
On Line Sugar Daddy Sites and the Girls They Attract

Mileage is not just a car thing
As I&#39;ve explored strip clubs, I&#39;ve come to know myself well enough to realize I prefer the company of beautiful girls who are sexy to just sexy girls. I enjoy the chat, the fake intimacy, etc. So...I decided why not use my money to deliver more than the &quot;no sex in the champagne&quot; outcome. I registered on two sites: establishedmen.com and sugardaddiesclub.com. I paid the fee for established men and did not for sugar daddies. Here&#39;s what happened:<br />
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Establishedmen.com: I got immediate action, most of which went nowhere. I am attached, so that relegated some of the girls to the penalty box. Of the ones it did not, I found the pay to play subtle but clear. My favorite was someone called greeneyes, who immediately wanted to meet. I thought, &quot;Why not.&quot; I offered lunch to make sure nothing crazy would go on, but she asked me to pick her up since she had totaled her car. Interesting, I thought, that I would travel somewhere I didn&#39;t know and pick up a total stranger that already had tipped her hat that she wanted me to buy her a new car. When I suggested that she meet me, and that several of my dancer friends thought I should be cautious (which they did), she went nuts. She was none-too-kind about the strippers in particular. After two hate texts in a row, I had to block her on my cell. So...a girl registered on a site dedicated to sugar daddy action took offense at strippers. Pot, please meet the black kettle.<br />
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The next event was to receive intimate contact from not one, but two, girls from England. Both had lovely pictures, if they were in fact the girls in the pictures. Both were more subtle, taking my refusal for a full picture well at first, only to begin the subtle &quot;If you loved me....&quot; guilt after a couple of days. The one girl, who was particularly good at her craft, lured me with self-assurance that flipped to dependency and desperation, back and forth. Eventually it became an ask for a commitment to show her I was serious. I played it cool by asking her to define herself. Eventually she begged me to not make her explicitly state it, but eventually she wrote &quot;this is all about assistance. If things were better for me I would not have registered on that site.&quot; That was to the point! So, now things are three for three with $$ for companionship.<br />
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Again, these events happened without so much as a phone call, let alone a real meet-up.<br />
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Sugardaddiesclub.com: Again, no money went to this site. Dear reader, keep that in mind. Within a few days I had several hits, one of whom seemed cute. When I did google research on her name (she wrote me from what appeared to be her personal email), her story and picture checked out. Seriously. She happened to be in town on a weekend I was unattached, so we went out on a date. She was very cute, and I spent the obligatory money on her (less than a private room for 1/2 an hour at a club, though). Things went well until she announced that her friends in her room (really, friends in her room) were hungry, and would I buy them dinner. After that, things cooled. I took her back to the hotel and my meal earned me a kiss on the cheek. Sugar baby tasted not so much like sugar as she did salt. I blocked her number too, but guess what. More emails, trying to entice me again. But, at least she asked that we define it as a mistress or a sugar baby, so I said mistress. And....no more emails.<br />
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Moral of the Story: Strip clubs are safe, and the rate of exchange is clear. You can test out any of the girls, you get what you pay for most of the time, and there are no drama filled emails or texts (unless you exchange phone numbers--but even then with 4 strippers in my contacts, I&#39;ve never gotten any pressure from any of them). The girls keep things clear, but there&#39;s no sex. But....apparently sex as a sugar daddy is very costly and not even close to guaranteed. If you want to be a sugar daddy, pick a stripper and work her. If she&#39;s cool with it, at least your on firm footing. Forget the money and time for the websites, stick to what&#39;s real: strippers.</p>


  • gsv
    13 years ago
    I agree with your general conclusion. OTC with strippers is just much more clear and better. On these sites, it looks like you just get played completely.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I would have already drawn your end conclusion without having had to deal with the unpleasantries that you did. I have entered into several sugar momma relationships with dancers, and am very happy with those arrangements. How they formed from time spent in the club together, really getting to know one another, was one of the best parts of it. I don't see any need to look on a sugermomma/daddy site to find a sugar baby. Stripclubs are full of that potential.
  • jestrite50
    13 years ago

    I have looked at these sites just for fun but haven't seen any I wanted to pursue. I agree with the previous comments. The Club is full of nice looking girls that know what you like and have made a business out of keeping men happy. I have 4 OTC relationships going now and I just cut one loose or it would have been 5. Most are single moms which I have a soft spot for. I give them a hundred or two when I see them and we go to dinner or lunch. They usually offer more and sometimes I take them up on it and sometimes I don't. I make sure of one thing : that I am always in control of the relationship. I give them what I feel moved to give them and no more. When they cross the line and start trying to tell me what or how much or even start asking for money I cut them loose. There is always another one waiting to take her place.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Ditto for me to the article's conclusion and the other comments. I have never used these kinds of internet sites for commercial sex. I have used massage parlours and escorts extensively in the past but now concentrate almost exclusively on SCs for my 'enjoyment'. It is hard to call me a sugar daddy because I move around so much but if I do find a particularly 'gifted' performer I can be very generous.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Agree with other posters. I have several girls' numbers/emails, and vice versa, with never a problem. I haven't actually taken on up
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    ... That is, I haven't actually taken on up OTC yet, but I'm definitely considering it with one who's a total sweetheart in the club. Total fare will be about $200 and if her OTC is anything like her HJs in the club, I'm in for a good time for a fair price.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Given that I've pretty much gotten everything I've ever wanted from strippers over the years, I haven't really had much incentive to investigate other avenues. I've looked a couple of times, but nothing really sold me on either escorts or dating sites.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Strippers 110% all the way! The tryouts and getting to know each other can be so fun will it naturly moves to otc trips !!!!
  • skibum609
    13 years ago
    The other possibility is to have a normal life with a wife and do this as a hobby.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    skibum: This *is* normal. I've been doing it for 30+ years, which is more than half my life. By what other criteria should I judge?
  • wm2slc
    13 years ago
    Well, being on the upper end of the 50s, I've been going to SC for a lot of years. Some of my best friends are current or former dancers. I just went through my contacts in my phone and there are 33 current or former dancers numbers and many have invited me to their homes. Wow, surprised me. One thing I have found, and have been told, is that the big tippers are usually not the guys they want to be friends with. They are income sources, not friends. I go in on a regular basis, they know that they can depend on me and trust me if they need help. If they need $$ help, I will if I can and most will pay it back. If they do, they know they can ask when they get in a bind again. As for extra? Sure some do, but the ones I really consider close friends, we don't cross that boundary as that would end the friendship and that is more important than "extras". That I get from others...
  • RegularJoe57
    13 years ago
    So you were hoping that the girls would sleep with you for one dinner? That's called dating... and most average looking women make you buy at least a few dinners first. I, too, like beautiful, sexy younger women, but at least I'm realistic about it. No hot young girl wants to have sex with an old fart like me for free. I'm OK with that and I am endlessly kind and generous to my "pay for play" friends. I can never understand why guys my own age don't understand the deal or think there are ways around it.
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