Women on this site

avatar for Diva1975
As a dancer I enjoy reading all of the discussions you guys post; I find it extremely interesting to view my world through the eyes of the customer. I always strive to provide a positive experience to the men who walk through the doors of the club in which I work, whether they want to dance with me or another girl. I have come to respect the patrons of the club more than I used to when I first started. Without you guys I might actually have to go to nursing school lol I was just wondering if you guys consider women on the site to be an intrusion or is this a place of equal opportunity?


last comment
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Jester214 and steve229 are two well known female posters on this site.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Lol. Dougster.
Most female posters don't post for very long here. Lopaw is a female customer who has been here a long time.

a few females get quickly offended and leave. A few others hang around for a while and then get tired of it. Trixxie is a female dancer who has been here for months. I don't care a great deal one way or another but we all enjoy links to nice titties and nice bodies. Some guys enjoy the different perspective other than the standard circle jerk of old guys posting on here for years.
The cool females are the ones who provide perspective that gets you get laid, win win style. If a female is here just to bitch about men being men...peace.
I would say 'equal opportunity', but I'm relatively new and my opinion may very well be in the minority. I don't see the issue with women being here, as long as they don't act "pink" (which doesn't seem to be the case with you, as they woúldn't ask the question to begin with). Shoot, I'd get a dance from you if the opportunity arose just off this post.
@Sharkhunter hope you're right about females not lasting long on this site because that attention whore footballguy is fucking annoying. "Why don't the like me and my man-gina, boohoo, those strippers hurt my feelings, omg guys he noticed me today I can die and go to PL heaven". I'm atheist, but MY GOD!!!!
Diva, I like women to post and I hope you will become a regular contributor. I enjoy hearing a dancer's views.

But most women don't last long here. I think they get sick and tired of male concerns and "humor."
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
I know all will disagree, but I find women here to be a bit of an intrusion. Look, guys like to have a place where guys can get together and BS. But women tend to want to stick their noses in and get involved. And then they end up complaining about what the men say.

Personally, I really don't care for a stripper's perspective on life. I know that sounds harsh, but I go to a club to have fun with hot sexy girls for an hour or two and then leave. Strippers aren't my life. Same reason I don't really care what the teenage server at McDonald's thinks about life. She performs a service, and I split.

And I'm relatively certain that most strippers or women in general who visit here get disgusted that men are always talking about sex, and they're so heartless and chauvinist and don't appreciate strippers as women, blah blah blah.

So in terms of what a stripper can bring to the forum for me, there really isn't much. Strippers want more money and less sex, I want less money and more sex. Strippers generally don't respect their customers, and after a visit here they probably have all their fears confirmed and respect them even less.
Diva, ignore jerikson. That's what most of us always do.

We enjoy having a woman's perspective and would like to have dancers participate more. However, as others have said, our frank discussions of issues from a male perspective does sometimes chase women away. And when I refer to discussions of issues from a male perspective, I am of course not referring to jerikson.
Jerikson, if you don't like women to participate here, why did you let Valerie post?
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
Diva1975, I love when women post and I hope you start posting on a regular basis. You aren't an intrusion at all. Anyone is allowed to post here- not just men.

trixxi makes great posts and I wish she posted even more than she does. duomaxwell is another dancer who posts here. She hasn't posted in a long time, but when she did, her comments were great. I've actually met her.

You should invite some of your dancer friends to post on TUSCL. Encourage them to sign up here. DO IT DIVA, DO IT!!!
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Welcome, Diva1975!
As others have stated there are very few women posting here. I have probably been here the longest, but I am a customer not a dancer. Trixxi still posts from time to time, and dancers are always welcome here as long as they have a thick skin.

