Strip club vs escort.

With the amount of money that we spend in a SC it would sometimes be much cheaper to just get an escort . I kinda like the atmosphere of the club. You can chat with other customers,and more than one girl. You can shop around in SC and get a girl that you like more than others. You can kick back and have a few drinks in the club. On the other hand if you hire an escort it's a sure thing, you have more time and privacy and the cost can be the same.
So why hit the club and walk away wanting more when you can get more bang for your buck with an escort ?
last commentYou answered your own question. Kicking back, drinks, shopping around, testing out new talent and hunting for a unicorn is what makes club experiences worthwhile. It's (almost) always cheaper and a sure thing to go for an escort, but sometimes the chase is more fun.
I’m in the camp that it’s not one or the other. Clubs and escorts both have their advantages and disadvantages. You’ve mentioned several reasons to consider.
Personally, I go by my mood and don’t rely on one or the other exclusively. There are lots of good experiences to be had out there and I don’t think there is a right way or a wrong way to have fun. Nor do I think there is only one way.
Strip clubs offer a See - Want - Get experience. You can get the girl you have selected and approached, and dressed and painted up exactly as you first spotted her. That is the Ultimate King Herod The Great power trip.
But you only get that with a given girl, once. After that she becomes you mistress.
This is another subject that pops up fairly frequently.
Cheaper ain’t necessarily better.
You always want to first meet the girl in a f2f and non-committal way, free form fraternizing, low pressure.
I have experience with both, but most of my activity with escorts happened more than 4 years ago. For the past year, the strip clubs have been very good to me.
Since it had been a while since I had seen any escorts, I would pretty much have to start from scratch. However, a few months ago I had an easy time scheduling an appointment through an agency. The girl was not as attractive as the girls I see in strip clubs, and the whole experience was rushed. It was enough to convince me going forward to do all my mongering in strip clubs.
With the clubs, I have plenty of girls to choose from, I know what they look like, and I have an easier time establishing a connection, which ultimately leads to a better experience when I go to the VIP.
The only advantage with an escort is that it won’t cost as much, but as GMD said, cheaper isn’t always better.
Why I don't think there's any contest: /article.php
So, why OTC?
My stripper is waaay hotter, I already know she matches my physical ideals
I'm crazy about her psychologically, sexually, even before our first OTC
She's unprofessional ... which means spending hours and even overnights without charging more. I can party with a girl I adore for hours and hours, and if she's feeling it, can do far more than we agreed to
In short, for a hotter girl, who turns me on more, the price is as much as 1/2 to 1/10th as I'd pay an escort for a comparable experience. The only advantage of an escort is: she will almost certainly show up, on time, and let you know if for some reason she's late or needs to cancel. Otherwise, escort will make you pay for every minute you're together (multi-hour sessions are unaffordable for the rare hot ones, much less overnights)
Question about escorts.
Before being on this discussion site, I had the impression that escorts not only didn’t rush it, but would “forget” the time for 5-15 minutes past the hour.
But other posters here say otherwise. I’m guessing that escorts articulate enough to write about themselves are maybe contrary to the majority?
Does anyone know whether escort “customer service” change at different price levels? Or what about them would make them more or less likely to try to bail as fast as possible instead of just going by agreed upon time?
Subra is correct.
Also, if it goes well and see her a second time, it will be OTC, so she will be your escort, really becoming your mistress. And you've picked her out from the start wtih this in mind.
@nicespice: Customer service does, in fact, change with price levels. However, it’s not a linear or consistent thing.
I’ve seen reports of $50 blow job girls coaxing out a second nut for no extra charge, and $300 per hour “courtesans” who are rushing guys out after a half hour. The trend is for the more expensive girls to rush less, but more money is no guarantee.
'course, that was for OTC, not ITC. I threatened to do a similar ITC analysis, but way to fucking lazy. But basically, I think, if you're the kind of guy who just wants to stick his dick in a hole for an hour, for the cheapest price if you ONLY measure dick-in-hole time. With a stripper, I'll usually get a FAR hotter girl, while my $300 might only last 20 minutes of dick-in-hole time, I've also spent a couple of hours getting dances, tipping at the rail, just sitting around talking with the girls, etc.
So, to a substantial extent, I see escorts winning if and only if you're in a "dick in hole time is all that counts, okay if it's a less attractive girl" mood (which I personally am never in); except it places where ITC is outrageous (like SF), if you care about a better looking girl, and count fun time being in the strip club as part of your benefit, it's an easy win, to me.
See - Want - Get, this is what strip clubs get you. I would never pass that up either.
But you only get it with a given girl once. So take it. But then after keep seeing her outside.
