<p> I was thinking about this last night while sitting out on the smoking patio after a particularly shitty lounge dance, in which the customer couldn't be bothered to put on a god damn pair of jeans to come to the club. He was wearing paraffin-thin sweat pants and no boxers, and then he was shocked to discover that anything more than an air dance hurt his dick. I advised him that next time, he needed to wear something more substantial. His response:<br /> <br /> "But I wanted to FEEL it!"<br /> <br /> There are a few things that we all pretty much hate to hear from customers, and that's not even the worst of it.<br /> <br /> Here's a short list of a few things not to say.<br /> <br /> ---<br /> <br /> 1. "The last girl I got a dance with gave me a [insert sexual act here], so I expect the same from you."<br /> <br /> First of all, this is terribly rude, and it should be obvious why. Besides, once everything is bought and paid for, I don't have to do shit unless I'm trying to extract a good tip. Second, at my club, we're all on the same page about what's kosher and what's not, so I call bullshit. A customer once tried to tell another dancer that I had given him a footjob, which was simply not true. So she pulled me into the conversation, and we called him on this BS right then and there. He was embarrassed, as you can imagine. He hasn't tried anything like that since.<br /> <br /> 2. "But in my country/state/local club, X is permitted and Y is expected!"<br /> <br /> If you are from outside of the country, you can definitely expect that the dancers know the laws better than you do. We don't want to hear this before you cross the line, and we DEFINITELY don't want to hear this AFTER you cross the line. This is a good way to get a stiletto stuck in your eyeball.<br /> <br /> 3. "I want two for the price of one."/"Can I get a discount?"/"I come here a lot, can you cut me a deal?"/"If you don't lower the price of this dance, I don't want it!"<br /> <br /> What this says to us is one of two things. It either means you are broke, in which case we want nothing to do with you, or it means you do not value our time and effort. If either of those things are true, you shouldn't be asking for a dance at all. Besides, we don't always have control over the prices. At my club, the owners keep 1/2 of all dances. So for a $100 Fantasy Shower Show, I only get $50. If I were even able to cut you a deal for half price, or 2-for-1, I would get nothing. Do you really expect me to work for free?<br /> <br /> 4. "Why didn't you shave [insert intimate body part here]?"<br /> <br /> Do you shave your asshole? I didn't think so. So if I miss a hair on a body part that I can't see, you don't get to complain. When you stop wearing sweatpants into my lounge/booth/lap dance chair, I'll start being more cautious about my hair removal. And if you're asking me to get rid of my landing strip... it just SCREAMS "I prefer prepubescent girls." Personally, I want my pussy to look like it belongs on an adult body. To loosely quote the Vagina Monologues: "You can't love pussy if you don't love the hair." It's a package deal.<br /> <br /> 5. Any variation of "You have a nice meaty pussy!"<br /> <br /> The key thing wrong with this statement is the use of the word "meaty." Similar adjectives are also cringe-worthy: puffy, intricate, etc. I don't like when people compliment my labia minora by telling me that they "like how it hangs down a little." I am personally a little insecure about my vagina. I don't see it often and I wish it were more pink. Some women wish they had the "peek-a-boo" look. Some of us wish we had more majora in that mess. Some of us can't find our clits. Point is, many women are insecure about their pussies, so some adjectives are just a bit inappropriate. Call it beautiful. Tell me you "just wanna... LBLBBLBLBLBHBHBHHHH!" I don't care. Just don't call my pussy meaty!<br /> <br /> 6. "You have to work for it."<br /> <br /> What the fuck was I doing before you said this that didn't constitute "work?" I am constantly working. If I put my boobs in your face, it's not because I like how your 5 o'clock shadow feels on my nipples. It's because I WANT A GODDAMN DOLLAR. When I'm in the nude spinning around a bronze phallic symbol at 10 feet in the air, it's not because I'm too lazy to shoot ping pong balls out of my crotch, it's because I WANT A GODDAMN DOLLAR. Don't tell me to "work for it" when I'm already fucking working for it, because those of you who say this aren't buying dances anyway. So part with your $1 and get over it.<br /> <br /> 7. "Can you guys PLEASE stay open until 5am so my frat bros and I can come and chill and sexually assault the dancers and vomit in your men's room?"<br /> <br /> No.<br /> <br /> 8. "WHYYYY NOTTTT?"<br /> <br /> These two words should never be uttered by a customer. Ever. No means no, and it is non-negotiable. There are probably a lot of reasons "why not," which may or may not include the fact that you're sweatier than we are. (it is 110 degrees Fahrenheit today, after all). If that is not the case, it's probably because we could potentially be fired, arrested, etc. You could be an undercover cop. Maybe we just don't fucking want to, and we believe in a little thing called "consent." That's why not. So don't ask again.<br /> <br /> ---<br /> <br /> This article is much angrier than my previous ones, and I realize that. But I'm not always sweet little Daisy. Sometimes, I don't feel like playing mom to my customers. Sometimes, filling your boxers up with shaving cream and smacking your ass with a paddle is simply not enough of an outlet for my stripper rage... or for my sexual assault survivor rage, for that matter.<br /> <br /> So remember boys, no means no, yes means oh God yes, and play nice.</p>
Wow. I can honestly say none of those questions have ever crossed my mind. But I have heard people say #6. And I have told a dancer who did a great job she was "workin it". But that was as a complement and she was compensated handsomely.
If all customers showed basic respect for dancers this article would be unneccessary. Many customers do not respect dancers and this article is needed and important.
I have a question about #4. I've had two dancers who I've gotten multiple dances from tell me that they prefer it when I wear softer clothes, aka shorts without zippers and sweatpants, because the zippers in nicer clothes aren't very comfortable when they're giving me lap dances. Your answer here implies that you don't like it when we (customers) come in to your club where you're dancing dressed in sweats or athletic shorts.
I've started going to one club wearing athletic shorts because a couple of the dancers there prefer the feel of them for private dances. What are your preferences please?
A lot of rude customers on a bad day, may have prompted you to start this discussion. Still, you might want to take a more objective look at what is going around at your club, if you frequently hear some of the questions I mention below.
First, in regards to you comments on discounts, I suggest that you consider switching clubs. Your club is ripping you off, a 50% cut is excessive. While I don't know what clubs are like in your area, from what I have found by asking dancers, in must clubs the cut is around 1/4 to 1/3. If a lot of customers are asking you for discounts, then odds are they have visited other clubs in the area which offer discounts. Which likely means better percentages for the dancer.
Don't assume someone asking for discounts is broke. People like to feel like that they are getting a deal, and a good dancer knows how to use that to her advantage. Some people if they think they are getting a deal will actually spend more. For some guys a deal is more dances for his money, for other guys it's the dancer going beyond what is typical of other dancers in the club.
As for #8, while I agree it is stupid to ask "Why not?", but if you really dislike it when guys ask you several times whether you before taking no for an answer, you might want to consider another line of work. While no means no to you, for some dancers no does not always mean no. Which is why some guys are used to asking a dancer two or three times before giving up.
Don't discount what other customers are telling you. You might want to consider whether your comment "At my club, we're all on the same page about what's kosher and what's not, so I call bullshit," is as true as you believe. The guy who told another dancer that you gave him a footjob was obviously bullshitting her, but how sure are you that other dancers in the club are not giving extras especially to her regulars? A dancer might tell you she is on the same page as you, when in reality she isn't. Do you think another dancer is going to tell you she is doing extras?
