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joined Feb 2010last seen Jan 2025
Founder Liberated Christians libchrist.com more than 20 years ago. Also sexwork.com, sexworkcanada.com and lovetouch.info

Long time advocate of positive intimacy and sexuality with my main interest quality high touch intimacy giving Esalen massage and more intimate sexuality than the usual stuff most seek.

Reviews by davephx

Comments made by davephx

review comment
14 hours ago
avatar for Mate27
TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Once, Twice, Three times a Lady!
Over the years, this has often been this old man's problem, although the last few times, there had been enough good interaction and VIPs between the boredom of waiting to be approached. Even with BigTim, we sometimes felt ignored. Or maybe some don't like us old guys, and I have no interest in stage dancing . Going to try again tonight since its been quite a few months. Maybe we have to be brave and approach a dancer that in eyeing the floor like in the back where I usually sit. It worked great once she was surprised but great time me approaching her. On the other hand, some dancers may prefer younger guys - I am 78, but seriously, that doesn't seem to be an issue at least with those who approach me both here and much more so when I go to Canada with their HUGE clubs and no legal issues. Sometimes, I am like a fly swatter, keeping the big-breasted ones away. Almost the opposite in Canada where they work the audience much more aggressively in my 20+ years of going to Toronto Clubs. But too cold up there now, until May when I return
review comment
a month ago
avatar for Saxvy
My First Strip Club Experience
Tipping is actually racist at least in the US starting with the black railroad porters that had to work for tips. In most of Asia, it is considered an insult; when I was in Germany, you just tipped up to the next Euro. I have been going to strip clubs for 20+ years in Canada (mainly Toronto), and maybe 40 years in the US, and I have never tipped a dancer, escort or massage gal) However, for lower-wage jobs that rely on tips, as much as I hate the silly tipping, I do tip the waitress at strip clubs, restaurants and Uber drivers, or you may get a bad customer rating.
review comment
2 months ago
avatar for Heellover
Strip Clubs!
A return after decades of not visiting.
You mentioned Estrella We go back to 2010! Some memories - long comment to go with good long review of yours! I didn't really like her dances but she was one of the most friendly so I usually got a dance from her. This was after earlier in long review of had a nice conversation with Jason, the nice manager, who sadly died a few years ago. I liked Estrella more before she had her breasts enlarged. . From 2010: Estrella Within a few minutes of entering, Estrella as she often does winds up beside me and starts up a discussion. She works often both day and night shift and have met her on I believe every visit since first coming here in April 2010. She could write a book on how to be a successful club dancer. To me she has one of the cutest friendly faces, wonderful friendly smile and eyes behind dark frame glasses with fairly long dark hair. I usually only do one dance but once in awhile 2. And as usual she later comes back to briefly sit on lap and hug and nicely ask if interested in another. But she is very polite and takes not more tonight very politely but is a good salesdancer working the floor and repeats to get the most dances but in a very polite nice way. She is ideal combination of friendly yet always trying to get dances, nicely approaches everyone working the audience. Oddly from my "after action" notes when I first met her she was less intimate (in the way I like) or responsive than many others but I was always attracted to her personality and body. Now she has become far more what I call intimacy responsive and great to interact with balancing her sensuality / sexuality and seeming to enjoy and interact in the way I most enjoy on the more caring touch way I like to ahh handle" ah. Dancers more than just impersonal body gyrations! I mention I had heard about the changes and wanted to check them out. She suggested I try the new VIP room, but I am too cheap and usually VIPs aren't that much different other than privacy from the public dance area. But as usual I agree to a dance and have great interaction. She especially wants me to come by on Halloween night to see her cute custom "but not too scary". Actually I just might.
review comment
2 months ago
avatar for Mate27
TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Quarterly club review a downgrade.
I've been going here and to other clubs for 20+ years and never tipped any dancer at any club, and there are no problems. It's a silly, mostly American thing from the racism of the Pullman porters. In Asia, it's often an insult, and in much of Europe (at least in Germany), you round up to the nearest Ero in restaurants to avoid having small changes.
review comment
3 months ago
avatar for davephx
Bourbon Street Thursday 10/31/2024 from about 9:45 PM to 11:15 PM
Lap Dance Cost: $20 as shown on the Front Page for the club. Has always been for many years. No tipping expected and I of course never tip except the Coke server.. like in drink not drugs :(