Its just like anything else their are good gfe escorts that will blow your mind and their are escorts that arent worth the time i have had both
Thats why im excited about visiting honk kong beautiful chicas way less expensive the best of both the escort and strip club world
@Georgemicro Thanks for the reply! That was helpful
@Subraman How many strippers do you have to filter through before you find one like that? Would you consider the money you spent on the other dancers who ended up not agreeing a waste, or just a fun part of the process?
@countryman Do you know Spanish? If the answer is no, do you feel as if the language barrier undermines the gfe? Or is it just as good?
Escorts is a bum deal. What is promised is good, but the arrangement is not.
Always better to select and approach her yourself, be generous and turn on some charm, and get that front room makeout session going!
No way to do that if you call an escort. Its always that front room tension. And usually their looks are not that hot.
Now if you see your stripper a second time, it will then be more escort like, or GF, or mistress like.
I suspect that TJ girls are emphasizing DFKing to compensate for the language barrier.
I know first hand that GFE across a language barrier can be awesome.
I’m sure Subraman will answer as well, but for me the answer to the question you asked him is “a lot”, maybe 1 in 50? And totally worth it.
That's what google translate is for.
Nicespice, to answer your question, escorts don’t rush it and push guys out the door most of the time. If anyone runs into that, I would respectfully suggest that they aren’t doing their research and are inexperienced in p4p or are taking an interest in the wrong ladies. There is a lot of info out there, even post FOSTA.
What is true is that escorts are very businesslike in terms of charging for their time in the sense of booking multi-hour sessions or overnights. I believe that Subra’s comparison is is that an OTC stripper will usually go for a set fee for the overall experience, even if it runs through the night. Escorts go by the hour or half hour and have set fees for overnights that reflect the time spent. But as far as most escorts being clock watchers if an hour appointment went ten minutes over, that’s not the case.
I know I’m in the minority here with what I’m about to say, but I’ll say it. On average, strippers are younger and hotter than escorts. But I haven’t at all found that to be as reliably so as some on here have experienced. Again, I’m just speaking from my experience but there are a lot of gorgeous escorts out there at $300-400 for an hour. If one wants a longer appointment, then it gets really pricey.
Also, it’s obviously true that one gets to meet the strippers in the flesh and the first escort meeting is “blind”. But it doesn’t have to be blind with some research. In addition, if one finds a good escort, repeating with her is not blind.
This is a strip club site and, understandably, has those biases. But some of the comparisons I see here at times reflect those biases and may not give a truly fair comparison. Subraman, I note, is very fair in his analysis.
Some folks are located in parts of the country where everything they want is available in the club. But in many parts of the country, OTC is still available but it really comes down to how much time and effort a person enjoys and wants to put in. Again, $300-400 gets an hour with a very good quality escort around here. Whether that’s what a person seeks will vary from person to person and time to time.
speaking for myself... a customer being fluent in street Spanish and able to converse with these girls is an absolute advantage. so far... I'm at a huge disadvantage.
I will be well prepared as I have big big plans for being in Mexico. And so besides books and audio, I'll be practicing with local and SoCal Latina's.
But like everything else it all talks time.
Also when I am there I will have a true story and supporting bi-lingual papers showing that I intend to be there regularly and it its for expanding a business.
The girl will know that this is her opportunity to become my mistress. Most of the working girls there seek that.
Agreed with a lot of what has been said
It does depend on moods and how a person is wired.
I've done escorts and honestly found it to cold and Business like....didn't like how rushed things felt and the lack of a connection...also hated how it was timed and literal every second costed money ..I just haven't found a escort worth it I'm a very paranoid person and always worry about a boy Friend robbing me or the Cops busting me...last two reasons is why I don't seek this method any longer...but I did give it a good college try before knocking it.
SA is a good option I just don't have the cash flow for it..maybe later in life
Strip clubs have always been a sweet spot...I started and I'll end with strip's amazing how you can go to a place and just shop and sample...both parties can feel each other out and both parties can choice or decline how fair it will go.
Witch brings me to another issue...I'm never wanting to contribute to sex's sick that Shit goes on and I pray the cops bust everyone...
I feel it's more likely an escort is being forced to do this as a slave rather than a stripper although it's still possible I just feel it's less likely
This is a big reason I have up massage parlors recently....really afraid this is a big risk in sex trafficking
At least with a stripper I can feel her out and see if it's likely she is being forced...this means I avoid signs of heavy drug use...sure I pay top dollar for a young clean Girl but I'm able to rest at night knowing its more likely I'm helping a legit college student or single mother rather than abusing a sex slave.
Hope this helps some one out their
Sometimes you may want the guaranteed outcome of an escort session, but for many of us we love the hunt and game play that goes along with club visits. Same can be said of the AMP world. Unless it's a masseuse that you have seen before or a known jack shack, the excitement of not knowing if you'll get that HE can be invigorating.