I also try to stay away from traditional jeans for fear that after a full day of a dancer rubbing on jean material will leave a "mark" on her. While I would not go to the sweat pants level I try to wear a softer material. I have had numberous dancers thank me on my choice of pants which has influenced my choice. Some offical "out of the club dancer" feedback will be helpful. Thanks in advance.
There is no question that many guys, especially younger guys, are complete jerks. We all know that. Nuff said.
However, the more important point is this: does anyone really care what dances do or don't want to hear? I sure don't. I pay them to be pretty and nice, and do really good lap dances. If one doesn't, I move to the next. And I certainly don't pay them to make them feel happy and comfortable and have a wonderful shift. And they'll probably get a better tip if, instead of being pissed because that last guy they were with told them they have a meaty pussy, they care how I feel, and try to make me feel really good. Ladies, FWIW, it's not all about you.
You're right, when I'm at a SC as a customer it's all about me. But, when the dancer giving me a dance is happy, I have a much better time than when she isn't happy. Therefore, I try to make them happy.
yeah i do think theres some conflicts to some things
for me.. i shave down there so if me a man can shave my pubic area.. you a woman should shave yours.. to me its proper grooming ive heard many women say they prefer sweatpants or kakis.. i dont like wearing either to a sc so i always wear very confortable jeans
and i would have to say that theres alot of dancers that are full of shit .. especially if they have a "good reputation" at thier clubs if they have fucked a customer they will deny all charges. and #6 the reason why customers say you have to work for it.. because alot of dancers dont.. not saying all.. but ive had many of dancers walk up to me and put thier boobs in my face and expect a tip.. im sorry #1 i didnt ask you to do that and #2 im not a boob guy so for me you have to do more than that ..many of them just walk up to you and expect a tip so thats why that comes out of alot of guys mouth
so yes while i agree with alot of what your saying this is no way across the board just as much as there are bad customers that ruin it there are bad dancers that ruin it too
Actually it works quite well for me. Just because I don't give a rats ass whether I'm spending my time worrying if the dancer is happy, doesn't mean I don't treat them well. I do. I generally like dancers, generally (not always, though) respect them, and tip very well. But I'm freakin' tired of everyone expecting everything from me, but giving nothing themselves. There are far too many dancers who don't like their job, make me wait for hours until they get their asses out of the dressing room or away from their cellphones, have a crappy attitude, expect me to tip them when they don't do shit, expect me to sit at the stage all night and cheer them on, and on and on. And then we're supposed to worry about whether we say "meaty" when we're supposed to say "pretty"? Are you freakin' kidding me? Everyone has to deal with difficult people every day. So deal with it, and put on a happy face, and be the best you can be.
even though jerikson40 kind of came off as a jerk (no offense dude) i kind of understand where he is coming from .. dancing is sort of customer service .... i always said a dancer should have good customer service and sales skills and she would make awhole lot more money than based off her looks i know theres some assholes out there but i come to the strip club to get away from bs.. i dont want to go to a sc an deal with a dancer with bs i think the thing is that strippers are suppose to have all the control to be able to make a man do what they want and some dancers try to take that to a extreme when truthfully it is about the customer .. the customer isnt always right in this istuation but he should be important
No offense taken. I do come off as a jerk cuz I don't put up with nonsense. The point is that this nonsense about "treat me right first before I can treat you right" is messed up. I have to not only pay you, but cater to your emotional needs and make you feel wonderful before you can muster up the energy to do the same for me? Does that make sense to anyone? That's ridiculous.
Guys, we're becoming wusses. It's disgusting. They've got us believing this crap about "I can't be nice until you're nice first". Nonsense. I'm paying you. It's the other way around. Deal with it.
jerikson40 07/31/11 3:39 PM I do come off as a jerk cuz I don't put up with nonsense. The point is that this nonsense about "treat me right first before I can treat you right" is messed up. I have to not only pay you, but cater to your emotional needs and make you feel wonderful before you can muster up the energy to do the same for me? Does that make sense to anyone? That's ridiculous. Guys, we're becoming wusses. It's disgusting. They've got us believing this crap about "I can't be nice until you're nice first". Nonsense. I'm paying you. It's the other way around. Deal with it.
------------------------------------ BINGO!
i'm actually surprised. when i predicted that there would be alot of flak over this article i was wrong, i really can't believe all of the puppy dog responses. i always try to be polite and respectful to a stripper just so i get the same in return but strippers sometimes rub me the wrong way and no doubt i'm guilty sometimes of rubbing some strippers the wrong way. it's to be expected when two strangers meet and interact that there might be some things said or done that might cause friction but you can't expect all of us to be trained lapdogs ready to hand over our money. we worked for it too you know and in many cases our jobs are a little bit tougher than hanging out in a bar, drinking, socializing, and shaking our asses for a few minutes each hour so excuse some of us when we don't fit your ideal version of a pl.
Honestly, I think I may have been a little harsh. And I want to step back a bit and re-consider. I do feel for the dancers out there. If you have an insecurity about your vagina, I fully understand, and don't want to, in any way, make you feel uncomfortable. If you have personal limits in your dancing, I understand. I'm sure it's difficult to give yourself to someone you don't know. And if something I say might upset you a bit, I certainly want to know about it.
So here's my suggestion:
Why don't all the dancers write down a list of do's and dont's. Say this, don't say that, I only do this, not that, I'm insecure about this and that, and so on. And all of you give your lists to the bouncer at the front door, and he can hand out copies to each patron. We'll then study the lists for all the girls so we get familiar. Then, when you sit down to talk to us and tell us your name, we'll have a good idea of what and what not to do for you. Forgive us if we need to cheat a bit and look at the list occasionally, since it might be tough to remember 38 lists of 54 items each. But if it bugs you for us to be looking at your list while you're trying to talk, please be sure to include that as the #1 item on your list. Thanks.
By the way, if I could go a little off topic here, there's something that needs to be said:
Seriously, some of you guys need to grow a pair. If your noses were any further up these girls' butts you'd see daylight. I'm sure you're just trying to be respectful and crap, but first spend some time respecting yourself. It's just embarassing. I'm not gonna mention names (like superdude, scubadude, govikings...) but I'm sure you know who you are. Man up, guys.
One dancer last night asked me if she was hearing "no" and said she did not like to hear that. So I said "No." She left my table after that. I was thinking that was easy. Some dancers think no means no only if they can't talk you out of no.
If the dancer asked the guy for a dance, then he has every right to ask about prices and discounts on prices. It is his money. I try to get the best value for my money. If someone doesn't, then they either have money to burn or don't manage their cash very well. The other choice is that they know all the prices are fixed in the club so they don't bother to ask. Now if the guy asked for a dance and he wants a discount, he is just getting to the point fast rather than doing several minutes of chit chat wasting time.
the only one i think is valid is number 1 Seriously when has the but XXXXX did it for me ever fucking work ANYWHERE!
The answer to 2 is simply well you aren't there and if that is what you want then go home!
You dont like to deal and take less for a dance then DONT and STFU and wait for someone who will pay full price.
If you dont like hearing why dont you shave X well then fucking shave X so you never have to hear it again, simple; or answer them with because I am lazy, or I like my fuzz. They might just be curious heaven forbid someone is asking you a question.
