How to Get the Most Out of Your Money

avatar for tuscl
I am an entertainer and know that there are certain things a guy can do that will make you want to go the extra mile and things that will make you refuse another dance no matter how slow the night is. I realize not everyone has the same idea of what makes the best dance or best time at strip club in general, but these tips will help you get what YOU want.

1)How to get the girl you want:

If you see a girl you want to dance for you, when she is free, go ask her for a dance! Dancers really like this and some entertainers (usually the less money motivated ones) won't even ask a guy if he wants a dance unless he has already tipped her onstage or she otherwise knows he will agree. If you are too shy to go ask, just ask your waitress to go retrieve her (if you give her a small tip, she will likely drag the girl you want out of the dressing room if she has to- and once the entertainer is informed that you are a tipper, she will be happy to make the trip). If you have asked a girl to dance for you or asked someone to get her for you, and she still doesn't come over; she might just be busy, or taking a break, or you might just be weird/smelly/scary/or have a bad reputation. Either way, brush it off and find your next favorite. If she doesn't want your money, there isn't much you can do about that and there will almost surely be plenty of girls that do.

2) How to talk, or not talk, to an entertainer:

THE GIRLS ARE THERE TO MAKE MONEY. Some girls like to talk, others do not; no matter what you want, you should be prepared to pay for it. Most entertainers don't mind chatting for a song- or even two if the conversation is interesting, but after two songs, make your intentions known! If you want dances, this is your chance! If she is sitting with/on you, she wants to dance for you! If you want to talk, let her know you would like to continue the conversation and expect to compensate her. Most girls won't expect the same amount per song for talking as for dancing, and if they do, and they are smart, they will let you know that. Otherwise expect to give her at least half the price of a dance for each song you spend talking. If you want to talk for a long time, you should probably just do VIP! VIP is usually about half the cost of an hour of dances +the price of a bottle (or however much the club ads to that); it will be quieter, more private, and you can have her dance or talk as much as you like; plus she will probably be drinking with you and be more relaxed. If you don't wish to talk any longer or get dances, no need to waste time or to be rude! Simply let her know that you are "would like to finish your drink before getting any dances" or "You just got here and aren't ready for dances" or even "You are cute, but I prefer (Insert adjective here; blondes, brunettes, big boobs, ect)". Of course you do not have to make an excuse, but entertainers are like anyone else and do have feelings (seriously...we do!) and besides, if you are rude she will just tell the other girls to steer clear of you.

3) The one you have been waiting for (drum role); how to "bend the rules" or receive "extras":

First, depending on the local laws and the rules of the club; what you consider standard might be considered an "extra" at this club. For example, at a particular club, at least some "grinding" might be part of a standard dance; while at another club this might be against the rules or even the law and would require some careful negotiation.

Just because you want it, doesn't mean it is possible. Maybe not at this club, maybe just not with this dancer. Before you go to club, look at reviews and see if anyone mentions what the rules are. Find out what the laws are; at most clubs this is the absolute limit of what will be allowed in a regular, non-VIP dance. If a club is topless, the bottoms will not be coming off; this rule is usually built into the club's license and they could be closed down if it were violated. Of course, like any rules, there will always be some willing to break them, especially if they won't get caught (perhaps in a VIP area, though even these are on camera in most clubs)--But there is risk to breaking the rules, the dancer could be fired for breaking rules so she has to have a reason to want to take such a risk.