Wow, this is a really insightful thread! Thanks for the responses guys.
@Lopaw In your experience what is the success rate at an AMP?
@nicespice - my success rate at first was horrible - maybe 25%. I had no idea what I was doing, despite tons of experience with other types of sex workers. But as I got more experience and learned what worked and what didn't, my success rate increased significantly. I'd say at present my success rate (for a first time visit) is around 70%, which is darn good for a female monger ;)
Anytime man...some times tuscl delivers
My first club that I settled on was an extras club. I'd typically spend $500 on the girl getting laid, making out with her, and groping on her. But I was only getting about 30 minutes. I realized that with escorting, I could get more time with the girl in a setting where we didn't have to hide from a bouncer. I did my research, and jumped right in.
And I was mostly right. The experience with escorts was really amazing; never really had a dull escort and I have fond memories of some of them, so I had no problem dropping a bunch more money on a girl to have a really fantastic time.
Unfortunately, some of them will literally rob you. One girl came up to my hotel room and requested payment up front. I gave it to her and she asked to go to her car to drop it off and get some supplies. She never returned. I gave a girl $2,000 and got nothing for it.
On a third occasion, the girl tried to pull a similar stunt but using a driver. I gave the money to the driver and got comfortable with the girl knowing that we'd be spending the next hour together. The driver eventually came back and knocked on the door and the girl excused herself to go get supplies from her car. I wasn't having it and called the cops. I got my money back but am banned from Sheraton hotels across the US.
Dealing with the cops wasn't a pleasant experience. Getting robbed and victimized was not a pleasant experience. I really didn't want to confront the situation where an escort wants to rob me instead of fuck me. I stopped meeting escorts when I realized that I would probably rape them if I was ever put in that situation again and it's why I'm focusing on strippers now. Still haven't had sex with one out in Vegas, though.
As others have mentioned, the "hunt" is a big part of the SC experience for me.
I don’t use escorts never needed to, with strippers it’s very different, you can have more fun with someone when you know a little bit about them, than just a cold meet up,
I get why some guys like escorts, it’s simpler in my estimation, but I just don’t want a quick fuck and dash, I’d rather be with someone who’s company I enjoy.
As I think more about this, the more I'm convinced is the central issue is: "is dick-in-hole time the only thing that matters?" (yes, I realize I'm risking creating a cringey SJG-like term). If it does, escorts can often be the best answer -- more of a sure thing, less flakiness, $300 (or whatever) gets you an hour of dick-in-hole time. If you actually enjoy being in strip clubs and count the time in the club getting lap dances, sitting at the rail, talking to strippers, etc., part of the value you're getting, then that all adds to ITC value. If you're not just looking for sticking your dick in any hole, but want to find a girl who perfectly matches your physical taste today, want access to girls who as a group are more attractive than escorts, plus her (fake) personality counts, that speaks strongly to ITC value. If you want SIGNIFICANTLY higher value than any escort could possibly hope to match, PLUS more attractive, etc., then there's no contest -- OTC. You just have to be willing to put up with uncertainty and flakiness.
^and it’s kinda funny, but I don’t get flaked out girls the very few that I see OTC are reliable, we usually spend an entire evening sometimes afternoon and evening,if all there was to life was mutual masterbation, it would be so fucking boring.
I’m a baby boomer - and I still don’t enjoy shopping online. I need to see what I’m buying. The tactile portion of the sales negotiating process is important to my satisfaction.
I don’t care too much about looks - the feeling of being inside a girl is what matters most. It’s almost impossible to judge how most girls will feel when fucking them (just from their beauty).
Even with escorts - I still get worked up in anticipation. I know escorts are sure things, but my brain is conditioned to never think pussy is a given.
Some dancers are great itc - and they are incredible otc - and those girls are great finds. There are exceptions on both sides.
I prefer strippers - because I enjoy being in strip clubs. I don’t go to civilian bars often - as I will drink too much - so clubbing gets me out without me getting drunk.
I’ve done both and I probably have the oppostie bias as most on this board. I am on an escort board that is still pretty active, albeit with a lot of changes. For me it’s about what am I really looking for? I have had horrible luck in finding OTC in US strip clubs which is what eventually led me to escorts. With research and some repeat business you can have a good connection and maybe less of the clock watching. I actually had a lengthy relationship with an escort that included travel, parties, dates, and meeting her family. Most of that was not on the clock. As far as looks go, maybe I’m spoiled living in a major metropolitan area, but escorts around here are every bit as hot as any strippers.
So, all things being equal do want to hang out in a club, maybe with some friends, and no guarantee of anything.... or .... Do you want a guaranteed sexual experience that will probably be much cheaper than landing otc, but is generally a private experience.