Meaty pussy? That is a new one. I will say, TAKE THE FUCKING COMPLIMENT!, no mater how uncouth the delivery they ARE being nice in their warped little minds and be thankful you are not hearing you got a STINKY pussy.
If someone is saying you have to work for it guess what it means you and your coworkers are not... I have to do a fuck ton of work to get a dollar tip at my job so you get no sympathy.
As for 7 all you have to say is sorry honey liquor board just wont let us. BAM you can dodge personal responsibility, but what they are really saying is I/we are having such a great time, thanks to you, we wish it could keep going on and on. DAMN that must suck to be told you are great at your job hope that doesn't happen to me.
Here is how you can deal with WHY NOT? well there are 2 simple things you can say A) Because I said so, if you don't like it GTFO and B) You could actually tell them the reason Why you don't.
If you don't like your job then quit or find a different place to do it. If you only do something for a paycheck I don't care it it is fixing cars or preparing taxes, you are a whore with misplaced priorities! You can not work 8 hrs a day 5 days a week so you can enjoy the 48 hours at the end of the week. If you do you will be a bitter mean shell of a person.
Daisy; Are you a stripperweb member? Have you posted there? I'd be willing to bet at least a lapdance fee that you have. Some coungterpoints to your 1st 2 points:
1) "I don't have to do shit, unless".........../ Translate that into a competitive job interview setting. Can you imagine a job applicant projecting the attitude of "I don't have to do anything beyond showing up for work" getting the nod over other applicants? You ARE competing with other dancers ( in your club, and OTHER CLUBS) for our hard earned $$$. Which leads to................ 2) Although "but at my club they do X" may seem rude, he's doing you a favor by opening your eyes to what is really going on. A lot of guys would just quietly pay you after only 1 or 2 dances, and go back to spending their $$ at club X, leaving you none the wiser.
Not much to add to what's been said, but damn, Kumasdaisy, I can't stop thinking about your, uh, amply gifted pussy. I've had many strippers tell me they don't like protruding lips (what I call on "outie"), and I'm confused why? Girls with large labia are sexier, IMHO, than those with flat vulvas. I am endlessly fascinated, seek them out, and can never understand why genitalia so appealing can be so disliked by their owners.
Any chance you could show yours in one of your pics? It would do this man good, and make my day... :)
Dancers make deals at lots of clubs. In Columbus, Ohio private dances are $30-$35 a piece (no extras). In Dayton, the same dace will cost you $20, yet the dancers make deals all the time. I paid $60 ($10 tip per song) for 2 dances at The Living Room and the dancer gleefully said, "for that much I'll give you another dance!" And practically grinded my dick off. Those three dances had more mileage than any dance I've received in Columbus in 5 years.
Why shouldn't I ask for a deal up front?
Daisy have you ever bought a car? Are you really going to pay full price and not try to negotiate? Are you honestly gonna care that the salesperson has bills to pay and they only get 3% of that sale?
You may have caught the footjobber in a lie, but how many times are you going to trust your stripper coworker? The coworkers that strippers on this very board have said they see girls pissing on each other's clothing and stealing their customers by offering more mileage?
I get that you were upset when you posted that, but you need to be realistic. I can tell you from experience that working retail SUCKS. Get your money, pay your bills and then move onto a new career when you can no longer stand it.
I used to work in a video game store from 93-96. That was all I could stand. Everyday people tried to steal from the store. Ppl knew the store closed at 9pm, but would come in at 5 till and take their sweet time. Ppl tried to cut deals on set priced items. They always said, "but Walmart does it" knowing full well that was a lie. It would be pointless to go on a customer forum and complain about these habits. Get your money, grin and *bare* it, and move on.
Minnow - I don't post on Stripperweb, actually. I've never visited it. Maybe I should. :p As for not having to do shit, I'm saying that the fact that I give 100% regardless of whether I have to should be valued, and that I don't have to put up with demands. If I do, it's extra effort and customers should take notice.
HonestT - I have bought a car. There is a difference between a car salesperson and a dancer. Dancers don't get commission on top of salaries - dancers work on tips and dances.
Smokeshopjoe - As for #7, I am not talking about customers who ask us to stay open late so that they can continue to enjoy our performances, tip well, buy dances, and have some good, semi-clean fun. I'm talking about people my age specifically. I work near Cornell. After they're done having their grades inflated and attempting suicide in the gorges all day, they drive to my club, get trashed in the parking lot (we don't serve alcohol), fall asleep at the stage, flat-out refuse to tip, demand that I pick up dollar bills using only my ass, vomit everywhere, viciously insult regular customers, and then get pissed 1.5 hours past closing time when we finally ask them to leave so we can tip out and get some sleep. If you fall into this category, your opinion doesn't count.
Those of you complaining about the discounts - The prices at Kuma's are finite. I don't have a problem with people who are unaware of this when they first come in. But if I say "no discounts allowed," it means that there are no discounts allowed. If I could use discounts to my advantage, I would. We offer a discount on our Shower Show for couples and a buy 10 get one free on our private booth dances, but beyond that, nothing. They're pretty cheap anyway though. $60 for 20 minutes nude, $20 for 5 minutes nude, $10 5 minute lap with (what barely constitute) clothes on... if people are THAT cheap, they're in the wrong place.
I stand by what I said even though I'm less angry today. Stripper shit gets a lot of discussion on TUSCL, so customer shit deserves some airtime.
umm kumasdaisey as a former carsalesmen umm most car salesman dont make a salary on top of a commision its a straight commission.. so if theres no sales u get no money i used to sell bmws and trust me theres no salary for for a good company like bmw where you can make 100k-120k a year
i rarely go into a sc were a dancer is giving extra effort and it goes unoticed unless the club is empty.. its your fellow dancers that mess that up that expect a tip for not doing a damn thing on stage
Daisy, I have always enjoyed your perspective. Keep writing. And I don't have my nose deep up your ass, either. (Unless you'd like that. . .ha) I understand the sentiment that these dancers are to cater to our wishes and that's the only way to earn any money. But it wouldn't kill us to hear that sometimes these pleasant girls (or at least pleasant-acting girls) slowly get ground down so that dancing can seem to them a pretty shitty job. And it is because the guys can be awfully ugly. Crass. Boorish. Uncouth. We have all been to that club where the girls are all hard-boiled bitches that couldn't care at all about customer service. And we all walk out. The only way these places stay open is when the slack-jawed dumb-asses put up with it and throw money at them. But those guys are generally not on this board. Daisy is just saying that customers can sometimes seem like a collective wall of assholes. We are saying that dancers that are robotic ball-busters are not going to be compensated. I think we all can see the truth. All in all, kindness and respect will reap kindness and respect, in most cases. Daisy, I wish that you had more customers like me.
$60 for 20 minutes nude? The closes there is to that around Pittsburgh is an hour and a half out of town and it's $50 for 15 minutes nude. I wish your SC was here!
So basically on point 7 you are bitching that you have to deal with alcoholics at a bar. That is like complaining about baked people coming in trying to buy pipes. I can respect that your prices are finite but most girls aren't so a guy would be a fooool not to ask.
I'd say that unless someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to work as a stripper than STFU. You're like a car mechanic complaining about customer's engines being greasy. Why don't you get a job at Mickey D's and see how the customers treat you there.