How do you get an entertainer to risk her job? Well, what would make you risk your job? Lets say you knew you could get another job the next day, and its not guaranteed you will be fired - but there will be consequences, you might just be suspended or maybe your boss will just yell at you, but at the least you will lose the rest of the day's pay. To take such a risk, you would probably need to be offered at least the rest of the day's pay; more if you really like your job. It is the same with entertainers. If you get a dance at 11pm- an entertainer could still expect to make several hundred more dollars that night- so bear that in mind when you are asking her to break the rules of her club- a BIG tip could go a long way, but don't expect more than a standard dance for the "going rate". So now you know, extras will cost you. DON'T JUST GO FOR IT! The worst thing you can do is try to touch a girl when it is not allowed , especially if she already told you no. Most girls will not be offended if you ask, and at that point she will either tell you no, tell you how much, tell you "well....maybe if we go to VIP", or, if you are REALLY lucky, she will just say "ok". It should go without saying, no means no. If she tells you how much, now you know, it's up to you to decide if the price is right. Fall for the VIP line at your own risk; most girls are a bit more "generous" in VIP because they know you are spending more money, but the minute you sign that credit card, she is getting paid no matter if you have a good buyer beware- if you are expecting something extra- you might want to get a few dances on the floor, see how comfortable she seems with you, before agreeing to VIP (i've known girls that have made a CAREER out of false VIP promises). If she simply agrees, then good for you! Looks like you found that magical combination of the right girl and the right club!

Hope you find my tips helpful. Have fun!


last comment
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I already know how to get the most from my $$$.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Decent article – points well taken – but nothing most of us experienced club goers on this board don’t already know.

Dancers and customers have different desires/motivations when in the club – so they will *often* not see eye to eye on certain things (kind of like Democrats and Republicans :)).

“… Most entertainers don't mind chatting for a song- or even two if the conversation is interesting, but after two songs, make your intentions known …”

Just like there are good customers and bad (intentioned) customers – there are good and bad (intentioned) dancers. Some customers will waste dancers’ time chatting and not spending – some dancers will waste customers’ time chatting (cock blocking) and don’t go away – “no means no” goes both ways.

“at a particular club, at least some "grinding" might be part of a standard dance”

If grinding is allowed, then I expect more than “some” grinding. I personally feel like I am getting jipped when I pay $20 to $25 for a dance and I get 80% air. If I wanted “air dancing”, I’ll just watch the stage and not spend $20 to $25 for 3 mins of an air show.

I can totally accept a dancer that does not like or want to grind – but the dancer should also accept that I should not have to pay for a lap dance if I am not getting what I want/expect from it – I am paying for a LD the way I like an LD – not the way the dancer likes or prefers to give an LD. She has every right to dance as she likes/prefers – but don’t expect the customer to pay *her* to dance according to *her* preference and desires.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
About #2. I live by the dancer's ABCs: Always Be Closing. If by song #3 I haven't closed the deal, I'm gone and sometimes without even saying a word. Body language says more than words.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Jay jay,

I wish more dancers lived by that because if I haven't brought it up by the third song, I probably want you to leave too.
avatar for Sunmat
12 years ago
Lap dances without anything in my lap (grind)...Why pay for that dance ???
Talking a lot in the club I think wastage of time both for the dancer and the customer.
Three dances to decide to go to VIP.... may be too late especially when in my region I pay $30-$40 per dance
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
As VIP at a Houston extras club I may take a couple of dances from a dancer to c where it goes as fs is almost always on the table. This happens in the upstairs VIP. With three providers OTC on the roster at 100-150 I am not overly motivated to buy a lot of dances or pay a lot for fs.

Generally I like to enjoy my VIP taking advantage of the free admission and free buffet to c what kinda girls on shift not spend money better spent on a OTC provider favorite who will lay there and let me feel her as long as I want then give me sex how I want. While I occasionally do gals itc I find their skills in fucking not worth cost.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Each club is so different. My favorite club is frequently reviewed here as a full nude one way touch classy upscale club. During my first visit to CR the girl asked if she could suck my dick for an additional $100. A few weeks ago I was in the CR and the waitress was selling coke. I recently went to a reputedly high mileage club, agreed on a 1/2 hour CR with a blowjob for $300 and ended up with just a handjob.. I enjoy going to clubs but am hesitant to spend substantial amounts due to the uncertainty of what's going to happen. I'd rather spend my money on meeting a dancer OTC where I know pretty well who's fucking who.
avatar for DBJP101
12 years ago
While I alway enjoy hearing the dancers thoughts and opinions, this article could have been titled 'how not to piss off a dancer'.

