Yeah - Floriduh

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Video Captures Man Riding Hood Of Car On I-95…


Apparently the person behind the wheel was the guy's GF and they both wanted to take the car that day:…
Idiots, and when he falls off is hes injured all the tax payers end up paying the medical bill, if he dies, then its lower cost.
avatar for laplurker
7 years ago
It's Florida. What do you expect?
Is that GACA and his new girlfriend in a fight again?
If* something happened, i wouldnt feel sorry for either of them. Truthfully i think one or both of them were looking for attention no matter how much(and they got it). Why wouldn't he jump off the car before she got on 95? And obviously its real dumb to to drive with somebody on the hood of the car like that.

I liken this to people that fuck with wild animals and then the animal attacks. Like yeah, when you were doing that dumb shit(looking for attention) it sounded harmless. Until something happened and then nobody feels sorry for you.
Omg LOL. I have heard south Florida driving can get interesting, but damn I wasn't ready for this! Hahahahahahahaha
avatar for bvino
7 years ago
Daniel Midah did not need to use racist language to describe this. It is stupid enough to be funny without the

N word being tossed around.
There is not a day that I get behind the wheel that I don't see ignorant drivers doing dangerous things. I think they make it too easy to get a license.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

Because of the retired population in Florida, there has been talk over the years of "restricting" driving privileges of those our age. However, never has come to fruition.
Clubber - I don't think age in it's self is a good barometer of how well people can drive. I agree that seniors with handicaps may need to be restricted. Perhaps physical and or mental check ups should be required after a certain age. The worst drivers that I see are the young ones that think they are invincible. In 60 years of driving, I have never caused an accident. I do drive fast but defensibly.
I saw that on the news yesterday and was reminded of a joke I heard a long time ago it goes like this

An older gentleman is returning home after being up north for a few days as he crosses from Georgia into Florida he picks up his cell phone and calls his wife, here is the transcript of that convo;
Him: Hi honey I’ll be home soon just got back into the state a few more hours drive time
Her: drive carefully there’s reports on the news about a driver heading south on the northbound lanes of I95, be safe
Him: there’s dozens of them.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

Agreed! We used to be taught to drive by real educators, PARENTS! Now some gym "teacher" lets kids poke around in a parking lot at 2 MPH and calls it driving. Remember that old drivers license driving test? I passed, but it was a real social scar if one didn't pass. Times have changed and a lot not for the better.
That’s crazy ass shit! That guys gf is crazy! I’d probably shit my pants if I was on the hood of a car going 70 mph. That guy is talking on his cell!

The sad part is those two looney tunes procreated! Their kid has about a 99% chance of being bat shit crazy too.

Nice rims on that Benz!

I remember counting the days until my 16th birthday so I could get my license. The Alzheimers hasn't kicked in yet.

So many kids today don't care to get one or not. Times are a changin'.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago

Don't know for sure, but I had to work to get a car. 10 to 1 these days, parents get them for the kids so they won't have to be bothered hauling the kids around.
He couldn't escape the hood. Sad.
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