
Comments by Estafador (page 111)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Melody Jordan: My current favorite porn star
    @ranukam its funny you mention interracial porn, because while by the end of the day, every girl is getting fucked in the pussy (I don't do anal porn grosses me out far too much to enjoy it), it seems there's a different rhythm between blacks and whites (never seen a middle eastern or southern Asian guy in porn). Majority of white guys are either far too slow and boring or try to be way too aggressive to the point of having to choke them while fucking them and literally just ramming them like baboons with no sense, not letting the women do anything in the sexual act. And majority of black guys I seen in porn just fuck like baboon with no sense of caution of how the female feels. And obviously lesbian and self porn gets boring real quick (possibly after 2 minutes). Very hard is it to find a good rhythm between male and female regardless of any race. I hate to sound like a white knight even though I'm not since I'm exploiting the public visage of sex
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    10 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    When a dancer says 'I love you'
    If a stripper ever said that to me, i'd test her the old fashion way (if she's attractive that is) "if you love me, then treat me to dinner". Her answer should end that mystery. Every women knows the way to a man's heart is through his stomach right?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Melody Jordan: My current favorite porn star
    I think they like average because their older gentlemen and it's harder to get the average girl when the slut next door will do anything for a dollar; which they have in spades.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Melody Jordan: My current favorite porn star
    Its hard to tie down a favorite, especially when all the finest ones in my opinion either don't do porn anymore, or come and go so quick, they don't have a respectable playlist. It's especially hard to find a good collection when you aren't willing to pay per view.
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    10 years ago
    What's the deal with buying the "lady" a drink?
    So the majority of us, bar rickdugan, agree that we use it not as a way to be polite but as a standard form for her to stick around. The illusion of "being polite" is just a secondary effect, no less effective than any other "nice" gesture. Glad we see it that way (at least that's how I'm interpreting everyone is thinking) because we all know once your out of dough, the girl is out of service. Unless you build good repertoire but those are cracks and crevices in the rules which won't be discussed in today' topic. @rickdugan Just because your in the game doesn't necessarily mean you need to play by the rules. This isn't a sport, this is life. I have inclination to believe you are more the sheep than the Shepard. You follow example and don't truly lead your own, just police what already exist and what many don't like. Because I live in NYC I should just buy a drink when that same $20 could have been used for a test drive lap dance. But I guess the rich and famous are different from us normal folk (and for the record folks, I have officially quit visiting Manhattan strip clubs altogether unless a friend insists on me tagging along with him.......this excludes Harlem of course even though I never been). Maybe she needs to fill her quota, but if I'm drunk (probably not but IF I AM) I need money for that taxi home (hopefully I was smart enough not to drive my car there)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Water Shot
    an important lesson for you. Don't buy girls drinks. Ever
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I don't understand why so many of you rave about Kate Upton.
    all I know about her is that she's a women that men like. I see her pics online, but know NOTHING about her. What's the fascination with her again?
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    10 years ago
    Thug Niggerism strikes again - Two NYPD officers dead.
    why is ignorance still entertained here
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Congress Wants Medicare to Stop Paying for Penis Pumps. This Is Cruel.
    i didn't know medicare wasted money on bullshit. I'm dying over here and people wasting money on their penis. FUCK your ego
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    What do you consider extreme ITC extras?
    @shadowcat EWWWWWWW@WWWWW!
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    What do you consider extreme ITC extras?
    taking me out to dinner, and fucking me for a fraction of the price. Yeah I'm a simple guy, no extra tricks needed on me.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Opinions: Are "Sugar Babies" Just a Bunch of Hookers?
