avatar for 10inches
one of my ATFs has suddenly decided that extras are no longer available ITC. VIP always include fingering the kitty, titty sucking and a hand job. . last visit she informed me that those were no longer available as she has decided to back off on her availability. she still however offers everything on the menu if we went OTC.


last comment
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
That is her business model. It is used by a lot of different businesses, especially in the adult industry. She wants fewer sales that are bigger. Ploys, she doesn't want to share with the house. If she doesn't do well with it, the normal model will return.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Time to hang at the sports bar until mgmt. makes a retraction.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
10 - you don't say why she changed her "availability". I am gonna guess that the club is cracking down on the dancers doing extras or that she is being watched by management. So your options are: find a new ATF, Find a new club, or take her OTC. OTC is going to cost you more because she will have lost revenue from other customers ITC and you would have to make up at least part of that. However, it appears that the added cost would result in higher mileage.
avatar for RossVa
13 years ago
just stop seeing her ITC; see her OTC only.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
I'd be taking my ITC business to another provider at the same establishment so old ATF can see the results of her actions
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Doesn't seem like a big deal. Maybe the risk of ITC just isn't worth it to her anymore. As long as she is offering full OTC which is more fun, anyway, just respect her wishes and do OTC only with her. I did this with a few of my past favs. Only saw them for OTC. In the club I would I just say "hi". They were perfectly happy with the situation.
avatar for troop
13 years ago
huh? when i first saw the title i thought maybe you ran into lorena bobbit and she sliced you down from 10 to 2. ;-)
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
10, do you have some reason for *not* pursuing OTC? If not, then I don't see the problem, except for the possible increase in cost and decrease in frequency. FWIW, locally, I can generally get OTC cheaper than ITC, even factoring in the room, but I'll admit that might not be universal.

If you have some objection to or reluctance for OTC, then you have my condolences. Hope you find a replacement.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
shadow is right on target in my opinion. Frankly I don't get much from ITC handjobs anyway, so I probably would have taken her out a long time ago but to each his own.
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
I agree with Dougster, OTC is better. Did ITC recently and it wasn't as enjoyable.
avatar for RegularJoe57
13 years ago
Most likely, the club or her coworkers are cracking down on her for doing extras. If she's still willing to work OTC then just enjoy her OTC. I prefer OTC anyway, after having a bouncer charge into a room once while I was receiving a HJ, fire the dancer and ban me "for life" (although the dancer and I were both back within a month, I was just annoyed that I'd spent $250 and gotten a frustrating 10 minute grind and 4 minutes of rubbing and she was mad that she didn't get any of her money for that night). It sort of ruined the mood for me and I felt pretty bad for getting the dancer in trouble. It's usually cheaper and safer to meet up privately.
avatar for carolinaclubman
13 years ago
Two choices. If she cut out the extras because the club cracked down see her otc or find another club. If she cut out extras because she suddenly got a higher opinion god herself, you cut her out of your money and find a girl to do the things she won't. Good luck.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
i agree with shadow 100%. She is telling you in a kind monor the club is cracking down on the fun
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Troll aleret!
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
"If you suck a girl's titty in a strip club, prepare to be sucking a man's titty behind bars!"

avatar for smokeshopjoe
13 years ago
@policeman if i suck his dick in jail in stead of his titty and say he pays me with money or favors. What is the possible criminal ramifications of that?

Also if you have "read" the posts on this site you should know by now we feel strippers and hookers are one in the same. No matter how you cut it you are transacting money for sexual favors...
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I prefer OTC to ITC and so I would be pleased with her new business model. OTC allows for more privacy and fun, the amount you pay the dancer is about the same, and you don't waste your money on the club's over-priced drinks and other charges. I seldom get ITC extras any more, except for the occasional blow job.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
@Policeman, what kind of a perv jail are you running?

Hope I don't get caught doing FS with a dancer....
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