
How not to be a Pathetic Loser

Yes, I am a pathetic loser(PL). I&#39;ve read a few articles on this site but haven&#39;t run into any that tell you how to avoid being a PL. I am going to tell you my story so you can understand how I came to be a PL. You can avoid becoming one like me by reading this and understanding by my example how one becomes such a loser.<br />
The saga starts with the end of my deployment to Iraq. I came home after spending a year in the &quot;big sandbox&quot; with several serious injuries and PTSD. The injuries included a traumatic brain injury and a spinal cord injury. The docs at Fort Bragg wanted me to stay for several months to have surgery and rehab. I couldn&#39;t do it. I had been mobilized back to active duty after being discharged more than 10 years ago. I hadn&#39;t seen my wife and family for over a year and my business was on the verge of bankruptcy. I decided to suffer with the pain and go home. My first bad decision.<br />
Shortly after returning home I went to the VA for care. I was determined to be 70% disabled. Care amounted to giving me pills for pain and depression. I also got to meet with a psychiatrist on a regular basis for depression associated with my deployment. After a while things got better and my visits more spread out. Eventually I quickly fell through the cracks as more and more veterans returned home. I slept very little, usually 2-3 hours a night. Some due to pain, some insomnia due to recurrent thoughts of Iraq. Some nights I would sleep and then wake up in a panic and rush out of my house, only to have my wife come outside to bring me back in.<br />
Then I got diagnosed with prostate cancer. The options were radiation, brachytherapy, or radioactive bead implants, or surgery. Surgery seemed the best option as there was great potential for cure at the stage my cancer was in. All options carried a risk of erectile dysfunction, but the first two had higher rates of recurrence after 10-15 years. I had the surgery performed and developed erectile dysfunction.</p>
<br />
For the first few months my wife was helping me try to regain my function. The ability to get erections isn&#39;t about sex in the big scheme of things. It is about being a man. It provides self confidence, virility and vitality. My wife developed some health issues her own and was unable to help me. I did the best I could on my own. I started going to the Men&#39;s Health Center where I met doctors who specialized specifically in men&#39;s health issues. I under went a lot of testing and even though it had been a year since I had gotten a real erection the tests showed there was hope that function could return. I needed to get erections, real one&#39;s, regularly though. Medications and other aids didn&#39;t really help much. Things were rather desperate...if I didn&#39;t regain function soon I would lose my ability forever. I joined an internet group for men who had ED after prostate surgery. There were two guys there that had the same predicament as me. One refused to go outside his marriage the other started going to strip clubs for help. The first guy lost function and need a penile implant; the other was starting to get results. I talked to my wife about this and she said &quot;do what you gotta do, I can&#39;t help you right now. I&#39;m sorry it&#39;s not you, I just can&#39;t.&quot;<br />
I decided to go to Desire based on recommendations from friends. I met some girls and explained my situation. I was there only to get erections, not cheat on my wife. Help me get erections and I&#39;ll pay and go on my way. Some girls were very nice and agreeable. after I got an erection and it lasted for 5-10 minutes I would have them stop and we would sit and talk for a bit, just relaxing no pressure to dance or perform. Some tried to push for &quot;extras&quot;. I didn&#39;t &quot;dance&quot; with them again.</p>
Then I met &quot;her&quot;. She was very nice, sweet and courteous. We did a dance. I explained my situation to her and told her I was only there to get an erection. I loved my wife and didn&#39;t want to truly cheat on her. She began to do her dance routine, then unzipped my pants. Most of the girls did, they would touch it and fondle it gently until it got erect. She began to do the same. Suddenly my dick was in her mouth! I was surprised, but it felt good; at that point I hadn&#39;t had sex for nearly 3 years! To say having my dick in something warm and wet felt good would be an understatement. I paid her and gave her a big tip. She said she never had done that before but I was different than other guys, I had a reason to be there and I didn&#39;t put down my wife like the other guys did. I believed her. BIG mistake!</p>
I danced with her she was at the club when I was there. She would leave who ever she was with and come over to me. She asked for my phone number, I said &quot;No, I don&#39;t want to get involved with a stripper, I&#39;m married and I love my wife.&quot; She pestered me every time I saw her, persuading me for my number because she liked me. Finally I gave in. At first she texted me only her work schedule. I never answered I would just meet her at the club. Then one day I texted back, one letter, K. When I saw her she was really excited, I texted her back even it was only one letter. She told me to try texting real words next time. I did.<br />
