People just don't forget a face, is that it?

avatar for GoVikings
For those TUSCLers who are constant travelers, and therefore don't visit the same clubs that often, have you ever had a dancer remember you from a previous visit although it had been several months (or longer) since you saw her?

Maybe it's just me, but I find it a surprising that dancers remember customers from such a long while ago. I mean, unless the customer is a regular, I wouldn't expect a dancer to remember customers because they see sooooooo many different guys in the club every week.

I'm not a constant traveler. In fact, I don't travel that often at all. But every now and then I go to North Carolina to visit my Mom. And when I do, I hit the clubs. I met this one dancer for the first time in August of 2011 and a great time with her. Fast forward to March of 2012 and I'm back in North Carolina at the same club. The same dancer, who I meet 8 some months ago, somehow knew we had met before and this was only the second time I had seen her. And this isn't the first time this has happened, the same thing took place with a couple of dancers at my local clubs.


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avatar for HB13
13 years ago
Some dancers will remember the things I do with the dollar tips that no one else does. Being "relatively" new compared to the veterans here, I've had a girl remember from over 14 months.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
Dropping a lot of coinage helps a dancer's memory. I have had it both ways. I have had girls remember me when I haven't been there in a while and others who I had seen and had dances with a month before not remember.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
The dancer in North Carolina who remembered me said that she knew we had met before because my of my deep voice, lol.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Dropping a lot of coinage helps a dancer's memory"

My methodology also for boosting Dancer recall! LMFAO ;)
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"People just don't forget a face, is that it?"

Or is it a Cock the Dancers don't Forget! LMAO
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I have had a few dancers that told me that they remembered me and I hadn't even been in the club before. Maybe they were just taking a wild guess that I had been there before.
avatar for luckyone
13 years ago
Yeah, had 2 or 3 girls from the OG in Vegas claim to remember me and, since I have been there quite a few times, I tend to believe them.
avatar for Jcromp856
13 years ago
I am just amazed at how much these dancers remember to the finite detail, one thing I might have told them or did. When they remember, I am shocked.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Yes. I'm often astounded that some of them remember me, especially when I can't place them at all. Occasionally they'll even mention something we talked about in such detail that it's like they took notes. I guess it's the salesman in some of them.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
I'm remembered more often than not, since I am such an unusual SC denizen.

Tho it seems that many other TUSCLers are simply unforgettable as well.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
I've had a few experiences like that. I've been told I'm a very easy customer to remember in a strip club. Recently, a dancer at Pandora's in Seattle said she remembered me from Sugar's (in nearby Shoreline). I didn't remember her. I thought she was b.s.'ing me. When I got home, I looked up some notes that I keep on dancers I've seen. Yep, her name was on the list of dancers I once knew from Sugar's. That club had been closed over two years when I saw this particular dancer at Pandora's.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Borrowing jester214s post:

Yes. I'm often astounded that some of them remember me, especially when I can't place them at all. Occasionally they'll even mention something we talked about in such detail that it's like they took notes. I guess it's the salesman in some of them.

Either that, or they can't forget my big dick.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
"I am just amazed at how much these dancers remember to the finite detail, one thing I might have told them or did. When they remember, I am shocked."

I agree 100 percent. It just shows that although many of these girls dropped out if high school, it was because lack of intelligence. I know memory and intelligence aren't the same thing but I couldn't think of a better way to describe it.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Oops. Left out a key word. It was NOT because of..
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
There is a girl at the Lamplighter west of Ottawa, Illinois who remembers that I am on the road from Omaha each time I see her there. Considering it's been 4 years since I seen her, if I am lucky and see her this summer when I'm making a trip to the Chicago area, she'd probably still remember me. There's also a girl at the Sasnak in Topeka, Kansas who is similar, although it's been less than a year since I've been there. Then again, she might remember me as being one of the few white guys who will buy dances from her (she could stand to lose some weight).
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I have had dancers remember me after one or two visits to a club 6 months or a year+ later and remember enough detail to convince me they were not BSing me. I think that the good dancers that are successful consider it their job to remember the guys that have spent money on them. Like any sales job you need to remember your clients especially the ones with greenbacks. I had one dancer excuse herself from a guy she was sitting with to come and sit with me saying she remembered me not only because I was not a cheapskate, during a time when no one seemed to be spending anything, and that I was "nice to her and we had fun". I was just not rude to her and I guess she thought that I was going out of my way to be nice.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
It happens and not only with clubs, so I don't find it that amazing. Now when it is a bartender/maid that remembers even what a drink after sometimes many months, that does amaze, especially if I had only seen them a time or two.
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
Yes, more often than I would expect! Waitresses, dancers and bartenders at a couple of Detroit clubs have remembered me on the second and third visits, even though the visits were 4 and 6 months after the first visit.

I figure that these ladies see hundreds of faces a week, but 4 months later I'm sitting there with my favorite drink, even though I didn't ask for it. I think it is like TiredTraveler said, being nice to these women leaves an impression. It feels good to be remembered fondly.

I'm always very nice to women I want to fuck. It helps that I don't have the average look.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Good feedback in this thread, and it's nice to see I'm not the only one who finds this surprising.
avatar for Bishop4224
13 years ago
A girl in a club I frequent once in awhile remembered me after about 9 months since I last saw her...remembered everything I said about what I do and etc...I'm sure she remembers me from my tipping because she called me very generous.

Another remembered my name after over a year since last seeing her...was very impressed
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
These stories don't really surprise me; after all these people are in sales. It *pays* to remember people.

I also don't think it's as common as some of you make it seem. We remember those because they're memorable. We *don't* remember or bother to take note of the myriad other people who failed to remember us, so the number of those who do seems larger.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Yep.. I was surprized by a dancer remembering me after ~3 months between visits at a club outside my town.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
The next time this happens I'm going to ask the stripper how remembered me after such a loooooooong time in between visits.
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