Morality has no place in the sex industry

Morals are certainly important to what makes a person decent or not but morals in sex industry are killing it. In porn we see condom laws taking effect because of the moral conflicts of a girl getting pregnant or passing diseases around. Those are risks associated with the job. In dancing we see clubs being closed because of things that happen on site or because of there proximity to churches etc. Drinking and nudity not allowed etc... things like this are slowly eroding the industry and i believe some fall back to morality. At the end of the day people feel bad and want to help but theres nothing to feel bad about. Entertainers and customers use porn or clubs out of a choice. No one told me to dance but i made the decision to dance. No angel set on my shoulder and said "girl put your thong back on". Adult entertainment is about pleasure and money and no where is it about morality. We cant legislate away sex or decision making. And we def cant legislate morals. If we continue to allow this to happen we are destined to end the industry all together or so badly hurt it that its pointless and unpopular. Keep the adult entertainment industry dirty like its intended. Its not neat and clean for a reason.
I think what you object to is other people imposing their bronze age goat herder morals on consenting adults.
Costs would dropped dramatically, things get done faster, and people in needed getting taken care of at a fraction of the cost !!!!
Morals are incredibly important in this industry. Obviously it's stupid for a guy to go bareback with an extras-girl, and obviously he should use a condom, but it's immoral for a dancer to go around offering BB if she knows she has an STD that can be easily spread. THAT is immoral. It's stupid for a guy to get completely wasted at the club and pass out in VIP; it would be immoral for a dancer to take all the money from his pockets just because she knows she can get away with it.
To say that morals don't belong in this industry is furthering the stigmatization of this industry and will regress any efforts to lessen boundaries and red tape. It would do the opposite.
This industry needs morality just as other industries (if not more than some).
Its similar to time, how do you know time is real? you need a starting point for time to exist.
IE: condom usage in porn is because they think it will promote safe sex. When in fact Porn is the most regulated and safe with STD checks and what not. So that "law" or "regulation" imposed/forced on them was based off "morals". Not science or stats or health concerns. It was a "feel good" type law.
Then her talk about clubs closing and what not because of people thinking that it is place of prostitution... which they can be (we all know that from reviews)....but again is it totally the fault of the owners? You dont see well fargo closing down because of its corrupt practices. Where is the moral police on that one. Yes they got fined and need regulations but it didn't force them to shut down. Where with sex industry they shut the place down. Like a one strike and you are out!!
So again i agree with alot being said on this issue. yes people need morals to conduct every day business.... be it work related or just walking down the street. good morals is what makes us a civilized country. But to regulate based solely on ones morals over another is subjective. Because it could get down to that someone in power could "morally" object to people making apple pies and make it illegal.... because it was against their morals. Yes I know that is far fetched.... but is an example. Just like some people object to seeing naked women... so they will push a crusade on closing down strip clubs.... yet others think it is morally ok to see nude women.
People have a compass of what feels right and wrong. I agree the big problem with strip clubs is this idea that they are a place of immorality and complete depravity. And while this does exist to some extent, if this were truly the case, they'd run themselves out of business. In order for any business to be successful both patrons and owners have to trust they will pay what they're supposed to pay and charge what they're supposed to charge. This contract is what keeps a business in business.
What isn't needed in strip clubs is Puritan/Victorian age sexually repression. This has litte to do with morals but rather controlled behavior. It reeks of social elitists who create laws they don't even follow, but are used to keep a populace in check.
I do agree that it's unwise to legislate based off of "morals" as defined by poledancer83. I think societies function best when people acknowledge human nature and pass laws that work with human nature, and remove those which work against it. I also believe that true morality cannot exist without an absolute, all-knowing, all-powerful higher being, as much as I wish that wasn't true.