
Comments by Estafador (page 112)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Where are the hot girls?
    on the streets of NY. The strip club is definitely NOT the place to find fine fit woman. It's the place to find no hold bars professional beggars who rather sit on your lap and ask for a $50 and drink before giving you an adequete dance let alone sexy conversation.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Using company computers to access TUSCL
    it's not worth my job when you guys are still here at the end of my work day
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Catcalls - Is it really that bad or did they just pick the wrong neighborhood
    I get what she was trying to do and while it is true that it does have it's fair shair of vulgarity, that video was a very very poor rendition of the fact. Plus she editied only what she wanted people to see. Not the white fat guy that cat calls at every woman, just the blacks and latinos with nothing better to do. If you really wanted to walk down manhattan, you'd see far ,more black males trying to sell their wares or too busy working since they know they're in the city where society would be heavily against them to bother with cat calling than this video. and they need money to eat to get up the next day. The statement was clear, the video was just too poor quality with no real vulgarity to have weight.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Catcalls - Is it really that bad or did they just pick the wrong neighborhood
    she's over reacting and trying to paint a bad picture of a less than undesirable situation. Nobody called her a bitch,everybody was respectful and didn't call her an insult yet she acted like everyone was trying to grab her ass or something. I've seen finer woman with less of an attitude. She is just a women with her head in the clouds.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Have we already discussed THIS hot teacher that fucked a student?
    where does it say she complained about anything. The teacher was denying the allegations and the BOY sent the images to all his little friends. Damn, these kids are lucky as hell. WIsh I was this lucky in high school. Is 23 too late? Even though all my professors in college are old?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Pasta at at Strip Club
    I had a sandwich at NYC Gentleman's club...that shit was GROSS. I only did it to get rid of some of the tipsy feeling that the water couldn't do. Certain clubs do good job, like G2K don't mind eating their burgers and their steaks FANFUCKINGTASTIC....but that's the only club. I'll keep soldiering around and see what's the verdict at other places.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    She's texting while I'm going down on her
    Its because your not creating relative conversation with her. What the hell makes you think a 20 year old STRIPPER is gonna care about progressive politics? Just be funny and make jokes when you gotta come up for air, and BLAM, you'll catch her off guard so bad when you back to business, that phone will fily across the floor. Be careful though, the noise may make a bouncer come in and check.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Quality vs Quantity
    10 affordable girls. I wouldn't even drop 1k on my girlfriend so a stripper is even less so no matter how hot she is. That's just wasteful spending.
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    10 years ago
    Waitress Tips
    I'd tip him more than the waitress, ONLY if he seems humble because these waitresses act like its a sense of obligation for me to tip them and get ahead of themselves. I can imagine a dude, probably not expecting a dime (because he's a dude) and working with good work ethics, and not expectancy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Old Strip Club Cartoon
    Man, that kid was scarred for life. I knew you couldn't trust that preacher.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I found TumblingDice on bodybuilding.com
    @Sharkhunter ususally they try to incorperate a bunch of different types of exercise equipment but there are SOOOO many exercises that are available to try using only dumbbells, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. And if you still aren't sure which to find, I can help you find a few depending on what your trying to hit or you can ask on the forum and someone can definetely recommend some good exercises. I'm guessing you like to stay at home huh? @steve299 I work out 3 days a week; Monday, Wednesday and Friday though this week was Tues, Wednesday and Friday since my school gym was closed thanks to Columbus Day.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Women on this site
    @Dougster sounds like according to you, I really have no place here as a young 20s buck do I?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dominant vs. Submissive?
    what exactly do they expect customers to do if strippers want them to be dominant. Pin them down and bounce them on their lap? If they want us to service them, then that's gonna cost them.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I found TumblingDice on bodybuilding.com
    @sharkhunter It's free, its a bodybuilding website with free training programs that you follow yourself. Its meant for self-support working out. They have a forum a ready made system where you can organize your workout data, all free my man. The supplements they offer aren't free, but who'd expect them to give away free product. Who charges people for information that they can find anywhere on the net....nevermind don't answer that. I didn't even know they had a commercial
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    10 years ago
    I found TumblingDice on bodybuilding.com
    I was building my work out repitoire what else? What's a sunshinesupercup?
