
Comments by RegularJoe57

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    pole tricks
    I'm not a huge fan of pole tricks, but I can appreciate amazing acrobatic talent. I prefer slow, sexy movement with lots of eye contact. I asked a stripper why no one did pole tricks and she mentioned that they cost dancers money at most clubs. Men will applaud tricks and women will tip for pole tricks, but most men will only tip if you dance naked in front of them for 30 seconds, so tricks cut into your tip time. When I first started going to clubs we threw money on the stage, especially for pole tricks, but now it's more personal attention. I like it better this way.
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    11 years ago
    I usually make conversation with dancers and sometimes the talk turns to family and kids. I don't mind seeing kid pictures, as long as they don't mind seeing pictures of my bike. I like feeling as if I have a human connection. I guess it's just my kink. Some have offerred kid pictures before I bring it up I always think that it probably hurts their money with some men. I think parenthood makes people more independant, selfless, mature and sane (at least it did for me). I do remember though, before I had children, the line between "hot, party girl, stripper sex toy" and "mom" was set in stone. It's funny how things change. I've found that mothers are typically better strippers, as they are "profit oriented" and not just doing the job for beer and clothes money. They are also more realistic about the exchange and more grateful for extra tips.
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    11 years ago
    Fort Myers, Florida
    Machovy Discounts
    Actually I stopped by Club Erotica near Pittsburgh last night and can confirm that the deals are legit, at least for that club. I asked a few dancers and they have a sign on the VIP counter to direct customers to the site.
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    11 years ago
    My kind of stageshow
    I don't understand the butt shaking that most dancers do. Younger guys seem to love it, but I find it comical. That said, I've always apreciated a lady with beautiful, womanly curves. I don't think it's a new developement. I'm reminded of the line from "Some Like it Hot" where Curtis and Lemmon watch Marylin Monroe walk away and one comments that her behind is like "jello on springs."
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    videos in the club
    That sounds like a bad idea. Even if you evade the bouncers and dancers there are other customers who would probably beat the tar out of you if they think you got them on film in a strip club. If I saw that, I would assume someone's wife was paying a PI to spy on him and get fodder for divorce court. I've had dancers OK below the neck camera phone pictures and movies in VIP rooms, including pics of "extra" activities. The two dancers who regularly let me film our fun have never requested any extra money, but both know me pretty well.
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    11 years ago
    Fort Myers, Florida
    Machovy Discounts
    I saw their ad in the Gogo and checked them out. They seem legit. They have half off room ads with Ruby and Layla, who are two out of three of my favorite dancers at Erotica so I'll probably give it a try. I'll keep you posted.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    How many "strikes" do you give your ATF?
    I've never known my ATF to have a bad day. That's why she's my ATF. She's attractive, but not the hottest or youngest, she just has the most amazing personality of anyone I've ever met. She was a little distracted one night, years ago, but as soon as I asked what was wrong she apologized immediately. She gave me a very brief summary of some family health scare issue, then moved right along to my day. I liked that she shared some of her life with me but I mostly liked that she made an effort to keep the time focused on me. I really feel as if she values the money I spend on her, when most dancers don't. I have a lot of semi-favorites and the tolerance varies with all of them. If they have three off days in a month, it's one thing, if they have three in three years, that's another. If your ATF is amazing and gives great service with a smile on demand for years, I say cut her a little slack. Also, a cold but polite dance and outright rudeness are very different "strikes" to me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Why would she do this? Keep a used rubber.....in her handbag!
    Even the most lax clubs will fire a dancer for. Leaving "evidence" behind sometimes. I used to frequent a club like that: they didn't care what you did, they had an elaborate LE warning sytem, but enforced a "clean up after yourself 100%" policy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Why would she do this? Keep a used rubber.....in her handbag!
    Even the most lax clubs will fire a dancer for. Leaving "evidence" behind sometimes. I used to frequent a club like that: they didn't care what you did, they had an elaborate LE warning sytem, but enforced a "clean up after yourself 100%" policy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Bogus dating sites
    If there was a site to find attractive, young horny women for $20 a month every one of us would have joined and used up all of the ladies by now. If you want to touch attractive women, you'll have to stick with strip clubs like the rest of us. I've tried a few sites but, obviously, the only one that gets me laid is an escort community board (yes it's expensive and no, I won't give it out).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    CUT OFF !!
    Most likely, the club or her coworkers are cracking down on her for doing extras. If she's still willing to work OTC then just enjoy her OTC. I prefer OTC anyway, after having a bouncer charge into a room once while I was receiving a HJ, fire the dancer and ban me "for life" (although the dancer and I were both back within a month, I was just annoyed that I'd spent $250 and gotten a frustrating 10 minute grind and 4 minutes of rubbing and she was mad that she didn't get any of her money for that night). It sort of ruined the mood for me and I felt pretty bad for getting the dancer in trouble. It's usually cheaper and safer to meet up privately.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    help me pick...
    Pittsburgh is great for blue collar clubs, but bad for extras. If you just want pleasant, cheaper, laid back clubs I would recommend Silky's (you can touch in $20 lap dances). West Virginia is your best bet for extra fun (about 1.5 hours to Mountaineer racetrack clubs/extra havens Fantasy's and Tiffany's). Ohio clubs are notoriously strict, so I'd make the trip south or west for strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best lapdance clothing?