    @Dougster well according to that Dr. Phil show that's definetely the case 7 times out of 10 that no sex is happening. But like I said, they try real hard to not have to fuck, key word, "try". The real question is, who would you respect more, the lazy hoe that refuses to fuck but wants a car or the hooker who absolutely gives you the pussy as long as you got the cash? In my opnion it's the hooker, at least she's doing actual work and not JUST strutting her stuff.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Eastern European Dancers
    I gotta debate with you on this one Ricky ol' boy While yes I hear that the majority if not all of them migrate from Brooklyn in a packed out van to areas like manhattan and queens (doubt you'll ever see them in the Bronx), only half of them are educated and all of them are here to stay. The other illiterate (actually more than half, more like 6/8ths) get SOME education from their educated sisters and try to portray themselves as educated when half of what they say is a lie. Every time I go to the club I ALWAYS run into a EE and half the things they talk about doesn't make sense. And I have tested them on their knowledge. Their main source of income is from White American men and probably no other race. You had a good experience with like two I'm sure, but the majority are, while very persistant are terrible at seduction. I could throw them a $40 on stage, they will wink and thank me and hit up three people while getting denied three times before rolling right back around to me. And as for the actual lap dances themselves, BORING at best, NONEXISTANT at worst. No touching, hands to the side, extremely careful about how their bodies gyrate to the point that if you positioned your hands just right, your middle finger wouldn't even graze their bodies. And we are all hands on type of folks so there's a double wammy in a bad way right there. To give an example, not even LDK could get an LDK off of them. I'm sure if you buy them at least 3 drinks, will the dances get better....after you pay for that private time ($200 tip not included because I have had a girl ask for that...seriously). Street smart, what's your definetion of street smart? How the corporate streets of manhattan run? Or maybe how the Jewish ABC streets runs? That's the only street smart I can assume your referring to because they act like they never been anywhere where actual street smarts apply. I had a lady tell me how great it is to walk the nice cobblestone streets of Brooklyn at 2am. Probably talking about Williamsburg and that isn't saying much about that. If they were really street smart, they'd take the train. I bet you it's cheaper. Lastly, their just too damn skinny for their own good. It's a wonder their panties don't fall off if they stand up straight. But as a man who likes SOME meat on a woman's bones, that's preference.\ I always figured they weren't part of a mafia but those those russian bouncers, I don't know man.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Broke off engagement/bareback sex
    I mean not even a month!
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    10 years ago
    Broke off engagement/bareback sex
    damn was dougster on point or what. He predicted and it came true. Too funny. Man I have missed a lot. I am now finding out you just got of an engagement you went into 2 months ago. What am I doing with my life?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Opinions: Are "Sugar Babies" Just a Bunch of Hookers?
    i disagree Dougster. Sugar Babies will try as hard as they can to avoid putting out that pussy and still collect the dough out of your pockets. Hookers actually put in work fucking you (it is an exercise after all) or giving the BJs to collect their pay. SB just walk by your side looking pretty. No real work there. Hell, their stylist does their work for them, maybe SB should give stylists a cut of the dough.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Where are the hot girls?
    @alabegonz/ranukam no way bros. I only see fat out of shape girls in the gym. That or their bone thin trying to become even bonier. Gym is DEFINETELY not the place. Although I haven't been to Planet Fitness in a long while.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Opinions: Are "Sugar Babies" Just a Bunch of Hookers?
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMEJFN69YKk for those who didn't see this episode. Gonna watch it after school.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Opinions: Are "Sugar Babies" Just a Bunch of Hookers?
    Is that online? If so could you PM a link to the video?
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    We do not negotiate with terrorists?
    @steve229 yeah that one stevie @slickspic ouch, really sorry to hear that. Hope he at least has time to see his kids once more.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Sex is very low on a woman's list of priorities: A good night's sleep, money and
    I was kidding about that second sentence btw
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Sex is very low on a woman's list of priorities: A good night's sleep, money and
    why bother when 3/4 don't know how to use technology anyway. those same majority should just stick to sucking dick and pilfering old people of their money legally (or as legal as possible)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    We do not negotiate with terrorists?
    Of course if your IT has ways to restore at least SOME of your information do so before paying the premium (shadowexplorer, RakhniDecryptor, etc. Shadowexplorer will probably be the only one that works but give the other a try anyway). Anyway, next time, invest some money in a backup software, constantly seperate that from the interweb (don't include it in a shared server) and recommend your idiot IT tech to get ESET NOD32, F-Share or Kaspersky. If the data isn't THAT important (I doubt that since it's a business), don't pay it and just take a dark lesson and let the feds handle it. That is of course making sure that NOBODY was watching pornography of any sort on their work stations (ESPECIALLY CHILD PORNOGRAPHY) or fucking around with TOR themselves, don't exclude the IT, he's your first suspect along with the loser employee who never speaks. Good luck
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    We do not negotiate with terrorists?
    LMAO, if your IT was smart, he'd have backed up all those files. A very dark lesson learned. It's gonna take a team of some seriously great FBI IT techs, forget your local police to do the job since it's now on Tor. Best thing to do is, contact the FBI, pay the ransom and let the feds in black handle the situation. It's already an FBI investigation anyway so you don't have a choice because more than likely, the FBI now knows you just accessed TOR. Good luck. @Dougster Not every company can even afford $1M or else the cyber punks won't have a renewable source of income.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    secret to feeling good
    Replace Strip Club with a nice juicy steak and you have a perfect list.