
Nina from Stripperweb and TwoSheds

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Saturday, November 2, 2013 6:07 AM
The majority of the guys here seem to enjoy the opinions of dancers and wish more would become regular contributors. (I don't entirely agree, but that's another point.) I'm surprised one dancer has not made an appearance here. Her name is "Nina" and I know she posts on Stripperweb (but I try to avoid that place) and TwoSheds. TwoSheds is a local Michigan strip club board. Nina normally works in Detroit. I do not know her, but many on TS do. I think she would be a hoot on TUSCL. She is the rare dancer that can actually compose a sentence. (She claims to be a college student with the goal of attending law school). For the last 6 months or so, she's been one of the prolific posters on TwoSheds. Some love her. Most seem to think she is full of herself. I'm not a fan, but her ability to defend herself does make for some interesting threads. FYI: She claims to be a clean, "non-extras" dancer working in Detroit. She says she walks away with truckloads of cash based solely on her "good looks, great conversation, and her ability to pry money away from men." Now you see why it would be fun for her to post on TUSCL?


  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I've always wondered why extras dancers don't post here. Don't get me wrong, those strippers that have posted here (like Duo...hope she returns) are good people. Enjoy their perspective. But the only "extras girls" that post are obviously dudes. C'mon extras girls. We want to hear your perspective. Or c'mon dudes, post as fake extras girls but bring some verisimilitude to your posts!
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    What ever happened to Avalons07?
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I think Carolynne was the real deal, not some dude. I offered to meet and find out for sure, but she did not take me up on the offer.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Was she the one that wanted to fuck the cabana boy while her elderly sugar daddy was asleep in the hotel room on their vacation. She was hilarious. Not sure how truthful, but funny
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Maybe dancers get turned away from posting here because anyone with a username can be rude and crude. Or anyone can post like kids arguing on a playground. Who wants to deal with all that on a regular basis after everything else they have? Just mostly us long time posters who seem to get a kick out of it or find it entertaining for whatever reason. Plus many dancers have opinions different than ours and many people end up with others who share similar views. Maybe most dancers aren't happy doing extras and those that are are busy.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Motor, yes, that was her. A slut after my own heart.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I don't think she would be fun for tuscl motorhead. Nina sounds like a regular sw girl; snooty high nosed jerk who thinks the world revolves around her and her"good looks" and she doesn't need to work to get cash. Girls who expects handouts only gets a hand smack lol
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Carolynne offered to have sex with me to help mellow me out. When I said I wanted to see a picture if her first she bawked. Maybe not serious in the first place? :-) I agree she was really a stripper. What would be gained from faking it? I also dislike the fact that homos like jestie214 made the place unpleasant for her with their stupid conspiracy theories.
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    <font size="+2" face="Comic Sans MS" color="red"><b>She can be stuck on HER SELF sometimes, BUT...I think she'd give a good dance. Never had any problems with her.</font>
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I've said this before when this subject comes up: I sense that most dancers just aren't interested in participating, because they don't want to spend their leisure time discussing their work. They'd rather tend to their home life with the families, hobbies, and interests there. Among the TUSCL membership, who of you spends lots of time on the internet discussing your job and the industry you work in, among your colleagues and clients?
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Well sometimes its necessary to bring in more freelance business.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I wouldn't mind seeing Nina here at TUSCL. It would be interesting to read her exchanges with our resident forum Assholes, if her posts at TwoSheds is any indication. LOL!!
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    I will never accept anyone who claims to be a stripper unless she posts a picture of herself, nude, and a sign with the letters "TUSCL" and her username. She can cover her face to remain anonymous.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Hey guys :) A fellow Stripperweb member PM'ed me the link to this so I could see that I'm being discussed (WOW!). Anyway, there are apparently a lot of rumors going around about me. I have never said I made "truckloads" of cash, but I do make a very comfortable living and for a 22 year old who hasn't completed her Bachelor's degree yet, I do make what I consider to be great money. And the "no extras" thing is true. I went into this industry with boundaries, I haven't crossed them, and I won't. That is nothing against you fellas who enjoy extras - I simply do not partake in them. I'm a business woman so I focus on my job, do well at it, and I try my best to make my clients feel like a millions bucks. I love stripperweb, and I'm also a little addicted to The Twosheds website although I get a lot of crap there. Some of the men there are very extras-oriented so that may be why. Some of them simply can't handle my honesty. Anyone who's visited me at any of the clubs I've worked at knows I am a sweetheart, I do my best to make my guys have a great time and feel appreciated. I'm also very opinionated, which can be seen at Twosheds. I'm obviously not like that at work. I'm really not a bitch, sure I think I'm the shit, but the confidence I have is something I personally feel every dancer should have. We'll I'm not sure if anyone is even actively participating in this discussion anymore, but it was brought to my attention so I figure I'd give my 2 cents. :) Nina has spoken! ;)
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Sorry for the grammatical errors guys, my 2nd class of the day got cancelled so I'm having a few drinks at the bar. And yes, I really am in college (not community college either, a real university lol) and I'm pre-law. I graduate in about a year. I'm also planning on doing a lot of traveling for work, so if anyone of you wants to see me, feel free to send me a PM to see if I'm coming to a town near you. I work in Detroit and occasionally in Chicago; I'm also planning on working in NYC and ATL in the near future, as well as (possibly) STL and South Carolina. Have a great day everyone! :)
  • SoonerSam
    11 years ago
    Hey Nina, do you have a pic you'd be willing to post? I think we'd all like to see you. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Come to Louisville. You won't even have to get naked.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Sooner, Nina has been kind enough to post a few of her pics on Stripperweb. Believe me when I say that very few guys would push her off of their laps. ;) She is the real deal.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Welcome Nina!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Nina has spoken! ;)" Nice to see you over here too Nina.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    @NinaBambina “there are apparently a lot of rumors going around about me” ummm no, not to my knowledge but i couldn’t help but noticing that in your first ever one paragraph long post on TUSCL you used the personal pronoun “I” thirty (30) times and still managed to refer to yourself in the third person. anyways i’m sure we’ll be hearing more from you so welcome aboard. oh btw, here on TUSCL publically posting any psycho PMs that you will no doubt receive is expected.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Don't pay attention to the things said by this "questionable" TUSCL member Nina. You well know the type from TS.