The main point is, who is paying whom? If you were the one paying the money I would agree with you 100%.
Strip clubs are like any other service industry -- you're only "together" because you're exchanging compensation for a service, and like anything else, if both sides are relatively happy, the experience will be better for both. A LD with a dancer who is silent, scowling and/or disinterested is simply not as fun as one where there is some type of connection (even if pretty superficial; even just a smile). I dont think that's a "pussy response," it's deciding not to cut your nose off to spite your face.
Daisy - You wrote a great piece and the numerous responses you see are testimony to that fact. I do think that rl27's comment on #3 is good as I have been to a variety of places in many states and I'd say you could do lots better than 50%. On the other hand it may be the place has amenities etc that drive higher fees so the question is 50% of what.
One of the things that is fascinating in the responses is that the "testier" ones get down to the business end of the transaction and with some of them it sounds like the responders are talking about a commodities trade. It is a private sector transaction but is better classified as fee-for-service. Commodity purchase objectifies the dancer and that starts the customer out on the wrong foot. Now for the complication - If I were a masseur, we could negotiate a deal that gives say a one hour massage for $ 100. Fee for service that is judged by the market conditions and the skill of the masseur. With a dancer, again fee for service but based on: a) the dancers skill b) the attributes the dancer brings to the job, the most important being attitude vis a vis the customer. It is 110% less threatening to be judged on your learned skill than to be graded on your body and personality. That fact makes the transaction really, really complicated. OK, we are talking about a LD purchase not the DoD procurement process BUT things go better when both ends are clear and in agreement and both sides feel respected as human beings - that, I think, is the point of sameli's comment just above.
And Stilleto25 - I doubt you would get a "no" out of me
Some of these comments seem to presuppose that I have a permanent case of bitchface. This is just far from the truth. Why do you think I posted this on here? I can't say 99% of this stuff in the club. In person, I'm smiling, polite, and enthusiastic. My mantra is "don't dance down to your audience," so I work my ass off whether there is one person tipping or ten people tipping (it's rarely more than ten people, to be honest).
As for my pay? I'm VERY fortunate to take home $300 a night, and I'm a pretty high earner comparatively. Maybe I'm working in the wrong place, I don't know. I feel comfortable and safe there though, and the management is like family by now. I don't want to leave them just because we've had a spell of slow nights.
Rell - Pardon my mistake. My father-in-law-to-be was a car salesman and did pretty well - definitely better than I'm doing in my line of work.
Smokeshopjoe - How many times do I need to explain this...? I WORK AT A JUICE BAR, for the last damn time! Nude dancing is not permitted where alcohol is served within my locale. New York State has an apparent need to keep the working woman down by enacting laws with the sole intent of driving away business. IT'S NOT A DAMN BAR. NOT. A. BAR. People bring their own alcohol and instead of getting tipsy, they get positively shitfaced, and most of the people doing that are under the age of 21 anyway.
OH ALSO - thank you to LooneyLarry for your open mind and positivity (and for your kind offer of nose-to-anus action, which I must respectfully decline). And thanks to the rest of you who have had something nice to say, or who have made your criticisms constructive.
I think my next article will be "Things Dancers Want to Hear."
#1 - Let's go to the Superdouble VIP Fantasy Triple Shower Show Millionaire Lounge for 9 hours and I will just let you take a nap and tip you a gagillion dollars and you and just send your tuition bill to my house.
Hang on Daisy! Did you see the grammar and spelling in most of these posts? You can't use a word like "presuppose" and not think you will lose half the audience! :-)
@Stiletto25 I rarely take anything on this site that seriously. It's just entertainment and once in a blue moon, a place to vent about things in strip clubs.
I happen to like the dancer who told me she didn't like to hear no but it was almost too much fun to tell her no. I believe without a doubt she was planning on coming back to my table after a little while. I had the idea to leave on the spur of the moment so she probably did not realize she wasn't going to get a second chance that night to get more dances out of me.
I've had to tell a few worthless bitches on a stage to 'work for it.' But I always start with 'bored' 'slow night' etc. then tip... and then most start dancing and if we clic private dances ensue. But after that, if they stop and stand there or God forbid, talk to another dancer on stage! I'll yell at them to shake thier ass or 'work for it.' These jerks tend to be more attractive, fake blondes, and therefor skate by without working...
Aa lot of comments on this and I did read all of them, but SuperDude's right. Showing some respect goes a long way and results in more friendly dancers as they try to make it through a long shift. I would add one thing though--respect is a two way street--there is no single standard by which to judge a customer based on attitude, finances, playfulness etc. Everyone is different. But respect allows you to find each other's needs and boundaries. Next time someone hits you with a bad line, instead of getting insulted, why not try saying in a friendly/constructive way something like "you may not have thought about how that sounds, but..." and take things from that point.
loved it, Daisy :) I'm a former (well, fack, I dance on and off still) dancer and one of my pet peeves was when someone would ask to fuck me over and over again. The reason I stayed was because he was buying drinks and dances, but telling him "no, you can't buy me for the night," or "no, you can't touch my pussy" 50 billion times -- or so it seemed -- got very old very quickly. Keep up the good work; I love your writing.
Things which many customers in any service-industry market think are utterly beside the point: what the service-providing merchant wants the customer to do for the merchant.
HELLO!! When someone is the BUYER, he isn't the person that the seller commands. Seller doesn't say, "Hi, Mr. Legal Services Customer, I understand that you might want to hire me to complete your will. If it's going to be the case that you get the opportunity to hire me and enjoy what is -- obviously -- a perfect precious experience in which no detriment will ensue in exchange for obnoxiously high amounts of cash -- yes, if you actually want a transaction to come to pass, then YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO CLEAN UP YOUR ACT." Then there's the mechanic. "Hi there, car-owner. Nice car. You'll have to vacuum it. Yeah, it's a small leak in your oil line, that's all, have it fixed in a jiffy. But you have to wear nicer pants the next time you come over here or I won't do business with you."
Sure, you CAN have the pissy princessy attitude, if you WANT. But then, the customer can just find a different mechanic ... er, I mean, dancer.
I don't want to hear what dancers think dancers have some right to demand of me. Negative? I guess. Shut up, you're a princess, we don't give a shit (except for a lot of lonely men who aren't spending money on you and now will leap to your defense because, uh, they're kind of, oh ya know, I said it already, lonely). You may also be surprised to learn, that I am a generous and preferred customer, and I don't betray my "negative" attitude in clubs. I am clean, I don't want or expect extreme or novel sex acts that are above the norm of what's allowed or to be expected in the given club from the given dancer, I make friends with the gals and treat them with respect and tip a bit more than they expected, I never get sloppy-drunk though I do enjoy drinking with the gals when they want to, I'm fit and decent-enough looking, I wear soft non-abrasive clothing and stay clean-shaved to minimize irritation, and I buy buy buy and don't ever try to date "in real life" except when the gal initiates it. I probably do all the eight things which the original post here suggests I should do.
