
Why would she do this? Keep a used rubber.....in her handbag!

Not long ago I did a really sexy dark haired gal in the CR at a extras club where I am VIP. It was very intensely enjoyable intercourse and we did it BBBJ, RCG, CG. Hers seemed a tad loose, but I got off real good anyhow telling her how she was so pretty and made me really horny the whole time I was shagging her.

After paying her the $150, I was about to toss the used rubber behind the couch but she insisted on taking it. She then looked at it in the light and smiled commenting in broken English (she was Hispanic) "wow hun lots of stuff in there your really shot off....To my amazement she folded it and put it in her purse (handbag) and walked away.

I thought WTF is this?


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    This is a common practice. They do not want to leave evidence behind.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I'd rather dispose of my own evidence.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    A late night snack!
  • gillydon
    13 years ago
    She was eyeing how much there was because she's going to impregnate herself later using the semen from the rubber. After a paternity test confirms the kid is yours, she'll be able to live off the child support from you, and the kid will also be a USA citizen, which will allow her to stay in the country.
  • HB13
    13 years ago
  • 2ofus
    13 years ago
    Yeah, she was hunting & gathering, man. It was in her in less than 5 mins, I promise. Congrats on looking like a suitable donor. She probably won't track you down. She'll just have the Fed / State take care of her and her new American Citizen.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    LMFAO hilarious story. I agree w what shadowcat said
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    shadow is correct. also 2ofs is also correct
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    She keeps her donor receptables on the wall along with descriptions of their penises.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    "I was about to toss the used rubber behind the couch"


    Get involved now. Pollution hurts all of us.
    --Iron Eyes Cody
    13 years ago
    She's going to make extra $ passing it off to a sperm bank.
  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago
    Motorhead, that's priceless. I can just picture a new PSA being filmed in my favorite club's VIP room with Iron Eyes Cody standing by the entrance with that tear in his eye...
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Well, *I* do this. If I'm expecting to use a rubber, I also carry a baggie with me to take it with me to dispose of it later. FWIW, I'd never leave it with the girl, even if I *am* shooting blanks.
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    I can't believe you let her take it! To much she could do to fuck you over. On the other hand, could be what shadow said.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Never leave DNA if you can help it! You've got pockets, tie it off and dispose of it yourself.

    I have heard of similar stories to that link. I doubt the stripper is going to use your baby batter in that way. However there is US court precedent that any woman that becomes pregnant by your DNA, has a right to paternal support from you. No matter how she got pregnant.
  • txtittyfan
    13 years ago
    She is a "green" dancer who practices recycling.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    "No matter how she got pregnant."

    Bullshit. Way too broad, even for U.S. courts. By that criteria, any women who is implanted from a sperm donor can sue for child support. Any woman who forces a man (yeah, I laughed too, until I saw the court records) can sue the victim.

    If a man *actually* has consensual sex with her, even properly protected, absolutely. No BC method is perfect, so you take your chances. Why do you think I get my own sperm count checked every few years, even though it's always been zero. 'Cuz I'm paranoid.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "She was eyeing how much there was because she's going to impregnate herself later using the semen from the rubber. After a paternity test confirms the kid is yours, she'll be able to live off the child support from you, and the kid will also be a USA citizen, which will allow her to stay in the country"

    The quote above is a DARN good possibility. I'd NEVER let ANY woman walk away with ANY container of Jizz unless it was my intention to make her pregnant. BEWARE!
  • uscue13
    13 years ago
    Che, good one! But shadowcat is right, she doesn't want the evidence in the room. That leads to crackdowns.

    The tongue-in-cheek stories about her wanting to use it to get pregnant and get child support are way off for this. 1) How would she even know how to contact a random customer after the fact unless you gave her phone numbers, business cards, etc. 2) All of those links are about people who dated and then the girl did it. No need to risk putting in you whatever could be in a strangers sperm
  • RegularJoe57
    13 years ago
    Even the most lax clubs will fire a dancer for. Leaving "evidence" behind sometimes. I used to frequent a club like that: they didn't care what you did, they had an elaborate LE warning sytem, but enforced a "clean up after yourself 100%" policy.
  • RegularJoe57
    13 years ago
    Even the most lax clubs will fire a dancer for. Leaving "evidence" behind sometimes. I used to frequent a club like that: they didn't care what you did, they had an elaborate LE warning sytem, but enforced a "clean up after yourself 100%" policy.
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    This is a standard practice at a club I go to which is known for extras. They even take the tissues with them, do not want evidence in the trash cans located in the private dance area.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Maybe she was Polish?
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    I think shadow and gillydon have some good points.

    After that I did not see her there for around a year. Once she approached me while I was waiting for a girl I had texted for VIP FS. She came around and introduced herself (prolly forgot about me) and I just told her was waiting for a girl and she moved on. Did not mention our "history" or ask her "Oh btw where have you been, maternity leave perhaps?"
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    uscue13 - Good point. But if customer leaves business cards, or even phone number they can id him in event extras girl gets pg. Also when I go to ViP mgr checks my vip card and marks it off on list. My VIP card # is same as my DL number. Would mgmt provide this info to pg extras gals? Dunno

    I guess at least use fake business cards with fake (stage) name and throw down phone.
  • 2ofus
    13 years ago
    Are you, like agent 008, strip club operative or something? Seems like you post a lot of things about using fake names and disposable cell phones and getting strippers pregnant.

    Just an observation... is it a sort of game for you?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Game or not, there are good reasons for obscuring one's identity if one is going to engage in what are illegal activities in most places. In fact, the one who is *not* doing so could be considered the odd one.
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