  • Doc_Holliday
    11 years ago
    Did someone say shred?? [view link]
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Opinionated?....If by opinionated you really mean irritating, then yes Nina is very opinionated, that's why she's prebanned from Peeler Review.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Thanks everyone who welcomed me! :D I probably won't be posting much though. DoctorPhil - this discussion is about me, do you expect me to be talking about someone else? DirtBoy313 - I see you just made your account. You seem very similar to the guy on TwoSheds who just made an account and informed me that he posted my pictures on [view link] and [view link] to "put me in my place," Are you that person?
  • ime
    11 years ago
    now people are bringing their own trolls with them? Nina you may want to do something about your stalker
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    DirtBoy313 - I see you just made your account. You seem very similar to the guy on TwoSheds who just made an account and informed me that he posted my pictures on [view link] and [view link] to "put me in my place," Are you that person? ****************** No Nina it's me Joe Dirt. I had to use the screen name DirtBoy313 because someone is using my screen name Joe Dirt (WTF-lol) I would send you a PM on peelerreview(dot)com but we don't allow SW girls on that site. I do have to be honest. Even though I don't see eye to eye with Nine, and we do go at it sometimes. She is a very cute girl, extremely smart, and hard working young woman. If you're a guy like me that just wants to bang the shit out of some 100/150 stripper then she's not the girl for you. But if you enjoy the company of a cute girl and some sexy dances then check her out.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Nina Nina, muy cochina, mueve lo en la cocina
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "we don't allow SW girls on that site" You sir, deserve a prize. TIME Man of the Year, perhaps?
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    "You sir, deserve a prize. TIME Man of the Year, perhaps?" Yeah, those bitches are crazy. Even they guys that post on that site act like women. Here is the thread that got me banned in less then 48 hours from the time I joined. I've never been banned before in my life (from any site) and they booted my ass off there with the quickness lol. This is where the sexual tension began with me and Nina (mostly on her part) She just loves it when I bring up this thread lol. [view link]
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Well, I'm gonna get some groans, but they seemed to be explaining themselves pretty clearly and you kept on trolling calling them peelers and pushing the subject.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    ^^^You got banned for that? I thought it was a pretty civil discussion. Anyways welcome Nina, we could use more dancer insights on this site, I've noticed her posts on Stripperweb.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I was talking to dirtboy when I was talking about the banned thread.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    "Well, I'm gonna get some groans, but they seemed to be explaining themselves pretty clearly and you kept on trolling calling them peelers and pushing the subject." No groans, I was just "explaining myself," and the term "Peeler" is just another word for stripper, it wasn't meant to be disrespectful. Would you get upset if I called you a "Pole-Tech?" (Pole-Technician) If so then you need to have much thicker skin. Joe Dirt
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    "You got banned for that? I thought it was a pretty civil discussion" So did I. That's what pisses me off about some of the girls on SW (yes Nina is one of them) They will get all pissy if you post over there about extras (even in the customer section) But they have no problem posting on a site like this or any SC forum that caters to men looking for extras, trying to sell their clean services. Kind of a double standard? Yes/No? I get a lot of downtime at work so I like to read some of the threads over there, it's like most of those women just HATE!!! men. I could only imagine what gets said in the private areas over there.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    The problem with your logic, DirtBoy313, is that not *every* man who posts on this site is extras-oriented. General reviews of the clubs will show you that. So you can't pretend that if a dancer posts here she's out of her element simply because *some* men on here prefer extras. This is a strip club review site, nowhere does it say that if you don't perform or partake in extras you don't belong. If you know the "nature" of girls on StripperWeb, I can only gather that you were quite deliberately trying to piss them off with the thread you started that ultimately got you banned - and I agree that banning you for it was a little harsh. In fact, I was upset to see that you'd gotten banned because I was looking forward to continuing to collapse your argument. Also, DirtBoy, do not group me into all of the girls you deem "bitches" at Stripperweb. Anyone who's seen my posts there know that I do not come across as bitchy or having hatred towards the customers. Some of the girls there do, but I am genuinely appreciative of my customers and wouldn't bad-mouth them and group them into a negative category. Sure, I don't care much for the cheapos, but I appreciate my customers who spend a decent amount on me because those clients are what pays my bills. So again, do NOT group me into that category. And lastly, at Twosheds you follow my posts around and start arguments with me consistently. Now you've started a new account here to start more arguments about me and say more negative things about me. I'm getting sick of always having to argue with you so please stop initiating arguments. It's really getting old.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    I've also never heard of peelerreview nor have I had any intentions to check it out, so your comments towards me regarding it are irrelevant, DirtBoy.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ I've heard of the site. I was made aware of it by a TS member.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    DirtBoy posted: "Here is the thread that got me banned in less then 48 hours from the time I joined. I've never been banned before in my life (from any site) and they booted my ass off there with the quickness lol." Dude, they didn't ban you because you posted about a controversial topic. In fact, they let it play out until you got a little too defensive and told a dancer that you were friends with her boss and could get him to cough up information about her if you wanted. What the fuck did you think was going to happen after you said that on a dancer support site? LOL. You're no martyr Dirt, just a dipshit.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    It will be interesting to see what Mr Dirt turns into here as opposed to TS.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Nothing from Mr. Dirt yet? This isn't like him. :) ;)
