
What do you do with a stripper that won't take no for an answer?

Avatar for Essdub

There is one stripper at a club I go to that will just not leave me alone for whatever reason. It's not the first time I've encountered persistent strippers, but she is the first that won't seem to give up. I've never watched her dancing on stage, tipped her, or done anything else that would encourage her. To this point I've been polite in saying no, and have told her I was there to see someone else. I've tried everything I know short of telling her to leave me the fuck alone and the brutal honest truth that I wouldn't be interested if she was the last stripper on earth. I don't like to be rude or waste anyone's time, but it's starting to piss me off. I can't even stand talking to her, I just want to be left in peace waiting for a dancer that appeals to me.

Does anyone have suggestions or tried and true methods that work for keeping one particular stripper away?


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Avatar for SlickSpic

Maybe you should watch her dance onstage. Maybe she might be a good dancer. If you tip her onstage, the hassle for dances might lessen. They won't ever end, though.

She might also take professional pride in her work and by not getting dances from her, she feels slighted.

Do what I did. I ran to the men's restroom and never left. I'm still here. As a bathroom troll. Care for a peppermint?

Avatar for DandyDan

I would go along with SlickSpic's advice and just go to the rest room.

Avatar for rockstar666

Tell her if she won't go away you'll get the manager. Then do it if necessary.

Avatar for Essdub

So far I've tried the rest room trick, but I didn't stay in there. I've also kept my eyes glued to the TV and gone up to the stage to have another dancer rescue me when she got done.

I've noticed her dancing before, it's just not something I care to watch. She will eventually go away when she sees someone else to pitch, but it's the same shit every time I go in there. I'm fine with buying drinks for dancers I like or just while they're killing time, as long as I don't feel like driving a railroad spike through my forehead while having a conversation with them. I've just never encountered a stripper that keeps trying after more than a couple of attempts, that's always been enough to make them realize they won't be getting any money from me.

Avatar for gawker

There was a large busty blonde at my favorite club who used to drive me nuts. She had more of a beer gut than I had and she was constantly pestering for dances. I said no consistently, would only stage tip a dollar (while everyone else got more)and generally just tried to ignore her. One day she kept at it over and over and I finally said, I prefer dancers who weigh less than I. She said Fuck You but never bothered me again.

Avatar for SlickSpic

You got to stay in the restroom. It's the only alternative. Plus, the pension & benefits package ain't too shabby either.

Avatar for Essdub

That line would be appropriate in this case, I may have to resort to using that one.

Avatar for kingcripple

personally ive never encountered a dancer that won't take no for an answer. even the black dancers. they may persist for a while, but eventually they go away

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Is she rude or polite? If she's just being annoyingly persistence, but has otherwise been polite, ask her why she keeps hanging with you when you've demonstrated you have no interest in her?


I always say thants but no thanks , I am waiting for someone.

Avatar for Essdub

I wouldn't say she's rude, she just has this annoying fake accent that I guess is supposed to be sexy but just comes off as stupid to me. I'll just ask her directly why she doesn't give up and use Gawker's line if I need to.

Avatar for dallas702

Years ago I was somewhat regular at a midwestern club (1-3 times a month) where a thin brunette worked. After getting a few dances from her one night (OK, but nothing special and nothing extra) and having a pleasant convo with her later that same visit, she began latching onto me every time I came in.

Nothing I could do (including getting dances from other girls, but not from her) would keep her from hugging me as I walked in and sitting in my lap as long as I was in the club (unless I was getting a lapper from someone else, then she would wait for me). I tried going to the restroom and changing tables, I tried sitting with other dancers - she simply found me and joined me.

Finally, I told her to PLEASE STOP. She said, "OK" and went away. Problem solved, right? WRONG, the next time I visited, she came up to me and asked if I was still mad at her! Sometimes a problem does NOT have a ready solution!

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

Telling a dancer to flat out leave may ruin a good sc vibe. Perhaps you could tip her a few bucks and say "no, but thanks for asking". Or, get one dance from and send her on her way.

I know it sucks to have to give her any money at all but telling a dancer leave me the fuck alone would kill a good vibe.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Whether she goes about it politely or not; she is being rude and inconsiderate of your time.

I always try the polite way first; but if they insist on ruining my visit; I have no qualms about telling them to fuck off. They know what they are doing and the fact they are annoying you – and they know they shouldn’t be doing it.

Telling her to fuck off when she won’t leave you alone is not being rude IMO – it’s just you standing up for your right to enjoy yourself in the club.

What “normally” works for me is to stand up and go to a different area of the SC – sometimes I’ll just stand in a different area and not even sit down for a while as not to give her a chance to come sit w/ me when I move – they’ll usually not follow me once I get up and leave them b/c that would look too pathetic w/ them following me around the club.

Avatar for Alucard

This is NOT a new question. Has been asked.

Avatar for DoctorPhil

alucard you stupid fuck. EVERY question has already been asked. maybe it is time for you to leave TUSCL and find some site more suited to your lunatic mind.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I had a couple of extremely

persistent dancers that did not take no for an answer that I was not interested in. One girl actually argued with me for over 15 minutes until I had enough and got up and left her at the table and went and sat at the stage. She looked so rejected, she sat far away at the bar the whole rest of the night and I never saw her again. She didn't look that bad, it was early in the evening and I didn't want any dances. I wasn't that interested in her either. I suspect she was new to dancing. Most dancers have enough sense to leave when a guy says maybe later or not right now or no thanks rather than sit there and argue about it.