And see that little microphone icon with the slash thru it under your name? That's the ignore button and I encourage you to use it for the misogynists and 12 year old trolls who have no life that sometimes post here. They will disappear without a trace and you will never be bothered by them again.
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
Thanks guys. I actually was going to stick up for jerikson,because it seemed to me that he was an unfair target of bullying, but now I understand why people pick on him. I understand that men, especially the ones on this forum, are driven by sex, hell that's what keeps the species going. I don't mind the raunchy humor I think I was a dirty old man in a past life. Thank you for all the positive feedback I will post more in the future:)
Some posters on this site are given to locker room and frat boy humor, because we all feel free to use this space to talk like that and laugh. A woman might find some of that offensive. Guys are not going to change because a woman, on this site, is offended. A dancer using this site would be cautioned to avoid whining and complaining. Objective discussions about customers, the good, the bad, the ugly, will always be welcomed. Looking for sugar daddies, regulars and job referrals is an invitation to being shot down.
Welcome, but proceed with caution.
avatar for gatorfan
10 years ago
Respect the ex cons but not the cons
avatar for jerikson40
New York
10 years ago
Lopaw, I know it's fun to rudely dismiss those you disagree with, but those you blithely refer to as "misogynists" might be better characterized as "realists". Maybe what you like to characterize as irrational hatred is actually the result of many years of experience with women whose actions truly deserve criticism and mistrust. Maybe you think that women are, in general, basically warm, wonderful, honorable, honest, trustworthy souls who are immune from the slightest disrespect, but in your most objective moments I'm sure you realize that, for the most part that's just not the way it is.

So some of us have become realists, based on a lot of experience. Maybe we're wrong about a given woman, but a healthy skepticism, in my experience, turns out to be justified far more often than not. Especially when dealing with strippers.

And for the record, and since I'm sure it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy, I generally feel the same way about men, based on a lot of experience. The major difference is men I can understand. Women not so much. But I've learned that people, in general, are not nearly, deep down, as wonderful as they like to present themselves.

On the other hand, I'll be the first to say there are some absolutely wonderful women out there. My present GF is absolutely incredible. And I absolutely love wonderful women. And it may surprise you that she, and others, actually think I am absolutely wonderful. So "misogynist" isn't even close. I just start off being skeptical until I'm proven otherwise. And since this forum is mostly about strippers, I think we can all agree that skepticism is warranted a vast majority of the time.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Fuck you jackoff
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Fuck you jackoff
Welcome aboard, Diva! I look at this site as a resource for anyone on either side of the cash flow of this business. It can be a great source of information and some humor, too. I hope you'll find it useful -- and not *too* off-putting.
She will last as long as I did with Jay's ex
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
I don't mind female posting. If it is lucid and/or funny it can only help leaven the self importance that infests this site. As to those who do not want female posters. You can always ignore them as I do those who transgress against me.r
I'm on the "equal opportunity" side. If you contribute, I'll treat you as such. If you're a bitch, the same. :)

Oh, and there's been a rule in place for quite a while now. Dancers must link to a tumblr account with naked pictures of themselves. :) I'd reciprocate, but I don't want to put you off men permanently.
I echo the sentiments of most of the group; I like some female perspective as long as it's not the whining that the SW girls are famous for. Luckily we've not had that problem; the women who post are generally respectful of their customers and themselves. I've never understood the 'guys only want to hang with guys' thing even in an area that's 99% men like mongering. Maybe it's because my closest friends have always been women.

Lowpaw is unique as a female customer and I enjoy her posts as well. I see a woman in the club maybe once every 20 visits, although I understand some clubs are more "female friendly" than others. I think a thread by the dancers on some of their more unusual customers would be pretty funny too. There's lots of subjects where having women post would make this forum even better.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
As others have already noted...as long as you don't listen to assholes like jerkoffson you should be fine.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
@sclvr5005 - but weren't you the one that wanted to ban all woman from this site?
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
Welcome aboard!
TUSCL is definitely equal opportunity – that is why we don’t have a moderator.

But it is also testosterone laced and I could see why many females; dancers in particular; do not like to stick around for long – boys will be boys after all.