Soon she stopped texting me only her work schedule. She started texting me every day, all times seven days a week. She would tell me what she was doing, who she was with, how she couldn&#39;t wait to see me. She stared having problems with her landlord and other tenants in the apartment building. She started texting me even more, needing someone to talk to. She had a boyfriend and a brother living with her but I was the guy she depended on. She needed to talk to me because I was the only one who could keep her from having an anxiety attack.<br />
I bought her flowers one day. Her favorite, lillies. She had a particularly stressful day, a fight with her landlord, her boyfriend and her mom. I thought the flowers would cheer her up. She asked me how I knew lillies were her favorite flower and I told her, you have a tattoo of lillies on your back shoulder. That&#39;s how I knew. She said &quot;That&#39;s what I love about you, you pick up on the little things. She told me we were more than friends, we were lovers. We had an exclusive sexual relationship. I was the only man she was having sex with, that&#39;s why it was always unprotected. She did none of that with other guys. I believed that too. She would get extremely jealous if I talked with other girls at all. She asked me to dance with only her, no one else. It made her jealous and we were good together.</p>
She contacted me almost constantly. Weekends, holidays,several times a day every day or night. One day I texted her in the morning...just to say good morning. She told me I saved her ass...she had missed the alarm going off and slept through it. If I didn&#39;t text her she would have not gotten up on time to go to work. She asked me to text her every morning. I did. One day I didn&#39;t..it was the day we always met at the club. She was upset that I didn&#39;t text she, she wanted me to text her every morning and not skip the days we were meeting. I complied like any good stooge. Things got kind of crazy after that. She seemed to always need me for something. I had to leave work several times to help her or to talk to her because she was having anxiety attacks. Once she had money stolen from her, I went to the club and replaced the stolen money. I went to the club to fix her car.<br />
Then she broke up with her boyfriend and moved out in January. At that point I had gone from spending $100-200 a week at the club to spending $500-700 a week all on her for several months. She then had car trouble. She made no money because she wasn&#39;t like the other girls. She didn&#39;t put out, the other girls were pigs, white trash; she was a good person and a good girl according to her. I offered to fix her car for her. She refused and said she would work 6 days a week to get the money. After several refusals I said, &quot;Suit yourself, work 6 days a week and wear yourself out.&quot; A few days later she asked me to help her. I GAVE her $5500 to fix her car. That did not include dance money, I paid for that separately. WE were supposedly in an exclusive sexual relationship, or so I was lead to believe. She told me her client that she danced with regularly, Bob Villa she called him was jealous of me. I didn&#39;t need to worry because he was &quot; a nobody, no one that matters at all, he is not important to me.&quot;, she said. &quot;He was a jerk, his wife was sick with breast cancer and he was here dancing with girls.&quot; I asked why she danced with him then and she said if he wants to pay me to sit and talk about his soul mate Arianna I&#39;ll take his money. That&#39;s all he does with her when she dances with him, talk about her friend Arianna who hasn&#39;t worked there for a year.<br />
Over a 6 week period I gave her about $8800 between car repair money and dance money. My spinal injury became worse over time, it got to the point where I couldn&#39;t control the pain with medications anymore...I needed surgery. The procedure lasted 7 1/2 hours. The surgeon said it was one of the worst cases he had performed. There was so much compression of the spinal cord I was lucky I was walking around and not in a wheel chair on a respirator like Christopher Reeve. I was supposed to take several months out of work to recover and I couldn&#39;t leave my house for 2 weeks. I needed to recover financially from helping my friend. I went back to work after 4 days. I didn&#39;t go to the club for 2 weeks though...I couldn&#39;t drive. My wife drove me everywhere. My friend was killed in Afghanistan while I couldn&#39;t drive. I missed his funeral. I felt miserable.</p>
I finally got to go back to the club after 2 weeks. I told my &quot;lover&quot; I needed to slow down the spending a bit so I could recover financially. I needed a couple of months to make up for the money I gave her for her car repairs. She said OK. Of course she did, what was she going to say.<br />