Another dancer wasn't my type and I didn't want to spend any money on her. I might have had fun with her in hindsite but she was just a little too persistent. She escalated things after I gave excuses for not getting dances. She escalated her offers. The third or fourth time she saw me, she was offering me totally free dances. I said something about not wanting to spend money, lol, just not on her. After I kept saying, no, she upped her offers to her taking me to her house. I said n to that too. I didn't think she was serious and even if she was, I wasn't desperate. She never bothered me after that.

Avatar for Jdoe901

Had the same problem with a dancer who was nice and had a pretty face but was a tad overweight. She pestered me every time I went to the club. One day I finally relented and bought a dance from her. Then a surprising thing happened. She starts nibbling on my cock and I soon found that she had tremendous oral skills that more than made up for those few extra pounds. Now I don't mind the pestering as much.

Avatar for sharkhunter

I remember one dancer I wasn't interested in talked me into getting a lap dance just because I was curious. She claimed she knew me from years ago. I could not remember even seeing her before, yet she knew a few things about me. She found a hidden spot in the back of the club and tried to make me very happy. Her sucking motions felt pretty good. Just think if I said no, I would have missed out on someone who really wanted to work at pleasing me. She actually wanted to have sex. I didn't find that out until after she stopped dancing.

Another dancer who I was not interested in at all wouldn't leave. She actually started to do a table dance for me out in the club. I did not agree to anything but didn't think I needed to walk away from her just because she was doing something. I was thinking I would just tell her I did not agree to any dance. In fact I said no. However all her rubbing on me mysteriously excited part of me. I say mysterious because I did not know anger could be related to sexual excitement. It apparently is because that is the only way I could explain how my body reacted to her. I decided to pay her for a table dance or gave her ten bucks and she never bothered me again.

Avatar for LeeH

Some of this has been said before, but summarizing:

Tell her to leave you alone, or you'll complain to the manager. If she still comes back, follow through. And tell the manager that you see no reason to continue patronizing his club. (It doesn't matter if that's not true. He'll fall over trying to keep your business.)

I'm one of the most polite (bordering on PL) SC patrons out there. But even I'll drop that schtick if it's called for. And I have to disagree with gmd that there's a possibility that she's being persistent but still polite. If she's bugging you enough that you come to us assholes for advice, she's not being polite. Respond in kind.

Avatar for Essdub

Thank you guys for the feedback and suggestions, except for Alucard, you really out to do something about that bug in your ass.

She is about the only drawback to a club that is otherwise fun and laid-back. What she's doing probably isn't good for business anyway, and none of the other dancers I know like her, so I suppose a complaint to the manager is justified if she doesn't give it up.

Avatar for SlickSpic

In all seriousness, establishing a quality relationship with a dancer of your choice at the club will help you out. When you say that you're waiting for someone, mention her by name. Let the dancer who bugs you know that you two ore-arranged a meeting. I've found that this helps.

There may be a drawback when the dancer who use to help you out wants to claim you as her own. That's another topic we've talked about on this board.

Avatar for skibum609

Look her in the eye and say I don't find you attractive so I am never going to get a dance from you. Be calm. Be polite. She'll understand. They always do.

Avatar for Dolfan

"You're not my type" seems to work well for me. It seems to convey that you don't find them attractive and have no intention of spending on them without calling them unattractive.

Avatar for SlickSpic

When all else fails, say whys I say, "Cómo? No hablo inglés."

Avatar for shadowcat

Kick her in the cunt. :)

Avatar for Dolfan

Spic, you're obviously not in SFLA, but I didn't think SCAL was much different in that regard.

Avatar for SlickSpic

@Dolfan-I'm in So Cal but essdub's two reviews are in Kansas so I figured it might help him.

Avatar for Clubber

sc hits the home run!

Avatar for Estafador

I GOT IT! Tell her you only like dancers who suck your dick. That ought her to go away. No way this won't get desired results. Either she sucks or leaves in disgust.

Avatar for Clubber


Take it a bit further, sucks AND swallows!

Avatar for deogol

Tell her your falling in love. Nothing chases a dancer away faster than that...

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Tell her you don’t have any $$$ - that always makes them disappear even if you want them to stay :)

Avatar for SlickSpic

Papi Chulo with the best answer.

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

I've had a pudgy black dancer who would report to my table as soon as I got seated. I took her for LD's and VIP's, but was never impressed by her routines. Eventually I started to tell her I was waiting for another girl (which was true, my CF was muy caliente) That solved the situation. Now I frequent a different club where I have no such problem. Last time I went back to that club she was nowhere to be seen.

Avatar for rickdugan

The manager, the restroom, the bouncer, "I'm waiting for someone." LOL.

When you are in a club CONTROL YOUR SPACE. If she needs to be told that she is not your type, and a minute of more polite responses doesn't do it, then tell her that. If she tries to convince you to go to a lapdance by grabbing your package, take her hand off - unless of course the grab changed your mind. ;) If she wants you to buy her a drink and you do not want to, just say no.

My gig involves me being pleasant but firm, and it has been serving me well for some time. Girls are more likely to pull that shit longer when they smell weakness, so the firm part is important. Once you have established that you are in charge of if, and how much, you spend, all good things will eventually follow.

And so what if a couple of aggressive dancers think that you are an asshole? There are some girls who think that anyone who does not pay them is an asshole. C'est la vie.

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