IMO any dancer can gain pretty valuable “inside info” from a custy’s perspective by reading this site and the reviews but they all need to know how to weed out some of the nonsense.

Also – some dancers that have either posted on here; or written reviews of their clubs; have actually gained some TUSCL custies that have gone in to see them.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
@steve229- no I never said that. Just how senile are you?
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
I think it was when you were posting as cflock
I don't care one way or the other. I know enough strippers well enough to ask them anything I want to know. So I don't need to hear it from some one on here that I don't know.
avatar for Hardy29
10 years ago
I think it is always good to get multiple points of view. Had a dancer respond to one of my posts and it was extremely interesting.
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
I am an advocate for dancers and love to get their insight. After all if we don't make dancing fun and profitable how will we get new entertainers into the industry. ? Welcome !
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
@Dougster sounds like according to you, I really have no place here as a young 20s buck do I?
I just watched a show on PBS tonight about women in NASA.

I took millions of dollars and thousands of hours of testing to determine that woman are different than men.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Most of us like it when women post links to pictures of their sexy bodies and then flirt.

However most women likely get turned off by all the male humor and grouping strippers all together. It's nothing personal unless someone wants to make it that way. It's better to hit the ignore button under a name rather than argue with someone who has tons of free time and no common sense. Just saying for females in general. We liked one dancer, forgot her name. She got breast implants, hot body before and after. Haven't heard from her since LMN said he would like to meet up.

Then one dancer asked about a good place to work at and got into an argument right away and never posted here again. Someone or more upset her quickly. Or she thought she was wasting her time asking mostly customers the question.

avatar for steve229
10 years ago
"After all if we don't make dancing fun and profitable how will we get new entertainers into the industry?"

How indeed? Finding new strippers is going to be the biggest challenge of the economic boom.
Shut up Todd.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
The owner of the site goes by the handle "Founder". He provides it free of charge. He's the only one who needs to be OK with members, and someone really would have to be an 11 on the jerk-o-meter for him to care. Thank you for being a dancer and I hope you enjoy the site.
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Welcome my below one
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Damn auto correct....beloved
Diva1975, welcome!

POV's on this forum are actually quite varied.

Maybe if you weighed in on some of the things we talk about, it will help us get to know you.

For example:

avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
"Women on this site"

"PL-ayers on this site"

Shadow, Rockstar, JS69.

Enablers on this site:

GMD, SJG, Rickyboy, Phantom
@shark: I assume that you're talking about hotstuff69babi. She posted at least a couple months after the LMN clod "invited" her to Florida. I miss her posts - she was a keeper. Hopefully she still lurks on the site and will reappear at some point.
Passions is a woman on this site, and she's on Hard Times. Where's Footballguy now, a stripper is in trouble, and you're hoe only hoe-p
"Enabler"? WTF does that even mean?
@GMD this goes back to you providing advice to Footballguy that will continually and perpetually get him used by his ATF.

I don't see your tuff love at work :)
I'm curious what I'm enabling, too.
@Phantom same reason. You keep encouraging Footballguy to follow his emotions with strippers. Dear god this has to be the worst of all advice to give to any PL. He needs to man up and get some self-confidence, and self respect.
@GACAlub: I think you're reading comprehension sucks.
Sorry GMD, they didn't teach me to read in grad school :(
GACAclub, I have to agree with GMD. The last advice I remember giving Footballguy was to be wary of the stripper he mentioned in his last thread; she was probably giving him extra-friendly dances to start roping him in to help her with rides, legal fees, and anything else she wants.
OK. My apologies. I just felt like maybe you two could have been more ardent in your approach. I'm totally a "foot up your ass" guy when it come to giving advice.
Which school was that, GACAlub? Just so I know which to avoid.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I remember hotstuffbabi. She got some nice breast implants didn't she? Probably got too busy to keep posting here.
No worries, GACAclub. Having a variety of approaches to advice is always good. Sometimes a person can only hear one approach instead of the whole crowd.
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