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    lol we oughtta start a pool to bet on how long this one will last here before being run off. I say a couple weeks tops.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ See PM please.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Nina- "The problem with your logic, DirtBoy313, is that not *every* man who posts on this site is extras-oriented. General reviews of the clubs will show you that. So you can't pretend that if a dancer posts here she's out of her element simply because *some* men on here prefer extras. This is a strip club review site, nowhere does it say that if you don't perform or partake in extras you don't belong." All I saying Nina, a site like this welcomes everyone (both extras and non extras posters) If you post about extras on SW (even in the customer section) you will get shit from the girls. But them same girls that give you shit for post on SW have no problem posting over her.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Nina- "Also, DirtBoy, do not group me into all of the girls you deem "bitches" at Stripperweb. Anyone who's seen my posts there know that I do not come across as bitchy or having hatred towards the customers. Some of the girls there do, but I am genuinely appreciative of my customers and wouldn't bad-mouth them and group them into a negative category. Sure, I don't care much for the cheapos, but I appreciate my customers who spend a decent amount on me because those clients are what pays my bills. So again, do NOT group me into that category." That is true, you don't come off as a "man hater" (just a Dirt hater lol) But your not 5 years past your prime like most of the girls on SW either. I know you're going to school and you're very ambitious, so I'm sure I wont be reading a post from you in another 10 years complaining about not making any money.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Nina- "And lastly, at Twosheds you follow my posts around and start arguments with me consistently. Now you've started a new account here to start more arguments about me and say more negative things about me. I'm getting sick of always having to argue with you so please stop initiating arguments. It's really getting old." ******** Nina, do you read the whole thread or just the parts you can fight about? I said something very nice about you just a few posts back. I have also said nice things about you on TwoSheds. You just don't like it when I call BS on how much money you make. Sorry, but I'm not drinking any shit-flavored Kool-Aid.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Rickdugan- "Dude, they didn't ban you because you posted about a controversial topic. In fact, they let it play out until you got a little too defensive and told a dancer that you were friends with her boss and could get him to cough up information about her if you wanted. What the fuck did you think was going to happen after you said that on a dancer support site? LOL. You're no martyr Dirt, just a dipshit." ******** Let me guess, you're one of the guys that was willing to get castrated to become a Mod on SW? Rick, don't call names over the internet, it's tacky. Do it in person, it's much more classy. I'm from metro Detroit if you're ever in the area PM me.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Lopaw- "lol we oughtta start a pool to bet on how long this one will last here before being run off. I say a couple weeks tops" *********** If you're referring to me being ran off then think again. I'm a grown ass man, a few SW strippers or the White Knights that really appreciate a good air dance wont intimidate. However, like Nina I wont be posting on this site too much. I'm on 6 or 7 other sites, I just don't have the time. If anyone wants to get a hold of me for a SC outing or just some advice on how to fuck a 20yo stripper for under $150 feel free to PM me on Peeler Review. If you're setting the over under at 2 weeks, I will take the over. [view link]
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "don't call names over the internet, it's tacky. Do it in person, it's much more classy" Mr. Dirt I guess you need a bit of info about TUSCL. The name callers here wouldn't DARE call you a name to your face. They don't have the BALLS [If they have ANY at all]. LOL It is easier to do it in a post here.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    ^^^^ OH yes we would Jeffrey,with vigor.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Dirt, it amazes me how much you generalize the girls at Stripperweb. Sure, some are 'washed up,' but the majority of them are still working and making excellent money. A lot of them also happen to be very well spoken which leads me to believe they're educated or well-traveled in some way. One of the girls on their is in her 40s and makes so much money that Detroit extras girls couldn't hold a candle to her, she could outhustle them all. I am traveling to some of the clubs she dances at soon. She makes 1000+ a night and owns houses. That's not being past your prime. Another girl on there retired in her 40s, owns a home, and probably makes more than you do in her investments alone. If that's 'washed up' then I guess being a washed up stripper is a good thing.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Nothing wrong with Dancers in their 40's. I had one ATF in her 40's and another on the doorstep at 39 y/o. They were GREAT!
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Lopaw- "lol we oughtta start a pool to bet on how long this one will last here before being run off. I say a couple weeks tops" *********** If you're referring to me being ran off then think again. I'm a grown ass man, a few SW strippers or the White Knights that really appreciate a good air dance wont intimidate. Actually I was referring to the stripper.
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    Damn Nina--you sure are POSTING here quite a lot. You seem to have a lot of free time on your hands--shouldn't your ass be at Hustler working or something??? LOL
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Lopaw - if you think anyone here is capable of running me off, you should read the hating I endure at TwoSheds. Then you'll see how long I can last. I constantly have to deal with people bashing me at TwoSheds and I put those people in their place with articulation and a smile on my face. Still there, still here. Hard4, what can I say? I have a phone with good internet capabilities and it's a Sunday. Sunday night at Hustler? I've never worked one. I only work when one of my big spenders come in these days. My income has been from only them for the past couple months because school's back in session and I want to minimize the time I work while simultaneously maximizing my earnings for the night I do work.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Nina- "Dirt, it amazes me how Sure, some are 'washed up,' but blah blah blah...blah blah blah...blah blah blah excellent money. A lot of them also blah blah blah...blah blah blah...blah blah blah or well-traveled in some way. One blah blah blah...blah blah blah...blah blah blah. I blah blah blah...blah blah blah...blah blah blah. She makes 1000+ a night blah blah blah. That's not blah blah blah...blah blah blah. If that's 'washed up' then I blah blah blah...blah blah blah." *************** Nina, I'm sure there are a few girls on SW that have their shit together like you (that was a complement) But for the most part the girls on that site really need to pull the stick(s) out their ass. When I read a post about a stripper bitching about customers touching her thighs, or how she will kick him in the face if he touches her pussy, it just makes me want to voice my opinion. You know, just like you like to voice your opinion ALL THE TIME (that was a jab) Nina, don't believe everything you read on the internet (strippers lie) Strippers talk so much shit about how much money they make (another jab) They also talk shit about extras in the club, I bet 3/4 of them are flatbacking outside the club. I could go on and on about how fucked up that site is (and I'm talking about the fags over there that appreciate a good air dance too) but I'm not sure if TUSCL has enough bandwidth.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Alucard- "Nothing wrong with Dancers in their 40's. I had one ATF in her 40's and another on the doorstep at 39 y/o. They were GREAT!" ********* Yeah, there's nothing wrong with a 40yo dancer, if you're in your 70's. Stripping is a young woman's game. You won't see to many 40yo strippers at a club on a Saturday night unless you're at a dumpster club. This is how I like my strippers. 1- old enough to fuck legally. 2- too young to drink legally . 3- NO kids (or at lest you can't tell they have kids) 4- loser boyfriend (preferable in jail) 5- about to be evicted. 6- under 120lbs. 7- under $150 for 20 to 30 minutes of fun (3 or 4 songs wont do it) 8- NOT OPINIONATED!