That&#39;s when things changed. She was living with her mom since January. According to her mom and her sister weren&#39;t sharing food with her and she was literally living on frozen chicken nuggets and green beans. Mom was being physically abusive to her, attacking her, punching her and pushing to the ground. She was always getting sick. I started only paying her for the dance time with a $20-$30 tip instead of the usual $100-200 dollar tip. Suddenly she began ignoring me in the morning texts. I would not hear from her for hours...did she get sick, did her mom hurt her badly....I would panic thinking something bad had happened. She had painted such a bad picture of her life. I needed to know she was okay. I texted multiple times throughout the day worried something was wrong. She would usually contact me later in the day telling me she slept all day or got busy and forgot to text me. One day she told me she was sleeping and would call me when she got up. At 5 PM I thought to myself this girl sleeps more than anyone I know....I went online to Facebook. There she was at 11 Am chatting with her friend Jack. Jack owns a boat and takes her sailing, all innocently of course. At 1 PM she back on FB chatting with Jack again. I went to the club to meet her and asked about why she didn&#39;t call me like she said...she said she was tired and slept. I told her I saw her chatting on FB with someone at 11 and 1 so I know you weren&#39;t sleeping. You just blew me off. She asked who she was talking to. I told her her friend with the boat. Once again she said, &quot; He&#39;s a nobody. He is not important. He doesn&#39;t matter at all. You don&#39;t need to worry about him. Let&#39;s go upstairs, I need to get out of here there&#39;s too much noise.&quot; Up to the Lust Club we went. I did the usual, bought her drinks and something to eat. Then an hour champagne dance. I had one more test to do to see if I was imagining the change or not. I paid her $280 and said count it please. she did. She looked disappointed and searched the table for more money. I handed her $30 more and said I&#39;m sorry I can&#39;t afford more right now. I need a little time to straighten my life out after fixing your car. She said that&#39;s okay and we left. She said she was working the weekend. I texted her Saturday she did answer me and said she was going to work on Sunday...I said I&#39;ll stop in to to see you. &quot;Cool&quot;, she said....&quot;I have no dance money so I can only stop in for a drink with you&quot;, I said. That&#39;s when the entire attitude changed even more. It went from you don&#39;t need money to stop and visit for a drink when I meeting her outside the club to give her thousands for her car to, &quot;as much as I like hanging out with you I need to work for a living, I can&#39;t just sit and talk to you.&quot; Everyone that goes in on Sunday knows the club is dead until 2 or 3 o&#39;clock. Suddenly I was only welcome if I had dance money even though there would be no money to be made for several hours. On Friday I was so important to her, she was so worried about me when I had surgery she thought she&#39;d never see me again. I was going to be part of her life forever. Now I could only see her if I had dance money! I was suddenly the reason for everything wrong in her life. I was the reason other guys wouldn&#39;t dance with her. I was the reason she made no money at work. She seemed to forget I had helped her through one of the worst times of her life when no one else would, not even her family. I was no longer welcome with her. How dare I text her over and over again asking if she&#39;s alright. I was harassing her. How could I harass her when I was doing what she asked. She wanted the daily texts, she wanted the exclusive relationship. In fact, she built the entire relationship! The money pot was disappearing and so was I. Her money made from me went from almost $3,000 a month to a paltry $1,200. I was no longer worth her time.</p>
The lies became very apparent now. Mom and sis won&#39;t share food with me but &quot;I don&#39;t need to wash dishes I didn&#39;t dirty I buy all the food in that house&quot;. Hmmm. Bob Villa is a nobody, but she dances with him 1-2 times weekly to talk about Arianna. Arianna didn&#39;t exist. The manager told me he had been the manager for 19 years and there was never an Arianna working there let alone one who had left and got married a year ago. Your the only one I have sex with, but she needs a &quot;place to spit out a wad&quot; in these small rooms.<br />
The warning signs were all there, the lies were always present, I ignored them. The OC &quot;dates&quot; never materialized except when she needed money. I learned from the bartenders she was known throughout the club as one of the worst girls in the club for performing full service...she did it all the time. That&#39;s how she kept the customers coming back. The owner himself told me she was one of the most &quot;whacked out girls in the place&quot;. The bouncers told me every CR dance gets sucked or fucked or both. She&#39;s been doing it since day one.<br />
This is all true. I am a pathetic loser, I trusted someone who could not be trusted. Any girl that has a boyfriend of 6 years who suck and fuck for a living and can keep it a secret from him is defined as something. And it is not a nice girl or a good person. I cared about someone who manipulates and uses people as a way of life. Don&#39;t be like me. When it comes to the club scene remember what Michael Corleone said in the Godfather, &quot; Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer&quot;. In other words TRUST NO ONE. The people who want to hurt you are not all in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of them are right here at home, the very people you risked your life for disguised as sweet girls who want one thing; To separate you from your money and as much of it as possible.<br />


