
avatar for boogieknight369
Why do strippers always show me pictures of their kids on their phone?

I can't speak for others, but it's a total turn off for me.


avatar for dalex
12 years ago
Same here, although I had a sort of ATF that I knew had children, but I have never heard of them outside of being mentioned once, and never seen pictures, nor seen them.

She was amazing.
Off the top of my head I can’t recall that happening to me.

Under most circumstances, I would not mind seeing pics of a woman’s kids – but in a SC setting – yea – kind of uncomfortable and out of place w.r.t. the setting.
How about if she shows you a pic of her SO?

I don’t want to see that shit either.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I'm okay with them talking about their children. Hello? They are women. Got allow them that. The one thing I don't want to hear about though is their bf. I'll change the topic the second they start with that shit.
I have one favorite that doesn't have any kids. So she shows me photos of her dog instead. Says her dog misses me. LOL.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Strippers and kids are like french fries and ketchup
Kids just mean she is not a virgin
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
Well if she's hot enough maybe you can talk her into starting a college fund for the kid one OTC romp at a time.
I usually just say I'd rather see where they came from. We spend 9 months getting out and the rest of our lives trying to get back in.
I'm fine hearing about the little bastards, but I don't want to see pics.

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Why do strippers always show me pictures of their kids on their phone?"

They are human after all.
boogie, it is just ice breaker stuff. Most club customers have kids too, so it is normally pretty safe territory. Also, knowing that they have kids to feed is not necessarily a bad thing. ;)
I don't even like hearing about them let alone seeing pictures.
avatar for membernumber1
12 years ago
Every now and then a stripper asks if Im married in the first 90 seconds. Im usually done with her at that point.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I don't want to see 'em or hear about 'em either. I'll just nod and coo and hope that my tolerance and fake enthusiasm will pay off later in VIP.

If she wants to show me pix of her cute little puppy and talk about animals, that's totally OK, tho. Love animals...hate rugrats.
I agree with those above, who say a little conversation about strippers' kids is okay, but showing pics is more than I want to know. I always remembers that parents, particularly mothers, like to talk about their children. It's natural for them to do that. But, showing photos, and especially in a strip club, is more than customers usually want to know about. Other stripper moms in the club--yes, they'd probably appreciate them.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I agree. Huge turnoff to see pics if junior and his slobbery baby sister on a dancer's phone. Maybe they ought to start banning dancer's from having their phones while they are out on the floor. Between baby pics and the dancer's ignoring customer's while they sit & text at the may not be such a bad idea.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Do you guys just say NO when they start to show the pics or do you let it happen. If you let it happen, it is your fault that you're seeing the pics.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
12 years ago
I have never had a girl show me pics of their children on their cell phone, not even the ones who I know have kids, which is a good thing, because I don't want to see them.
Interviewer: How do you like children?
W.C. Fields: Boiled!
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
There are no virgin strippers.

But not all strippers have kids.

For the ones who do, I dont mind if they show me pictures of the kids, it kind of makes a connection.
It's not a turn off for me. Dancers just want to make conversation. When shown pictures of the kids, I just ask for little Emily is going to be a stripper like his mom or if little Bobby is going to be a convict like his dad.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
As long as I can grope and nibble freely, the dancer can show me pics of her turds for all that I care.
I'm with Farmerart. Though the showing off o' turds might say something different about the girl. Something that could turn out to be a problem...
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
I don't think this has ever happened to me, but if it did- it wouldn't bother me one bit.
To let you know what your money is going to?
I had a old stripper tell me about her kids and how succesful they are back home while she's stripping back here. He kids are around my age, I'm like great, leave me alone.
Stripper have little in their lives to be happy about and if showing pics of her kids gets her in a good mood I'm with farmerart.
aaaaaah... because they're proud of their kids? newsflash, guys, but most dancers haven't "accomplished" much in their lives, and we know it. for most of us, having a beautiful baby or two shows something... like we can have babies and work to take care of them. the term "mother" generally illicits more respect than the term "stripper".
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
@tiredtraveler do you meet strippers in the gulag or what?
No kids in the future, lopaw? :)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Other things being equal, I'd get a dance with a stripper with kids over one without since kids require $$$$.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Nope, motorhead. Not interested in that at all. And besides- popping out kids would put a damper on my women chasing :)
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
It wouldn't bother me. As a proud dad myself, I show my kids off all the time. Not necessarily to strippers, but I will show pictures to others. It also makes for good conversation.
@ carolynne: You would do well to learn the difference between the words "elicit" and "illicit." In the event you were being facetious, that shoots your argument.
avatar for RegularJoe57
12 years ago
I usually make conversation with dancers and sometimes the talk turns to family and kids. I don't mind seeing kid pictures, as long as they don't mind seeing pictures of my bike. I like feeling as if I have a human connection. I guess it's just my kink. Some have offerred kid pictures before I bring it up I always think that it probably hurts their money with some men. I think parenthood makes people more independant, selfless, mature and sane (at least it did for me). I do remember though, before I had children, the line between "hot, party girl, stripper sex toy" and "mom" was set in stone. It's funny how things change. I've found that mothers are typically better strippers, as they are "profit oriented" and not just doing the job for beer and clothes money. They are also more realistic about the exchange and more grateful for extra tips.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Lol I thought about this thread on Saturday when a 19yo dancer that I had just met sat down with me and somehow the conversation got around to kids (dammit) and she tells me that she had a baby 3 mos. ago and "oh let me show you his picture"!!! It looked like a pink rat. But I had to laugh despite myself when I thought about some of the comments posted here.

And she was indeed quite motivated in the VIP area to get the cash to keep her taken care of financially.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I usually see this as a sign she wants to date me and she is just letting me know what I'm getting into. I'm glad they let me know she isn't single with no kids. To actually go out and then find out she has kids at home is not the time to surprise you with the information.
avatar for xcav8r
12 years ago
I don't mind the kid pics and my current ATF has a really hot 20 something daughter so I'm real good with those LOL. (if you're doing the math, she had the kid in her junior year of high school, typical SS)
To all the "anti-kid/rug-ratters: It could be worse- stripper could show you pics of her GRANDKIDS........
@ Minnow: See my June 14, 2011 thread, "Dancers Who Are Grandmothers."…

One had a daughter who also stripped (at a different club), but had stopped by the time I found that out. Fortunately, none of the three I mentioned in my thread ever showed me pics of their grandchildren.
@ lopaw: Not exactly "living the dream," huh?
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