But that doesn't mean I appreciate the demanding, princessy bullshit that motivates someone to post it. Shut up and don't tell the customer what to do, girlie. You're not the God here, even though you do have the only two tits on the thread. If you want to work in a service profession and get paid the obscenely high amounts of money you get for having such limited skills, then I really hope you don't betray your umpteen-new-rules-every-step-of-the-way attitude during your walk to the lap-dance booth. If your attitude was similar to the first post here, when you first met me in your club, I'd have walked straight out the door. I bet that almost any decent customer would react the same, as would just about any other friend of mine who's experienced with strip clubs, or (I suspect) nearly any guy who is posting on this thread.
But it's a nice fantasy, to think that your comments are appreciated. Next tell me what color I "should" wear, and maybe how much I "should" tip after a limited-contact no-tittie-suck lapper in the club where you've worked for a week and I've been a regular for three years. Or demand that I not look at you that way. Yeah, that turns me on.
Heh ... the "true girlfriend experience." First she tells you how to act, then she tells you to pay for the privilege of having hear her tell it to you.
It is dancers like this that make you stop visiting certain clubs. They think that you owe them the world and that your money shouldn't buy anything more than you get for just watching at the rail. I can't imagine anyone wants extra from this dancer, but they probably think she seems so down and out that these random customers think they can get extra. Who pays $20-40 for a dance to have someone be a B..you definitely don't want to visit this girl's club because unless you give her a grand a dance she is going to trash you to everyone at the club regardless of what you do. If you don't like the work, finish "college" and quit complaining.
How many of you have been quoted two different prices by two dancers on the same VIP? How many have been quoted a price and after saying NO had the same dancer reduce her price? How many have gotten multiple reductions in price after multiple No's?
Since this is a give-and-take forum let me offer some from my side of the rail. There are certain things that I don't ask/tell dancers. 1.) Your crotch smells like rotten fish (I had one like that at a Top 100 club but I didn't say anything, I just walked away) 2.) When was the last time you brushed your teeth? 3.) You're participating in a contact sport and you've got stubble on your (pick a body part) that you're rubbing on me. However, after I notice something "wrong" about a dancer they don't get anymore of my $$. I think some of you guys on here that have told Daisy she is right on are just BS'ing yourselves. Those who put dancers on a pedestal are entering the realm of PL and will pay $100 for $25 worth of VIP.
My deal is this, i've been to alot of clubs and have had many negatives from girls. From this customers point of view:
- after i've said i don't wanna private dance, do not ask me over & over again thinking i'm going to crack, same go's for asking for drinks. along those lines, usually when i do get a dance, ill just see what the girl doe's, if it's lame i'll just leave & she'll know by the look on my face that I didn't enjoy it so don't ask for another. Ok so your smokin hott but don't expect any guy to just jump up & pay $200 to $1000 for the VIP or Champagne room unless when you ask him your also showing him a selection of condoms or you have your hand down his pants... - don't get angry & call me names or throw drinks in my face when I say no or leave the stage when you get on it, not every guy who comes in the club thinks your hott. - already said but don't walk up to me and stick your boobs in my face & expect a tip, i'm not even a fan of boobs all that much, same for sitting in my lap when I didn't give any indications that I wanted you to. - if I have a regular girl & you know that, don't come up to me unless I ask for you. - don't blow your post cigarrette smoke infested breathe into my face & ears, you need to assume that all your customers are smoke free so after smoking please chew on some damn dentine. - already said, no fish in the crotch damnit. this is your money maker, it needs to be in the best shape possible & smell like roses at all times. Japanese guys are the only ones i've ever heard of who enjoy the smell of rotten crotch, i don't bust my ass for 12 hours a day at work to come to the club & get a face full of catfish, wipe it after dances or at least once every hour if possible. - don't judge me by my clothing, hell I may be rich for all you know. - when i enter the club for the very 1st time, don't ask me if you know me, you don't trust me - Strippers are some of the biggest liars in the customer service industry, even among their co-workers they usually never tell eachother what they REALLY did to make all those tips. so if a guy says the other girl did or said something different there's a pretty good chance he may be telling the truth. - every club is different, don't get pissed at your customers just because your boss is giving you a raw deal, move to another club. There is always a demand for strippers.
I understand that going to a strip club is a voluntary action, not mandatory so you can't be too upset with bullshit service but damn it's a customer service job & the girls who do more to make customers happy are usually the ones that make the most dough, hell i've been to clubs where average & ugly girls made alot more than the hott ones. Just like sex, hot chicks figure they're hot & they're gonna get there's no matter what so why should they do anything other than just laying there with their legs open, average & ugly girls on the other hand usually go the extra mile. Take care of your regulars & treat new customers with some repsect if they haven't done anything for you to treat them otherwise & damnit I don't know any guy who intentionaly & knowingly pays to get lied to soo please don't come up to us with all your bullshit stories about how your life sucks & how handsome & or cute you think we are or whatever the hell. Sounds like this Daisy girl should be working at a peep show where she stands behind a glass with no speaker instead of dealing with live people, I think she could better handle that...
Jeez, poster after poster on these boards post almost every day about something some dancer did that pissed them off, but one friggin' dancer posts about the shit *she* puts up with, and all hell breaks loose.
Yeah, she's in a service industry, and should be a little thicker skinned about some things sometimes, but how many times does it have to be shoved down your throat that *nice* customers almost always get better service than dickheads?
If giving her even a modicum of respect gets me better service, I'm gonna make that "sacrifice". So what if I'm perceived as a milquetoast? I'm getting cooperative boobs in my face. So what if some anonymous internet poster thinks I'm less of a man? I'm getting my dick sucked. So what if you think I'm pussy whipped. I'm getting the pussy.
Daisy didn't post what she puts up with, She posted what NOT to say to her. I would imagine that a smart stripper would simply ignore the person who said or did something she didn't like.
A number of her No-Nos had nothing to do with being nice or mean, e.g. "Can I get a discount?" When I go into a motel, I always ask for a discount after hearing the quoted price. On a trip in Newfoundland I asked if I could get a government discount on a room after the guy registering right before I did got his. I do not work for any government agency in Canada, but the clerk gave it to me.
I will guarantee one thing. There are strippers who will reduce prices. They would rather get $30 for a VIP than get $0 when they ask $40.
I would imagine that almost every guy on TUSCL adheres to the "Rules" of SC etiquette that have been posted on here in various forms.
Wow, still quite a few comments here since the last time I looked. Daisy I must repeat, consider looking into other clubs in the area. If $300 a night take home in a club makes you a high earner then that club isn't that good. One of my favorite clubs has been practically dead the last year and the top dancers there still pull in that much in a little over 2 hours just going by the number of dances they average when I am in the club and that's not counting tips. Top earners at really busy clubs can pull in two or three times during the peak period of the night.
I knew you'd get some negative feed back on this and here's some more: you told everyone my secrets. I've enjoyed my reputation as a polite, respectful regular customer for years and I depend on the piggishness of other customers to make me look even better. No one, in any industry, is a robot. You are trying to get beautiful young women to act like they like you? Guess what guys, it's cheaper if they are not repulsed by you. I'm not a huge spender, but I frequent the same few clubs every week (I'm retired and it's more fun than golfing). The women are always genuinely happy to see me. I bring them candy bars or cigarettes, I rub their backs, I ask about their lives (and actually care what they answer)... and they notice. They know my name, they ask about my mother, they bought me a birthday cake and lap dances on my birthday. Yeah, I'm paying them to be nice to me and I'm fine with that, but they are women and human beings and I treat them as such. And it has paid off.
last commentI've started going to one club wearing athletic shorts because a couple of the dancers there prefer the feel of them for private dances. What are your preferences please?
this was a great read, and what made it even better is the fact that you kept it entertaining.
i've never done any of those things. but i treat women with respect, so its no different when it comes to dancers.
