
Catcalls - Is it really that bad or did they just pick the wrong neighborhood

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

This was all over my local news last night.

I’m sure this happens to some extent; but I don’t think what’s shown in the vid is the norm – I think it’s kinda slanted to promote the creators’ viewpoint/agenda:



  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    What a bitch
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Juice needs to showbher his collection of cucumbers
  • steve229
    10 years ago
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Don't forget that this was done in New York City and what looks like the more urban areas. The mindset's going to be a bit more...outgoing. Some of her body language -- very closed, somewhat tense, very tunnel vision, for a lack of a better term right now -- could've acted like a flag for some of those guys, too. If she were more relaxed, acted like it was just another daily walk for her and she belonged to the area, she might not have gotten quite so many reactions as she did.

    There's also another thread about this same video here on the boards: Are You Kidding Me? https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=3…
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ My bad – I did not read that thread – the title and body did not tip me off
  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    Like mentioned above. In a bigger city people are more outgoing.

    What I find funny is some guys were just trying to strike up a conversation. Or some where the "street promoters". They were saying.. Hi or hello. So when it is wrong to say hello to someone... That shows you where our country is heading. I guess you can't say hello to someone at a gas station, grocery store, on the street, in a park, etc. With out them getting pissed off. FUCKING PEOPLE.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Ridiculous. They said she walked around for ten hours, and the worst they got was some guy walking creepily beside her.

    I'm pretty sure some of those people weren't actually talking to her and some of the ones that were talking to her, were trying to sell her something.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I'd like to see them do it in other cities (and with other women) to see just how skewed this "study" is.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Unwanted attention, even if that attention is not malevolent, is uninvited and unwelcomed by most people just wanting to walk down the street. minding their own business, trying to get from point A to point B. This chick decided to compress it into a 2 minute video showing just how annoying it can be. So what? Imagine if you guys had to walk thru a community full of gay guys who constantly yelled unwanted shit at you, some of it sexual, when all you wanted to do was walk thru? Wouldn't you get pissed as hell about it at some point? Of course you would. No one wants to be constantly barraged with comments from people that they don't find sexually attractive or want to strike up a conversation with. And to walk along side of someone for minutes at a time is just fucking creepy. These idiots need to get a fucking life. Seriously.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Lopaw often I agree with your points regarding women, regarding this particular video I'm not even sympathetic.

    I don't care that she compressed 10 hours of video. I'm underwhelmed by the fact that that's the worst that happened in 10 hours.

    I'll also point out, again, that I'm confident many of those people addressing her were either NOT talking to her, panhandling OR trying to sell her something.

    Would I get pissed at people shouting unwanted things at me in the street? Nope. Ever walked the The Strip in Vegas? How about Amsterdam in the evening? Not to mention a few places in the Caribbean and South America. Getting shouted out and approached by strangers is a fact of life for tourists, male and female. I've learned to keep moving and say no firmly.

    As for the guy walking silently by her, yes creepy. But I've had the same thing happen to me. Was it unpleasant? Yeah. Did I use it as an excuse to bash a whole subset of humanity? No.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Sorry jester but I stand by my comments. I have also had more than my share of catcalls and uninvited attention and to say that it gets old is an understatement. Yes - thankfully that WAS the worst that happened. Some women do not get away so lucky if some whackjob's attention is not returned. Who knows what they are capable of. Women typically get more unwelcomed attention as a whole much more than men do, so it's not surprising that most men cannot empathize with something like this. This chick was making a point about an unpleasant aspect of society and what many women endure day after day after day.....not just on a yearly trip walking down Las Vegas Blvd or in a crowded tourist spot a few days a year. EVERY DAY. EVERY FUCKING DAY.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Like this is anything new?

    Problem is, if men didn't react to women, then they'ed bitch about that!


    I get comments all the time. Most are, "Damn, I wish I as as cool as you!"

    Really, growing up there was a simple saying, "Sticks and stones..."
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    I don't know many women that walk around New York (a crowded tourist spot) for 10 hours every day.

    I think you're missing my point. My issue is this particular video. It's a weak and arguably dishonest attempt to overly dramatize what's really an annoyance rather than an aspect.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Lopaw, I can empathize to a degree. I'm a pizza guy, and all too often when I'm making a delivery, some asshole will yell out, "That's my order" and then start laughing when I stop to look. It does get old and it does get annoying. But for this study (or whatever it is that the producers called it) to hold more validity for me, they need to perform this in more than just New York City. I don't know how much experience you've had with New Yorkers, but it really wasn't one of the highlights in one of my previous jobs. They tend to be a fairly abrupt, sometimes even tactless people.
  • Bemelove
    10 years ago
    It is fairly common to see stuff like that, and I honestly the video is tame to what I've seen. I've seen 10 year old kids walk up to women and slap them on their ass, guys step off a porch to invite my girl friend whom I had my arm around "inside for some fun." and so on. I've traveled extensively over the last 10 years and seen these actions in NYC, DC, Miami, New Orleans, Chicago, Denver, KC, Vegas, LA and a few other places.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    How about the other side of the coin?10h walking as a man


    I don't see any of it as a big deal. New Yorkers are just very friendly and open to talking to strangers.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "My bad – I did not read that thread – the title and body did not tip me off"

    @Papi - No worries, perfectly understandable, just giving you a hard time (although I'm really not sure why you have deogol on ignore) - we all know you're a stand-up guy and definitely NOT the kind of douchebag loser that would steal another member's topic and try to pass it off as his own. I mean that's almost as bad as stealing another member's avatar and screen name and trying to pass yourself off as some sort of cheap imitation.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    That was not remotely representative of "Manhattan" as a whole. Notice that virtually all of the guys who harassed her were black or latino. Those were Harlem neighborhoods that she was strolling through, filled with guys hanging around on the street all day with nothing to do. I noted a Jimmy Jazz shoe store in one of those scenes and there isn't one of those south of 124th St. You bet your ass that a pretty, big booty white girl with tight pants and decent sized tits is going to get a lot of unwanted attention in those neighborhoods. If she was walking through Midtown or downtown, she wouldn't have stood out all. Indeed, there are tons of hotter girls showing a lot more skin, or wearing tighter clothing, wandering the streeta of Manhattan all day long. They picked those areas specifically because of the types of residents and the fact that she would stand out.

    What a contrived piece of crap this video was.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Props to Rick Dugan for noting what I saw. You can Google this video and find out the truth about it.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    There weren't many if any offensive things said, i would have expected some type of vulgarity if she's making a video.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    My sweetie was 19, having a soda in a Las Vegas casino with her sister and parents. She was wearing a blouse, jean shorts and flip flops. A guy approached her and asked, "how much?" She was shocked a guy would say that to her in public.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    He meant, "How much you win?" Maybe he thought it was a hot slot.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Good responses to the thread so far – I think I’ll post it over on stripper web to see how it is received.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    she's over reacting and trying to paint a bad picture of a less than undesirable situation. Nobody called her a bitch,everybody was respectful and didn't call her an insult yet she acted like everyone was trying to grab her ass or something. I've seen finer woman with less of an attitude. She is just a women with her head in the clouds.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    I get what she was trying to do and while it is true that it does have it's fair shair of vulgarity, that video was a very very poor rendition of the fact. Plus she editied only what she wanted people to see. Not the white fat guy that cat calls at every woman, just the blacks and latinos with nothing better to do. If you really wanted to walk down manhattan, you'd see far ,more black males trying to sell their wares or too busy working since they know they're in the city where society would be heavily against them to bother with cat calling than this video. and they need money to eat to get up the next day. The statement was clear, the video was just too poor quality with no real vulgarity to have weight.
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