
Comments by HB13 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Balls deep in da'pussy !!!
    Glow in the dark condoms are just too funny at times...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unusual or strange dancer ethnic backgrounds.
    Irish/Mexican x 2 (you can only imagine how fiery these two were), & Korean/Puerto Rican.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    People just don't forget a face, is that it?
    Some dancers will remember the things I do with the dollar tips that no one else does. Being "relatively" new compared to the veterans here, I've had a girl remember from over 14 months.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Online Strip Clubs
    Example of a dressing room camera is Mons Venus: http://www.monsvenus.com/ And why pay an online strip club? You've got sample porn everywhere, myfreecams for your chat girls, etc. Whole point of a club is the physical interaction.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Secret Service agents not allowed to drink and visit hookers
    Ermita, once you're a federal government worker they live in a world with a bunch of extra rules slapped on them (like the military). And U.S. gov policy is no prostitution ever.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    OTC at dancer's apartment?
    LOL Superdude. I refuse to get caught up in any drama (roommates & dead-beat relatives, kids, etc.).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Backpage question?
    *Note for #2, phone number shadiness = multiple hits on advertising sites but with different pictures for the same named provider. But sometimes you'll get different girls for the same number (phone # is probably the pimp phone, making it even shadier).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Backpage question?
    Backpage is very shady (bait & switch, Law enforcement, etc.). Do the following: 1. Check out Eccie.net, theeroticreview.com, or preferred411.com for reviews & more legit advertisers. 2. Google the phone number & see if it looks shady. 3. Image search their photos Using Tineye.com (if it has hits, they probably stole the image from whichever site & using it there).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    best way to die
    Reminds me of the old 2002 fake article that made it on Yahoo: "Groom Killed by Stripper's Boobs" http://www.snopes.com/horrors/freakish/stripper.asp
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best SC website?
    I agree that site's got a lot of novelty but needs several things to make it better: -Web cams (Mons-Venus style) -Roll Call listings -More than two dancers in their "staff" page, preferably with photos & not caricatures (myself and a bunch of others really aren't into hentai).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #9
    Sorry I don't have Jungle Fever so I'll refrain from rating. And like Alucard, only time when I do are for those spinner types (w/o the ghetto-ness).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Christina Lopez, Oregon Mom, Allegedly Watched Her Underage Daughter Strip
    This was posted by shadow cat just 11 threads below this one: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=18400
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I Wish I Hadn't Slept Through European History Class
    Tilted kilt beats the crap out of Hooters. Better beer, the short kilts are amazing & make the hooters tops look like trailer trash, and better food.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cover charges. How much is too much?
    I'll find ways to bypass cover (ad cards / flyers, pull the police/fireman/military card, etc.). Most I've done is some Deja Vu club's stupid $10 "entertainment fee" (that's with the $10 cover waived, so normally it would be $20).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A stripper dating service? (A serious one.)
    For that much money? That's highway robbery there. They can easily go on Match.com, OkCupid.com, etc. for all the free dating sites. And even the online pay sites are reasonable (E-harmony does like $130 for 3 months, $200 for 6 months).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Watch where babies come from.
    Hipppie needs a shave. >_>
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One club I frequent has a cop on scene after 9PM. He just stands there ogling the show & essentially acts as a uniformed bouncer that keeps all the drunk rowdy southerners line. Only raid I've experienced was a church-raid, a bunch of females (who looked ugly by the way) raided the club giving out "think better of yourself" cards & roses to everybody.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Sex Records
    Interesting read ( '-' )-b
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How long do you last in an extras session?
    Never busted in the club, no matter how hard the girl ground up on me. It takes a bit more direct contact for me : /
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How to turn strippers on during LDs
    You've got the massage points covered except for tongue / nibbling over the nipples & ear lobes. Others I've had success with before: -Singing along with an appropriate romance song being played while gesturing with her. -Silly pick-up lines. -Muscle flexing against her (pecs, fore-arms, thighs, etc.), bonus points if you can do it in tune with the music. Bonus points if you can hip thrust her up into the air as she straddles you during an LD. -Being able to pick her up and toss her up & down like a spinner (one girl loved it when I played at DATY when I threw her onto my shoulders). Bonus points if you can pin her against a wall & kiss. Even more points if you say "it would be more romantic if this was in the rain."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hurry. It's still legal to fuck a dead person in Illinois.
    Does that apply to zombie terrorists like the Osama Bin Laden zombie OSOMBIE?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfD6-5Qf-cc
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Asian dancers around Ohio or Pa?
    Can't help you there But on an aside: myself I'm Asian and I've been bumping into girls with "Yellow Fever" (even pulling out their cell phones & showing me pictures of their asian ex-boyfriends). Never thought I would see that especially in the Deep South of Louisiana.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What does your favorite club smell like?
    @mmdv26. Talking with the bathroom trolls makes them spread their knowledge (sucks for them if they're in there for hours so they dump ice in there).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do You Prefer to be Approached or Be the One Who Approaches ?
    I prefer to do the approaching. I'll tip them on the stage & invite them over to a back table. Unless of course a girl looks at me, I flash my pearly whites & she gives me bedroom eyes & comes on over. Otherwise my gold-digger spider sense just screams.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What does your favorite club smell like?
    Faint perfume. Noticing that alot of clubs now are putting ice in the urinals to keep the smell down.