  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    These are business transactions disguised as "relationships". It has always been, and never will be anything more than, all about the money. Her interest in you corresponded exactly with the income that flowed her way. Another cautionary tale.
  • BigBillPayed
    13 years ago
    Thanks man I can completely relate to the story. I lived at ft bragg as a kid. Father was a cornel. My final straw was I drove 2 hours each way to see this girl and she kicks me out after I see her for 2 hours. She says I got to go, my friends dog got hit by a car at 11 at night. The other thing is you got to drop your car off at the store down the road from my place and I will come get you. She was super fine a perfect 10 but worked at a sex bar slash dive bar where all the girls give extra's. She always needed money. Was to good to be working there, so she quit and took her best customers with her and I was one. I payed $400 each of the 2 times I saw her out of the club and that was enough for me. I kind of miss her sadly. Just got to know when to cut your losses. She worked at the VIP club in Mineral Wells WV she was the cow girl mentioned by one customer as not giving a good dance on the forum at this site. Why because she was pretty and more selective than the other girls.
  • pabloantonio
    13 years ago
    Shaggy. I'm so sorry to read your story. I feel for you. It is hard not to have feelings for some of these girls. It's the business they are in; the sex, the alcohol, the drugs, it destroys their chance to have a normal relationship.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Wow. Some women really don't care who they fuck, emotionally, physically, and figuratively.