Normally I empathize with people who have to work in a job like yours. Dancers have to deal with rude misogynistic pricks on a daily basis. However, dancers are handsomely reimbursed for their services. Patrons are paying $20 for 3.5 minutes of entertainment. A few dancers have told me their goal is to make between $300-500/hour for a good shift (and I have no idea why some dancers are so open on these type of conversations).

That being said, to say patrons should have to pay after talking over three songs seems ludacris. I'll gladly pay for dances and tip when it's merited, but ultimately it's up to the dancer to sell me on those dances.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Yes the average man or woman (yes I am a female customer) on this site has already had alot of experience, many like myself in high mileage clubs. We are already set in our ways and are unlikely to change our habits in clubs, be they good or bad. We find out early on what works for us, and usually stick with it. I know what I want and I go after it and I usually succeed. Most generic "advice" offered either by dancers or customers is usually either straight up common sense or very heavily biased towards which side of the stripclub fence you are standing - dancer or customer.
avatar for Leonard313
12 years ago
I appreciate the effort...but once I read enough to see this was a stripper...I quickly realized it would be shocking to truly get advice on how a customer could get the most for his money.

1) first point...good. want a dance...tip her while she's on stage. 98% of the time...biggest stage tipper is the first guy she runs to after the show. And if she comes over during the show...just tell the slut you want to see her when she's finished on stage...99.8% chance she'll be running over once she pulls that g-string up and tips the DJ.

2) don't pay for talk. That's a rookie mistake. BUT...if a girl you like and find pleasant spends 15-20 minutes to an hour sitting with you...its only gentlemanly to buy her drinks and at some point pay for a dance. Its not an obligation...its just the difference between you being a respected guest who understands the game versus a clueless retard drooling while you nurse your beer.

3) if you ever pay over $400 for're an idiot. $700 to a skank stripper for sex? That you can easily get from a hot escort or at a massage parlor or at any number of other strip clubs for $200?? Why? I had sex with some of the most beautiful strippers I've ever met for $180-$240 total. Sure...some clubs are gay and have cameras and strict rules....especially full nude clubs in college towns. But that's why TUSCL is the greatest strip club site a few reviews of each club in the area...make your plans accordingly. If you got to some lame dejavu with 19 year olds slapping your hands...cross that one off the list.

A stripper giving advice on stretching your dollar at a strip club?? HA! What's next, a customer giving advice to strippers on how to get guys off without taking their clothes off?? Please.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… very heavily biased towards which side of the stripclub fence you are standing - dancer or customer …”

This is pretty much it in a nutshell.
avatar for Mistoff
12 years ago
Better advice is
How to get the girl: Ask her
How to talk to her: Like a person
How to get her to bend rules: Ask her like a person and negotiate

That's it.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
What Lopaw said. She pretty much nailed it. You've inadvertently picked the wrong audience here. We're primarily seasoned hounds who do what we do. Dont ask too much of us. Just be glad that we're housebroken.
avatar for RegularJoe57
12 years ago
In case there are any newbies left on this board: go early and go to smaller dive bar clubs. The dancers there aare usually happy to chat for a while, especially if you're pleasant and polite and there's no one else to talk to. If you want to talk about anything sexual, be prepared to pay. I usually slip them a twenty every few songs to continue a particulary titillating conversation and I keep their drinks full. For a pleasant, non sexual conversation, I keep their drinks full and give them a twenty at the end of a half hour chat. I always warn dancers if I don't plan to do a room and tell them to feel free to leave and try other customers.
avatar for Leonard313
12 years ago
Honest feedback:
I think the parts that showed bias were related to the pricing more than anything.

For example, you talk abut a guy tipping every 3rd song per se...I've never seen or heard of a guy doing this. It would be "nice"...and I'm on board that I can't stand when guys sit and chat with a stripper for hours...then she finally gets fed up and has to find a nice way to excuse herself...I get that. I always tip for conversation...but it's the very 3rd or 4th song that makes me see the stripper bias. I mean...usually just getting to know her and arranging for the dance takes 2 songs...and the songs are like 1.5're talking about a guy "paying fro conversation" but he's not really getting conversation.