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Lopaw- "Actually I was referring to the stripper." Sorry about that Lopaw, it was had to tell who you were talking to. Yeah, you guys got a better chance of running me off then you do Nina. Nina's very hardheaded, she wont give up if you talk shit about her. She loves the attention, no matter if it's good or bad. She just loves to flex her brain muscles (that was a complement Nina)
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    @motorhead. love you like a brother but consider yourself slapped up side the head.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    "Believe me when I say that very few guys would push her of their laps." Are we talking top of the line looks Rick? How do I check out her pics? I'm on Stripperweb also. I can tell Nina will be quite entertaining on TUSCL. Nina, just one question for you, are you into black guys? LOL
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Dirt posted: "Let me guess, you're one of the guys that was willing to get castrated to become a Mod on SW? Rick, don't call names over the internet, it's tacky. Do it in person, it's much more classy. I'm from metro Detroit if you're ever in the area PM me." Stow your empty tough talk girly man. You showed what kind of a man you are when, after having a girl eat your lunch on the other site, you got so desperate that you had to resort to the cheap tactic of trying to make her feel insecure about her personal privacy at her job. And you accused me of lacking class? LOL. How pathetic dude. And as for your various other nonsensical comments, I am no white knight. I, unlike you, just don't let strippers get under my skin and make me feel so defensive. I know how to find what I am seeking and don't really care if some of the sillier ones spout nonsense. Man the fuck up dude. Seriously.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: "I know how to find what I am seeking" Well 35% of the time, that is. It's by using The System (By RickyBoy): [view link]
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Fraudster, that is not what I said. But truth be told, that would not be a horrible stat even if it were true. Some areas are just very bad for OTC and travel hounds like myself have to take the bad with the good. But what is being talked about here is actually fairly serious. A guy went on a dancer support site and lost his mind just because one particular dancer in Detroit stated that she does not like extras and doesn't offer them. Then, after coming up on the short end of a back and forth with her, gets nasty by leveling an implied in-real-life threat about violating her personal privacy. Dirt, be better than that. Who cares if one girl claims that she doesn't do extras? Why did you need to get so worked up over it? Act like you've been there before dude.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @RickyBoy: Here's a great detailed analysis of The System [view link] So who's the fraud after all, Leisure RickyBoy? Project much?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Seriously tho, how do we check out her pics on SW? I saw her avatar, but didn't see a link for anything else.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Funny DirtBoy that you say stripping is a young woman's game when a good 80% of young strippers these days have absolutely no idea how to actually strip, which is why they do extras, and don't even make a lot of money doing that. Sure, at dive clubs the 40+ dancer will be past their prime. But in high end clubs, the 40+ dancers still look amazing (although most have had work done) and they have better bodies and are in general better looking than the majority of these young Detroit girls who you are fucking for a hundo. You get what you pay for. If one man is paying $500/hr for a champagne room with a 40 year old and another guy is having sex in a stuffy booth of a club with a 20 year old for $100, which dancer is more likely to be of high quality? No answer needed, rhetorical question. I don't want to diss my age group but plenty of strippers who are my age are bimbos who have no idea how to actually be a stripper.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I don't know what the issue with strippers who say they don't do extras is. Joking aside, my feeling is that people should do what they feel comfortable with. Why not take Nina at her word and say "cool, she is living your life in a way that you feel good about..good for her."? I am surprised that we never get an extras girl posting here (well, except BBBJBecky, and we all know she is totally NOT a dude pretending to be a stripper). Could be that some girls are lying or could be a self selection effect (extras girls, on average, go home and don't want to talk 'bout stripping on "teh interwebz" and/or have other issues). But it is more appropriate to take folks at face value unless they are obviously lying. TUSCL is anonymous (or at least it SHOULD be...). No need to lie (unless it give you or others the LOLZ, o' course). So, to summarize...Nina, you go girl. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Dudes who respect personal choice will be cool with it. May not patronize you if they be XXXtras hounds, but they should be coo-el with it.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Rickyboy dodging my question like he dodges paternity tests.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    And DirtBoy, it's funny you say you like your strippers old enough to fuck legally, too young to drink legally, and about to be evicted. And you say it's a young woman's game? Lol, a stripper on the verge of being evicted isn't exactly prospering in this business. LOL. Stripping is a tough industry that isn't meant for everyone, which is one reason a girl may resort to extras (because they can't actually make a good living as a dancer only). and plenty of the extras girls don't make as much money as the clean UPSCALE strippers I know. So Dirt, your definition of "washed up" along with your viewpoint of whether stripping is a young woman's game or not is just not supported by facts. Zipman68, thanks. :) I'm not sure how much I'll post here. I am only posting right now on this thread because it was brought to my attention and is specifically about me. I don't do extras. Men who've had experiences with me at the strip club have generally concluded that I give very good dances and am good at my job :) But extras are off the list.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    "Men who've had experiences with me at the strip club have generally concluded that I give very good dances and am good at my job :)" So have the women PL's come to the same conclusion? ;)
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Rick- "But what is being talked about here is actually fairly serious. A guy went on a dancer support site and lost his mind just because one particular dancer in Detroit stated that she does not like extras and doesn't offer them. Then, after coming up on the short end of a back and forth with her, gets nasty by leveling an implied in-real-life threat about violating her personal privacy." **************** Rick, I'm not going to blast you in this post because I think you're missing a few very important facts, that maybe why you think I'm a bad guy. Nina has posted in the past on TS that she averages $600 to $800 (being clean) a night at a bar I know very well. I called BS on her post because the bar is not that busy. Nina has challenged (her own words) me many times on TS and SW (see post #28 on SW) to come up to here work and watch her work (count her VIP dances) She even challenged me the other day to come up to her work (different bar) and ask her manager how much she makes. I just don't care to do that for 7 hours, or talk to her boss. So I made a comment on SW that I know the owner of the bar and could find out "anything from her locker number to how many dances she did that night." I didn't say anything about getting her "personal info." I wouldn't do that nor would my friend (it's just bad for business) You are either missed my point or you are just twisting my words around. I didn't say "I could get her address or real name." Again, the point of that comment was to let Nina know if I really wanted to know the number of dances she did that night, I could find out. I don't need to take her "challenge" to find out (I really don't care) I didn't get nasty or implied in-real-life threat. Read the thread again Rick. [view link] You also missed the point of the thread. It had NOTHING to do with "one particular dancer in Detroit stating that she does not like extras." It had to do with X-amount of "alleged" clean SW dancers calling dirty dancers "whores." IMHO the only woman that should be called a whore is the woman that sucks another man's dick while her husband is at work. For every clean dancer that calls a dirty dancer a whore, there's 10 housewife's calling that clean dancer a whore. That's why I titled the thread "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones," and not "Fucking Bitch Stripper From Detroit That Wont Suck My Dick." But that might be my next thread I start (I'm joking Nina) The girls on SW act like what they do being clean isn't prostitution, it is. They may not be selling sex, but their selling a sexual fantasy. They really think they're innocent, dancing nude on stage for money for a bunch of strange men. WTF? Read the thread again Rick.