Stripper/Dancer or Bartender

New York
Hey ladies
I’m currently in a dilemma here.
I’ve hit a crazy plummet in my financial setting, & am currently out of work
I’ve been hitting dead end interviews and have decided to take on either becoming a stripper or bartender to make things get back to being afloat again
The only thing though is deciding between the two of which I should go for. Im very social, outgoing, carefree and am often called the life of the party and wild one of the group.
I thought of stripping because I can easily make back the losses that have came with this past month but my only issue is if I’ll be accepted by the owner and patrons
I thought of Bartending but the only thing with that is it’s harder to get my foot in the door with it.
What are your thoughts of what I should go for?
I’m currently in a dilemma here.
I’ve hit a crazy plummet in my financial setting, & am currently out of work
I’ve been hitting dead end interviews and have decided to take on either becoming a stripper or bartender to make things get back to being afloat again
The only thing though is deciding between the two of which I should go for. Im very social, outgoing, carefree and am often called the life of the party and wild one of the group.
I thought of stripping because I can easily make back the losses that have came with this past month but my only issue is if I’ll be accepted by the owner and patrons
I thought of Bartending but the only thing with that is it’s harder to get my foot in the door with it.
What are your thoughts of what I should go for?
Try which is a site mostly of dancers.
Post some pics to and what area/city you would wanna dance in and we may be able to recommend some clubs based on your particular look/build.
I don't think any of this really sets you apart from any other dancer when it comes to making money. It really comes down to whether you are decently attractive and have a hustler's mentality. Dancing is a customer service job at the end of the day.
I personally would become a bartender because some of them make more than the dancers
Your idea of average will be different than other another's. There are many dancers that are "not exotic looking." I've seen many that are somewhere between short to average in height. Dancing isn't some kind of job where you need to be really attractive. You can get by as a 7 with a hustler's mentality. If you want to get an idea, I see most dancers as around low to mid 7. Every now and then there will be a dancer above an 8 and below a 7
Have you ever been to a strip club? If not it might not be what you are picturing. Other than black clubs you probably aren't going to get up on stage and dance and make a ton of money. It is hard work especially physiologically. You will have to grind on old dudes boners. You have to sell yourself which means you are going to get rejected a lot. And there will be rude and hateful comments about your appearance (not to say that there won't be far more positive comments).
In my opinion all dancers should at least waitress in a strip club for at least a day before dancing. It lets you see what is involved first.
You might want to mention what general location(s) you are looking at dancing in. The level of contact (touch) varies a lot depending on where you are. Some places have no touching, one way, or most allow 2 way touching.
Best of luck!
Bartending requires more knowledge - and training - so you might not qualify to bartend. Waitressing might be a decent option.
Good luck!
Syldana, if you were insulted by our failure to request pictures of your tits please let me rectify that situation!
Fellow TUSCL posters, remember that pictures of tits = brilliant!
I also like the sexy girl butthole pictures, but maybe that is just me.
Post a few tit pics. It's the only way we can really give advice and give you an accurate picture of your earning potential.
Also, what level of services are you willing to provide?…