
Do you give the time of day or do you dismiss ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I normally go to strip clubs on a mission.

For the most part I don’t like dancers chatting me up too much especially dancers that I am not interested in.

I rather be scoping out the scene or making myself “available” rather than being “hit on” LOL by a dancer I’m not interested in.

Often I try to be polite and let the dancer do her pitch but often times I’m just not in the mood.

I sometimes let the dancer go on for a bit and if she just does not get the hint I‘m not interested; I’ll just tell her either “I’m not interested in getting any dances right now” or “I just want to chill by myself for a while”; or something else along those lines.

I try to say it in a nice way; but I just hate getting cock-blocked.

So my fellow PLs – does this happen to you more often than you like – and if so – how do you handle it:

+ let the dancer talk you up even if you are not interested

+ cut her off pretty quick

+ other


  • ime
    10 years ago
    I usually letthem give their pitch, and try to get rid of the ones i'm not interested as nicely as possible.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Happens in nearly every visit.

    If there is no chance I will spend $ on her, I usually say no to visiting up front. I say it nicely. Even if she acts hurt by being rejected I'm still doing her a favor by not wasting her time.

    If I'm unsure whether I would spend $ on her, I ask her to sit. Once I decide it's a no go, I politely tell her no dances right now even if she hasn't asked yet. Again no need to waste her time once I've decided.

    I only keep a girl more than 5 min or so if I want her body and am willing to pay her for it.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    It depends on the situation. Last Wednesday I gave one of my favorites the house fee to go pay the bouncer for a VIP room. While she was gone, I got hit up twice and wasted no time dismissing them.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    If I am not interested I will usually give her a bit of time before dropping a big hint by saying I am waiting for my wife to come out of the restroom or depending on what hair colour she is I tell her my preference is for the opposite to what she is.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I just say, "Thanks for asking, but I'm not interested." in a nice way. Now, if she questions that response, my reply might be to ask if she heard me? If she presses onward, I have said (not often though), go look in a full length mirror! I can go from nice to ass in less than 10 seconds.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    If anybody was gonna give them the "time" of day, I thought it would be you Papi
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    The worst is the ones who don't get it or sit right down and make small talk w/o ever getting to the do you want a dance part.

    I was at Lexx a few weeks ago and I told the girl after she talked with me for a while that I would get a dance in 5 hours. She didn't get that that was me coming up with a creative no. Then she complained that I just didn't say no. I said 5 hours repeatedly, it was obvious.

    I don't come right out and send them away b/c I've done that and a few have replied that they just wanted to talk and made me feel guility.

    Of course when the one just sits next to me and won't leave I start to get pissed. My not even looking in her direction s/b clue enough.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    If she starts right off asking if I'd be interested in a dance, I say, "No, thanks, not right now. Maybe later" or I'll let her know that I'm waiting on my drink or some food, if I've ordered some.

    If she sits down and starts chatting, I'll typically let her chat for a bit, but when the server asks if I want to buy a drink for the lady, I'll decline, unless I'm really enjoying her company.

    And then there are those more persist dancers. My "No thanks" gets a bit firmer, and it could turn into an outright "No."
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I usually have made prior arrangements to see a specific dancer, so when Ms. Fugly stops by for a chat , I'll say I'm here to see [insert name]. On those occasions when I'm there with no "date" prearranged, I'll sit and talk with anyone, but they move right along when they ask if I wanna dance and I say no thanks.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    I'm very easy going, so I don't mind fraternizing, er, I mean chatting with dancers a while; usually we talk about how her nursing school is going, or what the real estate market for condos is like, or if any new cocktail bars have opened up.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… If anybody was gonna give them the "time" of day, I thought it would be you Papi …”

    Steve – I think you are being a bit too literal :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I think it would go a lot smoother if dancers just asked “would you like some company” – that way the PL can say yey or nay and not waste either party’s time.

    I personally don’t even mind the “wanna dance” thing since my M.O. in da clubs is just to get dances from multiple dancers – sometimes I like to hang w/ just one dancer but most of the time I rather do the grind and bye.

    I just don’t like her chatting me up w/o getting to the point and kinda wasting my time if I’m not interested – I kinda feel bad about being this way but I guess that is the nature of the beast/SCs.

    I guess it’s the SC bizarro effect – hot chicks in the civvie world probably hate being hit on by dudes they are not interested in and so do PLs in the SCs by dancers they are not interested in.
  • eyeamlong
    10 years ago
    ... I'll tell them maybe later.....
  • IHearVoices
    10 years ago
    I just tell the truth, but I do so as nicely as possible. If I'm waiting on/for someone, I say it (usually with a description of the girl I'm waiting for). If I say to check back in a few minutes, I tell them that I'm serious (one girl at Pin Ups thought I was giving her CS but then I got a couple). I used to be "creatively polite", but now I just tell it like it is. If a girl takes a response particularly badly, I may try to quickly dance with someone else for two reasons: 1) so the rejected girl knows there was something about her that I didn't appreciate, and 2) so there's someone "on my side" if the rejected girl starts telling other girls to avoid me.
  • sailmd
    10 years ago
    I tell them not interested in a dance as soon as i know. I'm doing them a favor to not waste their time.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    You actually listen to the dancers when they speak?
  • screamineagle10
    10 years ago
    Thats one of the problems with being my being a dancers known regular,most wont even initiate contact even though i would'nt mind if they did.If my fav is keeping me waiting and one comes over i may buy her a drink and chat a while and if she asked about a ld i
    just politely say no,i'm waiting for so and so.
  • warhawks
    10 years ago
    If it's a really slow day, I'll sometimes let a girl sit with me for a while because I know their managers get on their case if they aren't with customers.
    But only if she seems like she can hold a conversation and isn't constantly pestering me for drinks.

    Other time tho, if I'm not in the mood or she is Definately not my type and no way in hell would I ever get a dance from her, I'll tell them I'm waiting on a girl. They usually don't push it any farther of you make it known that you are there to meet a specific girl, even if it's not the case.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    I give them the time of day but only for a minute if I'm not interested. Because if you let them go on with their speil longer than that they'll drive all the good ones away and your forced to make yourself look bad by dissing her just to get rid of her. And we all know women talk so make every moment count.
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