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    10 years ago
    The Ronettes.....cute/hot/sexy?
    What about Destiny's Child, they were amazing before they split.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The Ronettes.....cute/hot/sexy?
    My sister was named after that group.
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    10 years ago
    I grew up with "clean" food. Not necessarily organic food, but lots of plants and chicken, once in a blue steak like your supposed to, lamb even less and pork possibly moreso than chicken, but I stopped eating that a while ago. Pinto beans, black eye "ass" peas and red beans were staples in any meal and soup and not necessarily pumped with testosterone as a lot of chicken was. And being I had a bad split between meats and vegetables growing up, with vegetables outdoing the meat, and not a lot of money to spend on fast food like McDonalds and "chinese food" (which isn't chinese food at all) kept me with a very clean respiratory and digestive system. Home baked mac and cheese (none of the boxed stuff that was luxurious lunch once in a blue), collared greens, all that good ol' soul food minus the surplus of salts since we never took our greens out of a can. And I'm still slim with no gut looking to pack on the pounds. Of course that wasn't an every day thing. Still good shit either way. Of course I also had my Dominican friends bring their good food in my presence. Good stuff I say.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The concept of "customer service" in a strip club
    @jerikson I think what he is trying to say is if we expect any sort of traditional sense of "customer service" then we should throw that notion out the window because no matter how hard you try you can't have P4P, have a girl be dedicated to all the willing patrons of the club equally and still give you an amazing show in the VIP. If you want special attention from a girl, either YOU get it and get the other patrons in a rant because she's not being fair to everyone else, or you be on the opposite side of the fence. If you don't like the treatment your getting, pull yourself up by the boostrap, and walk on to the next stage (unless actions are superseded by extreme injustice done towards you, then you take it to the manager or court).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Today's List For All You Bangers
    well then, that throws moots my entire rant. Thanks shadowcat.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do you give the time of day or do you dismiss ?
    I give them the time of day but only for a minute if I'm not interested. Because if you let them go on with their speil longer than that they'll drive all the good ones away and your forced to make yourself look bad by dissing her just to get rid of her. And we all know women talk so make every moment count.
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Today's List For All You Bangers
    I want to say nurse due to health and concern reasons, but some stewardess be really having their noses in the air. All the other titles mentioned don't matter because it doesn't have any correlation with the different personalities in these sorts of fields. Beauty Queens are temporary stars within a state for a month before forgotten and their body figures aren't what's hot on the streets of today so they have more begging to do than a woman with a phat ass. Whether you old folks like it or not, it is the truth. I'd say stewardess overall. Then again they can't be high nosed especially when their job is to cater to those of better stature than them where a stewardess can say she gets free flights because of the job vs a computer geek who rightfully earns the monetary value due to smarts. You don't exactly need to be that educated to be a stewardess after all. Their specified air waitresses, not technicians. But stewardess out of all mentioned.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club manager, bouncers charged with beating, robbing patron
    somebody thinks their a cop. He needs to join the force with that sort of attitude.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripclub playlist
    Actually on second thought, I'm not too sure about "We Want Some Pussy". I think there's a line that's well beyond passed with that one. Or maybe I'm not old enough to appreciate it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripclub playlist
    @SlickSpic Ya know I watched the movie, "Friday" and yet I don't ever remember the song Hoochie Mama. Maybe because I was not old enough to understand. And I LOVE the song "Cherry Pie" A classic I can never forget...I blame my rockhead friends for that. I wonder what a black girl from the hood would think of this song. I need more songs like that. But I will be doing that Slick ol' boy Same with "We Want Some Pussy" @PhantomGeek I wouldn't be suprised if these girls get offended by ANY of these songs. They're all derogatory. But I can see them popping their booty off to this. @racejeff I keep hearing of spotify and I guess I'll give it a go. Not sure what i can find if Pandora couldn't do the job but we'll see and find out.