First, in regards to you comments on discounts, I suggest that you consider switching clubs. Your club is ripping you off, a 50% cut is excessive. While I don't know what clubs are like in your area, from what I have found by asking dancers, in must clubs the cut is around 1/4 to 1/3. If a lot of customers are asking you for discounts, then odds are they have visited other clubs in the area which offer discounts. Which likely means better percentages for the dancer.
Don't assume someone asking for discounts is broke. People like to feel like that they are getting a deal, and a good dancer knows how to use that to her advantage. Some people if they think they are getting a deal will actually spend more. For some guys a deal is more dances for his money, for other guys it's the dancer going beyond what is typical of other dancers in the club.
As for #8, while I agree it is stupid to ask "Why not?", but if you really dislike it when guys ask you several times whether you before taking no for an answer, you might want to consider another line of work. While no means no to you, for some dancers no does not always mean no. Which is why some guys are used to asking a dancer two or three times before giving up.
Don't discount what other customers are telling you. You might want to consider whether your comment "At my club, we're all on the same page about what's kosher and what's not, so I call bullshit," is as true as you believe. The guy who told another dancer that you gave him a footjob was obviously bullshitting her, but how sure are you that other dancers in the club are not giving extras especially to her regulars? A dancer might tell you she is on the same page as you, when in reality she isn't. Do you think another dancer is going to tell you she is doing extras?
Some offical "out of the club dancer" feedback will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
However, the more important point is this: does anyone really care what dances do or don't want to hear? I sure don't. I pay them to be pretty and nice, and do really good lap dances. If one doesn't, I move to the next. And I certainly don't pay them to make them feel happy and comfortable and have a wonderful shift. And they'll probably get a better tip if, instead of being pissed because that last guy they were with told them they have a meaty pussy, they care how I feel, and try to make me feel really good. Ladies, FWIW, it's not all about you.
for me.. i shave down there so if me a man can shave my pubic area.. you a woman should shave yours.. to me its proper grooming
ive heard many women say they prefer sweatpants or kakis.. i dont like wearing either to a sc so i always wear very confortable jeans
and i would have to say that theres alot of dancers that are full of shit .. especially if they have a "good reputation" at thier clubs if they have fucked a customer they will deny all charges.
and #6 the reason why customers say you have to work for it.. because alot of dancers dont.. not saying all.. but ive had many of dancers walk up to me and put thier boobs in my face and expect a tip.. im sorry #1 i didnt ask you to do that and #2 im not a boob guy so for me you have to do more than that ..many of them just walk up to you and expect a tip so thats why that comes out of alot of guys mouth
so yes while i agree with alot of what your saying this is no way across the board just as much as there are bad customers that ruin it there are bad dancers that ruin it too
I have another one.
"Hey, why don't you ask my friend for a dance? He's just shy, so talk to him."
Some guys are just hypnotized by the words of a dancer... even on the internet.
i know theres some assholes out there but i come to the strip club to get away from bs.. i dont want to go to a sc an deal with a dancer with bs
i think the thing is that strippers are suppose to have all the control to be able to make a man do what they want and some dancers try to take that to a extreme when truthfully it is about the customer .. the customer isnt always right in this istuation but he should be important
Guys, we're becoming wusses. It's disgusting. They've got us believing this crap about "I can't be nice until you're nice first". Nonsense. I'm paying you. It's the other way around. Deal with it.
I do come off as a jerk cuz I don't put up with nonsense. The point is that this nonsense about "treat me right first before I can treat you right" is messed up. I have to not only pay you, but cater to your emotional needs and make you feel wonderful before you can muster up the energy to do the same for me? Does that make sense to anyone? That's ridiculous.
Guys, we're becoming wusses. It's disgusting. They've got us believing this crap about "I can't be nice until you're nice first". Nonsense. I'm paying you. It's the other way around. Deal with it.
i'm actually surprised. when i predicted that there would be alot of flak over this article i was wrong, i really can't believe all of the puppy dog responses.
i always try to be polite and respectful to a stripper just so i get the same in return but strippers sometimes rub me the wrong way and no doubt i'm guilty sometimes of rubbing some strippers the wrong way. it's to be expected when two strangers meet and interact that there might be some things said or done that might cause friction but you can't expect all of us to be trained lapdogs ready to hand over our money.
we worked for it too you know and in many cases our jobs are a little bit tougher than hanging out in a bar, drinking, socializing, and shaking our asses for a few minutes each hour so excuse some of us when we don't fit your ideal version of a pl.
So here's my suggestion:
Why don't all the dancers write down a list of do's and dont's. Say this, don't say that, I only do this, not that, I'm insecure about this and that, and so on. And all of you give your lists to the bouncer at the front door, and he can hand out copies to each patron. We'll then study the lists for all the girls so we get familiar. Then, when you sit down to talk to us and tell us your name, we'll have a good idea of what and what not to do for you. Forgive us if we need to cheat a bit and look at the list occasionally, since it might be tough to remember 38 lists of 54 items each. But if it bugs you for us to be looking at your list while you're trying to talk, please be sure to include that as the #1 item on your list. Thanks.
Stiletto's list of things to never say to her:
#1- "No"
#2- "No"
#3- "No"
#4- "No"
#5- "No"
#100- "No"
Seriously, some of you guys need to grow a pair. If your noses were any further up these girls' butts you'd see daylight. I'm sure you're just trying to be respectful and crap, but first spend some time respecting yourself. It's just embarassing. I'm not gonna mention names (like superdude, scubadude, govikings...) but I'm sure you know who you are. Man up, guys.
If the dancer asked the guy for a dance, then he has every right to ask about prices and discounts on prices. It is his money. I try to get the best value for my money. If someone doesn't, then they either have money to burn or don't manage their cash very well. The other choice is that they know all the prices are fixed in the club so they don't bother to ask. Now if the guy asked for a dance and he wants a discount, he is just getting to the point fast rather than doing several minutes of chit chat wasting time.
Seriously when has the but XXXXX did it for me ever fucking work ANYWHERE!
The answer to 2 is simply well you aren't there and if that is what you want then go home!
You dont like to deal and take less for a dance then DONT and STFU and wait for someone who will pay full price.
If you dont like hearing why dont you shave X well then fucking shave X so you never have to hear it again, simple; or answer them with because I am lazy, or I like my fuzz. They might just be curious heaven forbid someone is asking you a question.
Meaty pussy? That is a new one. I will say, TAKE THE FUCKING COMPLIMENT!, no mater how uncouth the delivery they ARE being nice in their warped little minds and be thankful you are not hearing you got a STINKY pussy.
If someone is saying you have to work for it guess what it means you and your coworkers are not... I have to do a fuck ton of work to get a dollar tip at my job so you get no sympathy.
As for 7 all you have to say is sorry honey liquor board just wont let us. BAM you can dodge personal responsibility, but what they are really saying is I/we are having such a great time, thanks to you, we wish it could keep going on and on. DAMN that must suck to be told you are great at your job hope that doesn't happen to me.
