Mo head...I've thought about food as and food.......I can get food at any store and sex well hell just about any club I can get that as well......I'm really thanking of being alone the rest of my life.....its not a sad moment I've realized in my life but a joyous one.....I'm just really trying to figure out if i need a women at the house or not ?
Men who live alone have statistical observable shorter lives than those who are married. It's not necessarily cause and effect, IMO, however. It could just that women are more likely to choose to marry the men genetically pre-disposed to live longer anyway. The question then becomes whether that longer life is happier or not. :-b
I mean I've already had and finished a marriage of 12 years 3 years ago...and my kids are close to being raised.......I feel accomplished in that area of my life and i honestly feel no need or desire to do this again........being a life long clubhound is very sexy idea to me
If we didn't have females I would guess humans would evolve into worms. Remember Jurassic Park? Everything finds a way. Worms are hermaphrodites - they have both make and female sex organs. We would lose are fingers. Without a female vag, why need a finger. Do you want to be a worm?
well....if you don't want to be homosexual about it and be straight faced, you can get companionship from your bros, men cook a lot more than women these days....most of us prefer to make our own ends meet.....damn this is like that episode of family guy where they did fan mail and one of them was about little peter
Women smell wonderful. Women look wonderful. Women feel wonderful. When you're around a woman who's cool, who's understanding, who knows how to have a good time, you can tell you boys to stay home.
Women are the Yin to our Yang. The light to the dark, the positive to the negative. We need them asuch as they need us.
When I asked the doctor about whether married men living longer the things he brought up were women encouraging men to avoid the most physically unhealthy things like eating badly, and the other was making sure they saw their doctors regularly.
So if you do decide to go single only see women for sex be route be sure to at least still healthy and see your doctor regularly. We all want Juice to be around for a long, long time! :-)
Joker said, " and sex well hell just about any club I can get that as well." I guess you are talking about a gay club because the clubs we discuss at TUSCL all have FEMALES from whom the rest of us get sex.
You did ask, "Why do we need femals (sic)?"
"There" is the spelling.
If you need to ask the 2nd question, your long lost.
Thus spaketh that faggot alutard, the most lost of them all.
“you’re†is the proper spelling. dumbass
Women are the Yin to our Yang. The light to the dark, the positive to the negative. We need them asuch as they need us.
So if you do decide to go single only see women for sex be route be sure to at least still healthy and see your doctor regularly. We all want Juice to be around for a long, long time! :-)
You did ask, "Why do we need femals (sic)?"