    I've asked many dancers this many times and the consensus is soft slacks with underwear. If you don't care what they think of you, then go ahead and free ball it. It's definitely been worth it for me to get on dancers' good sides. Even though I'm not a huge spender, I'm a regular at a few clubs and get a lot of extra hugs and attention from the ladies because they know me as a polite, respectful customer. You would be surprised how the level of service increases with your reputation as a nice, non-weirdo/sleezebag guy. They also love my back rubs so I always have a line of dancers waiting to snuggle their cute little butts up to me for some deep tissue massage (this usually only works at smaller clubs though).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Woman Solicited Prostitution At Another Weirton Strip Club
    What a waste of time and money. These ladies were the only ones left in Weirton with jobs.
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    11 years ago
    A catch-all account
    How to Get the Most Out of Your Money
    In case there are any newbies left on this board: go early and go to smaller dive bar clubs. The dancers there aare usually happy to chat for a while, especially if you're pleasant and polite and there's no one else to talk to. If you want to talk about anything sexual, be prepared to pay. I usually slip them a twenty every few songs to continue a particulary titillating conversation and I keep their drinks full. For a pleasant, non sexual conversation, I keep their drinks full and give them a twenty at the end of a half hour chat. I always warn dancers if I don't plan to do a room and tell them to feel free to leave and try other customers.
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    13 years ago
    Mileage is not just a car thing
    On Line Sugar Daddy Sites and the Girls They Attract
    So you were hoping that the girls would sleep with you for one dinner? That's called dating... and most average looking women make you buy at least a few dinners first. I, too, like beautiful, sexy younger women, but at least I'm realistic about it. No hot young girl wants to have sex with an old fart like me for free. I'm OK with that and I am endlessly kind and generous to my "pay for play" friends. I can never understand why guys my own age don't understand the deal or think there are ways around it.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Etiquette, Thoughts and Observations
    I agree with your sentiments, and I don't think enough guys do. Maybe it is a generational thing, but I am always polite and respectful to beautiful women. In my (pretty vast) experience with strip clubs, the dancers do respond to being treated like ladies... because they are. Even if they are used to being treated like crap by young guys they will be eternally grateful if you let them know that they are special and that you appreciate the job they are doing (and then tip them appropriately for it).
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    13 years ago
    Note to Dancers about NDS
    Outstanding! I have witnessed so many rude abusive customers lately, and it's usually groups of young kids who get wasted and have no idea how to talk to women. Rather than stutter and flounder they insult or make crude demands. I don't usually say anything to them, but I make sure that the dancers know it's the kids' deficiency and that they are beautiful by anyone's standards.
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    13 years ago
    Escort 101
    I managed to get in good with the providers on a local site by meeting a dancer who also worked through it. I'd done a few (amazing) lap dances with her and casually broached the subject of OTC... and she said "no." I came back and got short rooms two weeks in a row without mentioning OTC and then she brought up the site. It was a pretty invasive screening process to get on, but she met with me for a date and then vouched for me to the admins. My review of her was all I needed to set up meetings with other ladies as she was well known to the regular patrons of the site. It's a great set up and I highly recommend this service if you can find it. It's much better than an escort agency where they could send you anyone (I'd rather at least know she has a nice body). I've found a few girls will send face shots before meetings, but I would feel bad cancelling an appointment for a bad face shot so I would probably go through with the meeting anyway.
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    13 years ago
    How not to be a Pathetic Loser
    OK, I'm going to step in here and tell you what you don't want to hear: the truth. You are a hero, you have had a horrible time and been screwed over by a dancer... but you're not a victim here. Yeah, she stopped talking to you when you stopped paying her, but you would have stopped talking to her when she stopped giving you erections. That's strip clubs. Hot young women don't hang out with guys like us for fun, they hang out with hot young guys their own age. That doesn't make them jerks any more than we're jerks for wanting to hang out with hot, young, in shape girls half our age. I have seen a lot of guys get burned by this, but I have a hard time feeling bad for them when they weren't being realistic in the first place. It's fun to suspend your disbelief for a night, but never forget that you are paying for a service. Strip clubs (and strippers) are a fantasy, and I hope they stay that way because I need the fantasy more than they need the money some nights. That doesn't make me (or you) a pathetic loser, it just makes us humans who need a brief escape from reality. That doesn't make them evil, money-grubbing ass holes, it makes them humans who are doing a job. I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't mind the hustle. That's the trade off for having stunning young naked women grinding all over me.
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    13 years ago
    Some Dancers Value Friendship
    I love to see the human side of dancers, when they realize that I'm a nice, normal, friendly guy and that I honestly love to talk to them. I have a few dancers at a few clubs who I honestly count as friends. That being said, I would never waste their time at work. These ladies pay to work and I appreciate their attention enough to tip them for it. I don't want them to leave owing money because of me. If you stop tipping (or buying dances) they will stop talking to you, not because they are materialistic jerks, but because going to someones' place of business, taking up their time and not spending money is rude. I expected to be paid to work (before I retired) and I have no illusions about why these beautiful young ladies are hanging out in strip clubs naked with me. I'm fine with that.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    I knew you'd get some negative feed back on this and here's some more: you told everyone my secrets. I've enjoyed my reputation as a polite, respectful regular customer for years and I depend on the piggishness of other customers to make me look even better. No one, in any industry, is a robot. You are trying to get beautiful young women to act like they like you? Guess what guys, it's cheaper if they are not repulsed by you. I'm not a huge spender, but I frequent the same few clubs every week (I'm retired and it's more fun than golfing). The women are always genuinely happy to see me. I bring them candy bars or cigarettes, I rub their backs, I ask about their lives (and actually care what they answer)... and they notice. They know my name, they ask about my mother, they bought me a birthday cake and lap dances on my birthday. Yeah, I'm paying them to be nice to me and I'm fine with that, but they are women and human beings and I treat them as such. And it has paid off.