: would you be more comfortable knowing that alucard is safely in his padded room wearing his straight jacket and pounding away with his boney little toes on the keyboard or would you rather not see any alucard posts and wonder if he had escaped and was prowling school yards? nature will correct her mistake soon enough. afaic until then alucard can continue to play in his own shit as nauseating as that is to everyone here. at least none of us are his nurses. be thankful for that
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Nina from Stripperweb and TwoSheds
    @motorhead. love you like a brother but consider yourself slapped up side the head.
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    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    My Theories
    as many intelligent people have noted over the years, if you actually believe in the global warming scam then the only logical position to adopt is one of population reduction measures and aggressive subjugation of countries that threaten the survival of the species. i recognize it as just another scam to dupe the stupid that it is so for the foreseeable future i won’t be participating in any of your genocidal wet dreams.
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    11 years ago
    why do we need femals ?
    @alucard “If you need to ask the 2nd question, your long lost.” “you’re” is the proper spelling. dumbass
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    11 years ago
    Charlie Trotter.........R.I.P.
    go fuck yourself ilbbaicnl. your bigoted “White Man’s Burden/White Man’s Guilt” paternalism is disgusting, degrading and obviously colors your perception of all things as your reading comprehension clearly demonstrates. farmerart said that Arnies was the first time he had conversed with a black woman. he did NOT say he took a black dancer to dinner. that was YOUR bigoted assumption. his point about dinner at Charlie Trotter's vs KFC was that the stripper, of unknown ethnicity you dumb fuck, was uncomfortably out of her element you dumb fuck. despite being Canadian which makes him entirely irrelevant, farmerart is no racist and does not deserve to be smeared by a bigoted left wing POS like you.
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    11 years ago
    Big Brother
    @Dougster. alucard falls into that pathetic category of useful idiots. he imagines himself with a seat at the table making decisions about how things should be and who should live and who should die. in truth he and his ilk don’t get that seat but they get a bullet to the head instead.
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    @alucard. “"Most strippers like shopping at the mall" Do they like being around gunfire? And maybe being hit.” very, very MUCH less risky than walking into a hospital and being killed by masked murders making preventable medical errors. hmmmm