    Thanks for serving. I appreciate veterans.
  • JohnBuford
    13 years ago
    Shaggy,I'm a retired SFC and want to thank you for your service
    It was painful to read your story. OTC can certainly be a slippery slope.Any relationship that requires a constant one-way exchange of cash is doomed
    Get well,get healthy
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    This is by no means a funny story, but I had to laugh when I got to the line where you said "Things got kind of crazy after that." Only then?

    The only *true* way to avoid being a PL is to stay away from strip clubs. :)
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Shaggy - Wow, quite a story. I've too found that most dancers have more problems than sense. That's true in regular relationships/friendships, too. Some people thrive on, and use drama to foster unhealthy relationships with enablers like you (and me). Once you wake up and the enabling stops, you're history. The sad thing is a person like you enters into the relationship with extra "capacity" to help - e.g., you're already taking care of your needs and now you're helping her with her issues. I don't imagine once that she asked about or offered to help you with your issues, correct? They seldom, if ever, do.

    So, lesson learned. The good thing is that you get better at recognizing the syndrome with more experience, and will cut-off these bad connections before they even get started.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    Shaggy - you may have lost some faith in humanity but there is no "Pathetic Loser" in you. You served your country, you are honest, you kept to your word, you have fought all the odds to stay independent.
    You made a mistake, but you are a good man and the pathetic loser in this story is the vapid witch who took advantage of you - sounds like her entire life is nothing but crass lies and deception. Hmm - I wonder what she'll look like in 25 years.
    Just be glad she didn't release the flying monkeys and move on. In the long haul, you will be the winner.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Rlionheart: +1
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    So many sad stories. Everytime I read these my eyes are opened wider. Thankyou for sharing that.

    Rlion, thumbs up.
  • bear2k
    13 years ago
    Rlion said it best, Shaggy. Anyone who can survive an overseas deployment in a warzone is no loser in my book. So you made a mistake? Big deal, so has everyone. And with what you've had to deal with, I don't think what you did is a sign of anything other than a manipulative b***h taking advantage of a hero. So hold you're head up. I think speak for all here when I say thank you. You're a true hero.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Great story, Shaggy. You got played by a ROB of the worst kind. Hoping things go better for you from now on.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    shaggy: "The people who want to hurt you are not all in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of them are right here at home "

    Good story. You story is playing out a larger or smaller scale all the time. It's why our war on the stripper culture must continue. If our message on TUSCL can save even one guy it's worth it. Keep up the faith. Our side is starting to win.
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    Mr. Shaggy,
    First of all, you are in no way a loser. You're a hero, and the definition of a real man. Unfortunately you got involved with someone who isn't fit to shine your shoes. NEVER for a moment consider yourself pathetic or a loser. You merely assumed that others are even a fraction as honorable as you are. Few are.

    Many of us stand and applaud you for your service, and for everything you represent. Sometimes life sucks that someone like you would suffer through all that, and have to deal with trash like that. But keep standing tall, and we wish you only the very best in your life.

    Thank you.
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    A good story and excellent read. Your not alone in making big money contributions to one of them. The worst thing is to do this and not get pussy.

    It is easy for one to be taken in by their hypnotic SS. While I dont spend big bucks on dances or for that matter in a SC I have been seeing one steady for 3 years otc. She is married and we fuck 2x week at avg of $125 a session. She stopped dancing about a year hand half ago and is now a paralegal. It is a constant $1000 a month drain and while she is really good I think of how that money could have been invested. Well you cant take it with you and I dont give them handouts or loans.
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    I am going to do you a favor and tell you what no one else has. First of all, to reiterate what others have said, THANK YOU for your service to our country. It is a damn shame the way this country treats vets. For anyone out there who thinks a government run health care system is a good idea, go back and re-read this post. This is exactly the type of care everyone will get, if not worse, it the government is successful in their plan to take over health care.

    SEONDLY, you say you love your wife. I do not doubt you. But, I do question your wife's feelings for you. What do you mean she could not be there for you because she was dealing with her own health issues. Bullshit! My husband is a chronic depressive. I am not always successful at dealing well with him (and his sexual issues when in the throws of depression) but I ALWAYS try. I would NEVER consider having him work it out on his own! That is what a marriage is about.

    You say you went because you wanted help with sexual issues. I say you went because you were looking for more than that. You wanted support and appreciation for what you went though, in my opinion. The manifestation of the aloneness you continued to feel once you came home and then had health issues is the ED. I am not saying your wife is 100% to blame for this but she is certainly partially responsible for not helping you through it. (And, yes, I know of which I speak. At the age of 40 - two years after my youngest child - I had to have an emegency hysterectomy to save my life. I went through a year of hell and feeling absolutely nothing during sex. I cried almost every time we had sex because I felt so broken and felt no sensations at all. But I would never have allowed my husband to be unfulfilled or go without. There are MANY ways to be intimate without actual intercourse some of which do not require an erection.)