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    goodsouthernboy- "Seriously tho, how do we check out her pics on SW? I saw her avatar, but didn't see a link for anything else." *************** PM her for the link and password to her Photo-bucket account. I would post it but it's not my place to do that.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Dirt- "Stripping is a young woman's game. You won't see to many 40yo strippers at a club on a Saturday night unless you're at a dumpster club. This is how I like my strippers. 1- old enough to fuck legally. 2- too young to drink legally . 3- NO kids (or at lest you can't tell they have kids) 4- loser boyfriend (preferable in jail) 5- about to be evicted. 6- under 120lbs. 7- under $150 for 20 to 30 minutes of fun (3 or 4 songs wont do it) 8- NOT OPINIONATED!" ***************************** I just wanted to add one more. 9- 1/2 my age and 1/3 my weight.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    No Dirt, you told me that you could find out anything from how many dances I did to what my locker number is. Which is funny that you believe you could find out this info, also funny because we don't have assigned lockers at that club. And that thread was the first time I told you how much I make. I think I was making about $500ish back then. Now that I work at the other club in I only go in on nights when my big spenders regulars come in, which is why I average more than $1000 a night at that club. But I also only work there about twice a week (whenever one of my 3 big spenders is in). There DO happen to be guys out there that 1) have extra money and 2) will spend money on companion / a good time with an attractive girl without extras or sex. Sorry but that is the truth Dirt, no matter how much you'd like to deny it. You haven't even met me. I've urged you to come to my club and find out for yourself. The only person who you've seen go in-depth with their experience with me said, VERBATIM, "I've not known too many dancers who worked as hard as Nina." Is it that hard to believe a good looking dancer with a strong work ethic can make good money.
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    Not possible to make consistent Money in that market without sucking people off. Unless you've somehow captured the six people in that town who ONLY want clean fun (don't see how, but hey)...I'll believe it when I see it.
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I think Dirt needs to check out Nina and report back to us his findings. Some of her money claims do seem a little inflated. I mean working in Detroit not doing any extras in this economy? It would be tough for Kate Upton to make that kind of money Nina is claiming. Entertaining thread tho!
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Hard4Dancers- "Not possible to make consistent Money in that market without sucking people off. Unless you've somehow captured the six people in that town who ONLY want clean fun (don't see how, but hey)...I'll believe it when I see it." ****************** Hard4, Nina says your not really Hard4 and that someone else is using your screen name. Will you PM me on TS to prove if this true or not?
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    Yeah--I'll be over in a second.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    ranukam- "I think Dirt needs to check out Nina and report back to us his findings. Some of her money claims do seem a little inflated. I mean working in Detroit not doing any extras in this economy? It would be tough for Kate Upton to make that kind of money Nina is claiming. Entertaining thread tho!" **************** I've seen her one time at the club (I didn't meet her, I was to busy negotiating a Friends & Family Plan deal with another peeler lol) Nina is cute with a nice body. She is not the type of dancer that wastes any time in the dressing room being lazy, she works the floor the whole time. She is also very smart (sometimes to smart) From what I understand she is not just an "airdance" type of girl, she will do some bumping and grinding. I'm sure she's made a few guys cum in their pants with that plump ass she's got lol (all complements Nina)
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I'm going to have to check out Nina one day soon. And see if all that positive info is really positive. It will be interesting to find out.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Dirt - "the real" Hard4 has already PM'ed me there and told me it's not him. I've gotten some PM's from some of you who've wanted to see my pics. If more of you want them, PM me - ask and you shall receive (unless you're a stalker lol) :)
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "The False" Hard4 here at TUSCL is probably a dangerous stalker.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    I suggested to Nina to stop with the selfies, every stripper and her little sister takes the same boring selfies. She should invest a few hundred dollars in some professional pictures, and put together a nice little portfolio, some sexy stripper pic's, some elegant, some candid, etc. I also suggested to her she get a website, something like a high priced escort would have. There are some very easy template software that she could use (it's not just for escorts, it's for dancers, massage, ect) She could put the web address [view link] on the pic's to keep other girls from stealing them. I thought I was being nice, but she just told me to get fucked (see how she is lol) When you guys see her pic's, tell me if I'm right. The selfies look good but I'd love to see some professional pictures. [view link]
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I don't think she likes you DirtBoy313.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Alucard, you're correct. He goes out of his way to be rude to me then expects me to take it up the tailpipe just because he told me to make a website. And Dirt, I never told you to get fucked. Never have I uttered that statement to you. Don't put words in my mouth.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Nina- "Alucard, you're correct. He goes out of his way to be rude to me then expects me to take it up the tailpipe just because he told me to make a website." ************************** Will somebody please point out that I've complemented Nina several times in this thread. "Up the tailpipe" lol......nice zinger Nina. I never knew you had a funny side.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Nina- "And Dirt, I never told you to get fucked. Never have I uttered that statement to you. Don't put words in my mouth." *********************** I was speaking figuratively not literally Nina. You really need to stop being so critical. No, you didn't tell me "to get fucked." But your reply was very mean and spiteful, and quite frankly, it hurt my little feelings. :(
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Where is more Mud & Insults slung? Here or TS?? ;) :)
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Nina, I love ya, but it's time for me to put you in my rear-view mirror on this site. It's not you....it's me, you'll find somebody someday. XOXOXO......Joe Dirt
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Alucard- "Where is more Mud & Insults slung? Here or TS?? ;) :)" *********************** As far as Nina and I, TS.
