First trip to the Strip Club promised land- Detroit

Well after being on here for several years and reading about how great Detroit is for clubbing I'm finally taking the plunge next week. Right now I'm thinking on visiting the Flight Club, Coliseum, and then perhaps flipping a coin on Bogarts or Henry's for a seedier experience. Crickets seems like it's getting a few good reviews to of late. I feel like a kid getting ready to go to Disney World. Would anyone make any changes to this list? Looking for visits that include special times with Caucasian women.
Flight Club tops my list of recommendations. You will have plenty of beautiful Caucasian ladies there to choose from, but a visit doesn’t come cheap. I usually spend somewhere in the range of $300-$400 on a typical visit to Flight Club. Other clubs close to Flight Club that are worth checking out would be Landing Strip, BT’s and Criket.
If you do decide to go to 8 Mile, there is both Coliseum and Players. They are both close to each other, but a bit of a drive from the airport clubs as they are all the way on the eastside. No other clubs on 8 Mile are worth checking out.
There is also Subi’s over in Southgate, but that is really the only good choice in that area. The other club in Southgate is Henry VIII South (more on that club in the next paragraph). There is also Dream Girls in Lincoln Park, but that club seems to be more of a party club as they advertise cheap drink specials.
I have never been to Bogarts or either Henry’s (North or South). Based on reviews Bogarts is seedy, Henry’s North is seedier, and Henry’s South is the seediest.
1. Flight Club
2. Landing Strip
3. Subi's--not far if you're staying at a hotel near the airport
Bogart's and Henry VIII are both very close to the Flight Club. You might want to check them out before you go to FC.
The major downside to detroit clubs are the valet parking required. However thia could also be seen as safety feature.
On the other end of the scale, Bogart's and Henry's (both locations) do $10 dance days. This won't necessarily reduce the price of extracurriculars, but it gives you the option of inexpensive "test drives." I'd say H8 South isn't worth the drive but the Inkster clubs are close enough to each other to easily hit both. You can also get a card leaving one good for same day/same shift admission to the other.
I'd second the BT's recommendation but clarify this is for the Dearborn location. I've never tried the one on 8 Mile but the reviews are consistently weak.
Another 8 Mile club that gets good reviews but not as much hype as Coliseum or Penthouse is Player's. Their VIP recently went to "beaded curtains" due to city restrictions, but anyone who's been to Follies can confirm with tje right lighting that's more than sufficient for privacy. Overall quality is (IMHO) on par with the other upper tier clubs, without the inflated pricing and nickel & diming that diminishes the Flight Club experience.
I only Uber to the clubs any more. The Flight Club, Bogart's and Henry VIII are in a commercial area of Inkster that is rather ugly but not dangerous. You could walk between these clubs in safety. The Landing Strip in Romulus is right beside the police station. Subi's is also in a safe area. These are not upper class neighborhoods by any means, but they are not gang-infested.
The 8 Mile Road clubs in Detroit are in more dangerous areas. But if you simply driver (or Uber) to the clubs and park in valet parking you will have not trouble. However, I would not take a stroll down 8 Mile Road at night.