Here is how you can deal with WHY NOT? well there are 2 simple things you can say A) Because I said so, if you don't like it GTFO and B) You could actually tell them the reason Why you don't.
If you don't like your job then quit or find a different place to do it. If you only do something for a paycheck I don't care it it is fixing cars or preparing taxes, you are a whore with misplaced priorities! You can not work 8 hrs a day 5 days a week so you can enjoy the 48 hours at the end of the week. If you do you will be a bitter mean shell of a person.
Some coungterpoints to your 1st 2 points:
1) "I don't have to do shit, unless".........../ Translate that into a competitive job interview setting. Can you imagine a job applicant projecting the attitude of "I don't have to do anything beyond showing up for work" getting the nod over other applicants? You ARE competing with other dancers ( in your club, and OTHER CLUBS) for our hard earned $$$.
Which leads to................
2) Although "but at my club they do X" may seem rude, he's doing you a favor by opening your eyes to what is really going on. A lot of guys would just quietly pay you after only 1 or 2 dances, and go back to spending their $$ at club X, leaving you none the wiser.
I hope no one took my "no" post too seriously.
Any chance you could show yours in one of your pics? It would do this man good, and make my day... :)
Why shouldn't I ask for a deal up front?
Daisy have you ever bought a car? Are you really going to pay full price and not try to negotiate? Are you honestly gonna care that the salesperson has bills to pay and they only get 3% of that sale?
You may have caught the footjobber in a lie, but how many times are you going to trust your stripper coworker? The coworkers that strippers on this very board have said they see girls pissing on each other's clothing and stealing their customers by offering more mileage?
I get that you were upset when you posted that, but you need to be realistic. I can tell you from experience that working retail SUCKS. Get your money, pay your bills and then move onto a new career when you can no longer stand it.
I used to work in a video game store from 93-96. That was all I could stand. Everyday people tried to steal from the store. Ppl knew the store closed at 9pm, but would come in at 5 till and take their sweet time. Ppl tried to cut deals on set priced items. They always said, "but Walmart does it" knowing full well that was a lie. It would be pointless to go on a customer forum and complain about these habits. Get your money, grin and *bare* it, and move on.
Minnow - I don't post on Stripperweb, actually. I've never visited it. Maybe I should. :p As for not having to do shit, I'm saying that the fact that I give 100% regardless of whether I have to should be valued, and that I don't have to put up with demands. If I do, it's extra effort and customers should take notice.
HonestT - I have bought a car. There is a difference between a car salesperson and a dancer. Dancers don't get commission on top of salaries - dancers work on tips and dances.
Smokeshopjoe - As for #7, I am not talking about customers who ask us to stay open late so that they can continue to enjoy our performances, tip well, buy dances, and have some good, semi-clean fun. I'm talking about people my age specifically. I work near Cornell. After they're done having their grades inflated and attempting suicide in the gorges all day, they drive to my club, get trashed in the parking lot (we don't serve alcohol), fall asleep at the stage, flat-out refuse to tip, demand that I pick up dollar bills using only my ass, vomit everywhere, viciously insult regular customers, and then get pissed 1.5 hours past closing time when we finally ask them to leave so we can tip out and get some sleep. If you fall into this category, your opinion doesn't count.
Those of you complaining about the discounts - The prices at Kuma's are finite. I don't have a problem with people who are unaware of this when they first come in. But if I say "no discounts allowed," it means that there are no discounts allowed. If I could use discounts to my advantage, I would. We offer a discount on our Shower Show for couples and a buy 10 get one free on our private booth dances, but beyond that, nothing. They're pretty cheap anyway though. $60 for 20 minutes nude, $20 for 5 minutes nude, $10 5 minute lap with (what barely constitute) clothes on... if people are THAT cheap, they're in the wrong place.
I stand by what I said even though I'm less angry today. Stripper shit gets a lot of discussion on TUSCL, so customer shit deserves some airtime.
i rarely go into a sc were a dancer is giving extra effort and it goes unoticed unless the club is empty.. its your fellow dancers that mess that up that expect a tip for not doing a damn thing on stage
$60 for 20 minutes nude
that's a good deal, i wish there was something like that near to me.
The main point is, who is paying whom? If you were the one paying the money I would agree with you 100%.
One of the things that is fascinating in the responses is that the "testier" ones get down to the business end of the transaction and with some of them it sounds like the responders are talking about a commodities trade. It is a private sector transaction but is better classified as fee-for-service. Commodity purchase objectifies the dancer and that starts the customer out on the wrong foot. Now for the complication - If I were a masseur, we could negotiate a deal that gives say a one hour massage for $ 100. Fee for service that is judged by the market conditions and the skill of the masseur.
With a dancer, again fee for service but based on:
a) the dancers skill
b) the attributes the dancer brings to the job, the most important being attitude vis a vis the customer.
It is 110% less threatening to be judged on your learned skill than to be graded on your body and personality. That fact makes the transaction really, really complicated.
OK, we are talking about a LD purchase not the DoD procurement process BUT things go better when both ends are clear and in agreement and both sides feel respected as human beings - that, I think, is the point of sameli's comment just above.
And Stilleto25 - I doubt you would get a "no" out of me
As for my pay? I'm VERY fortunate to take home $300 a night, and I'm a pretty high earner comparatively. Maybe I'm working in the wrong place, I don't know. I feel comfortable and safe there though, and the management is like family by now. I don't want to leave them just because we've had a spell of slow nights.
Rell - Pardon my mistake. My father-in-law-to-be was a car salesman and did pretty well - definitely better than I'm doing in my line of work.
Smokeshopjoe - How many times do I need to explain this...? I WORK AT A JUICE BAR, for the last damn time! Nude dancing is not permitted where alcohol is served within my locale. New York State has an apparent need to keep the working woman down by enacting laws with the sole intent of driving away business. IT'S NOT A DAMN BAR. NOT. A. BAR. People bring their own alcohol and instead of getting tipsy, they get positively shitfaced, and most of the people doing that are under the age of 21 anyway.
Jeez Louise! Look at all these comments.
I think my next article will be "Things Dancers Want to Hear."
#1 - Let's go to the Superdouble VIP Fantasy Triple Shower Show Millionaire Lounge for 9 hours and I will just let you take a nap and tip you a gagillion dollars and you and just send your tuition bill to my house.
Oh, wait...
Never mind.
Regarding the loose fitting pants, in my club we have a strict dress code. No gym shorts and no sweats. Its too easy for things to "pop out".
I rarely take anything on this site that seriously. It's just entertainment and once in a blue moon, a place to vent about things in strip clubs.
I happen to like the dancer who told me she didn't like to hear no but it was almost too much fun to tell her no. I believe without a doubt she was planning on coming back to my table after a little while. I had the idea to leave on the spur of the moment so she probably did not realize she wasn't going to get a second chance that night to get more dances out of me.
HELLO!! When someone is the BUYER, he isn't the person that the seller commands. Seller doesn't say, "Hi, Mr. Legal Services Customer, I understand that you might want to hire me to complete your will. If it's going to be the case that you get the opportunity to hire me and enjoy what is -- obviously -- a perfect precious experience in which no detriment will ensue in exchange for obnoxiously high amounts of cash -- yes, if you actually want a transaction to come to pass, then YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO CLEAN UP YOUR ACT." Then there's the mechanic. "Hi there, car-owner. Nice car. You'll have to vacuum it. Yeah, it's a small leak in your oil line, that's all, have it fixed in a jiffy. But you have to wear nicer pants the next time you come over here or I won't do business with you."