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    Actually, you were the one who came on to this forum. We didn't go to you. Now, I realize that your loyal White Knight followers alerted you to the presence of this thread, and that your father was a customer of your mother, but when you bring that ridiculously over-inflated, self-righteous ego of yours to OUR territory, then we have a little bit of a problem. Since you spend quite a bit of time smoking weed and perusing online message boards, perhaps you should seriously consider blogging as a career instead of stripping, which seems to be even more satisfying and validating for your hubris. You and your condescending attitudes have absolutely no place here. One would think that the 2sheds poll would have put you in your place, but, alas, some people never learn. Now that we have that out of the way, I'm off to Flight Club to get sucked off by a woman younger and better looking than you are (also without the attitude, and with a less expensive going rate). By the way, Dirt and I are still waitin' on them receipts of yours. We can meet you at Hustler tomorrow evening; if they still serve food, then we'll chat over some steaks and a few drinks.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Dirt posted: "Rick, I'm not going to blast you in this post because I think you're missing a few very important facts, that maybe why you think I'm a bad guy. Nina has posted in the past on TS that she averages $600 to $800 (being clean) a night at a bar I know very well. I called BS on her post because the bar is not that busy." **************************************************************************** Why do you care what she makes Dirt? Why do we need to read two threads, on two different sites, with you chewing on this like a dog with a bone? And how would you know what she makes anyway? Not only do you not know how many dances she does, but even if you did, you don't know (1) how much she gets tipped; or (2) what additional money her regulars might be giving her for her company. Dances are only one of a number of ways in which dancers can collect from customers. Neither you, nor I, or even her manager really knows what she makes.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: " Dances are only one of a number of ways in which dancers can collect from customers" Indeed, if some of her customers are employing RickyBoy's The System, then up 35% of her money may come from OTC that go beyond dancing.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Dirt posted: "You also missed the point of the thread. It had NOTHING to do with "one particular dancer in Detroit stating that she does not like extras." It had to do with X-amount of "alleged" clean SW dancers calling dirty dancers "whores." IMHO the only woman that should be called a whore is the woman that sucks another man's dick while her husband is at work. For every clean dancer that calls a dirty dancer a whore, there's 10 housewife's calling that clean dancer a whore." **************************************************************************** So? Are you surprised that girls who do not offer p4p in clubs dislike the ones who do? I agree with some of your premise, and I've had a similar debate on there myself before (albeit in blue), but you'll never convert the SW girls to this philosophy for the obvious emotional and economic reasons. So why bother?
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Hard4Dancers impostor - I'm wondering why you chose Hard4Dancer to pretend to be, of all people. Ya obsessed with him too? Too scared to reveal your real identity to me? You and Dirt want to come up to Hustler? Yes they still serve food and it's quite good. I'll let Dirt know when I'll be at Hustler next and you guys can stop in. But chances are you won't see me much. I'll either be with my customer in the booth, or upstairs in the champagne room all night. I only go into Hustler when my big spenders are there and I spend most of my time in the champagne room. But if you come in, feel free to ask a manager about me. If I haven't gone up to the VIP while you're there, I'll make it a point to walk past your table so you can get a glimpse of a hot stripper who will never put her dick in your mouth. And yes, I do smoke a lot of weed. And yes, I do frequent message boards. I probably will start a blog or two eventually, but seeing as how I'm pursuing law, I think I should focus on school right now since my degree has so much lucrative potential. Pretending to be someone else from another site to troll me, by the way, is so immature it's exhausting. I cannot believe a grown man acts like the high school kids I couldn't stand.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Pretending to be someone else from another site to troll me, by the way, is so immature it's exhausting. I cannot believe a grown man acts like the high school kids" As you may have noticed Nina, there is a great deal of this behavior here. Personally I'd describe the behavior with a different word. Immature is way too "soft"! LOL
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Alucard, I agree :) And Hard4Dancer's impostor, those RECEIPTS you were talking about? I posted a few on TwoSheds. Go take a look.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I'd be interested in looking. NOT that I doubt your veracity Nina. Good for you for calling their buff. :) ;)
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    ^^It's exhausting...and yet YOU somehow always muster up the strength to post a response. Think about that for a second: if people are clearly trolling, why are you entertaining them by doing exactly what they wanted you to do? I'll tell you why: because needing to have the last word and "win" an argument clearly take the front seat to logic and honesty with you.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "because needing to have the last word and "win" an argument clearly take the front seat to logic and honesty with you" You're describing Dougster EXACTLY, or is it you describing yourself Dougster. Hmm...??? LMFAO!
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    "If I haven't gone up to the VIP while you're there, I'll make it a point to walk past your table so you can get a glimpse of a hot stripper who will never put her dick in your mouth." So you're saying you have a dick, Nina? No wonder you don't do extras. Then again, most customers would not consider sucking a stripper's dick as an attractive extra. Put the blunt down for two seconds and get back to us grown folks when you can write a coherent sentence.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Lol. I knew it looked funny when I typed it. And it's not the weed today, it's the wine.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    And speaking of genitals, I have one of the most beautiful pussies I've ever seen. Oh wait, I'm being arrogant now which subjects me to instant ridicule. Haters, this is your cue - fire away! :)
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    It's a little early to be drinking, isn't it? Someone has substance abuse issues. *** The receipts you posted are worthless, because they don't state the value of the rooms, only what their names are. If the receipts showed what the individuals bought the rooms for, then you'd have something. Anyone can go down to their local bank, withdraw a little bit of cash, and take a picture of it with their phone--and it means absolutely nothing, since there's nothing to tie cash back to receipts unless the serial numbers of the bills were somehow recorded in the transaction. Too bad--I was hoping to get some cle...cl...cle...clean dances from you. Oh well. I look forward to Dirt's response.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Nina, smart & intelligent & discerning gentlemen are the BEST judges of beautiful pussies. ;) ;) Perhaps I'll get to see if you are right one day. :) :)
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    Hard4Dancers, will you be doing that with Vulcan precision?
