The Decision

I could never be like those girls... gyrating around naked on a stage with men slobbering all over them... So disgusting.... Another cancellation notice this time the power... next month the rent... They pile up until i collapse. I'll do it for a few months. Make my money and leave. You can start tonight he says as i pick up my clothing from the ground. A few months turn into a few years and the money is something i could never make anywhere else. I'm not a stripper im a strong independent woman.... Another stage set another lap dance... Then the money that was so great eventually runs out... I realize i am not longer the new face in the club... What can i do how can i compensate... I WOULD NEVER.... Turns into its only one time... The years continue the money flows. the extra help you get from the bottles provide the courage to continue... When the black lights and music fade you find yourself. Another blurry night as i stuff the green bills into my purse. The car door slams and i wonder how it happened. One night in a club turns into this... Fast money and a faster lifestyle. I smirk as i think to myself another bill paid... i wipe his remains from my lips... Maybe this decision wasnt so bad after all.....
What club is this about? Or maybe, what sort of club is this, something different from other US clubs?