Comments by bvino
discussion comment
6 years ago
Thanks Daddillac but 5-6 hours is not working for me. I may get to Follies some day but i am surprised at how low the bar is locally.
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6 years ago
Trolls are on ignore so i don't what that is about. The original thread , however, sounds like what i went through at my regular club. I just stopped going 'cause the drams was too much. I go to these clubs for the lack of involvement. Shallow? yeah, but fun.h
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6 years ago
Last night I was able to convince my favorite to convince the hot waitress to agree to ta threesome. The flirting and negotiations were a blast. I used to use escorts. Price wise it was less but some of them were more unattractive then any dancer I have ever engaged for services. There is something to be said for the actual viewing and selection process. I guess if you just want a sure thing then escorts deliver but it can a pretty cold experience sometimes. I also found a higher incidence of substance abuse in the escort community then I do in clubs.I have had good escort experiences and bad escort experiences. I feel I have more control on the club side as to how it will work out. It is also easier to negotiate with a dancer than an escort. Good luck and have fun!
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6 years ago
I will be retired a week from today.
No change anticipated-income will rise
Early day shift with a few nights when I feel flush
I only eat what or who I pay for
I will drive until they pry the keys out of my dead fingers.
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6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
That B funny.
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7 years ago
StripperWeb AssKisser
I will say goodbye before i ignore you forever.
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7 years ago
There are no universal human morals. it is all subjective. I agree that there should be civility in all transactions but using the word "moral" implies judgement and I don't judge. Appreciate maybe .
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7 years ago
Evil Sheldon!
I always get a booth that faces the main stage. I like to be seen and I like the sight lines. The room in the booth is useful when i am tag teamed.
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7 years ago
So much stream of consciousness. Henry James would be so proud.
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7 years ago
I agree with Rick. Most clubs could turn around but they usually maintain the same stupid policies that ruined their business in the first place. Most girls work where the like and that is a combination of several tolerant policies. Most clubs want control.
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7 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I miss RickDugans system So much classier. Soem people take themselves waY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y too seriously.
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7 years ago
The only club that has less "nickel and diming" is the Criket. I would start at the Flight Club and then descend through the Criket and the Bogies and then Henrys North. It is a sliding scale but all real close. Your funds will diminish accordingly but the fun may continue.
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7 years ago
Well, at least, this gives Trump some wiggle room on his dossier.Could just be a leak in a servo-motor.
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7 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Daniel Midah did not need to use racist language to describe this. It is stupid enough to be funny without the
N word being tossed around.
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7 years ago
Pussy tighter than a LA parking spot
I have spent time with her. She has changed her look. Pretty but dull.
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7 years ago
Geographically you should start at The landing strip and then the Flight Club. It is an easy drive from there to Criket and then on to B.T's. If you stay on the West side you can hit Bogies if you need to to on the way back.
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7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I guess i am only the adult on here w/o kids. What is this fathers day you speak of?
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7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
People used to stare at their navels. Amazing world we live in. "used weights to stretch his dick" Did anybody think this was real?
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7 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
I agree. There is a latent threat with the offers although Founder can claim that he dose not promote that. That argument did not prevail fro BackPage and this looks like a slippery slope. Besides who needs the intel when we are club pros?
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7 years ago
Lifetime member and proud. Quality isn't free. Rock on Founder!
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7 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
There was an offshoot of Christians called "Cathars" in the South of France in the twelfth century that believed in anal sex as an alternative to vaginal sex and thus preserving a womans purity. It took many years of Catholic oppression to stomp out the Cathars and there were even small wars fought over this. Lots of alternative Catholics in the early days.
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7 years ago
New York
Most places will not hire a bartender w/o working them as a waitress or a bar back first. I was a bartender for 7 years . There is a trust factor at work because of the cash. It would be a lot easier to become a stripper as they don't have to go through rigors of becoming a bartender.As far as hustle goes,there is a lot of lying in both professions but the payoff is higher for hustle as a stripper. My best nights bar tending were in the $250-$400 range. Average nights were less than a $100.00. I don't have the face or tits that most strippers have and not being female i did't get the loser tips that my female partners did. Good luck and send pictures.
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7 years ago
I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
Better than finding a Playboy on the railroad tracks. Thanks for sharing. Amazing the difference between my 15 year old self and now.
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7 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
He was looking "for other monkey groups to join"? This is too easy to use as a humor trope. Clearly the monkey needs to be spanked.
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7 years ago
My return to the SC world started in similar fashion. I was overwhelmed with what had changed and I lost my bearings for awhile. Try not taking too much money for a few visits and work on your negotiating skills. It took me a few trips to really absorb how much had changed. i was still asking if i could touch.Imagine my surprise. It won't take long and the research is a blast. Have fun. If you need tips on Dearborn clubs PM me.