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    I told you what the prices of the rooms are. I also explained that they don't put the dollar amount on the clock-out slip. I ALSO said that if you don't believe the room prices, you can call Hustler and ask. I guarantee you they will be to same numbers I quoted. You said you're going to Hustler soon - you can get a free tour of all the champagne rooms and they'll tell you the price of each (which will be accurate to what I am claiming as well). Also, the receipts show that aside from the room that cost $3200/hr (which I only did one hour in), I did 3, 4, and 5 hours in the rooms on the other receipts. You'll also notice that on a couple of the receipts it shows that I didn't clock out until almost 5am. The club closes at 2:30am and they only stay open if a champagne room is being rented out. Do you really still doubt my earnings when those receipts clearly show that I sometimes stay at the club HOURS after the close doing multiple hours? Please.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Nina these Assholes & the counterfeit Hard4Dancers have a driving need to be right about all things. Anything that doesn't agree with their personal World view is put down or attacked, as youare experiencing 1st hand.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Nina, don't get sucked into this with them. They are just trying to fuck with you. They don't really care if you made it or not. They are just trying to get under your skin and goad you to see how upset you will get and how far you will go to defend your statements. For the trolls on here, this site, not the clubs, is the main attraction. I know it may be hard to imagine, but there are guys on here who rarely, if ever, spend any time in clubs, yet spend their whole days on this site doing nothing but stirring up shit. This site hosts the most overfed trolls to ever walk a topical discussion board, due no doubt to the fact that this is the only place that will have them. If I were you I'd be careful about how much more personal intel you share on here and keep on hustlin. ;)
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    The problem with your logic, Hard4Dancers, is that you erroneously assume that everyone else has the same point of view as you do. We don't, and that's why you and Nina are the most attacked members of your respective message boards. Perhaps you two should start your own forum for egotists. The irony here lies in the spectrum of extremes: one is such a White Knight that he couldn't possibly get any without paying for it, and the other is so self-absorbed that she'll probably die lonely and bitter once her looks are gone. Maybe Alucard actually is her dad? He did start going to clubs in the Midwest around the early 1990s...
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    If you hate Hard4Dancers so much, why on earth were you pretending to be him? Do I get under you and Dirt's skin THAT much that you have to follow me around and troll? Are you that bothered by the fact that I won't suck your dicks? So damn stupid.
  • Hard4Dancers
    11 years ago
    You mad?
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    @motorhead. this is why we can’t have nice things.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Rick- "Why do you care what she makes Dirt?" ******************* I don't. I just have a hard time with people talking out their ass. We all know someone that always talks shit, some of us just nod a smile, and some of us call BS. Rick, when someone tells you it's black when you know damn well it's white do you call BS or just let them keep talking out their ass? If you nod and smile great, but that's not my style.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Rick- "Why do we need to read two threads, on two different sites, with you chewing on this like a dog with a bone?" ******************* Just to get our (Nina's and I) history. I think you (and a few others) may have judge me without knowing the whole story. PS. I put Nina's name first to be nice (inside joke lol)
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^Dirt, I don't give a shit about your "history." You're acting like a little bitch by chasing a dancer around on multiple boards and giving her grief, especially since you don't really know what she makes anyway. I don't know what she earns since I'm not watching what guys hand over to her, and neither do you. I also don't give a shit if she is lying or not and neither should you. Man the fuck up already stalker boy and be a little less sensitive. Walk it/shake it/laugh it off. Stop being so fucking obsessive - it's just the Internet dude.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Rick- "And how would you know what she makes anyway? Not only do you not know how many dances she does, but even if you did, you don't know (1) how much she gets tipped; or (2) what additional money her regulars might be giving her for her company. Dances are only one of a number of ways in which dancers can collect from customers. Neither you, nor I, or even her manager really knows what she makes." *************************** Rick, I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but it's called "common sense." I know the club Nina works at very well. The club is a ghost town, it's so slow they didn't even have dayshift up until the first of November. No valet, no cover half the time, $2 beers, etc. I was there on a Friday night (10pm) a few weeks ago, it was so slow that the bartender was Knitting behind the bar. The bar draws a low income (under 45yo) blue collar crowd, not the "VIP well into the 6 figure white collar crowd." So for Nina to say / post that she averages $1,100 a night there being clean, is just BS. I know girls that work or have worked there just as cute as Nina and they don't average half that. PS. Posting your earnings is a bit tacky, just ask the SW girls. Nina maybe very smart but she lacks life experiences (constructive criticism) [view link]
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^See my post immediately preceding yours. Again, why do you care? What's your horse in the race? You're really coming across as obsessive now dude.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "So damn stupid" Yes Nina, that can be applied to any number of "members" here. "For the trolls on here, this site, not the clubs, is the main attraction. I know it may be hard to imagine, but there are guys on here who rarely, if ever, spend any time in clubs, yet spend their whole days on this site doing nothing but stirring up shit. This site hosts the most overfed trolls to ever walk a topical discussion board, due no doubt to the fact that this is the only place that will have them" True Rick & we know who they are! LOL
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Rick- "So? Are you surprised that girls who do not offer p4p in clubs dislike the ones who do? I agree with some of your premise, and I've had a similar debate on there myself before (albeit in blue), but you'll never convert the SW girls to this philosophy for the obvious emotional and economic reasons. So why bother?" ************************ (1) I'm not surprised that clean girls don't like dirty ones. (2) It wouldn't matter if I posted my thread in pink or blue, those girls love to give their opinion. (3) I wasn't trying to convert any of those girls to the "dark side." Those girls just needed to be reminded that they put their panties on one leg at a time, just like dirty dancers (Judge not, and ye shall not be judged) These girls think their so above dirt girls. FYI ladies, none of your fathers are telling the guys at work that their daughter is a stripper. FYI2, no matter what daddy tells you, you broke his heart the day he found out you were a stripper (no matter how much money you make or how clean you claim to be) (5) The clean girls are getting mad at the dirty ones when they should be getting mad at the clubs that allow extras to go on. They will piss and moan about the dirty girls, but wont say shit to the bar, or even quit and find a better bar to work at. If the bar wanted to be 100% clean, it would be.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Rick, I really tried to be nice. But I see you just like to play internet Tough Guy. Well I only have time for one menstruating bitch at a time, so you will have to wait. Get yourself a tampon (Bounty paper towels sized) stuff it up in your bleeding vagina and I will deal with your bitch ass later.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Alucard- "True Rick & we know who they are! LOL" ******************* Alucard, I think you missed a few drops. You might want to go back for seconds. (stop sucking Ricks dick)