Both are technically sex workers.... although my experience is that the strippers look down on the escorts and the escorts think the strippers are stupid.
For me it is about timing and what I feel like doing. Years ago before I met "The Cunt of a Mexican Street Walking Whore" that I dated, I had no clue that escorts existed outside of brothels in nevada and street walkers in downtown cities. once I discovered her reviews I have added escorts to my hobby list.
So sometimes I arrange a session with a regular escort in advance if I want her particular specialty or I have a few that are convenient, I can call and ask what they are doing at 2 then just go by and bust a nut. There are other times when I want something strange and I head over to follies.
I have had pretty good luck finding pussy.... The problem I have had is most of the girls be it strippers or escorts want it to be a GFE.... I don't know if they think the guys want that or if it makes them feel better about what they are doing or what the issue is. But Sex Work is the only place where they lie to you about their life story, ask for more money, call you baby and treat you like a boyfriend.
Look at it like a restaurant.... sometimes I want to run through a drive thru and grab a bite (for me this is a convenient escort)..... sometimes I go to a buffet (this is a strip club)..... sometimes I want a good table service (for me this is a 300-400 escort) and finally there is fine dining which for me would be a high class escort that I have vetted
Escorts vs SCs I don't necessarily think is apples-to-apples - w.r.t. escorts one goes to see them specifically for sex - w.r.t. strip-clubs seems most custies go mostly to look at nude/mostly-nude pretty-girls and many uneducated SC custies probably don't think/know sex can be had in a SC (and of course in many SCs one won't get sex).
Thus many SCers don't necessarily go to SCs looking to bust a nut in part b/c busting that nut can be expensive vs just paying a cover and looking at naked girls on stage and getting a couple of dances.
For the custy whose primary if not only desire is to bust a nut, then escorts may be a better way to go, and the only way to go if one is in a low-mileage SC area.
In essence the escort experience and the SC experience offer different things and thus IMO is not necessarily apples-to-apples - it comes down mostly to a matter of preference and what one enjoys.
A couple of years ago I was w/ an ebony brickhouse escort at her in-call hotel - it was a Saturday eve so I guess she was busy and tried to cut my time short - I told her our time was not up yet and we continued - she had gotten 2 or 3 texts while we were having our session - after I finish and I'm driving away I get a text from her saying "sorry for the delay I had a clock-watcher" - LOL - seems she texted me by mistake when she was trying to text one of the guys that had texted her while I was w/ her - i.e. I was the clock-watcher she was complaining about LOL.
I love women (plural)- and love variety - thus I really like and get turned-on seeing a room full of half/fully nude desirable women.
P4P sex is also not something I necessarily crave - for me P4P is often on the spur of the moment and something that I kinda build up to - i.e. most of my numerous SC visits I don't go in w/ extras in mind, but not that uncommon I end-up partaking after getting turned-on via dances - i.e. I guess I subconsciously need/like foreplay and that is sorta what good-mileage 2-way-contact dances are for me - thus a SC fits my preferences better since I like to look at, touch, and feel up a woman/women for a good while prior to getting to the deed - w.r.t. SCs:
I can just drop-in on the spur of the moment (which is my M.O. vs planning visits/encounters)
there are multiple women for me to get visually turned-on
good contact dances really get me in the mood to go to the next step if I so choose to (in the clubs I hit)
All of these things I like about the SC-experience that are not present on a one-on-one escort experience.
-->"many uneducated SC custies probably don't think/know sex can be had in a SC"
I'm sure that's true. That other thing is, even many educated PLs, don't seem to realize OTC is almost always available. Other than here on tuscl, all the local boards I've posted on, the vast majority of PLs didn't realize OTC was a thing, many ask "will I get thrown out for asking", "how do you ask?" etc
@lopaw, Nice!
“Will I get thrown out for asking?”
LOL I think I get propositioned every single shift.
OTC is def a way to "get the escort experience" per se - but obviously is not as a direct/sure thing as an escort and it (OTC) has a much-higher failure rate which can often require multiple visits w/ a dancer for her to perhaps pull the trigger - and then there's the flakiness thing w/ OTC-strippers - OTC is kinda "taking the long way' to get there and may not be a good fit for certain mongers (for various reasons including not being-able/wanting to invest SC time "to find that girl").
I think there used to be a by-line on the website stating something about TUSCL and strip-clubs being “a culture” and I really think that’s true. I have enjoyed escorts, AMPs, one “Sauna” in Vienna and some of the other P4P places in The Czech Republic as well as SC in other places. All have their pluses and minuses and TUSCL has been a great source of information for the SC culture. The are other forums that cover reviews on the other offerings better but there is definitely some overlap. I guess in my opinion that while the sexual arousal/getting off may be similar, the “games” are way different and the experience and expertise shared on the various forums attests to that.