Today I was sitting with my CF Muffy, a young blonde with big boobs. Out of nowhere, she says, "So you had sex with Candi." Candi is another stripper at the club.
I said, "What? Cough, cough. How can you think that, baby? You know I only love you."
Muffy said, "It's OK. You're free to do what you want."
She was right, of course. I can do what I want. And I had had sex with Candi on Saturday when Muffy was not working.
I don't know why I felt guilty. Muffy is my favorite dancer, but it's not like she is my girlfriend or SO. She's a stripper who blows guys for money. However, I have a special relationship with her, because I'm the only man she meets OTC and has sex with--or so she claims.
I had to come clean and admit I had fucked Candi ITC. But I wanted to know who had ratted me out. I thought it was the waitress, Amy, who had served me and Candi on Saturday. But Muffy said it wasn't her. After I had badgered her a while, she told me the informer was Paris, a stripper who is a friend of Muffy's.
I am seriously pissed at Paris. I have never had dances with her (not being my type), but I have bought her drinks many times because she's Muffy's friend. In my opinion Paris should have kept her mouth shut.
So how should I deal with this rat fink? I should probably just let it go. It's not like Muffy will now refuse to take my money ITC or OTC. But I would like to make it clear to Paris that I don't like to be ratted out.
Slap that bitch Paris in the face next time you see her at that bar. She can't be doing that shit.
No one is ANYONE else's property when they're in the Club, and that goes for both guests and the dancers. You should've asked Muffy if she gets dances with anyone else and see how she responds.
You feel guilty because your the definition of ULTIMATE PL
You feel guilty dedicated your money to her and you feel as if....I can't even make sense out of half that thought. Maybe you're feeling as if you're in a real relationship. You need some wake-me up coffee
I expect that sort of stupid response from you Hard4Dancers. Seeing as you have a pronounced form of Asperger's it's clear that you cannot pick up on social subtleties such as hyperbole like normal human beings can.
Shouldn't you be working right now instead of posting on TUSCL anyway? I want to speak to your Supervisor right now.
And stop posting Double comments; you're wasting enough of Founder's server space as it is.
Paris snitching on you is not remarkable and isn't going to change if you try to deal with her. All the dancer in a club discuss all the customers in the dressing room. You can't know for sure it was truly Paris in the first place anyway. Maybe it was someone else and Muffy is pointing the finger at Paris to stir up drama.
The real question is what was Muffy's motivation for bringing it up.
Hard4Dancers: "I expect that sort of stupid response from you Hard4Dancers. Seeing as you have a pronounced form of Asperger's it's clear that you cannot pick up on social subtleties such as hyperbole like normal human beings can."
Every dancer in the club knows how big your Dick is, whether you fuck worth a damn, if you can suck pussy, how well you tip, if you are a nice guy or an asshole.
They all know when you get laid and who you fucked. They know your preference for body types, hair color, and tit size. They know if you are a tit man or ass man.
They know what kind of car you drive and how thick your wallet is.
Jack they know everything about you because dancers love to talk. Just go with it man, you can't win.
What kind of a total pussy suggests hitting a woman for any reason? The funniest part is that the CF probably took a shot in the dark and he dimed himself out.
What you should do to Paris is thank her for teaching you a lesson you should have already known :) Strippers love to gossip, and there's no way someone isn't going to turn you in, that's the way it is. I had an ATF once who would actually text me while I was in the club, to tease me (and maybe to make sure I knew that she always got near-instantaneous reports of my activities): "Oh, I hear you're there with Mina. Don't catch anything!"
I tend to stay completely transparent with my ATF. Whether the stripper is being unreasonable or not doesn't matter to me, I'd rather have a happy ATF than a jealous or irritated one. So I"ll pretty much tell them, "oh, you're not working Wed? Well, I'm going to be at the club Wed, but let's figure out when I can see you next after that"
Too much drama for me. They all lie and they all talk. It is my money and I don't care what they think. When this stuff starts in my usual club I just go somewhere else for awhile and when I return everbody is happy to see me again and then the shit starts all over. When I was confronted with a similar story I just repled that that this is my business and nobody elses.
bvino, totally understand how you would want to just avoid the drama by leaving for a while. That said, I've found that if I just take control instead of letting the girls' politics yank my chain, I don't have to bother with leaving, and don't get subjected to this in a cycle the way you do. My experience has been 1000% better, with much less dancer politics, since I started doing what I described above -- that what works for me, might not work for everyone. But once a girl is an ATF, I'm transparent, both about my trips and what I do there, and that's all I've needed. It's a whole lot better than being constantly exposed to stripper shit and having to hop clubs because of it.
jack – you 2-timing bastard – you should be ashamed of yourself :)
But expecting women not to talk behind someone’s back is like expecting men not to like BBBJs – you got to let it slide as a difference b/w the sexes.
Paris wants a piece of you. So next time in club when you see her. Call her over to your table. Buy her a drink and just start to talk. Then bring it up some how.... ie I hear you are telling people my secrets....but say it with a shit eating smile like it doesn't bother you. She how she responds. I am sure it will be flirty and then fuck the shit out of her ITC..... even if she isn't you type.
last commentOne of the RULES of dealing with strippers is when she tells you she is ONLY doing something with you, she is doing it with EVERYONE else.
Slap that bitch Paris in the face next time you see her at that bar. She can't be doing that shit.
No one is ANYONE else's property when they're in the Club, and that goes for both guests and the dancers. You should've asked Muffy if she gets dances with anyone else and see how she responds.
By the way, never feel guilty. They don't.
Or send the Terminator after her. LOL!
You feel guilty dedicated your money to her and you feel as if....I can't even make sense out of half that thought. Maybe you're feeling as if you're in a real relationship. You need some wake-me up coffee
Shouldn't you be working right now instead of posting on TUSCL anyway? I want to speak to your Supervisor right now.
And stop posting Double comments; you're wasting enough of Founder's server space as it is.
lol that was my laugh of the day. Hey I got some beachfront property in arizona to sell you too!
Muffy is a slang term used by Australians that means when a man gives a woman cunnilingus.
"G'day, Jack, I heard you, ah, gave ya girlfriend a muffy on the week-end, mate."
The real question is what was Muffy's motivation for bringing it up.
***PRIVACY VIOLATORS - Get Fucked & DIE badly & Slowly!! LMFAO!!***
"Hey I got some beachfront property in arizona to sell you too!"
Oh nice, is that on Lake Havasu?
Oh God, i sound like Alucard
Well it certainly can be for the right price!
Will that be cash, check or bitcoin?
Oh you burned the alutard good there!
Every dancer in the club knows how big your Dick is, whether you fuck worth a damn, if you can suck pussy, how well you tip, if you are a nice guy or an asshole.
They all know when you get laid and who you fucked. They know your preference for body types, hair color, and tit size. They know if you are a tit man or ass man.
They know what kind of car you drive and how thick your wallet is.
Jack they know everything about you because dancers love to talk. Just go with it man, you can't win.
@Carl & Lopaw-Good ones.
@Jack-call me and Paris will be sleeping with the fishes.
I tend to stay completely transparent with my ATF. Whether the stripper is being unreasonable or not doesn't matter to me, I'd rather have a happy ATF than a jealous or irritated one. So I"ll pretty much tell them, "oh, you're not working Wed? Well, I'm going to be at the club Wed, but let's figure out when I can see you next after that"
But expecting women not to talk behind someone’s back is like expecting men not to like BBBJs – you got to let it slide as a difference b/w the sexes.