The other example is the "pay for play" pricing. I think most guys here have paid for XXX services at one point or another. Some frequently, some every time, some prefer to just get lappers. But every guy that sees that must have thought, "Several Hundred dollars"!? Whoa!! I mean, most clubs where that goes on...the house takes a cut. A significant cut. So those girls aren't "losing their jobs".

I DO agree with you on some of your points though. There are differences in what clubs allow...and if you're at a club with no VIP're probably gonna have to go OTC. And yes...if you are at some really strict club and the hottest chick in the place is your target...and you're old or fat or goofy looking (like most strip clobbers) take thousands to get her to spread those legs.

But...pertaining to the conversation point, one important factor is how busy the club is. With the economy down...I've been to at least 2 clubs where I was one of only 2 guys in the place...and if thats the case...a stripper talking to you aint costing her a darn thing.
avatar for jestrite50
12 years ago
I agree with a lot of what you write here and then also disagree with some. Thats what this forum is all about. I have been seeing some pretty stupid questions on this site lately asked by the "kids" coming up. Some of what you have written applies to them and they need to read it. As far as the old timers on this site if they dont want to hear it they dont have to read it. A chaque un son goux! (SP);
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
It's sad but the guys who want to just sit and talk and pay to a hold a girl's hand are usually the most fucked up in the head and lack female attention in the real world. Biggest PLs. But they are the reason strip clubs are so lucrative.

avatar for rick20051967
12 years ago
Supreme, thank you for your insight on this subject. I do not consider myself a newbie, and yet liked to hear a dancer's point of view on these types of things. It is appreciated!
avatar for SketchinGuy
12 years ago
Why anyone would want to pay for conversation in an SC, I don't know. Every club I've been in has had loud music; sometimes too loud & often the music sucks. No way will I pay $20 per hour or however much a stripper wants for the privilege of shouting into each other's ears.
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
lol $20 per hour would actually be cheap enough that it would be worth it to just have her sit next to you for that much money, but to be honest most of them ask for way more than that in tips for an hour of their time.

In one local club there's a guy who regularly comes in and gives a girl about $400. She tells him he can have unlimited dances from her for the night and she'll stay sitting next to him for the whole night and hang out in general.
avatar for BayouBill
12 years ago
Supreme, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your tips. I'm not really a newbie but still sometime baffled by club "etiquette." It amazes me that guys will sit and wait a long time for a dancer to come over to their table. I always use your advice to simply ask for a dance and have never been turned down. But I suspect that a lot of the guys who sit and wait have no intention of spending much money on dances.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@JJ unless she's wearing something very revealing, a guy may not know if he wants a dance from a girl until after she does her stage dance. It seems really mental when somebody just gets up and walks away, without even saying "well nice talking to you" or anything.
avatar for StripReviewer
12 years ago
If I ever wanted to pay a woman to talk to me I'd probably just go to Hooters.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
I, the novice club goes has taken all of this into account. I'm probably the only one that will actually need this information. So awkward isn't it?
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
if you want to pay to talk to a pretty woman, what the fuck are you doing in a strip club. You're better off at a book club, a regular club or a lounge. It's far cheaper, you don't have to feel pressured to pay (if you are constantly buying drinks for the lady and feel obligated in these regular clubs, then you have either some serious mental issues are have been strip clubbing too long. Same thing really) to conversate with that hottie you found in the club. Plus, if you got the moves, you can grind on the dance floor with said girl at the cost of zero-one drink. But strip clubs aren't complaining I guess, so neither am I. Keeps the pressure off of me to expect conversation.
avatar for bvino
12 years ago
I sometimes kite a girl $20 if she has sat with me for a few songs. But that is only for the ones O want to get rid of (no extras,bad teeth,worse...). The $20 gets me known as a good tipper and a nice guy and almost always yields results later with the girls I like. It pays to be well known.
avatar for IanSmith
12 years ago
How to Get the Most Out of Your Money?

Using other people's money instead always works for me.
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