    You went to war to serve your country and your wife. Yes, she held down the fort while you were gone which, I am sure, was stressful. However, that does not give either of you the right to say, "I am too busy dealing with my own stress to notice and help yours!" Sit your wife down and tell her she needs to go to counseling with you to work through this. Right now you don't have a marriage: you have a business arrangement and she is getting the better end of it.

    Mrs. m00tpoint (a NAVY brat)
  • shaggy2884
    13 years ago
    Thank you for all the kind comments. M00tpoint is very insightful and fortunately for me my wife acknowledges the fact that she enabled the incident and has gotten the medical help she needed. My wife is more than a wife. She is my best friend and I told her everything that happened. She was very ill at the time and not dealing with just "stress". As far as the ED goes function is back to nearly normal but it took a loooong time and a lot of effort to get there. I have a good, strong marriage mostly because we are both honest with each other. My sex life with my wife is back to normal after a year of therapy. I go to the club now and then only to see some of the people I grew to like. I no longer "dance" with anyone. I don't need to. I will talk with some of the dancers I danced with at one time and buy them drinks. I tell them no dancing, I am married, I love my wife and I won't disappoint her like that again. Duty and honor are not just limited to serving your country. I made a big mistake and at the time I had many psychological issues. Counseling has helped me deal with many of the issues. PTSD makes life hard. ED made it even harder.
  • RegularJoe57
    13 years ago
    OK, I'm going to step in here and tell you what you don't want to hear: the truth. You are a hero, you have had a horrible time and been screwed over by a dancer... but you're not a victim here. Yeah, she stopped talking to you when you stopped paying her, but you would have stopped talking to her when she stopped giving you erections. That's strip clubs. Hot young women don't hang out with guys like us for fun, they hang out with hot young guys their own age. That doesn't make them jerks any more than we're jerks for wanting to hang out with hot, young, in shape girls half our age. I have seen a lot of guys get burned by this, but I have a hard time feeling bad for them when they weren't being realistic in the first place. It's fun to suspend your disbelief for a night, but never forget that you are paying for a service. Strip clubs (and strippers) are a fantasy, and I hope they stay that way because I need the fantasy more than they need the money some nights. That doesn't make me (or you) a pathetic loser, it just makes us humans who need a brief escape from reality. That doesn't make them evil, money-grubbing ass holes, it makes them humans who are doing a job. I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't mind the hustle. That's the trade off for having stunning young naked women grinding all over me.
  • shaggy2884
    13 years ago
    Sorry Joe, not true. She was regarded as a friend, there was supposedly a relationship here according to her. I did not stop paying her just stopped tipping 1-200 bucks at a time. Once her car was fixed she dumped me because I wassn't able to pay 6-700 a week for a coulem of months.
  • spike1969
    13 years ago
    isnt she afraid you will go back with friends and mess with her like she messed with you-karma
  • shaggy2884
    13 years ago
    Doesn't matter...I won't do that anyway.
  • IrishLad
    12 years ago
    OK old story but maybe you'll still see it Shaggy.

    You can look at this 2 ways...

    You're a pathetic loser who got played by a stripper for maybe $5K-$7K more than you should have paid for the...um..."services" you were enjoying.


    You spent roughly $7000 on a cold sexy bitch who did what you needed done to get your Dick working again when you were on the verge of permanent irrecoverable loss of wood.

    I'd say you got great value for your money!
  • snowbrew
    11 years ago
    Here's a fact of life: no man, great or small, is impervious to women. We all get played sometimes and it hurts, but that's what makes us human.

    Bet the whole thing made you love your wife more in the end as well as fixing your ED issues so congrats, every cloud has a silver lining as they say. Plus you had a lot of fun with a sexy babe, at least her BODY wasn't a lie, you'll always have that even if that's all she's worth, right?
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