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    The sex worker income situation is very puzzling. Elliot Spitzer paid $5500 an HOUR. Ashley Dupre is hot, but not THAT hot. I guess stripping and escorting is like waiting tables in some sense. The work is not very different between a restaurant with $20 entrees, and one with $200 entrees. But you'll make 10 times as much at the second restaurant. Maybe the service is better at the expensive restaurant is better in small ways. But it would only be worth it to someone with money to burn. One of my recent favs looked kinda like the porn star Ricki White, but healthier looking. She made under $25,000 a year. But she hated dancing too much to really put herself into it. And she had a hard time hiding her contempt for us PLs. I kept telling her she needed to move if she wanted to make it as a dancer. Fortunately, she found a straight job she liked. Detroit is broke, but there's still $$$$$ in Oakland county and Ann Arbor.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    DirtBoy: " Yeah, there's nothing wrong with a 40yo dancer, if you're in your 70's." alutard's chronological age isn't in his 70s but his IQ is in the 70s. Does that count?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    BitchBoy, are you giving orders now? LOL. Don't try to play tough guy here girly man, you've already been exposed. I shit stuff tougher than you. Any guy who gets so worked up over what one dancer says that he stalks her over 3 different boards, losing his mind in ridiculous emotional fashion, is a raging fag. You sound like the type of guy who got his ass kicked often as a kid and has never had much luck with the ladies. So now that a few girls will actually suck your dick, albeit for money, you are so grateful that you lose your mind when another girl suggests that what they are doing is wrong. Pathetic. Man up BitchBoy. I do as much, if not more, than you with strippers all over the country, but I don't let the views of the more uptight ones phase me. Why should they? Oh, and neither Nina nor any other dancer needs a customer to educate them about girls who choose to do extras. They understand better than we do the forces in play, they just don't care. Stop being so fucking sensitive already BitchBoy.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Dirt, you're my number one hater. More-so than the person who started that bs poll (which I'm beginning to think may have been you). Why is Dirt complaining about my earnings? Because he knows deep down that I actually DO make great money and that's too hard for him to swallow. I gave him pics of receipts that show me doing 3-5 hours in rooms and 1 hours in a room that's like $3200 an hour (only done it twice, it's either 3200 or 3600) and several clock-out slips showed me clocking out well past the club's closing time of 2:30am because I was in VIP so long (example: one clockout slip was for 4:26am, another was for 4:58am. Why the hell would I be at the club until 5am when the ONLY reason clubs w/champagne rooms stay open 'after hours' is when a gentleman continues to renew hours.) I told Dirt he can feel free to call Hustler and ask about champagne room prices to prove my info he correct. I've told him to go on up to Hustler and ask for a free tour of the champagne rooms to see the prices if he'd like to call BS on the prices. I told him to go up to Hustler and ask my managers about me. They'll tell him I'm not lying. But he won't do any of that. I provided proof to back up my earnings, now it is HIS turn to have something to prove. I've already given him proof, he just can't handle it. According to Dirt, he won't believe I make what I make until I show him THIRTY DAYS worth of clock out receipts. Please. Lmao.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Maybe he wishes he earned as much as you Nina and can't stand it that you may earn more than him. LMAO!
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    And Dirt, the extent of our history is you knowing I don't give extras, seeing my pics and talking about how hot I am, then arguing with me on stripperweb, then insulting me at Twosheds every chance you get, then making your sig pic about me at Twosheds, etc. That's our 'history.' We have no more history than that. You obsess over me and I reply to you because it's always nice to prove naysayers wrong. You lose. I win.
  • NinaBambina
    11 years ago
    Alucard, I think you're on to something. I also think he doesn't like the fact that I make more than the large majority of extras girls in Detroit who he loves to fuck for $100. I also think the fact that he thinks I'm attractive but won't suck his dick really creams his corn.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Creams his corn!" I Love it!!!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ homo
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Alucard- "Maybe he wishes he earned as much as you Nina and can't stand it that you may earn more than him. LMAO!" *********************** Alucard, Nina doesn't have a dick, so you can stop kissing her ass. There's nothing there for you to suck. LOL, Nina doesn't have a dick just like RickyBoy doesn't have any balls. There on display in a private area on SW with the rest of the castrated fags on that site.
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
    Rick, if you're ever in the metro Detroit area....
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Or is this another of the 1000s of Dougster aliases.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    1000? Yeah, that might be a 1/10th of it, homo...
  • DirtBoy313
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ good demo! *** SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT ALUTARD ***
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    So Nina, there's a theory going around that the existence of dirty dancers helps the clean dancers. Guys come into the club looking for extras, but end up getting a clean dance from a non-extras dancers because they find her really hot. Your thoughts?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    BitchBoy posted: "Rick, if you're ever in the metro Detroit area...." You'll do nothing, at least if my back isn't turned to you. 'Cause that's how bitches are. And don't try to deny what you are. Any guy who cyber-stalks a young girl over 3 different websites, getting all whiny and worked up along the way, is a bitch.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "*** SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT RICKY-BOY ***" Your Homophobia sounds exactly like Dougster's. [You could be another Dougster alias] You need to be a bit more creative. I doubt Rick is a bit bothered. It seems to me that you are really obsessed with Nina.
  • georgebailey
    10 years ago
    Amazing. How did I miss this?
  • NinaBambina
    10 years ago
    Gerogebailey, I can't help but noticing that I'm pretty sure your most recent review for Players (Feb 3rd) was about me. 5'2'' spinner, long dark hair, tattoo across shoulder blades, our conversation, etc... Not sure if you know, but that was me you spent time with that night. ;) As you can see, I've caused quite an internet stir lol.
  • georgebailey
    9 years ago
    I am. Hey Nina. Winning!
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    How are you? :)
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I like having Nina post over here. I appreciate a stripper's honest perspective. I know she's a SW girl but I have nothing against her. I'm not a PL that she's hustling or stringing along so what do I care.
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    ^thank you! :)
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @motorhead dammit. first time you’ve ever given me cause to cuss you but wtf? it’s like you’ve given genital herpes to TUSCL
  • TFP
    3 years ago
    Since we're resurrecting old threads.....I happened upon this one. Cool to see the introduction of Nina to TUSCL. And I see Lopaw was dead wrong on how long it would take her to leave. Gave her two weeks tops lol.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    That’s because this is the only place that allows her to go on endlessly in arguing a fictitious point about how cool she is. Insecure people have a deeply rooted desire to show off to others, always putting themselves on a platform and kicking others off. Self promotion is very unattractive. Carolyne probably is the real deal hottie that everyone wants to fuck.
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    Oh, how time flies. I was a spring chicken and now I'm an old hen. Not really, but lol anyway.
  • FishHawk
    3 years ago
    I am glad you are around. Keep posting, I enjoy and learn from your posts and comments.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Has anybody on this site met Carolyne irl? Clearly Nina, Eve, PSD, waffle, etc are real because either somebody mentioned something or wrote a review. Not saying somebody has to meet board members to be the real deal or anything, but it makes things easier to confirm or deny.
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