Sure, you CAN have the pissy princessy attitude, if you WANT. But then, the customer can just find a different mechanic ... er, I mean, dancer.
I don't want to hear what dancers think dancers have some right to demand of me. Negative? I guess. Shut up, you're a princess, we don't give a shit (except for a lot of lonely men who aren't spending money on you and now will leap to your defense because, uh, they're kind of, oh ya know, I said it already, lonely). You may also be surprised to learn, that I am a generous and preferred customer, and I don't betray my "negative" attitude in clubs. I am clean, I don't want or expect extreme or novel sex acts that are above the norm of what's allowed or to be expected in the given club from the given dancer, I make friends with the gals and treat them with respect and tip a bit more than they expected, I never get sloppy-drunk though I do enjoy drinking with the gals when they want to, I'm fit and decent-enough looking, I wear soft non-abrasive clothing and stay clean-shaved to minimize irritation, and I buy buy buy and don't ever try to date "in real life" except when the gal initiates it. I probably do all the eight things which the original post here suggests I should do.
But that doesn't mean I appreciate the demanding, princessy bullshit that motivates someone to post it. Shut up and don't tell the customer what to do, girlie. You're not the God here, even though you do have the only two tits on the thread. If you want to work in a service profession and get paid the obscenely high amounts of money you get for having such limited skills, then I really hope you don't betray your umpteen-new-rules-every-step-of-the-way attitude during your walk to the lap-dance booth. If your attitude was similar to the first post here, when you first met me in your club, I'd have walked straight out the door. I bet that almost any decent customer would react the same, as would just about any other friend of mine who's experienced with strip clubs, or (I suspect) nearly any guy who is posting on this thread.
But it's a nice fantasy, to think that your comments are appreciated. Next tell me what color I "should" wear, and maybe how much I "should" tip after a limited-contact no-tittie-suck lapper in the club where you've worked for a week and I've been a regular for three years. Or demand that I not look at you that way. Yeah, that turns me on.
Heh ... the "true girlfriend experience." First she tells you how to act, then she tells you to pay for the privilege of having hear her tell it to you.
Never mind. Princess.
Since this is a give-and-take forum let me offer some from my side of the rail. There are certain things that I don't ask/tell dancers.
1.) Your crotch smells like rotten fish (I had one like that at a Top 100 club but I didn't say anything, I just walked away)
2.) When was the last time you brushed your teeth?
3.) You're participating in a contact sport and you've got stubble on your (pick a body part) that you're rubbing on me.
However, after I notice something "wrong" about a dancer they don't get anymore of my $$.
I think some of you guys on here that have told Daisy she is right on are just BS'ing yourselves. Those who put dancers on a pedestal are entering the realm of PL and will pay $100 for $25 worth of VIP.
- after i've said i don't wanna private dance, do not ask me over & over again thinking i'm going to crack, same go's for asking for drinks. along those lines, usually when i do get a dance, ill just see what the girl doe's, if it's lame i'll just leave & she'll know by the look on my face that I didn't enjoy it so don't ask for another. Ok so your smokin hott but don't expect any guy to just jump up & pay $200 to $1000 for the VIP or Champagne room unless when you ask him your also showing him a selection of condoms or you have your hand down his pants...
- don't get angry & call me names or throw drinks in my face when I say no or leave the stage when you get on it, not every guy who comes in the club thinks your hott.
- already said but don't walk up to me and stick your boobs in my face & expect a tip, i'm not even a fan of boobs all that much, same for sitting in my lap when I didn't give any indications that I wanted you to.
- if I have a regular girl & you know that, don't come up to me unless I ask for you.
- don't blow your post cigarrette smoke infested breathe into my face & ears, you need to assume that all your customers are smoke free so after smoking please chew on some damn dentine.
- already said, no fish in the crotch damnit. this is your money maker, it needs to be in the best shape possible & smell like roses at all times. Japanese guys are the only ones i've ever heard of who enjoy the smell of rotten crotch, i don't bust my ass for 12 hours a day at work to come to the club & get a face full of catfish, wipe it after dances or at least once every hour if possible.
- don't judge me by my clothing, hell I may be rich for all you know.
- when i enter the club for the very 1st time, don't ask me if you know me, you don't trust me
- Strippers are some of the biggest liars in the customer service industry, even among their co-workers they usually never tell eachother what they REALLY did to make all those tips. so if a guy says the other girl did or said something different there's a pretty good chance he may be telling the truth.
- every club is different, don't get pissed at your customers just because your boss is giving you a raw deal, move to another club. There is always a demand for strippers.
I understand that going to a strip club is a voluntary action, not mandatory so you can't be too upset with bullshit service but damn it's a customer service job & the girls who do more to make customers happy are usually the ones that make the most dough, hell i've been to clubs where average & ugly girls made alot more than the hott ones. Just like sex, hot chicks figure they're hot & they're gonna get there's no matter what so why should they do anything other than just laying there with their legs open, average & ugly girls on the other hand usually go the extra mile. Take care of your regulars & treat new customers with some repsect if they haven't done anything for you to treat them otherwise & damnit I don't know any guy who intentionaly & knowingly pays to get lied to soo please don't come up to us with all your bullshit stories about how your life sucks & how handsome & or cute you think we are or whatever the hell. Sounds like this Daisy girl should be working at a peep show where she stands behind a glass with no speaker instead of dealing with live people, I think she could better handle that...
Yeah, she's in a service industry, and should be a little thicker skinned about some things sometimes, but how many times does it have to be shoved down your throat that *nice* customers almost always get better service than dickheads?
If giving her even a modicum of respect gets me better service, I'm gonna make that "sacrifice". So what if I'm perceived as a milquetoast? I'm getting cooperative boobs in my face. So what if some anonymous internet poster thinks I'm less of a man? I'm getting my dick sucked. So what if you think I'm pussy whipped. I'm getting the pussy.
Grow the fuck up and join the real fucking world.
A number of her No-Nos had nothing to do with being nice or mean, e.g. "Can I get a discount?"
When I go into a motel, I always ask for a discount after hearing the quoted price. On a trip in Newfoundland I asked if I could get a government discount on a room after the guy registering right before I did got his. I do not work for any government agency in Canada, but the clerk gave it to me.
I will guarantee one thing. There are strippers who will reduce prices. They would rather get $30 for a VIP than get $0 when they ask $40.
I would imagine that almost every guy on TUSCL adheres to the "Rules" of SC etiquette that have been posted on here in various forms.
No one, in any industry, is a robot. You are trying to get beautiful young women to act like they like you? Guess what guys, it's cheaper if they are not repulsed by you. I'm not a huge spender, but I frequent the same few clubs every week (I'm retired and it's more fun than golfing). The women are always genuinely happy to see me. I bring them candy bars or cigarettes, I rub their backs, I ask about their lives (and actually care what they answer)... and they notice. They know my name, they ask about my mother, they bought me a birthday cake and lap dances on my birthday. Yeah, I'm paying them to be nice to me and I'm fine with that, but they are women and human beings and I treat them as such. And it has paid off.